Lapas attēli

repairs required by the machinery at any of the establishments are made, and all this work is furnished at short notice, and according to a proper scale of prices established by the Directors, being such as shall afford a reasonable and fair profit only to the concern.

This establishment, of which Major Whistler now has the chief direction, under its wise regulations is of vast importance to all the factories at Lowell. Another department has lately been added, viz. for building locomotive engines, cars for pas sengers and merchandise, and for doing the repairs on the same.

tories do.

In regard to the first part of your order, respecting the relative position of the Road to the Pennsylvania public improvements, I have been able, as the map accompanying will show, to furnish the information desired. I have also submitted a table from No. 1 to 8, showing the distances of the different routes contemplated, both by Railroad and Canal, from the Maryland waters to the Ohio River; also the distance from Philadelphia by the Pennsylvania routes to the Ohio River.

bushels of corn has been raised to the acre

from time immemorial.

great disadvantages I labor under in making while a portion of theirs will be by Canal: up an opinion, even satisfactory to myself, What a vast field is here presented to our much less such an one as will be of much enterprising merchants! for it is not only utility or benefit to the Council. the trade of the rich and fertile country bordering on the Susquehanna, she has by this Road opened to her,--although that is a prize worth contending for,-when we consider the vast body of rich flats on the Susquehanna, when its various branches pass the Genesee country, and the ease with which the produce of the Genesee River can be brought to the navigable part of the Canestoe, it will appear, as a writer says, treating of the country, "that the quantity of Hemp alone which may be collected at First rate locomotives have already been built here, superior, as I am assured from You will at once perceive, by casting your Tioga or Painted Post, will be incalculable.” The flats on the Genesee and Canoscrago good authority, to any which can be im-eye over the map by the very great advanported from England. Several tenders and tages that accrue to Baltimore by the Sus-creeks alone, cannot be estimated at less than quehanna Railroad, independent of those eightly miles in length, and two in breadth, cars have also been built, and if any repairs that will necessarily follow by a connection forming a body of land of about eighty thouare required on engines, tenders or cars, with the Pennsylvania works of Internal Im- sand acres, and every acre about eighteen they are run directly into the shop, where each and every part of the same can be provements already completed. Although feet deep of black mould, where one hundred not embraced in your order, I be may pereasily inspected, and all defects or injuries mitted to call your attention to the fact, that are detected and repaired; and all these things are accomplished at reasonable this Road is destined, ere long, to open as But there is still a more valuable prize prices. The Railroad stands in the same rich a harvest to the enterprising people of open to Baltimore by this Road. Those relation to the machine shop that the fac- Baltimore, as that contemplated by a con- who have not made it their business to inThe Railroad corporation has nection with the Pennsylvania works, for form themselves of the advantages of this all the advantages of this excellent esta- besides the improved communication which route to the far west, can have no concepblishment without the risk, expense, outlay Pennsylvania has formed directly with the tion of the rich harvest that is opening to of capital, or trouble, which would attend west, she has opened other channels along them. Let the eye for a moment trace on the setting up of a machine shop for the the Susquehanna Valley, which, by no very the map a wide and extended country emaccommodation of the Railroad only. I extensive prolongation, will form for her, bracing whole States and territories, and consider this machine shop as adding seve- connections with the Erie Canal, and through those filling up with a rapidity unparalleled, ́ ral per cent. to the value of the capital it with the great northern lakes. From Wil- composed, as that population is, too, of the liamsport, which is on the west branch of hardy and enterprising yeomanry of our the Susquehanna, and on the line of her country; washed, as this fertile country is, The capital State improvements to Elmira or New by the mighty inland seas, Lakes Superior, is fifteen hundred thousand dollars, which Town, in the State of New-York, the coun- Huron, Michigan and Erie. Illinois is also is fully adequate for completing the Rail-try has been surveyed by Major Bache, Uni- awakening to her best interest, by opening road with the second track, and procuring ted States Topographical Engineer, who, in a communication, either by Canal or Railall necessary engines, tenders, cars, fix- his report made to Congress, states that a road, from the head of navigation of the Illitures, &c., and the income must certainly Railroad from Williamsport to Elmira, may nois River to Lake Michigan, Congress increase. I think it more certain than be executed without having to contend with having granted every alternate section of the Bank Stock. It is owned mostly by saga- any very extraordinary difficulties, or those land on the line of the contemplated improvecious capitalists. Those who are most requiring expenditures beyond other works ment for that purpose. Nature, indeed, has familiar with the history of the road, its of the same description. Elmira is at the nearly herself completed the work, for one location, its mode of construction, its capa- head of the Chemung Canal, through which of the head streams of the Illinois rises withbilities and prospects of income, have be- it has a communication with Seneca Lake, in ten miles of Lake Michigan, and boats of come owners of large quantities of the stock. which is connected by a short Canal (20 five tons burthen have already, at certain seaI see no reason why the result of this en miles,) with the Erie Canal. The same sons of the year, passed through it to the lake. terprise should not be equal to that of the authority goes on to state, that it is in con- This river falls into the Mississippi at the Liverpool and Manchester Railroad." templation to connect the Internal Improve-town of Alton, and passes through the largest ments of New-York and Pennsylvania, by body of rich land of equal extent in the known uniting the Pnnsylvania Canal, at Wil-world, and I think the prediction not extravaliamsport, with the Chemung Canal at Elmi-gant that the Illinois will bear upon its bosom, When this takes place, a choice of one day, fully as large an amount of the vamarkets will at once be open to the products luable products of the rich valley of the Misof this wide extended and fertile district of sissippi, as the noble and beautiful river that country. Baltimore will then be placed in a situation to compete with her powerful neighbors, New-York and Philadelphia, for the immense trade that must necesrarily flow through this channel.

