Lapas attēli

300 feet in length. A number of troughs || was made at the least expense of that ||any other which is an article of commerce. extend along the upper part of this build-substance. Of this salt there are two varieties: one ing, and froin holes in their lower surfaces, More recently, a method styled that of in small grains, (blown salt,) and of great a number of endless ropes proceed and pass solar evaporation, has been introduced. whiteness, the other in cubic crystals, around sleepers at the level of the ground. In this the salt is placed in shallow pans (ground salt.) The latter, however, is Beneath these is a reservoir for the brine. beneath moveable roofs, by which the sunless perfect in form, and the crystals of Brine brought, in either of the modes we may be admitted and rain is excluded.less size than are obtained by spontahave mentioned, to the density of 1.14, and It does not, however, appear probable neous evaporation, hence it is of less then concentrated by boiling to 1.23, is in- that this method can be as rapid or as value for curing fish, or for packing meat troduced, without being permitted to cool, economic as those we have mentioned in the dry way. into the troughs, and thence flows over the above. It must, in addition, occupy a vast cords. It is then pumped back and per extent of ground. mitted to flow down a second time; at each passage salt is deposited upon the cords, until the fluid assumes the viscid character of which we have spoken, when it is permit ted to escape into the receptacle provided for the mother water. In this way, the crystalization of the salt, which occupies from seven to eight days in the method of slow boiling, may be completed in seventeen or eighteen hours, and the salt is of superior The coarse or ground salt is prepared quality. There will form, also, in the re-used was wood. The evaporation was at by heating the solution only to 170°, at which it is kept until the evaporation is

servoir beneath, large white crystals of salt. The cords are about a third of an inch in diameter, and when the thickness of the deposit upon them brings the joint diameter to about 24 inches, the salt is removed by an instrument contrived for the purpose of breaking it off, and falling into the reservoir beneath, which must, of course, be then empty, may be collected.

When the first part of the process only is conducted by spontaneous evaporation, no more than 9-10ths of the fuel which would be required to boil away the whole of the water, need be used, and by the mode of crystalization upon ropes, even the half of this is saved, so that the saving is 19-20ths of the whole. Whenever, therefore, a cheap power for the purpose of raising the water, in order that it shall perform its several passages over the ropes, hurdles, or tables, can be obtained, the advantages of these methods are enormous. But it would even be a saving to use steam for raising the water; for, the evaporation of a single cubic foot of water in the boiler of a steam engine will raise eighty cubic feet to the necessary height; and the fire which raises the steam may be at the same time concentrating brine, if the boiler be filled with it instead of fresh water.

At the salt-lick on the Kenhaway, in Virginia, the brine is of great strength, 70 gallons of the water yielding a bushel of salt. This is 5 or 6 times as much as is usually furnished by the salt springs of Europe. Coal is also abundant in the immediate vicinity, and can be obtained at a low price. When these springs were first opeaed,* the waters drawn from a small depth was less rich, and the fuel

Blown or stoved salt is made in Liver. pool by the rapid evaporation of the solution of the rock salt of Cheshire in the tide waters of the Mersey, in large shallow pans of sheet iron. The original boiling point of the solution is 236° Fahr. The Salt, as it forms, is drawn out and put into large baskets of a conical figure. After these have been permitted to drain for a time, they are placed in a stove and dried.

first rapid, and performed in common
potash keitles. To these succeeded shal-completed.
low pans, first of sheet, and finally of cast
iron, which are still employed.

A variety, in still larger crystals, is manufactured for the use of the fisheries by evaporating at the constant temperature of 100°.*

In all the three cases the process ceases when the solution becomes viscid; the remainder is rejected under the name of bittern.

* See HENRY, on Salt.

To be continued.

The water drawn from the tubes, which are sunk 80 or 90 feet into the rock, is first exposed for a few days to the sun and air, by which the carbonic acid with which it is charged is dissipated, and the carbonates of lime and iron, held in solution by excess of that acid, are deposit. ed. The clear liquor is then boiled to dryness, and the salt allowed to drain.— The salt thus obtained is of course in fine grains. Salt in large crystals is also made at the same place by heating the brine to a moderate temperature in large shallow pans, by means of tubes in which said and done with respect to breed in so waste steam from other operations circu-important an animal. We think any thing lates. which throws light on so important a subject, will be acceptable to our readers.




It is a matter of wonder that so little is

From the Baltimore Farmer and Gardener.

7, No. 22.]


Rock salt is sometimes so pure that it be used without any preparation except crushing. In order that it may be [Copied by request from the American Farmer, Vol. transported as an article of merchandise, it is cut into masses of the figure of a bar. rel, which are then enclosed in staves and hoops. The lesser pieces are used in the neighborhood of the mines. Such In the first attempts to make salt froin is the quality of the salt from the mines of the brine springs in the State of New-York, Wieliczska in Poland, and Cardona in no other method than artifical evaporation Spain. was thought of. This was performed in the

dollars value, offered by ROBERT OLIVER, [The premium of a silver cup, of thirty Esq., to the author of the best essay on the natural history of the Mule, and its value for the general purposes of agriculture, in comparison with horses, was awarded by a committee appointed by the Trustees of the Maryland Agricultural Society, to the au

A DISSERTATION ON THE MULE, With the view of promoting an improvement in the breed; and of demonstrating the utility of employing him as a substitute for the horse, in the labors of husbandry, canals, &c. By Samuel WYLLYS POMEROY.


