Lapas attēli
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sidered as his own proper domain. The country, had never denied that yet, but not to flatter them- 'two unhappy men. Presently the father of the people flocked in with urgent entreaties for his in-selves with the hope of mercy. The commandant Christino Captain, old Ximenes, the most devoted terference to rid them of this annoyance-he did then answered, that they surrendered. But how of the Carlists, announced himself at the door. not require much persuasion; but the enemy's col. men who had defended themselves desperately, and 'When I heard that Ximenes was come I could umns were hovering about; Zumalacarregui had who had no chance for their lives, missed the oppor- not help feeling a thrill of horror, and we were all but a small force with him at the time; and the at-tunity of shooting the Carlist leader, who was not about retiring, when the prisoners begged us to tempt must at least have been delayed, but for the above fifty yards from them, firing downwards, remain. The meeting and the parting of the zeal of a veteran smuggler, Ximenes, who, with a when it is so much easier to him, and a bullet car- father, for the last time on this side of the grave, sturdy youth, his son, offered to conduct a detach-ries so much straighter than in a horizontal direc- from a son,-who, however divided in opinions, and ment by a safe byway. tion, has always been a matter of surprise to me, sinning in his political tenets, was still united to 'I shall never forget,' says our author, 'one old particularly as several shots were fired afterwards him in blood and in affections, which he in vain woman, dressed almost in rags, her grey hair float-by them. tried to control and to smother, this was a hearting dishevelled about her neck, who came up to When ladders were placed to the church roof, rending scene. Ximenes had sacrificed his for the captain of a company with whom I was in and the volunteers went up to receive their arms, tune, and the ease and independence of his old age conversation, and probably mistaking him for a su- they shot one soldier, and an officer was wounded; to his duty-and he now saw his eldest and once perior officer, doubled her shrivelled hand in his the men who had fired were bayoneted on the spot best beloved son, about to suffer death, with the face, and shrieked out a volley of insulting epithets, one in particular, who defended a narrow ledge, consciousness that he had done his part to bring which she concluded by invoking "La malediccion and was struck in the breast by a volunteer, fell him to a punishment so bitter. He had resolved de Dios" on all our heads, if we retired like _falsos,|| from the top to the bottom of the steeple headlong at first not to trust himself with an interview, and left a single one of the blacks alive. Having at our feet; the rest made no resistance. Three but the prayer of his son, against whom all inquired of a bystander who was this fanatic? we women (one a Carlist prisoner) and four children animosity was now buried, he had been unable were informed that she was an old weaver, of a had perished, and above thirty of the garrison, ei- to refuse. Ximenes, whom I have known much neighboring village, whose only son had been shot ther by the smoke or the flames, or the shot of the of both before and since, is a man who, although that day fortnight-having been dragged from his assailants. Those that remained were so blacken- advanced in the vale of years, is still hale and bed by some of the Urbanos; it was supposed for ed by the smoke, that they presented a most ghast-healthy-short of stature, sharp featured, and gray having carried tobacco to the Carlists.' ly appearance, when, with considerrble difficulty, haired; but I shall never forget when he entered The detachment approached the village, and they were got down over the roof of the church, the room, his son's throwing himself at his feet, and found that the Urbanos had fortified themselves in which, although the steeple was burning for ten or the expression of his countenance as the tears startthe church-while Ximenes made the discovery twelve hours, had never taken fire. The commanded to his eyes and rolled over his weather beaten that his own eldest son was their commandant!ant and his lieutenant were brought before the ge- cheeks; in an instant they were locked in each Forthwith,neral, who inquired whether the garrison had been other's embrace; retiring into the alcove they conThe two four-pounders taken at Vittoria, and acting all along by their orders. The commandant versed earnestly for some time, but not, from what which at that time were all the artillery, were hesitated, but the ex-schoolmaster boldly replied, I involuntarily gathered until the last, about the brought to bear on the church-gates, which wereYes: they acted by our orders.' The former was possibility of saving him. As the father took leave lined with heavy sheets of iron. The gates having a short man, about four-and-thirty, his form athletic of him we heard him distinctly and earnestly say, been burst open, with the loss of three men wound- and his bones all thickly set; he was dressed in blue' Is there no hope, then?' Pide usted a Dios! ed only, our volunteers rushed into the church, but trowsers and zamarra. The smoke to which he You must pray for it to God!' replied the old they were only able to surprise one or two of the had been all night exposed, had swollen his eyelids|| man, as he tore himself away. When he was gone, enemy, the rest having retreated into the steeple, and darkened his face. This was the son of Xime- we sent up the larger part of our supper to the pri of which the staircase had been broken away, and nes; on the