Lapas attēli


Our city is central in the State, and will receive this season eighty thousand bales of cotton-an increase over last year of twenty || thousand, and a prospect of a further increase. Under all the circumstances it seems to me a most favorable location for a foundry and factory for Railroad and engine apparatus; th northern cities are full to overrunning, and here nothing of the kind doing; and the whole country fully ripe for the harvest. All the engineers in this country are from the northern climate, and will bear me out in saying, that from the middle section of the State upwards, is as pleasant and as healthy as in any part of the United States. We have here to this place steamboat navigation, one steam mill in operation, and another building. The excavation and em bankment on the Monroe Railroad is almost entirely earth, but part heavy for this country. This city, in point of population and commerce, is now improving at the ratio of seventy-five per cent. per annum.

Macon, March 30th, 1836.



We give the following communication from the pen of a friend who should have been an ENGINEER, rather than of that profession heretofore considered almost the only path to eminence, the Law.

To the Editor of the Railroad Journal :

SIR,-It is some time since the attention of the public has been invited, through your valuable Journal, to the Re-acting Rotary Engine of Mr. Avery, of Syracuse, but the merits of the invention do not seem to be duly appreciated, except, perhaps, by those who have an engine of his construction in actual use. I have been informed, however, that in every instance where one of this

West Point-say 85 miles-there to unite || the expense, yet it is often better to do this ||of a machine (in the Railroad Journal,) for with the road now in progress from Mont- than to curve around them, if the radius is making bricks by pressure, so that when gomery, Alabama-say 90 miles. likely to be short, and the grades light. they came out of the mould, they were ready whole length of all these roads from Savan- But where the curves can be made with a to go into the kiln. If you know any thing nah to the latter place will be four hundred large radii, and the grades are heavy, engi- about the practical success of the machine, miles. neers should, by all means, avoid these jut- please give it in the Journal. Have the ting points by curving around them. This bricks been found on the whole to be better increases the distance, but this objection is than those made in the common way?" overbalanced by lessening the cost, and also lessening the grades. This engineers are of ten compelled to do in this country, and on the route of the New-York and Erie Railroad, great pains have been taken to avoid curves of small radii, so much so that in many instances the expense has been greatly increased to effect this object. Speaking for myself, I have not located one foot of ground with a radius of less than 955 feet, and think to have one cotinnued line of over 60 miles with a curve of no less radius, although with a radius of from 400 to 600 feet, I could have wound round hills, and kept the grade near the surface, whilst, with the radius of 955 feet, the grade line must often pass so as to make the cutting much greater and the embankment much more heavy. Equal pains have also been taken to les.kind of engines has been put up, it has sen the grades by keeping well upon the proved itself superior to the high pressure side hills,-by crossing deep ravines, and piston engine. It is quite probable that most by causing excavations of ten, fifteen, twen. engineers have fallen into an error in theory ty, and sometimes over thirty feet,-whilst, in calculating upon the power of Mr. Ave. if a sharp grade were no detriment, we ry's engine, by misapplying one of the first could follow near the streams, and would principles of mechanics-" that action and re-action are equal." Starting with this theorem, which is admitted to be true, one would very readily be led into an erroneous conclusion by reasoning in this manner :—“Action and re-action being equal, and the most that can be obtained by a fluid impinging upon the vanes of a wheel, is an effect equal to one third of the power applied, therefore the effect in the re-acting engine is only one third of the power of the steam used," from which must be deducted the usual discount for friction, &c. This conclusion is plausible, but erroneous, as can be shown by comparing the different circumstances under which the power is applied in the two cases. In the case of a fluid impinging by direct action upon vanes or paddles, if any motion whatever is produced, the vanes must necessarily move in the same direction with the impelling fluid, and the velocity of this motion must be deducted from that of the stream, so that the greater the velocity of the wheel the less is the impulse. In the reacting engine there is no loss from this source. The motion may be greater or less, and not affect the impelling pressure, because the power moves with the revolv ing arms, and whatever may be their velocity the enclosed steam and those arms are relatively at rest, and the pressure upon the side opposite the orifice is precisely the same when in the most rapid motion as when standing still.