In other mines the rock-salt is mixed iron vessels made for the manufacture of with earthy matter, whence it must be potash. A better boiler was subsequently separated by lixiviation; and tha, ofthor of the following Essay :] introduced, in which the smoke and heated Cheshire in England contains liquid so. air was made to circulate in tubes. The lutions of deliquescent salts, which make salt obtained in the earlier manufacture was it necessary to dissolve and re-crystalize. much impaired in quality by the deli- For the solution of the rock-salt in Cheshquescent chloride of magnesium, and was ire the waters of salt springs which issue not free from the bitter taste given by it from the same formation are employed, and the sulphate of magnesia. In this or the rock-salt is carried to Liverpool, stage of the manufacture, Dr. McNiven where it is dissolved in sea-water. was requested to propose a remedy, which either of these ways the evaporation, he found in adding 1-1000th part of its which is always by artificial heat, may weight of boiling water to the salt placed be performed at the least possible expense in bins, whose bottoms were inclined. of fuel. The process is conducted with This quantity of boiling water being just great skill, as is evident from the great sufficient to dissolve the impurities which purity of the salt it produces, which is a careful analysis showed to exist, and more free from other saline matter than the solubility of common salt being but little increased by boiling, the separation

* See Silliman's Journal for 1834.


-OPINION is the queen of the world; it gives motion to the springs and direction to the wheels of power."-JOHN QUINCY ADAMS.

"Knowledge is power."-BACON.

the crown of Spain, his subjects were pro. hibited, by a severe edict, from wearing tapped hats and long cloaks; which caused

Soon after the accession of Charles III. to

an insurrection that obliged him to flee from Madrid, after witnessing the massacre of nearly one hundred of his Walloon guards;

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and might have terminated in a revolution, || stance, nervous system, and what Malpighi|| with the speed of a high mettled race horse. but for a speedy revocation of the edict and calls the keel, (carina,) bottom, in sporis- The Arabian came, with two protuberbanishment of his ministers. An eminent men's language, is latent in, and derived ances on his back, is considerably larger, writer introduces the history of the occur-irom, the mare. But in its cortical sub- of much stronger form, travels at a pace rence, by observing that "it is easier to stance and outward form, in its mane and seldom exceeding three miles an hour, and conquer half the world than to subdue tail, resembles the ass. Between the feis capable of conveying such burdens, that a single prejudice or error, most na-male ass and the horse, the other kind of tions having a superstitious attachment to those habitudes which they derive from their ancestors, that seemed to come along with them into the world, and with which they were nursed and brought up."

Perhaps it may be deemed by many quite as visionary or absurd, to attempt an introduction of the mule as a substitute for the horse, for the purposes of agriculture and hackney employment, as was the project of the Spanish monarch for compelling his subjects to wear the French costume, to the exclusion of one they had been so long accustomed to look upon "as a distinction which was the birth-right of every true Spaniard," and, as we may suppose, so congenial to the indolent habits for which that nation had long been proverbial.

mule is engendered, whose nature or me-
dullary substance resembles that of the
ass; but its outward form and cortical
structure, or vascular system, that of the



the Arabs style him, emphatically, the ship of the desert; yet they are of the same species-a cross between them breed and constitute another variety, which multiply, and according to Buffon, have the most vigor, and are preferred to all others.

Ancient writers recognize three or four distinct varieties of the ass. According to the learned Dr. Harris, four different races are indicated in the original Hebrew Scrip tures, viz. Para, Chamor, Aton, and Orud.*

The latter kind was called Hinnus by the ancients; hence the modern name Hinny. They were not held in much estimation by the Romans, according to Pliny, who describes them as difficult to manage, and so slow that little service could be derived from The wild ass, (Para,) was a native of them. Buffon has noticed this animal, Arabia Deserta, and those countries which which, he says, "is smaller than the mule, formed the great Babylonian empire. They as it preserves the diminutive stature of the are now found in Southern Tartary, in the Hinnys were seldom propagated; mountainous districts and saline plains of but it is said that a number have lately Persia-are migratory in large herds, visitbeen bred in Spain, probably in conse-ing in winter the northern parts of India, quence of the destruction of mares in the and said to be so fleet that no horse can It must be acknowledged that there are peninsular war, and are represented of good overtake them in the chase. This race are serious, though I trust in this age of im- size, and more beautiful than the mule; frequently alluded to by the inspired poets provement, not insurmountable impedi- that is, they resemble the horse much and prophets; and afford similies diametments-for we have to combat not only he- more. I understand a few have been bred rically opposite to those drawn from the domestic race. relitary prejudices, or, to speak more cor-upon the Spanish Main, no doubt from a The sublime description of rectly, such as have proceeded from a defi- similar cause that led to the system in the former in the book of Job, exhibits such ciency of means and want of knowledge, to de- Spain; and if my information is correct, a contrast, that I trust its insertion in this velope the valuable properties and to subdue some have recently been shipped to the place will not be deemed improper. propensities of a contrary character in this West India Islands, but are by no means hybrid race, but we are met at the thresh- esteemed so hardy, or valuable for service, hold by the same species of pride which the as mules. Spaniards manifested in regard to their costume, founded on the enthusiastic, I may almost say superstitious attachment to the horse.