whole, he presented the idea of a bold soners, who had their rations, but which they could where they had most strongly barricaded them- and determined ruffian. The schoolmaster, who only get cooked soldier fashion. We had much selves. As they obstinately refused to surrender, was also below the middle stature, had an open and conversation with them. The commandant seemand it would have taken too long to undermine the prepossessing countenance, and he behaved in eve- ed much more tranquil after this interview; and massive walls of the old steeple-in which act the ry respect with the firmness of a man; while the his lieutenant preserved the same sang-froid as at approach of some Christino column would probably captain occasionally betrayed signs of weakness, first. A day, or two days after, having been tried have interrupted us-it was resolved to set fire to it. which I should scarcely have expected after his by the auditor of war, the prisoners were shot. Piles of wood, tow, goat-skins full of brandy, and gallant defence, for such it incontestibly was. other inflammable matter, were piled at the foot of ""Have you any thing to say in your defence?" the steeple, from the interior of the church; and inquired the general. The reply of the lieutenant the Baron de Los Vales, having just arrived, was That he neither begged for mercy, nor did entrusted with the commission of setting fire to it. he suppose it likely that pardon would be granted The besieged had no doubt of being relieved be- him. They might, however, do worse than let him fore day break, and therefore were loud in their live; he had no affection either for the Queen or jokes against the Carlists, to whom they called for Don Carlos, but where chance had thrown him, out, "Mountain thieves! sons of monks! rebels! that party, as they had seen, would he serve; if you will soon have to run back to your mountains they chose to try him, and let him live, he would -the columns are advancing.' serve the King like a soldier; if they shot him, Night closed in-but it brought no intermission like a soldier he would die.' 'And you?' said the of the assault-by and bygeneral to the captain. I only surrendered,' re"The shrieks of some who had taken refuge in plied Lorenzo Ximenes, because I was promised corners of the building where they were reached by quarter; if not, I should have held out longer. the flames, as well as the women and children who You may judge from my behavior whether I would saw the devouring element raging below, were not have perished in the tower if I had not distinct heard at intervals; and although orders were given ly understood so.' 'It is false,' hastily interrupted to fire only on the men, it was often impossible to the general; 'who did I speak to myself? To me,' distinguish the dark figures that flitted before the said the lieutenant. And did you say to the light, endeavoring to breathe an instant out of the commandant that I had offered quarter?' No; smoky atmosphere. It was repeatedly proposed to I told him that you had refused us our lives, and them to let the women and children out, but this we should both have perished there, only the smoke they refused. The bells had all fallen in, and pack- had grown intolerable: this is the truth, or you ets of cartridges were constantly exploding. To- would not hold me here now.' The general beckwards morning a few faint cries of "Viva el Rey!" oned with his hand for them to be removed. You were heard from the women, and the commandant will remember my father and brother?' said Loof the Tower inquired if quarter would be given renzo, imploringly. If I have done wrong they HAY.-Hay in the field-rick, says Low, them? He was answered "No; the men had none have served the king faithfully.' The whining to hope for." He then inquired if it was Zumala- tone in which this appeal was made contrasted un-weighs somewhat better than 122 lbs. the carregui who had besieged them, and which was favorably with the bold and frank demeanor of his cubic yard; after being compressed in the he? The general had just arrived, and most im- fellow captive. If your father and brother had stack, it weighs from 140 to 180 lbs. and prudently went beyond the corner of the church, been taken,' said the general, your treason would when old 200 lbs. exclaiming "Aquiestay!"-Here I ain! The com- have been no palliation of their loyalty. The mandant then said they could bear the heat and schoolmaster, I remember, held a paper cigar besmoke no longer, and asked if they would be allow-tweer his fingers (for at all times and seasons the ed the consolations of religion before they suffered Spaniar is smoke), and was looking round for a HANNA RAILROAD death. Zumalacarregui replied, that the Carlists light. The general took his own cigar from his COMPANY, mouth and handed it to him to ignite his by; he April 25, 1836. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until *This is the French officer who has published bowed respectfully as he returned it to him. Think the 10th May, for the graduation and masonry of 20 A volume entitled The Career of Don Carlos,' on what I have said, general,' cried he as they miles of the Road, including a deep cut at the sumand containing some very interesting chapters-were led away. It was eviden: that Zumalacarre-mit. especially one on Don Carlos's escape from London, gui was strongly prepossessed in his favor; he gazed and incognito journey through France to the seat after him with that intense and penetrating look so of war. We have great doubts, however, whether peculiar to him, and muttered a few words, in Prince Talleyrand was not perfectly well aware of which, What a pity for that lad!' alone was auall that was going on. If Carlos be finally over-dible.'