stock of this Railroad.

This stock yields at the beginning about eight per cent. per annum.



To the President of the First Branch

of the City Council of Baltimore:

Sir,-In compliance with an order of the First Branch in the following words, this report is respectfully submitted.

Ordered, that the Director on the part of the city in the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad Company report to this Branch, the relative position of that Road to the public improvement, in the State of Pennsylvania, and what advantage, if any, the position of said Road occupies in relation to the western waters, by reason of its connection with the Pennsylvania works and any other projected communication with the

western waters.

From my recent connection with the Road, it will be readily perceived, the very


gives naine to one of the States of this hapby Union, the Ohio. It also opens to us a direct communication, by Railroad, and Canal, and steamboats, with New-Orleans. If Baltimore is only true to herself, a large porAlthough New-York can boast of her tion of the trade of this extensive country more ready access, at al seasons of the year, may be made to flow into her bosom; for to the ocean than Baltimore, yet she would you will observe that the natural channel for have to contend with a difference of distance it to take is through the lakes; and the Falls of one hundred and ten miles in favor of of Niagara offering insurmountable obstaBaltimore, and should the Railroad reach cles to its further progress by the lakes, it is the point contemplated on the Susquehanna, compelled to seek the Erie Canal, and then it will be a difference of about thirty miles the competition to secure it must be between in favor of Baltimore over Philadelphia. In New-York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. addition to that, we afford a whole line of That we may put in a claim for a large porRailroad from Harrisburg to Baltimore,|| ticn of it has before been fully shown, arising

from the advantages of our local relations to|| this country, compared with those of the two other cities mentioned.

What a field is here opened to Baltimore, what a stimulant to arouse her to exertion, to know that she is placed in a situation to enable her to contend, and that successfully too, with her proud rival, New-York, for this valuable trade.

Recurring again to your orders, you will observe on the map presented, as well as the table accompanying it, that all the advantages of the main line of Internal Improvements in Pennsylvania, resulting to Philadelphia, must, in a greater degree, operate in favor of Baltimore, so that for all the purposes of intercourse with the west, Baltimore is more favorably located than either of her rival sisters, Philadelphia and NewYork; and what is still better, all those advantages are comparatively of small cost to us, and such is our connection with the improvements of Pennsylvania and New-York, that it will be impossible for them to make any improvements affording greater facilities for either of their commercial emporiums to the west, without Baltimore having the full advantage of them, and that, too, without the expenditure of a single additional dollar. The Susquehanna Railroad Company have already funds in hand sufficient to complete the Road to its destined point.