RADII OF CURVES, ACCLIVITY OF GRADES, lessen the expense; but the grades in these


To the Editor of the Railroad Journal:

instances, would, at times, be quite easy, and in other places very heavy. The engineers have chosen and acted upon the Sir,—It was not until very recently, that course of making the grades as regular as I discovered in your Journal of February ||possible,-which course will stand the test 13th, a communication signed S. D., in re- of review. Knowing, or at least believing, lation to the report of James Seymour, respecting the radii of curves, acclivity of grades, rates of speed, &c., of the different Railroads between Washington and NewYork, and the Reads in the vicinity of the latter city. I entirely agree with S. D. in saying that the natural features of the country must govern the course of the route, nor would I be understood to say that the radii of curves were no detriment to such a

that many will view this magnificent work (the largest and most noble of the kind in the United States,) its engineers would in all time to come, regret that it should not be completed in a workmanlike manner, or that permanent injury should result to the Company or the public, from their incapacity, especially with one so eminent in his profession as Judge Wright at the head. As S. D. says his motive in adverting to work as the New-York and Erie Railroad; Mr. Seymour's letter, is a desire to see the but on the contrary, I consider these things Lake Erie Railroad finished, as regards serious obstacles in the way of Internal Im-route and details, as perfect as circumprovement, and might be carried to such an extent as to work a complete failure of the purposes intended by them. If the surface should prove to be a perfect plane, as S. D. says, I confess there would be but little to contend against, and in such case the service of an engineer would hardly be required. But he admits that this is not often the case, and that the surface is more or less broken-that the topography of the country is undulating, with vallies and ridges often running contrary to the course that we would wish them. It is frequently the case that spurs run out so that engineers are obliged to cut through them, and place the earth in the vallies or low ground contiguous. This, of course, must enhance

stances will permit, the Company are
doubtless obliged to him for his friendly feel-
ing towards their Road, and in behalf of the
Engineers I invite him to an inspection of
the same as soon as they shall have so
much of it completed as he may consider
worthy his attention.



We shall be obliged to any one who will answer the following queries, both to oblige the gentleman who inquires, and for our own gratification :

ascends with astonishing velocity, the reIt is upon this principle that the rocket acting pressure not being in the least di"I saw, perhaps two years since, a notice minished by the ascending motion.


If I am correct in the rationale of the re-any other principle than by confining the||one in question would extend to two years; acting engine, we need not be surprised that steam to increase its elasticity to a great a length of life, greater than has usually it should perform at least as much with the degree. My rotary tube was three feet fallen to the lot of rotary engines; it still same fuel as the common high pressure 56 lbs. to the inch; it revolved with a ve. and all the reports which we have received long, the elastic power of the steam about lives, however, maugre our anticipations, engine, which at best falls far short of the locity of about 700 to 1000 times a minute. relating to it, tend to show that it has not actual initial power of the steam employed. The aperature by which the steam issued yet exhibited the first symptoms of decline. about of an inch in diameter; it exerted Although we still adhere to the opinion, more than the power of two men, and that upon a full comparison, the economy would answer to turn lathes, grindstones, of a good reciprocating, will be greater than REMARKS AND INQUIRIES respectING MR. &c., when fuel is cheap. I have specified that of any rotary engine that has been, or and explained it in the Patent Office." Un- will hereafter be, made, we most cheerfully fortunately, there is no date to this work confess that we have a much better opinion of Mr. Evans, but I presume it can be rea- of Mr. Avery's, than we at first entertained; dily ascertained in Philadelphia, when it|| and, as to our wishes, they are that, by the was published, and probably when the spe- operation of this, and a hundred other concifications were entered at the Patent Of trivances, which we have esteemed of like fice. But that it was done long before Mr. value, we may be put entirely in the wrong; Avery's engine was thought of, I think let the fact be well established, and we out putting in an undue claim to the suaviter in modo; we have sometimes thought that the tendency of our animadversions upon patented inventions was to place us in the situation of "The best good-natured man, with the worst ill-natured muse;" it must be recollected, however, that we stand between the claimants of exclusive privi. leges and the public.

AVERY'S PANENT STEAM engine. To the Editor of the Journal of the Franklin Institute. Sir,-You have doubtless seen, in a late number of the New-York Mechanics' Mag. azine, (the one for September, I think,) an engraved drawing of "Avery's Rotary Steam Engine," accompanied by a description. It is generally believed that this en-there can be little room for doubt, as it ap-would be the first to make it public. With

gine has been secured to Mr. Avery by patent. I have always supposed the main object of the patent law to be, the protection of original inventors in the enjoyment of whatever pecuniary advantages they may fairly derive from their useful inventions.

pears from another part of the same work
of Mr. Evans, page 96, that he matured his
experiments upon the application of steam
to a wheel, in the year 1784, which, as he
states, he described in the Patent Office.