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thrown in Spain, nothing can prevent his resuming Henningsen happened to be one of the officers of
all his natural rights as First Prince (after the ex- the watch that night, and he and his comrade had
iles at Prague) of the House of Bourbon.
established themselves in the same house with these

I have often seen old Ximenes since. He still continues to serve us with the same zeal, and has been on many and dangerous expeditions, but he is visibly altered, and has always a settled gloom and melancholy in his countenar.ce. I have heard that Lorenzo had offered him a large sum of money to gain him over; this had come to Zumalacarregui's knowledge, through the intelligences he kept up in the heart of the adverse party, and he had reproached Ximenes with not having informed him of it.'

NEW IRON STEAMBOAT.-The wrought iron steamboat, ordered from England by the Steamboat Company of Georgia, arrived (in pieces) at Savannah, last week, on board the British ship Alcyone, Captain Muir from Liverpool. Her length is 120 feet, her beam 26 feet, and her depth 74 feet. It is estimated by her builders that she will draw, with all her machinery and every thing on board, 2 feet 3 inches. She will have an engine of 46 English horse power, on the low pressure principle.



This division of the road commences in this State and ends in Pennsylvania; running through a high, healthy country, abounding in cheap provisions. Satisfactory recommendations must accompany the proposals of those, who are unknown to the underISAAC TRIMBLE signed. Chief Engineer. WM. GIBBS MCNEILL, Consulting Eng

15-tm 10



From New-Haven to Meriden, eighteen miles of this Railroad is now located, and is expected to be ready for contract about the 25th of May. The attention of contractors is invited to this work. A more

definite advertisement of the time when proposals are to be received, will hereafter appear. JAMES BREWSTER, Agent. New-Haven, April 27, 1836. m16-3t [Editors to whom this is MARKED, are repuested to


NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 20th day of June next, at the Town of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, the following described Property will be sold at Public Auction, to wit:


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office,

between the 1st and 3d of June next, for laying the superstructure on 50 miles of the Georgia Railroadall materials to be furnished by the Company.

All the unsold Town Lots in the original Town of Chicago; and also the Town Lots on fractional Section No. Fifteen, in the Township No. Thirty-nine, The first ten miles to be commenced by the 10th of North of Range Fourteen, East of the Third principal September, and completed by the 15th January next-Meridian adjoining the said Town of Chicago. The the remainder of the line MUST BE finished on or besale will commence on the said 20th day of June, and fore the 1st of May, 1837. give it three insertions, and send their bills to James will be continued from day to day, until all the Prop- and all other information obtained on application at Plans and Specifications of the work, may be seen, erty has been offered for sale or disposed of. This the Office, one week previous to the letting. property is held by the State of Illinois for canal purJ. EDGAR THOMSON, Chief Eng❜r. 12-4t. April 2d, 1836.

Brewster, President Railroad Company,

PATENT RAILROAD, SHIP AND poses, and is offered for sale in conformity to the pro- Engineer's Office, Augusta, Geo.,


The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after five years successful operation, and now almost universal use in the United States, (as well as England, where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found superior to any ever offered in market.

vision of a Statute Law of the said State, authorizing such a sale. The terms of sale are one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in advance at the time of sale, and the residue in three annual instalments, bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, payable annually in advance."

Those who are unacquainted with the situation of the above mentioned Property, are informed that those Lots which are described as belonging to the original Town of Chicago, are situated in the best built and business part of the Town. Section Fifteen is a Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes dry ridge, commencing near the harhor, and extendhaving countersink heads suitable to the holes in ironing south, one mile, along the shore of Lake Michiganrails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all By order ofthe Board of Commissioners of the Illi. the Railroads now in progress in the United States are nois and Michigan Canal. fastened with Spikes made at the above named facJOEL MANNING, tory-for which purpose they are found invaluable, Treasurer to said Board. as their adhesion is more than double any common 13-8t spikes made by the hammer.

**All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y., will be punctually attended to.


Troy, N. Y., July, 1831.