No. 5. thing turns up to prevent, will be open for Philadelphia to Columbia, Railtravel to York in the course of twelve months.

P. S. The Susquehanna Railroad, if no-||

Route to the Ohio River. No. 1.

Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, Railroad,

Harper's Ferry to Cumberland, Railroad,

Cumberland to Youghagenny River, Railroad, Youghagenny River to Brownsville, Railroad, Brownsville to Wheeling, Railroad,

Total distance from Baltimore to Wheeling, Railroad,

No. 2. Baltimore to Brownsville, Railroad, as above, Brownsville to Pittsburg,

Total distance from Baltimore to Pittsburg,

No. 21.

Baltimore to Harper's Ferry, Railroad,

Harper's Ferry to Cumberland, Railroad,

Cumberland to Youghagenny River, by Railroad, with a grade across the mountains, not exceeding 50 feet to the mile, Youghagenny River to Brownsville,

Brownsville to Wheeling,

No. 23. Baltimore to Brownsville, as above Brownsville to Pittsburg,

No. 3.

Now, whether from the fact of this Road placing us on an equal footing with Philadelphia and New-York, it would not be better for us to husband up our resources, to exert all our energies in supplying our market with an assortment of merchandise equal to our two rivals in trade, and to be able to offer the same indulgence to our customers; for unless you can offer the same inducements to merchants from the west and south to make their selections of you, it will be in vain; all your attempts to secure their custom, though you offer them a road to the west through every avenue of your city, for they will only use them for travel and for the conveying of merchandise purchased in other cities. And indeed, who is there among us that has not witnessed with regret the large amount annually of merchandise passing through our city, belonging to men too who first gave us their preference, but find-Baltimore to York, Railroad, ing the assortment incomplete, went to the York to Columbia, north, made their purchases, and sent their Columbia to Holidaysburgh, Cagoods back by your own doors to the west. nal, Will this course of things not continue Holidaysburgh to Johnstown Porteven if you should make fifty Railroads and age, Railroad, Canals to the west, unless you offer such Johnstown to Pittsburg, advantages as to make it an object with them to stop with you? unless you do this, you may purchase their produce and NewYork and Philadelphia will get the money, you may buy, and they will sell, and I think it will require no very great stretch of reasoning to show which will be the gainer or loser by such a trade. No city, I believe, could sustain itself long by buying alone. As you are furnished with a map and table of distances by the different routes to the west, I must leave it to the wisdom of the Councils to decide the value of each, either, or all the contemplated works of Internal Improvement to the Ohio River.



Total distance from Baltimore to Pittsburg,

No. 4. Baltimore to York, Railway, York to Middletown, do. Middletown to Hollidaysburg, Ca

nal, Hollidaysburgh to Johnstown Portage, Railroad, Johnstown to Pittsburg, Canal,

Total distance from Baltimore to Pittsburg,


Columbia to Hollidaysburgh, Canal,

Hollidaysburgh to Johnstown, Railroad, Miles. Johnstown to Pittsburg, Canal,





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

and increasing business upon them, and so Much expense was incurred in clearing a better condition than it has been for sevecontinued until they were closed by ice.- out the bottom of this line of Canal, princi-[[ral years past, though the superintendent enThe weather, in the month of November, pally on that part between the head of the tertains some fears that the winter and spring was mild and favorable for business, until lock at Frankfort and the city of Utica, amay have an unfavorable influence on the after the twentieth, and the change was so distance of about nine miles. This being navigation of next season, and the expense sudden and unexpected as to prevent a great the east end of the long level, and no im- of repairs next spring. amount of property reaching its places of portant feeder nearer than Rome, it was destination to the great injury of its owners, often depressed, when the lockages were and forwarders, and of the loss to the State frequent, to the great inconvenience of navi of the toll upon it. Notwithstanding the gators. The removing of the deposites early and unlooked for closing of navigation, from the bottom, and in several places exmore business has been done, and a greater cavating below the original bottom, have amount of toll has been received on the Ca-in a great measure removed this inconvenals than in any former year.