"Who from the forest ass his collar broke,
And manumized his shoulder from the yoke?
Wild tenant of the waste, I sent him there
Among the shrubs, to breath in freedom's air.
Swift as an a row in his speed he flies;
Sees from afar the smoky city rise;
Scorns the throng'd street, where slavery drags her

The loud voic'd driver and his urging goad;
Where e'er the mountain waves its lofty wood,
A boundless range, he seeks his verdant food."

Notwithstanding mules have a disposition to propagate, there have been but two or three well authenticated instances recorded of their having bred; and those productions It is believed that a vast portion of our were considered monsters. Buffon was fellow-citizens, and I may with propriety indefatigable in his researches on the subadd the people of Great Britain, from whom ject; and although he admits that it is poswe have derived some inveterate prejudices, sible for both males and females to propaas well as those illustrious examples that gate, he is confident that their parents are We find, that at a very early period of have had such a powerful influence in lead- of a species distinct from each other. He sacred history, the common domestic ass ing our country to the high destinies that says, "The ass is not a horse degenerated," (Chamor,) was employed in all the menial await her, do not consider that a mule, es- as some had supposed; "he is neither a labors of a patriarchal family, while a pecially a well bred one, would be in him. stranger, an intruder, nor a bastard-he nobler and more estimable animal (Aton), self and in their view, one of the best form has, like other animals, his family, his was destined to carry the patriarchs, the ed and most distinguished of animals, i cies, and his rank; his blood is pure and well born, and those on whom marks of disthey had never seen a horse-they must ad. untainted, and although his race is less no-inction were to be conferred. They conmit, however, that he holds the second rank ble, yet it is equally good, equally ancient stituted an important item in a schedule of instead of the first-and it is principally as that of the horse." This profound nathe pastoral wealth of those times; of from this circumstance that so little atten-turalist continues a very minute and elo- course, attracted particular attention and tion has been paid to him in both countries quent comparison between the horse and care. David, we are told, had an officer, Comparison is the chief cause of his degra. the ass-some of his expressions I have taapparently of high dignity, appointed exdation-they look at and give their opinionken the liberty to apply to the mule and the pressly to superintend his stud of high bred not of himself, but comparatively with the horse in a preceding paragraph. horse. They seem not aware that he is a mule-that he has all the qualities of his nature, all the gifts attached to the connecting and final link of two distinct species, and think only of the figure and qualities of the horse which are wanting in him, and

It may promote the object in view to enter extensively upon the history of the ass, and we commence with the supposition, that when men became so far civil zed as to have burdens to carry, or required to be carried themselves, this animal was the first domes.

asses, or Atonoth.

There was another race that has been

mentioned by Aristotle, and by Theoprastus, whom Pliny quotes, which they denominated the wild mules that bred (hemi-onos,) and were found in Cappadocia and Africa. There can be but little doubt but this is the Hemionus, or wild mule of the Mongalian

that he ought not to have; for he possesses ticated for that purpose-and it is reason-Tartars, so particularly described by profes

those of more intrinsic value, which the Supreme Author of nature has denied to both of his parents.

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able to infer that those of the least spirit
and most tractable, were put in requisition
in the first instance; when by breeding in
and in, without any care in the selection of
sire or dam, became in process of time de-
generated to a very inferior grade. Be this
as it may, it is an unquestionable fact, that
different races of the ass now exist, pos-
sessing properties as distinct as are found
in the species of camel. For instance, the
Bactrain or single hunched camel, called
the dromedary, by far the most numerous
race, being lightly formed, exhibits great
activity, and is able to traverse vast tracts

There are few subjects of animated nature that have engaged the attention of the most eminent naturalists, more than the genus Equus, to which the horse and ass, with their hybrid offspring, are assigned. Linnæus, with a view to establish, by new arguments, his doctrine or theory of the sexual system of plants, which Spallanzani had attempted to overturn, illustrated their generation by pursuing the chain of nature from the ani mal to the vegetable kingdom; and has taken prominent examples from the two dif ferent productions of mules. He says, A Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants," by "From the mare and male ass proceeds Sir Charles Linnæus-read before the Imperial Acathe mule, properly so called, which in its and which obtained the premium of one hundred dudemy of Sciences at St. Petersburgh, Sept. 6, 1760, nature, that is, in its medullary sub-cats.

* See 66

sor Pallas; and that it is not a hybrid, but actually of the species of ass resembling a ule. This race is id ntified by Dr. Harris with the Orud of Seripture.