Chicago, March 17th, 1836.





** Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I.
& J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Mer-
chants in Albany and Troy; J.I. Brower, 222 Waterder the old title, but with extended dimensions, the
In proposing to establish a SEMI-WEEKLY paper un-
street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T. subscriber acknowledges the favors of the past, and
Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston. solicits the continued patronage of a liberal public.-
P. S.-Railroad Companies would do well to for- The reasons that induced him about a year since to
ward their orders as early as practicable, as the sub-establish his weekly paper, operates with renewed
scriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so
as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for
his Spikes.



Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels complete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Factory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders addressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or GO Wall street, New-York, will be promptly attended to. Also, CAR SPRINGS.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.


J8 ROGERS, KETCHUM & GROSVENOR. NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. TO CONTRACTORS.-Proposals will be ceived at the Engineer's Office of the New-York and Erie Railroad Company, in the village of Binghampton, on and until the 30th day of June next, for grading 69 miles of the Railroad, from the village of Owego, in Tioga County, to the village of Deposit in Delaware County.

Proposals will also be received at the Engineer's Office, in Monticello, on and until the 11th day of July next, for grading 48 miles of the Railroad through the county of Sullivan, extending from the Delaware and Hudson Canal up the valley of the Neversink, and thence to the mouth of the Callikoon Creek, on the Delaware River.

Plans and profiles of the line above mentioned, ataked out in convenient sections, wi.h printed forms of the contracts, will be ready for exhibition at the said offices twenty days before the days of letting above Specified.

The Company reserve the privilege of accepting only such proposals as they may deem for their advantage.

New-York, 26th April, 1836. 15-tf JAMES KING, President. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Munroe Railroad Company, Macon, Geo., between the 19th and 21st of May next, for Excavating and Embanking the whole of the Railroad from Macon to Forsyth, a distance of 25 miles, embracing inuch beavy graduation.

For further information, apply to

[blocks in formation]
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[blocks in formation]

THE NEWCASTLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Delaware, with a capital of 200,000 dollars, are prepared to execute in the first style and on liberal terms, at their extensive Finishing Shops and Foundries for Brass and Iron, situated in the town of Newcastle, Delaware, all orders for LOCOMOTIVE and other Steam Engines, and for CASTINGS of every description in Brass or Iron. RAILROAD WORK of all kinds finished in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Orders to be addressed to

Superintendent, Newcastle, Delaware.

[blocks in formation]

and increasing force in favor of his present design.— He shall endeavor, as it was originally intended, to make his paper American in all things; and by identifying itself with the interests and circumstances of Chicago-which from a recent wildnerness has advanced to a population of thirty-five hundred-and of the rich, extensive, and rapidly developing country of which it is the emporium, he hopes it may with their growth, and strengthen with their strength." As a record of passing events, curreut literature, of the march of agriculture, commerce and manufactures, Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow and especially of the progress of internal improvements, Bars (steel pointed,) mannfactured from Salisbury reof which this State, by her recent passage of the actfined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents, for the construction of the "Illinois and Michigan Canal," has commenced her great and auspicious system, it will aim, as ever, to be accurately and early informed, and thus endeavor to consult alike the tastes and wants of the community with which it is identified. With party, as generally understood, it will have as little to do as possible. Its politics will be the Constitution-its party, the Country.

With this brief explanation of its future course, and his thanks for the more than expected encouragement he has already received, the subscriber again ventures to solicit the continued patronage and extended support of all who may feel an interest in the principles here set forth.


No. 2 Liberty street, New-York. BACKUS, AMES & CO. No. 8 State street, Albany. N. B.-Also furnished to order, Shapes of every description, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf


(100 North Moor street, N. Y.) NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. tors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprieIt will be enlarged and otherwise greatly improved, of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successkinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines and printed on superior paper, and forwarded to disful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, tant subscribers by the earliest mails, enveloped in a strong wrapper.

TERMS. The AMERICAN will be published SEMIWEEKLY, at $4 per annum, if paid at the time of subscribing; $5 if paid at the expiration of six months, or $6 if payment is delayed to the end of the year.

**Any person procuring five subscribers and remitting the pay in advance, will be entitled to a sixth copy gratis, or a deduction of TEN PER CENT. Persons at a distance remitting a $5 bill will receive the paper fifteen months.