The Commissioners will proceed to give a general statement of the principal repairs that have been made upon the Canals since the time included in their last annual report.



The decayed state of the aqueduct at Rochester permitted a considerable quantity of water to filtrate through the joints, which had a tendency to hasten the decay of the stone in the parapet walls and arches. To obviate this, the trunk was lined with plank last spring, and it had the desired effect. The unfavorable operation of last winter and spring, on the stone in the aqueduct, produced a visible change; and so threatening was the aspect of one of the arches, that it was deemed necessary to raise a bent of timber under it, to render it secure. This arch is on the west side of the water course of the river, and the bent is secure from its floods.

The contracted channel of the Canal from Lockport to Pendleton, has for several years been insufficient to pass conveniently the quantity of water necessary to supply the Canal to the Seneca river. In order to force through this channel the desired quantity of water, the dam at the mouth of the Tonewanta creek has been maintained through the season of navigation six feet above the bottom of the Canal. This has an injurious effect on the low lands adjoining the stream.

Canal should be commenced at this place, The contemplated enlargement of the at an early period, in order that an adequate quantity of water may be sent forward from Lake Erie, the country redeemed from evils which have been mentioned, and the annual expenses for repairs diminished.

this report, have been made upon this Canal, Repairs, other than those mentioned in which, in the aggregate, amount to a large sum; but if stated singly, would appear of too trifling a character to find a place in an annual report. Great expense was incurred the last winter and spring, in removing obstructions from the bottom and sides of the Canal; and it is believed that a better and less interrupted navigation was maintained the last than in any previous season.

Pursuant to the act in relation to the Erie

A new culvert has been constructed, to discharge the water from the weigh-lock at Albany into the Hudson river; of stone laid in hydraulic cement, one hundred and fifty feet in length, seven feet wide at the bottom, four and a half feet high, arched and covered with earth. The foot of the lock has been rebuilt and a culvert gate added, to facilitate the discharge of water. When the water in the river was high, it set up to this lock and prevented its use. To reme- Measures have for some time been in a dy this inconvenience, new irons to suspend state of preparation to rebuild the aqueduct, the bed or cradle, on which boats rest, have and the work would have been put under been procured, made with screws to adjust contract last spring, had it not become nethe cradle to any desirable height. These cessary to suspend the proceedings, until irons, it is calculated, will answer for a the question of enlargement was decided. weigh-lock after the canal is enlarged; and The Commissioners are aware that the failbelieved to be capable of sustaining a weight ure of this important appendage to the Erie Canal, passed May 11, 1835, the Commisof one hundred and seventy tons. Canal, in the season of navigation, might sioners submit the following Report: From the head of the four locks above produce distressing consequences. This the Cohoes Falls, and including the first lock event is not expected the coming seaAfter the passage of this act, all proceedwest of the aqueduct at the Little Falls: son; but it is thought that a proper regardings under the act to provide for the imDuring the past season the piers that sup- for an uninterrupted navigation would jus-provement of the Canals of this State, passport the trunk of the lower aqueduct tify the expense of procuring materials for ed May 6th, 1834, were suspended, exacross the Mohawk river, have been secured a trunk of wood, in case the aqueduct should cept the payment of damages that had been from the action of the frost, and the running fail. These materials are in a state of preappraised, and the construction of wasteice in the river, by enclosing them with paration, to be delivered in the spring; and weirs and races to carry water around locks. frames of timber, planked on the sides. if the condition of the aqueduct then should The work appears to have been done in a render it necessary, the timber will be substantial manner, and the piers may be framed, the plank jointed, and every thing considered secure while the timber retains put in such a state of readiness as to occuits strength. py but a short time in fitting it for use.If the event for which this preparation is made should not happen, but little damage would ensue, as the timber and plank could be disposed of, or used elsewhere on the Canal.