That Mr. Avery's engine, or one constructed upon the same principle of action, though perhaps somewhat different in detail, will be found in some situations a convenient and economical machine, I do not doubt. Indeed, I know some persons who would like to make use of such engines, but who are, some of them, unable, and all unwilling, to pay Mr. Avery for the privi- in your Magazine, you will, sir, essentially lege of doing that which they feel them-oblige several of the friends and readers as selves equally at liberty to do with himself. well as promote the cause of justice. Should My reasons for doubting the validity of his you be willing to express your own opinion patent, may be found, first, by referring to as to the merits of this question, it would the September number of the New-York be deemed particularly valuable. Mechanics' Magazine for 1833, in which is given a drawing and description of the beau

tiful contrivance of Hiero, the first account of which is said to have been published in the year 1571.


Remarks on the foregoing communication,
by the Editor.


Under these circumstances, I cannot see what possible claim Mr. Avery can have to a patent for this invention; as to the drum which incloses the arms as represented in the drawing of his engine before referred to, I understand it is claimed as having been necessary to security, as a foundation for a With respect to the amount of novelty first applied to it, by a Mr. Clark, of some patent, we think that the fair test of this western town in this State. is the utility of the improvement; if it renBy giving the foregoing an early insertion|ders that valuable which was of little com. parative worth, it is enough, although it be no more than the addition of a screw, or of a peg. The views which we have adopted upon this subject, may be found at large in Vol. 8, p. 411 of this Journal. The article is a borrowed one, and well worth perusal. protection of original inventors in the enjoy"The main object of the patent law is the ment of whatever pecuninary advantages It so happens that "Fair Play," and oth-ventions," and in attaining this end, it is they may fairly derive from their useful inof Foster and Avery's Re-acting Steam En-weights, or to measure them by any estab who desire information on the subject not possible to test them by comparative the present number, have a full opportunity small, is all that can be required. gine, (commonly called Avery's) will, in lished scale; absolute quantity, however of seeing what constitutes the claim of these in this machine. They were fully informed DECISION OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE gentlemen to a patent for an improvement engines similar in construction to their own, respecting what had been attempted with previously to their obtaining a patent; and their claim to improvement within very it will be seen that they have confined narrow limits, and so far as we are informed, their claim is a valid one. said that their improvement is trifling; that, It may be however, is their own concern, as those who do not need it are at full liberty to use the machine in any of the various forms which had been previously given to it, or to devise others which are new, without buying from them what may be deemed unimportant.

The principle upon which Mr. Avery's engine acts, will, I think, be seen at a glance, to be the same as that of Hiero's. Secondly, in a work by Oliver Evans, entitled the Young Steam Engineer's Guide," published by Carey & Lea, page 93, the biographer of Mr. Watt, speaking of his first attempt to produce a direct circular motion by steam, says, "he (that is, Mr. Watt) then tried Parent's or Dr. Barker's Mill," inclosing the arms in a metal drum which was immersed in cold water; the steam rushed rapidly along the pipe which was the axis, and it was hoped that a great reaction would have been exerted at the ends of the arms, but it was almost nothing, the reason seems to be that the greatest part of the steam was condensed in the cold arms. It was then tried in a drum kept boiling hot, but the impulse was now very small in comparison with the expense of steam." Upon this experiment Mr. Evans remarked as follows: "It is evident, from this acWe are not sufficiently well informed re. count, that Mr. Watt has used weak steam, from Avery's and the reciprocating, or Avespecting the comparative results obtained and placed dependance on the use of a condenser; had he in his experiment with ry's and other rotary engines, to make up Doctor Barker's Mill, lessened the aper-tween four and five years, however, have our minds respecting its real value; betures by which the steam issued, so as to elapsed since this engine was patented, and confine the steam until the power in the it has been at work at Syracuse, and variboiler was equal to 100 lbs. to the inch, he would have been astonished to see it revolve about 1000 times a minute, supposing the rotary tube to have been three feet in length; I have tried the same experiment, but without the least hope of success, on

* Descriptions of Barker's Mill may be found by your readers, in Ferguson's Lectures, Nicholson's Ope rative Mechanic, and almost every reputable work on Mechanics now in use,

ous other places, during the whole of that
time, so that those who have seen it, and
who possess a competent knowledge of the
subject, have had time enough to investi-
we expressed to Mr. Avery, our general
gate it. Before the patent was obtained,
engines, and our doubts respecting the im-
want of confidence in the real value of such
portance of the improvements claimed and
we did not suppose that the career of the