**All sums to the amount of $10 and upwards may be sent through the Post Office, at my expense. Chicago, March 25, 1836.

[blocks in formation]

Wrought Iron Rims of 30, 33, and 36 inches diam** Subscriptions and Advertisements for the CHI-eter for Wheels of Railway Cars, and of 60 inches CAGO AMERICAN will be received at the Office of the diameter for Locomotive Wheels. Railroad Journal, 132 Nassau street, by


ALBANY EAGLE AIR FURNACE AND MACHINE SHOP. WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order, IRON CASTINGs for Gearing Mills and Factories of every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings of every description.

The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is not 91y equalled in the United States.

Axles of 21, 24, 24, 3, 31, 34, and 34 inches in diameter, for Railway Cars and Locomotives, of patent


The above will be sold free of duty, to State Gov. ernments and Incorporated Governments, and the drawback taken in part payment. A. & G. RALSTON, 9 South Front street, Philadelphis. Models and samples of all the different kinds of Rails, Chairs, Pins, Wedges, Spikes, and Splicing Plates, in use both in this country and Great Britain, will be exhibited to those disposed to examine them. 4-d7 Imeowr







Editorial Notices; Foster's and Avery's Rotary Steam




Communication, dated London, Dec. 19th, 1835.
Communication, dated Montreal, 29th March, 1836.... 259
Detroit and St. Joseph's Railroad; Charleston and
Ohio Railroad; Specification of a patent for a mode
of fitting the boxes for Gudgeons into the Plummer
blocks, etc.......

Preventive against Dry Rot...

Best varieties of the Sweet Apples; Applications of
Chemistry to the Useful Arts...
Agriculture, etc..........

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NEW-YORK, APRIL 30, 1836.


but were entirely unable to answer the ques-
tion, as experiments had not to our knowl-
edge been made beyond 15 or 20 horse pow-
er; we are now, however, authorised to
say, that engines on this principle can be
made of 60, 80, or 100 horse power, and
guaranteed to perform as much, and even
more, with less fuel, than any other engine
of the same estimated capacity.

There is one now. in course of construc-
271 tion, with nine feet sweep, or four and a
half feet arms, and another one contracted
for, with twelve feet sweep, or six feet arms,
from the shaft to the aperture-which will,
when completed, settle the question, as to
its being susceptible of application on a
large scale to the satisfaction of the pub-
lic. Those who have watched its progress
require no such evidence.

[VOLUME V.-No. 17.

From the Journal of the Franklin Institute.



We made some remarks on the subject of this engine, in the last number, and as it has attracted considerable attention, we have determined to publish the specification entire, in order that the nature and amount of the part claimed may be fully understood. This, with some further remarks upon it, was crowded out of the last number of the Journal, and, upon reflection, we have determined to omit the said remarks, and to give the specification alone. The original notice of this engine may be found at page 171, vol. ix.-[EDITOR J. F. I.] SPECIFICATION OF A PATENT FOR AN IM


To all whom it may concern, be it known, that we, Ambrose Foster, of Brutus, Cayuga county, and William Avery, of Salina, Onondaga county, in the State of NewYork, have invented a certain improvement in the steam engine, commonly called the full and exact description of our said imreacting engine, and that the following is a


ROTARY STEAM ENGINE.-The general interest manifested not only in this country, but also in England, in the result of the experiments being made in this country with the Rotary Engine, induces us to refer again to the subject-which we are enabled to do NEWBURGH AND DELAWARE RAILROAD.more satisfactorily, as we find in the Jour- We are gratified to learn that this Road nal of the Franklin Institute for April, the from Newburgh to the Delaware River, or specifications and drawings of the paten- to intersect the New York and Erie Railtees. From these drawings and accompany-road, is now to be undertaken in earnest. ing description, it will be easily understood; An engineer, Mr. Sargent, is employed, and and by the statement which we are ena- will enter immediately upon his duties. bled to make on good authority, it will, we This is as it should be; and we hope soon trust, be judged "by its works," and not to see 'measures adopted to continue the by the prejudices of those who cannot sat-Road eastward from Newburgh or Fishkill isfy themselves as to the why, and where- into New England, with a view of accom- Fig. 1, in the accompanying drawing, fore. modating the travel from those States to represents a side view of the engine, the That there is something about it which is the West, via. Newburgh and the New-York revolving arms not being visible, in consenot generally understood, we are willing to and Erie Railroad. This is a measure de-quence of their being enclosed in a circular admit, and therefore are not surprised that manding the attention of the gentlenen in case, to be presently described. A is a there are many who not having seen it fair-terested in these two, or perhaps ultimately, steam tube, connected with a boiler, and ly tested, doubt its power, but as actual one, road. forming a steam-tight joint, in the box B, demonstration is all that intelligent men rewhere it opens into the shaft C, which is quire to establish its superiority over the made hollow to th requisite depth. Dis ordinary engine, it will at no distant day the edge, or periphery, of a case, or drum, be duly appreciated, and generally used in within which the arms from which the steam all parts of the country. is to issue, revolve. E, E, are braces, which may be attached to the case, or drum, and at their junction support a socket, containing a centre pin, or screw, F, against