On several of the short levels, and at other places below the locks, the force with which the water is discharged from the locks has broken the walls, and displaced the stone which had been put on the face of the bank as a protection. Timber on the top During the last season of navigation of the wall at some places, and docking at three breaches have occurred on this section others, is found to be a good repair, and of Canal. They caused but little interrupbetter than a wall of the ordinary descrip- tion, and were repaired for $265 21. tion. For this purpose, 307 rods of Canal have been secured in the manner described. as usual, required heavy expenditures.The line from Lockport to Pendleton has, On this section there have been erected During last winter 8,293 cubic yards of 29 new bridges; several have been repair-earth were excavated preparatory to the ed and the covering renewed. The almost reception of timber and plank, as a foundaconstant use of the paddle gates, renders tion for a heavy wall to sustain the lateral this an expensive item in repairs, and last spring, 42 paddle gates and 10 culvert gates were put in the locks.

One breach has occurred on this section of the Canal in the last season. It interrupted the navigation about ten hours, and was repaired at an expense of about $200. From the head of the locks at Little-Falls to New-London:

A meeting of the Canal Board to take tnto consideration the act entitled “ An act in relation to the Erie Canal," was held at the Comptroller's office, Canal Room, on he 30th June last, and on the 3d day of July, it was resolved by that Board, that the Canal Commissioners proceed without delay, to cause surveys and estimates to be made of all the improvements contemplated by said act. Pursuant to said resolution, surveys and estimates were made of the entire line of the Erie Canal, which were submitted to the Canal Board, at an adjourned meeting held for that purpose, on the 20th day of October; at this meeting, the question as to the dimensions to which the Canal and

locks should be enlarged, was passed upon; some further surveys ordered, and an adjourned meeting was directed to be held on the 23d day of November. After this last meeting, it was too late in the season to commence the surveys with reference to location for locks. The proceedings of the Canal Board will be detailed in a report to be made by that Board, accompanied by the report and estimates of the engineers appointed to make the surveys.

pressure of the bank. For this purpose
there has been used 8,316 feet of timber,
and 33,264 feet of plank. Stone wall to
the amount of 6,720 cubic yards has been
laid on this foundation, and as a guard
against the action of the frost on the wall,
1,642 cubic yards of gravel was placed be-
hind it.
The plan of a new aqueduct at Rochester
This part of the canal is reported to be inll was so intimately connected with the ques-

tion of enlargement that its re-construction || portant, in reference to improvements which || sometimes occurs, for causes which canno was unavoidably suspended until the neces- are constantly making at these places, and be foreseen.

sary surveys were made, and the question a special direction will be given to the sur- There have been instances where conof enlargement decided. The importance veys in reference to this object. tractors have failed in paying laborers in of this work, and its decayed state, rendered So far as the surveys made last season their employ. A great portion of the lait proper that there should be no unnecessa- have developed the practicability of enlarg-borers on our public works are foreigners, ry delay. A new location for the aqueduct ing the Canal and executing a permanent who are not aware of the protection afforded has been decided upon by the Canal Board, work, without materially interrupting the them by the laws of our country. They and sealed proposals have been received for navigation, nothing has appeared insur-are generally poor and destitute, relying on its construction, and also for culverts and mountable, or more difficult than a cursory their wages for their daily subsistence of excavation in the bed of the river, and exca-examination of the subject had indicated.- themselves and families. The laborer, in vation and embankments at each end of the It is, however, a difficult, and in some re- all situations, is "worthy of his hire," and aqueduct. No contract has yet been en- spects, a fearful undertaking. The inter- to withhold it under such circumstances, is tered into for the construction of the aque-ference with private property, the immense exceedingly cruel and unjust. duct: the other work is under contract, expenditure, and the circumstances under and it is expected that a contract will soon which the work must be executed, will imbe entered into with some of the persons pose greater responsibilities, and require proposing for the construction of the aque-more mental and bodily exertions, than in duct. the construction of an entire new work.Experience has so far simplified and systematised the course of proceedings in the construction of new Canals, as to render the duty comparatively easy.

The reasons for changing the location of the aqueduct will be detailed in the report of the Canal Board, and the report of the engineers before referred to.

The Commissioners intend that the surveys shall be commenced as early in the spring as the weather will permit; and as fast as the location of the locks can be made, to put them under contract. This proceeding will be extended from Albany to Syracuse.

To plan and arrange the execution of the work appertaining to the enlargement of the Canal and a new set of lift locks, so that the parts which may be done during the season of navigation, and those which must be done in the winter, can be clearly delineated, in order that a basis may be furnished for a specific contract, will be no easy matter.