Henry Stanley vs. Henry Hewitt. tent granted to the plaintiff, Henry Stanley, This was an action founded upon a paby the United States, the 17th December, 1832, upon a specification and application made to the patent office the 11th of October, 1832, for an improved rotary cooking proved the originality of the invention in stove. The plaintiff, by several witnesses, him, its importance and usefulness, and from the plaintiff's stove, made and caused that the defendant had, from patterns taken to be made, and sold a large number of stoves, and was still pursuing the business. The defendant, to show that the plaintiff's patent was void, called Elisha Town and his son, and others, to prove that in 1823 and 1824, he invented, and procured to be stove revolved like it-also a Mr. Gould, to cast, a rotary stove, and that the plaintiff's flues in the cap of his stove from said prove that the plaintiff took the collars and Gould's stove, and alea other witnessen to show that the plaintiff, as well as others,

I state to you, gentlemen, in the outset, that this is not a case free from difficulties. But I have the consolation of knowing that my decision of the matter need not be final, and that any mistakes committed here, may be reviewed and corrected by another tribunal, where I, too, shall have an opportunity of considering the subject with more care.

they had been sold by him. If this witness, therefore, is worthy of credit, (and be stands entirely unimpeached in every res pect,) there can be no doubt that the plaintiff's right have been violated by the de fendant, if, in fact, it shall appear that he has any which the law can protect.

had used the collars and flues long before no bearing upon its merits. And in this the plaintiff's improved cooking stove was view of the subject, it is of no consequence invented; and also, that the defendant at- whether the plaintiff, Mr. Stanley, has, or tempted to show that the ptaintiff had sold has not, accumulated a fortune, as the fruits his stoves, and given his invention to the of his invention. If, by his own talents, public before he applied for his patent. industry, and perseverance, he has produced The plaintiff, in reply, called numerous a machine, useful in itself, and approved witnesses to show that Town's stove, what-of by the public, he is entitled to the pro- But the great question is, whether he has ever it was, was useless, and had been tection of the law, so far as he has rights any such rights, and the solution of that abandoned as such; and that the plaintiff to be preserved and guarded. And if, on question is to be found in the patent itself. had no knowledge of it when he made his the other hand, he has interposed claims And here I may remark, that much has invention and improvement, and that his which cannot be the subject of legal sanc-been proved and said in relation to the instove, in all the important improvements tion, he must abide by the consequences of ventions of Town and Gould. The eviby him claimed, was wholly unlike Town's his fault, or misfortune. dence upon these points is only important stove, and that collars and flues were not in one point of view, and in that it will be claimed by him as his invention, independhere considered. It shows that the materiently of his rotary plate in which they were als, or component parts, of Stanley's stove attached, and that when they were put are not in themselves new; and if the plainupon the Gould stove, it was done at the tiff claims a combination of things, he has plaintiff's suggestion. And that all the evidently taken old materials to form his stoves delivered out before the application machine with, whatever it may be. for the patent, were delivered to be used on In relation to this part of the case, I trial, and with a view to test the utiliiy of would observe, that the particular words its improvements. The trial was a very In my view of the case, much evidence used in the specification and summary of labored one, and occupied five or six days; has been introduced upon both sides, which this patent are of no importance. The but finally resulted in a question of law, is entirely irrelevant. The plaintiff's rights, office of words is to convey ideas, and our growing out of the wording of the specifi- whatever they are, depend upon his patent, province is to determine what the party incation; which appeared to have been drawn and if he has any by his patent, and has tended to express by the language employup by the plaintiff without proper legal ad-not abandoned them to the public, he is en- ed. Did the patentee intend to claim the vice. titled to protection. I confess to you, that discovery of a principle, in the abstract or On the part of the plaintiff, it was insist-my own preposessions lean towards useful philosophical sense of that term? or did he ed that the claim, in his summary, was for improvements, and I would construe the intend to describe a contrivance, or maa combination of certain improvements he patent act with a liberal spirit, and expand-chine, new and dseful in reference to the had made in the cooking stove, connected ed views. It is a beneficial law, having its purpose for which it was produced? He together and attached to the top or cap of foundations in public policy. Its object is, claims in his summary, "the revolving top his stove, put in motion; and that it was to encourage the enterprise of ingenious plate," as a constituent part of his inven the combination which he claimed, and not men, that the results of their labors, being tion, and the first inquiry is, whether, be the parts forming the combination separate-brought into view, may be first enjoyed by fore the use of Stanley's stove, a contrivance ly, and that his specification would bear had been used by which the utensils to be that construction. heated had been brought over the fire, by means of a top revolving upon its centre. If the patentee claims this revolving motion as his own discovery, in its application to a cooking stove, he evidently includes in his patent that which is not his own discovery; for Town's stove had a revolving top, or drum, intended to accomplish the same object, by means somewhat similar.