We have frequently called attention to Avery's Rotary Engine. The following specification, from the Journal of the Frank

We have been often asked if it would an-lin Institute, will place the subject fairly swer for engines of 30 or 40 horse power-before the public.


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advance of 12s. 6d. per ton since my letter to you. But the price of 7l. 12s. 6d., as fixed by the meeting of Welch Iron Masters at Romney, on the 1st inst., is not ob served by some of the leading houses, who refuse to sell under 81. per ton, and others decline orders at all, for the present, alleging that their engagements are already so heavy, and the prospects of the trade are such, that they prefer to confine themselves to the execution of orders on hand, and thus enable them to take advantage of increased prices in the spring. The meeting at Romney adjourned to assemble again on the 12th January next, when it is confidently expected the price of 8. will not only be generally confirmed, but that a further advance of 10s. will be agreed to. The iron market is in a most extraordinary state; which the shaft C is to run. G is a tube, instead of making them in the form of the demand is far greater than the supply, through which the steam passing into the round tubes, which has been heretofore which it is impossible to increase immedi. case from the revolving arms, is allowed to done, give to them the form which results ately, owing to the inability to obtain comescape; a portion of this steam is employed from making each half of the arm a seg-petent workmen to mine the coal, iron to heat the water by which the boiler is to ment of a large circle, so that, when the stone, and limestone, and to manufacture be supplied. His a whirl upon the shaft C, two halves are united, the edges of the tube them into iron when procured. Aid cannot a strap from which may be employed to present acute angles. The tubes, however, be expected from the lead, copper, tin, and drive machinery. Where the same parts may be made elliptical, or oval, and the other manufacturers of metals, which would occur in the other figures in the drawing, same end will be, in a great measure, at- be practicable if these branches were in a they are represented by the same letters. tained. We use any number of such arms depressed state, but so far from this being Fig. 2, shows the flat side of the drum, on the same shaft, as we may find best the case, these trades are in nearly as flouror case; the arms, or braces, E, E; the adapted to our purpose. whirl H, and the manner in which straps, We do not claim to be the inventors of ishing a condition as the iron trade. Hithor other gearing, may be carried from one the reacting steam engine, nor of the case, erto the iron masters always considered wheel to another. Fig. 3, is the opposite or drum, within which we intend the arms themselves fortunate, if they could get side of the drum, or case. shall, in general, revolve; but what we through the winter without a decline in claim as our invention, is, simply, the giv-price, now, in the month of December, the ing the oblate, or flat, form to the revolving effort of the most judicious among them is arms, so that, in proportion to their capa- to prevent too frequent and too great ad. city, they shall experience much less resist-vances of price, which they deprecate, lest ance from the air than that to which they consumption should be checked, and also, have been heretofore subjected, thereby what they fear more than any thing else, obtaining a greatly increased power.

E, E, in Fig. 4, shows the flat sides of the revolving hollow arms; and J, J, Fig. 5, is an edge view of the same. In Fig. 4, one side of the case is supposed to be removed, and, in Fig. 5, the whole case. At K, K, openings are made in the narrow edges of the arms, in directions opposite to each other, to allow of the escape of the steam introduced into them through the shaft C, with the hollow of which they communicate.

In an engine which we have in actual operation, the arms, E, E, (or J, J,) are each twenty inches in length. The


To the Editor of the Railroad Journal.

London, December 19th, 1835. DEAR SIR,-I observe, by your Journal of the 21st November, that you have publish

the workmen should combine and "strike" for higher wages.