The economy of executing a public work depends very much on the manner in which the necessary arrangements are matured, previous to the execution of the contracts, in order that all work may be put at specific prices.

The two first locks west of Palmyra, two of the three locks at Lockville, and one at Lyons, are in such a dilapidated condition as to render a reliance upon their use for any considerable length of time, very uncertain; and there can be no doubt as to the propriety of substituting new ones. It is intended to put these under contract as early Great pains should be taken to perfect next season as the necessary examinations all the plans and locations; to point out the can be completed, to be finished in the fall different kinds of work, and the circumof 1837 or 38, as the appearance of the old stances under which it must be done; to locks next spring shall seem to render ne-enable the person offering for contracts to propose specfiic and intelligent prices, and The new locks on the line will be made to secure the navigation of the Canal from on locations suitable for the enlarged Canal, the chance of interruption. Under such and constructed on the plan of the enlarged circumstances the person proposing is enlocks. This rule will be adopted in refer-abled to fix proper prices, and can have no ence to all new structures, as far forth as its application will be deemed beneficial to the State.


With a view to the improvement of the Erie Canal, the Commissioners have divided the line into four sections; to each of which they have assigned a chief engineer. Section No. 1 commences at the city of Albany and extends to the east end of the Rome summit, and is assigned to John B. Jervis section No. 2 extends from the latter place to the west bounds of the village of Jordan, and is assigned to Holmes Hutchinson section No. 3 extends from the latter place to, and includes the feeder from the Genesee river, and is assigned to Frederick C. Mills and section No. 4 extends from the latter place to the termination of the Canal at Buffalo, and is assigned to Nathan S. Roberts.

In undertaking the extensive improvements on the Erie Canal, it may be deemed expedient to incorporate a provision in the contracts, giving the Commissioners some control over this matter.

The failure of contractors to pay their men, aside from its gross injustice, has a very unfavorable effect on the progress of the work, and enhances its cost. It affects the character of the work, and the interest of all the contractors. These laborers cannot readily ascertain the character and solvency of the contractors, and if one contractor fails in paying his men, it creates a fear and suspicion, which affects all.The information passes from one friend to another, it spreads beyond the borders of the State, exerts a great influence in preventing laborers from coming to a public work, where they are not honestly paid.

The prohibition of sub-contracting will do much to remedy this evil.


Last summer the Saratoga dam was bracketed before the usual time for low water. The brackets were of plank, 17 inches high: the pond readily filled, and the water in it was at all times during the season of navigation, above top water line in the Canal below the guard lock; but boats were frequently aground on the bottom of the Canal below Johnson's bridge. This was occasioned in part by bars formed in the Canal at narrow places, by the irregular supply of water that could be passed through the lock to feed the Canal when the lockages were frequent, and by some parts of the Canal in rock cutting, below the guard-lock not having been excavated to bottom. To remedy this inconvenience, it is intended during the winter, to remove the bars, excavate the bottom and sides of the Canal in the narrow and shallow places, and construct a water-way to pass water round the lock to feed the levels below it.

reasonable excuse, if from competition or any other cause, he is induced to enter into contracts for an inadequate compensation. This often occurs, and is the source of unpleasant embarrassments in the execution of a public work, as well in regard to its faithful performance as its progress. If the plans and locations are not well matured, it necessarily leads to alterations during the progress of the work, and generally imposes on the contractor extra expenses, for which he should be fairly and fully indemnified.For these expenses the contractor has no The discharge lock at Saratoga is founded prices, and generally no provision in his on quicksand. The water passed under contract that indicates the rate of compensa- and along the sides of it twice last summer, tion. This state of things often excites the A part of the embankment was taken out and cupidity of a contractor, from an inordinate replaced with better materials; but there desire for gain, or to cover losses under a have since been leaks discovered, and it is bad contract, to claim an allowance unjust believed that the safety of the work requires and improper. Work, of the description that a thorough repair should be made beThe re-surveys, as has been before stated, which has been mentioned, is often done fore the opening of navigation. will commence on all these sections early under circumstances which renders it diffi- In a time of low water in the Hudson next spring, with the view of designating cult to ascertain the expense; and to liqui-river last summer, the water in the pond the exterior bounds of the Canal at as early date accounts of this kind is always very above the Fort-Miller dam, was lower than a period as may be consistent and practica- embarrassing. It is, however, proper to the top water line in the Canal. A set of ble. It is probable that in all the cities and remark, that notwithstanding all practical reverse gates were constructed in the feeder villages the line may be permanently located circumspection is exercised, the necessity south of the guard-lock, to retain the water in all the next season. This is deemed im- of altering plans and changing locations in the Canal to its proper elevation. Un