The wild ass of Northern and Western Africa, whose flesh was so much admired by the Roman epicures, may, I believe, be raked as another distinct race. Adanson, a French naturalist, who visited the river

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Columella, who in the reign of Emperor Claudius published the most valuable trea. tise on the husbandry and economy of the Romans that has been handed down to us, has given very particular directions for breeding asses and mules. He was a native of Cadiz, and owned estates in Spain, where it appears that the finest mules were then bred.

As it is not requisite to pursue our history of the mule any farther among the ancients, we shall drop their appellation of male and female ass, and adopt the modern one of Jack and JENNET.

Senegal more than half a century ago, de-||races at the Olympic games, in the seven- in that country for near a century past, scribes those brought from the interior by ueth Olympiad, about five hundred yearscarce a line can be found devoted to the the Moors, as so essentially different from before Christ. The Romans, well knew mule, except by Dr. Anderson, who, in his any he had seen in Europe, (probably those their value. Pliny informs us, from Varro, "Recreattons in Agriculture," has made a of Spain, Savoy, or parts of France adjoin- that Q. Axius, a Roman senator, paid four few judicious remarks on the subject. ing,) it was with difficulty he could recog. hundred thousand sesterces, upwards of In Sir George Staunton's account of Lord nize them to be the same species-neither thirteen thousand dollars, for a mule ass, Macartney's embassy to China, we are told do they answer the description of the wild for the propagation of mules. And he says that mules are valued in that economical ass of Asia, of which we have been speak- further, that the profit of a female ass in empire, at a much higher price than horses. ing. But his account of them corresponds breeding stock for the same purpose, was In our own country, prior to the war of the with the diminutive domestic race introdu- estimated in Celteberia, now the kingdom revolution, a few Jacks of an ordinary kind ced from Africa, particularly those from of Valencia, in Spain, at a like sum. We were imported-a small number of mules Senegal and the Cape de Verd Islands; and may inter from a passage in Tacitus, and bred; and all exported to the West Indies. from which the small race now in Europe in Plutarch's life of Marius, that mules were I have reference to New England, as I am and in this country, may with great proba- generally employed to transport the bag- not aware that any attention was paid to bility claim their origin. gage of the Roman armies; and that it is the system in the Middle, or Southern The Arabian ass, like the horse of that not improbable the superior officers rode States, though it is not improbable that country, is considered as the most estima- those of a high grade, having their horses valuable mules may have been raised by the ble of his species-and there are strong rea-led, except when they engaged an enemy. farmers and planters for their own use. sons for concluding that he is descended It seems that the dilletanti of Rome held When peace took place, the price of mules from the Hebrew Aton, so highly valued by them in great estimation; as we are in-in the West Indies excited attention to the Abraham and by the patriarchs, judges, fornied that the mules of Nero and Poppea breeding of them, which was principally and kings, at subsequent periods of sacred were shod with gold and silver-not plates,||confined to Connecticut; and several carhistory; and that the same race has been as iron shoes are now formed, but the goes of the small race of Jacks were impreserved in the ancient land of Uz, in whole hoof enclosed. ported from the Cape de Verd islands, and some degree of purity to the present time. St. Michael's, one of the Azores. It should Indeed, there can be but little doubt on the be observed that the exportation of Jacks subject, if we admit the fact, that the habits, from Spain, or any of her colonies, was manners, and pursuits of the descendants strictly prohibited, and continued to be until of Ishmael have continued, with scarcely an after the Peninsular war. There might iota of variation, from the day they took have been, however, a few smuggled from rank among the nations of the earth. The the Spanish part of Hispaniola into Cape position is greatly strengthened by the inFrancois, and from thence introduced, but formation I received some years since, from they were vastly inferior to the Spanish an intelligent traveller of undoubted veraJacks. From this miserable stock a system city, who had visited Arabia on the south. of breeding mules commenced, the best calwestern side of the peninsula to Mocha; culated to deteriorate any race of animals and on the eastern, as far as the mouth of that has been, or could be devised, since the Tigris. He represented the superior their creation. The purchaser of a Jack race of asses of that country as most beau- Spain has continued to support the repu. when about to commence mule dealer, made tiful-of perfect symmetry, great spirit, aetation for a superior race of mules to the little inquiry concerning him but of his cativity, and vigor. He had seen those that present period; and it is probable that the pacity to propagate a mule. He placed him could not be purchased for less than four or Arabian breed of Jacks were introduced by in a district where there was the greatest five thousand dollars-an enormous price, the Moors, when they held possession of number of mares of qualities so inferior, considering the value of money among these that fine country, which, by crosses, and that their colts would not compensate their people. I understand from him, that the the effects of climate and soil, have formed owners for the expense of taking them to a Arabs were as tenacious of preserving the two valuable races: which we shall notice horse, and contracted to purchase their pedigree of their horses, as the most careful in the sequel. The Portuguese race have mules at four months old. Those are kept breeder for the turf in England-and not been generally considered as differing but in herds, with precarious shelter in winter, less so of their asses. The descent of some little from the Spanish; those, however, having ample opportunities afforded them of them they trace to those in the train of that have come within my view appear evi- to mature and transfer that propensity for the queen of Sheba, when she visited Solo-dently inferior. It was not until near the kicking, which seems at first merely playmon-as they also do that of their horses to ful, into an habitual meaus of defence, to the numerous stud of that wise and gallant be exercised when the biped or any other king. race of animals approach them. In this kicking seminary they remain two years, and are then driven to market. At subsequent periods, a few Jacks of higher grades were procured, from which a small number of good sized mules were bred, and a few of them broke. The breed of Jacks have somewhat improved, and mule dealers are now locate in most of the New England States, and some parts of New York. But the system as above detailed, with few exceptions, has continued; and it is from such a race of Jacks, and such a system of breed. ing and management, that the mules have been produced, with which the farmers and planters of Maryland, Virginia, and the Southern States, have been supplied from New England; and such have furnishad a criterion for a great portion of our countrymen to form an estimate of the value and properties of this degraded animal, It aftords great pleasure to be enabled, for 2 short time at least, to pursue our investigations in a higher sphere.