You may inquire what effect has been produced on railway iron. I can answer, by quoting my own experience. I have within a week received an order for a very large quantity, (so large that I have not re

width of the arms at the centre is about sixed my communication dated London, Octo-vealed it to any one lest it should affect the inches, and at the ends about two and a ber 9th, and as it appears, you attach some market,) of railway iron, from America. I half inches; in depth, or thickness, they importance to information respecting Rail-have issued my circulars to all the houses are about one and a half inches, near the way Iron, I will now continue my notice of in this line, and I find a most wonderful centre, and about three-fourths of an inch this article from the date of my letter up to near the end. The size of the holes through the present time. which the steam escapes, is about onequarter, by one-eighth, of an inch. The holes are so perforated that the steam shall issue at right angles with the shaft.

In my last letter you will recollect I mentioned that the following advances in price had taken place in common (Welch) bars,


On 25th August the price at New-
port and Cardiff was, per ton,
On that day the manufacturers ad-
vanced the price

We have found this engine to act with great power, but do not intend to confine ourselves to these particular proportions, as we mean not only to vary the size of our engines, but also the relative proportions of their respective parts, according to circum-September 12th they advanced it




alteration in the tone of their communications; formerly they were all eagerness to give an answer by return of mail, and they manifested the greatest anxiety to secure the whole order, or as much of it as possible. Now some of them decline making tenders altogether, owing to the magnitude £5 10s. of engagements on hand; others, rather

12s. 6d.

than break off connections, mention such high prices for very small parts of the total quantity wanted, that they think they will not be accepted. A decided indisposition is manifested to come under any further engagements, unless at exorbitant prices, until it is ascertained what will be the result of the adjourned meeting at Romney on the £7 12s. 6d12th proximo. I very much fear that the Thus you see there has been a furthe Thus you see there has been a furthe same pattern of rail, which I put out in the

L, L, are parts of stuffing boxes, em- October 28, ployed to prevent the escape of steam, in a December 1st, ¡“ manner well known to machinists.

We find it to be a point of great importance to give such a form to the revolving arms, as shall subject them to the least pos sible resistance from the air; we, therefore,


£2 2s. 6d.