On the part of the defendant, it was in sisted that the plaintiff had so worded his specification, that it would not bear that construction, and that it really claimed the different parts comprising the top or cap of the stove separately, and independently of any combination, and that his specification was otherwise defective.

the inventors for a limited period, and then
dedicated to the public benefit forever after-
wards. Nevertheless, I do not mean to say
that all patents are to be protected at all
events, but those only are to be sustained
which have the sanction of law. It is a
well known fact that patents are granted
at the Patent Office, not after an examina-
tion into their merits, but upon ex parte
statements, and hence their real claims may
be afterwards investigated with proper
strictness in a court of law.

Judge Thompson, in the progress of the cause, gave his opinion that putting the stoves out on trial, and for the purpose of There are some general rules always to experiment and improvement, was not such be observed while considering this subject. a public use of them as would be consider- In the first place, to entitle a patentee to ed as a dedication to the public-that the maintain an action for a supposed violation plaintiff was justified and had a right to of his rights, his invention must be both test the utility of his invention, and see useful and new; not that its usefulness is what improvements might be made before to be scanned with a critical eye, to ascerhe applied for his patent, and that this was tain a given amount of benefit to be derived an article which would be tested by being from it, but the invention must be useful, as put into several families, where it might contradistinguished from that which is fribe differently used by different housekeep-volous, or wholly worthless. If not frivo


In charging the jury, Judge Thompson, after stating the case and the difficulties arising from the obscurity of the language employed in the summary of the specification, remarked that in all cases, where consequences of great importance to the parties were involved, the jury must expect that the views of each would be presented with great earnestness and zeal. Nor is it surprising (said he) that in such controversies, matters not materially connected with the merits of the issue, should be brought before the Court and Jury during the progress of the trial.

lous, or entirely useless, the requirements of
the law in this particular are complied with.
With regard to the invention before us, it
is clearly useful; this is proved by the testi-
mony of witnesses on all sides. It is proved,
also, by the great extent of the plaintiff's
sales, by the favor of the public, which has
been liberally bestowed upon it, and by the
palpable imitations of the plaintiff's models
in the case under consideration.

If the plaintiff has legal rights here, there can be no doubt that they have been violated by the defendant. There is no substantial difference between the stove made by the defendant, and that invented by the plainThese remarks are applicable to the case tiff; the one is a copy of the other. And now under consideration. It evidently in- as to the extent of the violations, there is volves matters of importance to the parties as little doubt. If you believe the testimony concerned, and has been accompanied by of Mr. Randal, the defendant sold a hundred circumstances having no material bearing stoves before the commencement of this upon the questions in issue. We, however, suit, if his own declarations are to be are to examine the controversy, and deter-credited, for he told the witness, in express mine it, by the law and the evidence, with. terms, not only that a hundred stoves like gut reference to extrinsic matters, having these had been sold in Vermont, but that

It is very possible that Town could not maintain a patent for that invention, because he long ago gave it up, and abandoned it to the public. He did not, however, abandon it to the plaintiff, and all other persons might use it as well as he. If Town's discovery was abandoned, the only claim to it which Stanley can maintain, is the use of the thing as a part of his combination; and here we must determine what Town's invention was.

It is evident that he invented a revolving drum or top of a stove, to convey vessels to and from the fire by a rotary motion, and concentrate the heat around them when placed there. This contrivance he gave up, or abandoned, because it was useless, that is, useless in its then combination, though not in the abstract for the principle or contrivance, as to the revolution, remains. As a cooking machine, the stove of Town was good for nothing; but its revolving motion might be made useful when brought in connexion with other constituents properly adapted to the objects in view.

The same remarks are applicable to the raised cones, or collars, and the flues. Each of these was old, and each had before been used either by itself or in other combi nations. Stanley himself had used the collars in his own stove, as far back as the year 1828. So had Wilson-and this part of the machine is confessedly old. So with regard to the flues. If Stanley was the in ventor of these, he had abandoned them to the public long before the date of his paten and he cannot, therefore, now claim them

as the subject of a patent. But the question || made. The regulations upon this road are
is, whether Stanley does claim these ma- such as to obtain credit from all parties. In
terials or constituents as his invention?—
for if he does his patent is void. He would connexion with this road are to be found
then claim as his own the discoveries of several of the finest and most comfortable
others, or endeavor to maintain that which sails upon our waters.
he had, by use, dedicated to the public.