close of the sixteenth century, that coaches were used in France; before which, it is said, the nobles rode to court, parliament, Dr. Harris supposes the wild ass (Para,) &c., on mules that were brought from the to be the Onager of the ancients; and that vicinity of the Alps and Pyrenees. They the Aton was of a different kind. My im were usually black, of large size, well made, pressions coincide with the opinion of the and mostly bred from fine Sponish mares. learned divine-but may not writers of dif Savoy has long been noted for an excellent ferent periods have confounded the wild ass breed of mules. None very extraordinary with the Aton in their representations of are found in Italy, those used by the Vel Onager? for it is not improbable, but that terino, are strong and ef a respectable size, the Aton was of the most improved breed but of a sluggish and debased spirit. Very known, produced from crosses of a choice I ttle can be said of those animals iu Great selection of the domestic, the wild ass, and the Hemionus, or wild mule-which last professor Pallas recommends to complete the perfection of the species. This supposition is supported by Buffon, who infers as a certain fact, that by a cross of the remotest of different races of the ass, the most beautiful productions are obtained.

Mules were in use and highly esteemed at a remote period of antiquity; and are mentioned in Scripture as of importance in the equipage of princes. Herodotus, who is styled the father of profane history. frequently speaks of them; and it is known that they were introduced in the chariot

Neibuhr remarks, "there are two sorts of asses in Arabia: the smaller, or lazy ass, as little valued there as in Europe; and a large and high spirited breed, which are greatly valued, and sell at a very high price; I preferred them to the horse." See Neibuhr's Travels in Arabia.

Britain. The Catholic prelates brought
over a number of superb mules, prior to the
Reformation, but in the reign of Elizabeth
so little was known of them, that a writer
of that peaiod says, "in Devonshire some
were produced by a Jack brought from
France, and were knocked on the head by
the people, who viewed them as monsters."
A superior race of mules were bred in
Flanders, from Jacks introduced by the
Spanish monarchs while they held domin.
ion in that country. Fifty of them were
brought to England by the Duke of Cumber-
land, presented him by the Empress Queen, Several of my friends who had viewed the
and from their beautiful appearance en- Jacks and mules at Mount Vernon, in the life
gaged the attention of a few individuals; time of Gen, Washington, gave such glow-
but the spirit soon subsided. Notwith-ing descriptions of them, and understanding
standing those who bred and used them, that part of that stock was inherited by
were warm in praise of their utility. George W. P. Custis, Esq., I was induced
to address a few queries to him on this sub-
ject; this gentleman with his characteristic

Among a voluminous mass of treatises on agriculture and rural economy, published


wholly of well decayed leaves (but a small portion of common garden earth being add. ed), pots four inches in diameter at the top, and four deep, were filled with it: two or three small pieces of broken pots we first placed over the hole in the bottom of each. The seeds were then sown, three in each pot, covering them about half an inch deep: the pots were then plunged under the centre light, in the middle of the bed, bringing them up as nigh as possible to the glass, that they might receive all the benefit of the air admitted into the bed. Thus prepared, the sashes were shut tight, and at night covered up warm. This variety (the Southgate) we have found to be the best, having tried it for several years: the seed is rarely to be found of genuine quality; and, from this cause, it has been pronounced inferior, by some growers; but we believe no kind to be earlier, or give a greater quantity of fruit. Temperature of the bed, 65°; of the soil, 75°.

