Legislative branch appropriations for 1985: hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session, 2. daļa

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304. lappuse - ... without regard to political affiliations and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the office...
92. lappuse - ... sell or lease to the Congress the same type of such property, supplies, or services at a unit price or under terms and conditions (or both) which are different from those specified in such contract; and any such sale or lease of any unit or units of such property, supplies, or services to the Congress shall not be taken into account for the purpose of determining the price at which, or the terms and conditions under which, such person is obligated under such contract to sell or lease any unit...
131. lappuse - Report to the President on the Activities of the Council of Economic Advisers During...
5. lappuse - George P. Shultz Director Office of Management and Budget Executive Office of the President Washington, DC 20503 Honorable Herbert Stein Chairman Council of Economic Advisers Washington, DC 20506 PRODUCTIVITY OF MAJOR COMPETITORS Secretary PETERSON.
593. lappuse - Library, but will also serve as a model for libraries in the United States as well as the rest of the world. The...
373. lappuse - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is always a pleasure to appear before this...
7. lappuse - I intend to proceed, with your approval, in the same manner as has been the practice the past several years, that is, to present a brief summary of the various requests, following which I will be pleased to respond in detail to questions regarding any of the specific items that you wish to pursue. The justifications have been prepared, Mr. Chairman, to include all items pertaining to the "Architect of the Capitol," including the Botanic Garden, House items, Senate items, and joint items.
2. lappuse - I thought it would be appropriate, as we did last year, to present a brief summary of the various requests, following which I would be pleased to respond in detail to questions regarding any of the specific items that you wish to pursue. The justifications have been prepared, Mr. Chairman, to include all items pertaining to the "Architect of the Capitol...
7. lappuse - They are being requested to handle increased workload demands, implement new, expanded, and improved programs, and, In general, apply more extensive efforts to improve overall services to the Congress. Annual Recurring Maintenance, which totals $1.458.500.
165. lappuse - Problems is a tax-exempt, nonprofit public research and education training foundation operated by the Council of State Governments, International City Management Association, National Association of Counties, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Governors' Association, National League of Cities, and US Conference of Mayors.

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