If, on the other hand, the patentee claims a combination here, and nothing more, then I have no hestiation in saying that his Tunnel under the Hudson River.-The rights are secured. If he goes for the ele- bill to incorporate the Albany Tunnel Comments or constituents of his machine, his pany, has passed both branches of the Legis patent is void, but if he merely claims alature, and become a law; the amendments new combination of old materials, his rights of the House having been finally, and very may be protected. The patent itself is satisfactorily disposed of yesterday. somewhat obscurely drawn, but the inven The bill provides that the Tunnel, for a tion is useful and meritorious, and I am distance of 300 feet from and east of the disposed to give it all the protection which pier, shall be twelve feet below the lowest the law will allow. A liberal construction low water mark, as defined by the United should be given to these instruments, nor States survey; and that the crown of the should a severe criticism be bestowed upon arch shall be eighteen inches below the bed language used, for the most part by the in- of the river. It will of course pass, by a ventors themselves, who are, in many cases, gradual elevation, from the place of the altogether unskilled in the use of technical greatest depth, to the shore at either termiWe are always to ask ourselves on nation. The clear inner width of the Tunthese occasions, what was the intention of nel will be about 24 feet, and the height 12 the writers, and if that be discovered, the feet. The site is of course not yet decided particular words used are altogether unim-upon; but the general impression seems to



With these views, and under these considerations, I proceed now to give you my notions as to what this patent contains. It concludes with a summary in the following words:" the principle for which I claim the invention, and for which I ask letters patent," is "the revolving top plate or fixture into or on which are placed the principal utensils used in cooking," &c.

be that its entrance into Market-street will
be through Maiden-lane, which, having been
recently widened, is admirably adapted to
the purpose.

The directors named in the bill are Joel
B. Nott, Stephen Van Rensselaer, jr., James
Stevenson, James Vanderpoel and John

Facts and estimates, we have reason to
believe, will soon be presented to the public,
showing its entire practicability, at an ex.
pense that will warrant the undertaking,
upon a scale commensurate with the mag-
nitude and importance of the object.

By the patent law, the party is required to describe that which he makes, that the public may understand the thing, and be able to construct the like after the patent shall have expired; and hence there is a This is one of the greatest and most necessity for a proper observance of this valuable charters ever granted by the Legis. requirement of the act. In this case, the lature of this State. It is also one of the plaintiff claims the specific thing set forth most liberal. It is in perpetuity, and within the summary, and we must turn to the out a reservation of the power to modify specification in order to understand what or repeal. Very liberal time is granted also that thing is. The term used in the sum-in relation to the period of completion. mary is principle," but a reasonable in. Upon the whole, the passage of this bill terpretation must be given to it, or no sensi- may be regarded as a measure of the high. ble exposition of the parties' meaning can est importance to the company. be obtained. He evidently did not intend to claim the discovery of an abstract thing, or entity, but some tangible mechanical contrivance, described in the specification. By "principle," he evidently intended a contrivance or thing described; and as there is no magic in words, we may fairly give this interpretation to the term used.


The plaintiff then patents this" revolving top plate," with its collars and flues, but instead of describing his invention as it really is, a combination, he describes the constituent parts. His improvement consists of a combination, and he should so have described it, and I have no doubt that a specification may be drawn which will secure all his rights. If the plaintiff had properly described his invention as it actually exists, his patent would have been good, for then the combination would have appeared.


[blocks in formation]

Expedition between Richmond and NewYork. We understand that the President and Directors of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company, are making arrangements which will enable travellers leaving New-York in the morning, to be in Richmond the next day to dinner; and on the other hand, will enable them to leave Richmond after breakfast and be in New-York the next evening.

It is anticipated that a line leaving NewYork in the morning, will come to Philadelphia, and then reach Baltimore about eight in the evening; that after the arrival of the line at Baltimore, a train of cars will leave that city for Washington, and arrive in the latter place about eleven; that the steamboat will then leave Washington for Potomac Creek, and by means of the connection with the stages and Railroad, travellers will get to Richmond at the time above mentioned.