urbanity, very promptly furnished replies,perature, at one o'clock, P. M., of about 4° with liberty to make such use of them as above freezing (32°). Considerable snow pleased, and I cannot do better than to lies upon the ground, which fell in the transcribe them from a letter received month of December last. Preparations, about three years since. Mr. Custis ob-however, have been made, to put the pit into operation. The soil which remained in the "The ROYAL GIFT and KNIGHT OF MAL- bed (about four inches in depth) being someTA, were sent to General Washington about what frozen, the sashes have been placed the year 1787; the Gift, with a JENNET, a on, and the front doors covered with straw present from the King of Spain; and said or hay at night, the sashes have been cov. to have been selected from the royal stud.ered with mais and hay, in order that the The Knight I believe was from the Marquis heat from the sun during the day might be de la Fayette, and shipped from Marseilles. retained. One or two squares of glass The Gift was a huge and ill shaped Jack, which were broken have been repaired, and near sixteen hands high, very large head, every thing put in readiness to proceed with clumsy limbs, and to all appearance little the forcing. [We have memoranda taken calculated for active service; he was of a from the year 1830 to the present time. The grey colour, probably not young when im reason why we select that of 1832, is, that ported, and died at Mount Vernon but little we were more successful in our mode of valued for his mules, which were unwieldy cultivation than the two years previous. and dull. The Knight was of a moderate The quantity of fruit was considerably size, clean limbed, great activity, the fire greater, and the vines much more luxuriant; and ferocity of a tiger, a dark brown, near the forcing was also commenced nearly two ly black colour, white belly and muzzle; months sooner. From the latter cause 29th, 30th, 31st. Weather more mode. could only be managed by one groom, and alone, we have selected the above named rate, with rain; the air in the bed has now that always at considerable personal risk. year, as the later forcing is commenced, the cquired a greater heat, as also the soil. He lived to a great age, and was so infirm easier it is carried on,-the inclemency of February 1st. The heat of the bed to. towards the last as to require lifting. He our winters, the great quantity of snow day is very brisk. The bright sunshine died on my estate in New Kent, in the State which often falls, and the severe cold, ren- and the moderate temperature of the weath of Virginia, about 1802 or 3. His mules dering it extremely difficult and uncertamer, combined, air is admitted in greater were all active, spirited, and serviceable; in the months of January and February quantity. From the want of this, the plants and from stout mares attained considerable and where the old hot bed system is pur- which appeared above the soil in the pots sued, the labor and uncertainty is still great- this morning, are somewhat drawn up, and er. In the following notes, extracted from show the greater necessity of giving air our Journal, we have occasionally added when the seeds are in the first state of vege some observations. But we think this me. tation, as well as when the plants are in a thod will be better understood, than if we more advanced and progressive age. It is made no reference to dates, and merely de-a tailed our mode of cultivation.]


"General Washington bred a favourite Jack called COMPOUND, from the cross of Spanish and Maltese. The Knight upon the imported Spanish Jennet. The Jack was a very super.or animal; very long bodied, well set, with all the qualities of the Knight, and the weight of the Spanish. He was sire of some of the finest mules at Mount Vernon, and died from accident. The General bred mules from his best coach mares, and found the value of the mule to bear a just proportion to the value of the dam. Four mules sold at the sale of his effects, for upwards of $300; and two more pairs at upwards of $400 each pair; one pair of these mules were nearly sixteen hands high. The only Jacks I know of at present, of the genuine Mount Vernon stock, are, one sold by me to Judge Jolinson, of South Carolina, for five hundred dollars, at two years old; one given by me to William Fitzhugh, Esq., of Ravensworth, and one which I believe is possessed by my uncle, George Calvert, Esq., Riversdale.

The Jack purchased by Judge Johnson,

striking instance of the want of air, as well as light, to see the cotyledons, or seed leaves, of plants thickly sown, as soon as they appear above the ground, stretch for ward eagerly to cath the first glance of the sun's reviving rays, each one seeming to advance above the other, as if fearing it would be deprived of an equal portion of his refreshing power. Air was admitted 23d. This morning the mercury fell as about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, by tilting low as 5°. The soil in the bed still re-up the sashes at the back of the pit about mais partly frozen; but the sun shining very bright, has thawed the surface. Ten barrows of manure, fresh, and in a good state of fermentation, were added to-day. The doors were closed tight, and hay and straw put against the crevices, and in front of them, by placing up square pieces of board. The sashes were covered at night with one thickness of bass mats; on top of these, soft hay, to the thickness of three or

Jan. 21st. The snow, which commenced falling last evening, and continued through the night, covering the ground to the depth of about two and a half inches, has rendered it somewhat inconvenient to add the ma. nure to the pit to-day. Temperature in the open air, at sunrise, 33'.

I have understood, has a very high reputa-four inches, and on the hay, one more thick

tion in the south.

"Upon losing my groom, (Peter) who was the first and last groom to the Mount Vernon Jacks, I parted with my stock.

"There are many Jacks that have come into the country of late years, but of their value and properties I am unable to speak: though I rather presume that they are generally small, and only fitted to get mules for the cotton cultivation in the light lands of the south. Some very fine mules are raised about Hagerstown, Maryland, from Jacks of the old breed; they are bred from stout

wagon mares.

(To be continued.)

From the American Garderner's Magazine for March.




ness of mats. A few narrow strips of
boards were then put on, to prevent the
wind from blowing the covering off, should
it blow violently during the night.

half an inch. If the air is sharp, a bass mat should be laid over the apertures, to prevent the plants being too suddenly chilled. A pan of soft water was placed in the bed this morning, to become heated to the same temperature, in order to water the plants as soon as needed. The plants looking thus flourishingly, if the weather con tinues moderate, a good growth may be expected. To give the temperature of the air in the bed, as well as the soil, as taken three times each day, would occupy considerabe room; we have therefore concluded, from the want of space, to give the tempe rature every three or four days (three times each day, viz., morning, noon and night), it varying very little in the intermediate time. We think this a better mode than to give a long table of figures for each month. The dates will, also, only be given 25th. Rainy; temperature 50°, and to when any thing of importance has occurred; day the heat in the bed began to rise; tem-as, often, for two or three days, nothing was perature 500, at sunrise. The sashes cov. ered, as mentioned the 24th, every night. 26th. Temperature, at sunrise, zero; snow fell during last night, to the depth of five inches. Temperature of the bed, at sunrise, 50°.