The sliding bank at Hinman's Point requires protection. The bank is principally of clay, resting on slate rock, inclining towards the river, which washes the embankment. Piles cannot be driven to atford any security on account of the rock. It will therefore be necessary to place a pier of wood at the foot of the embankment, firmly resting upon and securely bolted to the rock and filled with stone.

less the dam is raised, it will be necessary to|| stone masonry, from the present wall at the Champlain Canal, Fort Edward dam, and construct another set of gates, to use the head of the locks, about 210 feet, and make Glen's-Falls feeder. He has made the exfeeder for navigation at times of low water an embankment of earth, protected on the aminations required, and reported the result. in the river. outside by a slope wall about 700 feet in In his report in relation to the Glen's-Falls length. If this was done, a waste-weir ne- feeder, he says, "If the plan for improving cessary to regulate the water on this level, this work, suggested in the report of Holmes might be built in the wall above the locks, Hutchinson, civil engineer, be adopted, to discharge water into the bed of the creek. which, from the cursory examination I have At the head of the Glen's Falls feeder, a been permitted to make, I would recommend, guard lock of hammered stone has been or in case the feeder is barely maintained for built on the north side of the old lock of the purposes of navigation, it is believed to wood, that had become unfit for use. About be the superior economy to reconstruct the 350 yards of earth and 400 of rock are to present locks, as they decay, of hammered be excavated, to complete the entrance at stone masonry, laid in hydraulic cement." Piles have been driven to secure the tow-the head and foot of the lock. This work The business upon this feeder is said to ing-path from sliding south of Stuart's. It is in progress and will shortly be finished. be increasing; and it is deemed important will be necessary to extend this work next A breach occurred in this feeder on the to a large section of country, that it should season. A new trunk is required for the 26th of July last, in the high embankment be continued in a navigable condition. To Fort-Edward aqueduct. above the village of Glen's Falls. It was do this, it is necessary that the work of rerepaired at the expense of about three hun-building the locks, should be commenced dred and fifty dollars. within a short time.

An additional paddle-gate, three feet square, has been put in the Fort-Edward lock, to facilitate the lockages; and a slidegate has been put in the sluice by the side of the lock, to pass water from the feeder to the level below it. The walls of this lock have moved inwards, and at some points are but thirteen feet two inches apart. From this, and the imperfect state of the masonry generally, it has become necessary to rebuild it before the commencement of navigation.

The locks on the feeder are of wood;
there are thirteen, numbered from 8 to 20
inclusive. Seven have received repairs the
past season.

The navigation on the feeder is greatly
delayed for want of sluices, or water-ways
to pass water round the locks to feed the
Canal. The water has to be passed through
the locks, and cannot be drawn in sufficient
passing floats.
quantities, when they are much used for

The Commissioners are of opinion that the feeder should be improved upon the plan generally, as recommended in the report of Mr. Hutchinson, perhaps varying in some of the details: but they submit the question to the Legislature, and respectfully ask their direction as to the manner of its repair or improvement.

(To be continued.)