So travellers leaving Richmond after breakfast will get to Washington by three next morning, thence to Baltimore by six, and to New-York in the evening.

Under this arrangement a person leaving Richmond between breakfast and dinner would reach New-York as soon as the mail It is due to the representatives of the city which should have left Richmond the preof Troy, to say that their course in relation vious evening, that is, if the hours for the to the progress of the bill, has been charac-mail should remain unchanged.-[Comterized by great liberality; and that, notwithstanding the supposed rivalry existing between the two cities in some respects, they promptly and honorably facilitated its passage.-[Argus.]


A Railroad is about to be constructed between Burlington and Mount Holly. The charter authorises $70,000 stock; the estimated cost is $35,000 for the seven miles of road.

The ground is said to be very favorable, no inequalities of consequence occuring on the line.

The money received by the stage owners on this line for passengers only amounted to $3,100 for the last year. This alone will pay more than 6 per cent., without taking BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE RAILROAD AND into account the transportation of goods,


We find from the eastern papers that since the commencement of the travel this spring, every arrangement calculated to give satisfaction to the public has been




The following gentlemen have been elected Directors of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, for the of fice at Macon.




List of Acts passed at the last Session of the General Assembly.-General State Improvements by Canal or Slackwater, To provide for the extension and completion of the Miami Canal north of Pay. A number of the laborers on the Susque, ton; to improve the navigation of the hanna Railroad having: struck for higher Muskingum river; to provide for the con. wages, and evinced a disposition to inter.struction of the Hocking Canals to improve fere with those who continued at work, in the navigation of Willie Creek to im:


To Incorporate Companies.-To Construct the following Railroads.


From the London Mechanics' Magazine.


(Continued from page 5.)

The Chillicothe and Cincinnati Railroad; the Fort Wayne and Piqua Railroad; the Ohio, Maumi and Wabash Railroad; the Vermillion and Birmingham Railroad the Ashtabula, Warren, and East Liverpool Railroad; the Cuyahoga and Erie Railroad; the Hanging rock and Lawrence Furnance Railroad; the Cleveland and Warren Railroad; the Toledo and Sandusky Railroad; the Ohio Railroad; the Columbus, Delaware, Marion and Upper Sandusky Railroad; the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad; the Columbus, London Springfield Railroad; the Newark and Mt. Vernon Railroad; the Mansfield and NewHaven Railroad; the Bridgport Cadiz, and Sandusky Railroad; the Cuyahoga Falls Branch Railroad; the Circleville, Wash- Thomas James, Esq., examined: ington, Wilmington and Cincinnati RailThe fabrics that I am best acquainted with road; the Maumee and Kalamazoo Railroad; the Wellsville and Fairport Railroad; in our house are silk manufactures; with the Melmore and Republic Railroad; the respect to color, ever since the introduction Cincinnati and Western Railroad; the of French goods, I think we have had a Little Miami Railroad; the Muskingum very considerable improvement in the coand Columbus Railroad; the New-Haven lors, and in the patterns of the English silk and Monroeville Railroad; the Akron and Perrysburgh Railroad; the Urbana and Columbus Railroad; the Columbus and Marysville Railroad'; the Stillwater and Maumee Railroad; the Conneaut and Beaver Railroad; the Cleveland, Columbus

and Cincinnati Railroad.