24th. The weather to-day moderate; temperature, at sunrise, 29; cloudy, and little misty. Added eight barrows more of manure, and stirred the whole well together. Covered up as on the previous evening.

27th. Temperature, 13° below zero. In consequence of the extreme cold, could not open the bed without the fear of losing much heat. Temperature of the bed, 54°. 28th. Thermometer 8° below zero. CuJanuary 20th, 1832.-The weather, all the cumber seed planted to-day. The kind best month, up to this date, has been very fine, adapted to forcing being considered the true and accompanied with but little severe cold, Southgate, this kind was planted. The the thermometer indicating an average tem-soil in the beds being composed almost

done but to give air each day; watering the plants, if requiring it, and covering up the sashes at night. The covering up of the sashes is very important, as it tends greatly to keep an even temperature. That which we have found to answer the best purpose, and guard against the cold in the most efficient manner, was a covering of mats and hay, laid on as mentioned previously: this should be continued until April, on no ac count omitting a single night, however favorable the weather may be at sunset; for we have repeatedly known the thermome ter to stand at 32° at that time, and fall as low as zero before daylight.

plants were slightly watered. Three pots more of cucumber seeds were sown to-day, in order to have a few plants to replace the others, should they meet with any accident by which their growth would be retarded. We have sometimes had those of the first sowing damp off when the weather had continued cloudy for some days, especially when they were first hilled out, it being very difficult to prevent this; while those still growing in pots can be kept dry or moist at pleasure; and answer, as a resource, in any case.

7th. A barrow full of soil (leaf mould and loam) was added to-day: the roots again showing themselves on the surface of the hills, as soon as it became well warmed, it was drawn up over them; the plants look strong, and now require considerable water. Temperature, 66°, 68°, 66°.