As if to furnish a

The waste-weir at Smith's basin and the Much inconvenience has RAILROADS IN WINTER.-It has been often one near Holmes', on the summit level of resulted from the contracted width of the urged as an objection against Railroads, this Canal, have been rebuilt of permanent feeder at several places, particularly at the that they cannot be kept open in winter, in stone masonry. The bridges over them are village of Glen's-Falls, where the largest by great falls of snow. consequence of the obstructions occasioned formed of large flat stone, covered with amount of tonnage, transported in boats, is gravel, resting on stone abutments and piers,|| loaded and unloaded. from three to four feet apart; slide and roll- have passed through these locks the last About 1,600 floats gates are inserted in a frame work construct- season. ed immediately below the piers, connected

with and well secured in the abutments at the report, at page 22, stated that an examina-years. It is, therefore, with great pleasure

satisfactory experiment upon this point, it has been of unusual severity, and the quanhas so happened that the present winter tity of snow that has fallen has probably The Commissioners, in their last annual been greater thau has been known for many ends, and supported at the centre by a stone tion of the Glen's-Falls feeder had been tion to the travel upon the Railroads leadthat we understand scareely any interrupbuttress. The water wastes over the frame made by Holmes Hutchinson, Esq. His ing from this city has taken place, and that and preserves the timber from decay. That report will be found appended to their report the pract cability of keeping them open, at Smith's basin is now in use. At the and marked D. The Legislature is re- during the severest winter, has been satisother place, the old waste-weir is to be spectfully referred to these reports. They factorily established. We have not heard, taken out, the space filled with earth, the towing-path straightened, some embankment lative direction would be given in reiation to road has been suspended for a single day, were made under the expectation that legis-indeed, that the Washington or Ohio Railto be removed from the front of the new this feeder. After the adjournment of the and departure may have been occasionally although undoubtedly the time of arrival weir, and docking put in at the ends of it. Legislature, without acting upon this sub-varied. We perceive from the Boston paThe repairs contemplated in the last an- ject the Commissioner having charge of this pers, that, even in that climate, where the nual report of the Commissioners, to the line of Canal did not think he was authorized snow storms are so much more frequent locks at Whitehall, were not made last spring to make the improvements recommeaded in than with us, and where the snow lies so on account of unfavorable weather for work the report of Mr. Hutchinson, in the course much longer, no serious interruption to the of that kind. The materials are on hand, of ordinary repairs. He subinitted the ques-use of the Railroads has occurred. There and if the weather is favorable, the work will tion to the Canal Board, and they advised have teen only six days, since the comhim by resolution, to suspend the rebuilding of passenger cars have not run through the mencement of the winter, in which the train Breaches have frequently occurred in the of the lift locks on the Glen's-Falls feeder, whole distance from Boston to Worcester, embankment, and dry wall constructed for until the Canal Commissioners have an op- and only eighteen days in which the whole the protection of the Canal above these locks. portunity to submit the question as to re-four trips per day have not been regularly The expense of repairing breaches, the conbuilding said locks, to the Legislature.-performed. In the meantime, the harbors, tracted width of the Canal at this place, and The Commissioners are of opinion that they rivers, and Canals, far and near, have been the importance of maintaining an uninter- do not possess the power to make the imfrozen up and entirely useless. rupted navigation, require that a substantial provement recommended in the report of plan of improvement should be adopted. Mr. Hutchinson, under the authority given the public works at this point are limited one side by Wood creek, and by one of the streets of the village on the other. The utmost extent of ground that can be occupied for the Canal, without encroaching upon the channel necessary for the creek, or taking a part of the street, is too circumscribed to admit of making an embankment of earth for the whole distance. It will therefore be necessary to continue a wall of cemented

be done next spring.


BATH AND WEYMOUTH RAILWAY.-Messrs. them to make ordinary repairs, for the reaHopkins and Sons, Civil Engineers, of Plyson that it would be necessary to make an mouth, intend forthwith to produce a prosadditional appropriation of land; and that the mouth, via Ilchester, at which latter place pectus of a Railway from Bath to Wey-. Canal Board have not the authority to direct there is to be a branch Railway to Bridgethem to be made as extraordinary repairs, water, thereby uniting with that from Brisbecause the estimated expense exceeds thir-ol to Exeter, and thus forming a community thousand dollars.

C. Mills, civil engineer, was requested by
In the month of December last, Frederick
the acting Commissioner to examine the

cation from Weymouth to Bath and Bris Cheltenham, and Birmingham, as well as nication, by Railway, with Gloucester, tol, which places will be in direct commuLiverpool.-[Jersey Star.]

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