middle of September last at 81. per ton, will to the President of the N. Y. and Erie Rail.||one of his latest, draw about 30 tons freight not now be contracted for under 101. per road Company. S. D. only alludes to the say 110 tons gross, on a road greatly deton, but I will do my best to screw them | Report of the latter gentleman, and has scending in the direction of the load, at the down to the lowest price. Notwithstand- confined himself to general remarks, and I rate of 10 to 12 miles per hour, with the -ing the present high price, I have every now offer you the following observations on exception of half a mile on a straight line, reason to believe that prices will be still some of the detailed statements of that gen- which ascended at the rate of 26 feet per higher in the spring, for since I wrote to tleman. mile, and was with difficulty overcome by you I have traversed the whole iron region, Mr. Seymour states, "that one of the the combined action of the momentum of the visiting every establishment of any impor- American locomotives, weighing 8 tons, train, by great diminution of the velocity, tance, and every where I found an activity will draw upon a level road 200 tons of and by an immense addition of power proand bustle which I never before witnessed freight, at the rate of ten miles per hour; duced by throwing a large portion of the during my long experience in this business. that the same engine will draw, upon an weight of the tender on the driving wheels. Every establishment is full, to excess, of ascent of 25 feet per mile, 100 tons," and so By this simple expedient, the power of enorders, and the greatest exertions are mak-on. The rise which doubles the traction gines may be much increased, but it is uting, day and night, to execute them. The being stated at 25 feet per mile, gives us at terly ruinous to our wooden superstrucPacha of Egypt's order for about 5,000 once the power equal to the of the load,tures, few of which are able to bear the actons for the railway across the Isthmus of and supposing the engine to act by of its tion of a 6 tons engine, without injury, as Suez, is about one half completed; but weight on the driving wheels, and assuming is only too well known. This expedient is, others pour in from France, (there are two|| the adhesion equal to the of the weight, I believe, due to Mr. Baldwin's, and would, recently from that country for about 6,000 4×8 were any proof wanting, be alone sufficient X 211 119.5 tons gross, we have tons,) from Germany, Belgium, America, 5×12 to show the very narrow limits of the pow and every part of this country, in a way to instead of 200 tons freight, and even this,ers of locomotive engines. astonish even the most enthusiastic friends only by taking every thing in the most ex- Mr. S. also speaks of avoiding the faults of the Railway System. Besides this de- travagantly favorable light, for the weight of the English engineers in "forcing" a mand for railway iron, the consumption of on the driving wheels, is in general, only line within certain limits as to grades and other kinds of iron fully keeps pace with it. of the weight of the engine, and the adhe-curvatures, at great expense. That this This country being in a more prosperous sion assumed at, is far above the average, would be a fault as applied to many of our condition, and every branch of trade, cotton, in all states of the rails. Roads, I readily admit; but if we could af silk, wool, flax, hemp, tin, lead, copper, &c., Again, Mr. S. observes, that "about the ford the capital as they can, then would our being more flourishing than at any period year 1829, it had not been supposed to be present cheap, temporary modes of consince the termination of the Napoleon wars, practicable to ascend with locomotive en-struction be faults indeed; and, even under it is reasonable to suppose, and such is the gines with loaded trains, upon grades ex-existing circumstances, could the Erie Railfact, that iron, which is the foundation up-ceeding 30 feet to the mile," etc. Now it is road be so graded as to have no ascent in on which the arts of civilized life rest, should subsequently stated by Mr. S. himself, that coming from the lake to the city, and no be in great demand, when all other branch- at this day, with the most improvdd engine, descent in the same direction greater than es of industry flourish. Hence the de- only half a load can be taken up an ascent 18 feet per mile, it would, at the end of ten mand for domestic consumption for ordina- of 25 feet per mile. This passage I have years, be a better investment for 20 or 20 ry purposes is very great, which when add-quoted verbatim, above. The absolute load millions of dollars, than as at present coned to the demand for foreign countries, and taken up any given ascent, is of course great-templated, for 5 millions. It is well known railway purposes, you may easily imagineer with engines having the advantage of the will readily account for the present prices, latest improvements, and the still greater and the prospect of still higher in the advantage of the enormous addition to the spring, unless war or some other calamity || weight, which is becoming almost univershould ensue to check the brilliant progress sal, but the relative load differs but little of civilization arising from the long contin- from what it was six years ago, and the uance of peace. Most sincerely do I trust first tolerably constructed engine would that you and I will never live to see anoth- have taken half its load up an ascent of 25 In the Report of the Baltimore and Ohio er war carried on,—particularly do I depre- feet per mile, which is as much as the best Company of '31, the traction is estimated at cate a war with France, our old ally, one will do now, according to Mr. S., which, and allowing for unavoidable imperof our best customers, and who ought to be agrees with practice. Great improvements fections at of the weight, and yet now in our best friend. A war with that country have and will continue to be made, in the '36, it has increased to! Then, a car, would be little short of insanity,-it would mechanical construction, in avoiding frac-was in equilibrio with gravity on an inclinainterfere with the prosperity of both coun- tures, rendering the parts less liable to wear,tion of 13.2 feet per mile, now it requires tries in a most melancholy manner, and diminishing the quantity of fuel, etc., but 25 feet per mile to overcome the friction, nothing but empty, worthless glory, would as long as they draw by the adhesion of the which was then reduced by the use of frieresult to either party. I most sincerely wheels, only so long will the trifling ascent tion wheels, and cars thus fitted up were hope so great an evil will be averted. of 25 feet, or on well constructed roads with recommended in the strongest possible I am, dear sir, very respectfully good carriages, about 32 feet, per mile di- terms, and the results of experiments and truly, yours, minish the power of the engine one half. given, apparently so decisive, as to lead irUnfortunately, the adhesion of the wheels resistibly to the conclusion, that implicit to the rails forms the limit of the power of reliance might be placed on them. the locomotive as at present used, and this then, after 4 years experience, after experilimit is soon reached, and any even tolera-ments and patents innumerable, are we far, ble engine will, if the load or ascent be sufficiently great, cause the wheels to turn without advancing the train. Baldwin's engines are, I believe, generally admitted to be at least equal to any made in this country or in England, and I have known


To the Editor of the Railroad Journal.

MONTREAL, 29th March, 1886. Sir:-The communication of S. D., in your Journal of the 13th Feb., has recalled my attention to two Reports hastily perused some time since. I refer to Mr. Campbell's Report, published in your Journal of the 26th Dec., 1895, and Mr. Seymour's Report

that this is impracticable, and I merely suppose this case to illustrate my position, that the power of locomotives on inclinations is much overrated, or perhaps, more correctly speaking, not understood by many who have much at stake on the successful solution of these very questions.



very far, behind what we were in '31, as publicly announced at that time by the Engineer and Directors of the B. and O. Company. It is impossible to conceive a stronger case than this, of the caution with which these flattering statements should be re

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