4th. Temperature of the air in the bed, eight, the latter part of the month, and daily sprinkled with water warmed to the 64°, 75°, 66°; of the soil, 75°. Air was ad- should be covered in the afternoon, as early temperature of the bed, and the sashes shut mitted in greater quantity to-day, the sashes as five o'clock in the former, and at half past down early in the afternoon, in order to being opened an inch at the back. Theive the latter part of the mouth. A quan-cause the steam to rise, as this greatly retity of leaf mould and loam should, on the freshes the plants. There is no better sign first opportunity, be collected together, and that they are in a flourishing state, than in readiness to earth round the plants. No when, on opening the sashes in the mornkind of soil answers so well for cucumbers,ing, small drops of water stand on the edges during the first month of their growth, as of the leaves; when this is not perceived, decayed leaves; indeed, we have seen it the air is not moist enough, and a slight alone recommended as the best throughout sprinkling of water should be given, upon the growth of the plants, from the sowing closing the sashes at night. The plants, of the seed to the maturing of the fruit: we till the middle of the month, should be wahave, however, always found that the plants tered about ten o'clock in the morning. run too much to vines in such a soil, and, Temperature, 68°, 80°, 68°. although the fruit was the largest, of the deepest tint of green, and in every way su7th. To-day, two barrows of fresh ma-perior, both as regards appearance and qualnure were added, the heat having subsided ity, still we believe a small portion of light a little. Temperature, 60°, 64°, 60°; of the loam added to the above nained soil, when soil, 70°; this being too low for their suc- the plants have been hilled out a week or cessful growth. two, renders the vines more prolific of fruit, 10th. The plants of the last sowing, up and less luxuriant and rapid in their growth. 10th. To-day, three barrows of the old to-day; look healthier than the first, from We have measured leaves on our vines fif-manure were taken out, and three of fresh their longer time of vegetating. The tem-teen inches in diameter. We once had the added in the room. The plants have now perature of the open air being moderate, pleasure of showing our plants, when in a attained a good size, and begin to show (above 32°,) and the weather fine, more air vigorous state of growth, to an excellent flower buds. More soil was drawn over was given; the plants acquiring more practical gardener, who had grown cucum-the surface of the hills, and the plants wastrength and vigor every day. bers for many years; he appeared astonish- tered more freely. Temperatuae, 62°, 78°, 14th. Added four barrows of manure to ed at their luxuriance, and hinted that some 70°; of the soil, 80°. the pit to-day: Temperature, 64°, 65°, 63°; extraordinary pains had been taken with 13th. Weather continues moderate; the of the soil, 75°. Cucumbers of the first them; the soil showed for itself, and pure heat of the bed very brisk, since the addisowing, show their rough leaves. water alone had been made use of; but so tion of the last manure. More soil was 17th. Heat brisker, and more air admit- certain was our friend that they had re-added, to be in readiness to earth round the ted. Temperature, 66°, 66°, 64°. The ceived stronger food, that, although we most plants; it is very important that this should, plants being in a vigorous state of growth, positively averred such was not the fact, we as well as all soil that is added, be put in a barrow of soil, composed of two thirds could not convince him to the contrary, and three or four days before wanted for use; leaf mould, and one third light loam, was he left us firm in his own suspicions. always placing it near the back of the bed, added to the bed, and placed under the cen The plants were all topped at the first in order that it may be easier warmed, the tre of each light, that it might become joint, at this time; this is an operation up- sun shining with its full force upon it. The heated, and ready for hilling the plants in-on which there is a variety of opinions; moisture is sooner evaporated, than it would to, in a day or two. some stating that it injures the vines, with-be in the front of the bed; and as, early in out attaining the end in view; others that the season, it often happens, that it cannot they are benefitted in a great degree; some, be procured only in a very wet state, it is that it is a matter of little consequence, desirable to place it in this situation. Temneither forwarding nor retarding the forc-perature, 66, 82°, 70°; of the soil, 85°. ing; and others, that the period of produ- 17th. Heat still continues rather brisk, cing fruit is materially shortened. The and the plants are growing very finely. The object of the operation is to keep the plants roots again showing themselves on the surfrom running too much to vines, thus fill-face of the hills, the soil was drawn over ing the bed without produting fruit, and them, which was placed in the bed three or to render them at once fruitful, by forcing four days since. The object in hilling up them to throw out, first, blossoms, and af- the plants from time to time, as well as the terwards, runners. We have tried both addition of soil to the bed at different perimethods, as well as the experiment of pinch- ods, rather than adding all at once, is to ing off some plants at the first, some at the prevent dampness, and a diminution of heat second, and some at the third joint as re- from the quantity of moisture which the gards the three latter modes, there is but a soil would contain. The plants now require 24th. The sudden change of the weather slight difference; indeed, at the first or se- considerable water, which should be given, since yesterday, has caused a decline of the cond joint, none; but to let the plants grow from time to time, as soon as the sun's rays heat in the bed, and four barrows of fresh without stopping them at all, we have found leave the sashes. Temperature, 65°, 65°, manure were added to-day; the ends of the a very bad practice, and one which we can- 63°; of the soil, 70°. roots of the plants having protruded through not too strongly guard the young practitioner the soil, and shown themselves on the sur- against pursuing. We would here suggest face, more earth was drawn up round the to those, who would wish to satisfy themhills, and the plants sparingly watered. selves fully upon this subject, the propriety Temperature, 60°, 60°, 60°; of the soil, 70°. of instituting a series of experiments, which 27th. The second rough leaves of the may be thus performed:-Let four hills of plants begin to show themselves to-day: plants be taken; pinch off the plants in one the heat of the bed having become very hill, at the first joint; in the second, at the brisk, since the addition of the last manure second joint; the third, at the third joint; the plants are growing rapidly; the weather and in the fourth, let the plants take their being more moderate, considerable air was own course: when they come into blossom, admitted. The pan for containing water let the time be noted down, as also, when should be kept constatly filled, ready for use. they come into fruit; this will give a corMarch 1st. During the last month the rect and satisfactory view of the practice. covering was taken off of the bed, between It is from such observation that we are ennine and ten o'clock in the morning, accord-abled to state actual results. There has ing to the severity of the weather; but of been so much written upon this seemingly tener at the latter than at the former hour: trifling subject, and so much doubt still exit was also covered up as soon as the sun's ists, with many gardeners, that we have rays left the sashes. During this month been thus particular in our remarks. Temthe sun shining with greater power, it perture, 68°, 72°, 68°; of the soil, 78°. should be uncovered as early as nine o'clock in the morning, the former, and at half past

20th. Plants hilled out to-day. The soil was raised up to within eight inches of the glass; a hole sufficiently large to receive the plants was made in each hill, and turning them from the pots, very carefully, so as not to disturb the soil, were placed therein; the earth was drawn up round the stems of each, close to the seed leaves, as from the stems roots proceed; and the plants grow much more stocky and strong, and are less liable to damp off. A light sprinkling of water should be given, and the sashes closed, that a gentle steam may be generated, which will greatly refresh the plants. This operation should be performed in the middle of the afternoon of a fair day.

5th. The weather becoming more mild, the bed retains the heat; the plants are

20th. The inclemency of the weather, the last three days, has caused the heat of the bed to abate considerably, and, in consequence, two barrows of old manure were removed, and three of fresh added. We would here mention, that, when fresh ma. nure is added, it should be in a moist state: to put it in, as it is frequently taken away from the stable heap, in a dry heat, is a very injudicious practice, and should be carefully avoided. When, however, no other is at hand, the barrows full, as they are taken to the bed, should have two or three pails of water added to each, and the whole, when thrown into the pit, well forked to gether. We have occasionally opened the doors, and thrown in several pails of water, and after the whole was well forked up, the heat would be brisk for four or five days. This should not be forgotten, as it is a saving of considerable manure, where it is not easily to be had, but is brought from a considerable distance.

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