I think a matter

prove the navigation of the Walhonding ||mercial places in the Union. We mean || fields a considerable order for figured silks and Mohican waters; to provide for the the projected Railroad to the lead mines of for America, where, of course, they must completion of the Warren County Canal, Washington and Franklin Counties, and meet the French under no circumstances of and the adjustment of the claims of the com- iron mines in the same region of country; protecting duty. If, then, the beauty of and eventually extending it to the rich agricultural counties in what is called the English manufactured silk goods is so maKickapoo country. A country of immense terially improved, from our manufacturers extent, with the richest mines in the world, having the opportunity of seeing the French, may, by this means, be brought to our doors. there is a still greater capability of improveWe hope, that the committee appointed on ment, if more means of improvement were this subject, will not let the matter rest, but placed within their reach. will at once set about procuring the infor- of the first importance would be to give to mation necessary to enable their fellow the parties who originate patterns a property citizens to act understandingly upon it.— [Republican.] in the patterns for such a length of time as would repay the outlay and encourage the production of patterns. The Committee is aware that such a protection is given to the HOUSE printer. When a pattern is framed on printMANU-ed cotton, the party is protected by the law in the exclusive right of the pattern for three months, and I would suggest that protection should also be given to patterns framed in the loom. It will be in the recollection of the Committee, that some years ago an India handkerchief was almost the distinguishing mark of a gentleman; every gentleman had one in his pocket. India-printed handsold at from 78. to 10s. a-piece; now the kercheifs of very common patterns were great consumption of India handkerchiefs is manufacture, particularly in the colors-not by the importation of the unprinted cloth, only in the plainer, which may be called and they are printed in this country with Enprismatic colors, but in those colors which glish patterns, but the cloths printed in India are creations of fancy, the shades have been are now principally sold by hawkers to the lower class of consumers. much more brilliant than we used to have In our figured them. The importation of French silks patterns we borrow very largely from the has almost entirely ceased in consequence French. It is very desirable that we should of this improvement. The power of pro- behind the French in ribbons and shawls; create an original taste here; we are still ducing finer colors on the part of our manufacturers has increased, as also there has we borrow our figured patterns from France, been an increased degree of good taste in in a principal degree. From the decided appreciating the colors. This improvement advantage that we have from China silk, and our application of China silk, I do has been perceptible since the more free inchester and Macclesfield, the time the coun- have heard that the French government tercourse with France. Referring to Man- not fear that we shall decidedly beat the French in figured as in plain goods. I try manufacturers came to London, to atsent a mission some few years ago into the tend the periodical sales of silk at the East India House, it was their custom to come Cachmere goods, and also to speculate on region of Cachmere, both to introduce to our house and other houses of our class, and obtain from us patterns of the shades the production of Cachmere shawls. of different French goods that we had bought or imported, and the imitation or Mr. Thomas Field Gibson, examined: I am a silk-manufacturer in Spitalfields. these goods and patterns has led to these The description of figured silks which we improvements, or at least has been co-ex-are now making in Spitalfields are of a very We also learn that the steamers Reindeer, istent with it. From the excellence and small and insignificant kind; they are not Hiperion, and several others on the river, beauty of our fabric, if silk was still to ad- of the large class of patterns. That is, the are to commence their trips from the depot vance and become dearer, the public would general class of patterns that are now ma to Columbus in a few days, and will discon- always repay that by an increased consump-king. They are almost entirely copies or tiuue their trips to Appalachicola entirely; tion. The difficulty of selling a bad shade variations from French patterns; there is This Railroad was the last one chartered of color, whenever it does occur, is in- but a very small degree of talent employed by the Legislative Council, and is the first in operation in the Territory. The enter-creased considerably on account of the ge- in Spitalfields in the production of patterns. prize has proved entirely successful, and neral appreciation of good colors. Until We are almost destitute of original taste in there is nothing in human power that can the last two or three years, the production that particular department. The French destroy its prosperity and future greatness. and consumption of figured British silks was patterns are generally given to the pattern-St. Joseph's Telegraph.] a mere trifle, but within the last year the makers by the manufacturers, and they production and consumption of British fig- either copy precisely, or make variations, as ured silks has been very considerable. The the manufacturer's or their own taste may figures are smaller, and I think more beau- suggest. I am not acquainted with any The Railroad meeting on Saturday last tiful in form than formerly. Combining the drawer of patterns who is an educated artist. was composed of the most substantial class beauty of design with a certain degree of A good pattern-drawer may obtain from of our citizens-those who have the capital, neatness as well in tint as in color, the silk 100l. to 2001. a year; but the remuneraand in whom the disposition exists, to for- manufactured in England has materially tion varies with the description of pattern. ward the work without delay, Another project received the attention of the meeting, improved. Formerly they were most ap-It is also mixed up with a remuneration which is of great interest to our city, and prehensive of the figured silks from France, given for reducing the design to the mould, if successfully entertained will make it one and the contest in them was thought hope- or cutting the card, which is necessary for of the greatest manufacturing and com-less, but there is now executing in Spital-the weaving it in the looms. I think that

To Construct the following Canals. The Franklin Canal; the Sandusky Canal and Slack water; the Chippeway Canal; the Belleville and Bolivar Canal; the Mt. Vernon Lateral Canal.


The Railroad from Bayou Columbus to this place, is now completed, or is so far done, as to enable Cars to cross from one depot to the other, and is open for the transportation of merchandise."

Heavy shipments of goods have been ordered from New-York, New-Orleans, and elsewhere to this city, by the interior merchants, and contrary to the expectations of many, it is now well ascertained, that most of the spring and summer business will be

transacted here.


St. Louis, March 8, 1836.

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