[H. R. 8991] AN ACT To authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to exchange certain property rights now vested in the United States at Veterans' Administration facility, Perry Point, Maryland, for certain property and rights of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in that vicinity. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to transfer and release certain property rights now vested in the United States to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as described in section 2 of this Act in exchange for certain property and rights from the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as described in section 3 of this Act. SEC. 2. (a) Title to all that certain triangular piece or parcel of land situate at Perryville, in election district numbered 7, in the county of Cecil and State of Maryland, shown as parcel numbered 3 on the P. R. R. Plan Numbered 8018, bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company at the distance of two hundred and five feet measured southwardly and at right angles from a point in the line established as the center line of railroad of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, known as the "Maryland Division "; said point in center line of railroad being at the distance of four hundred and eighty-six feet, measured westwardly along said center line of railroad, from another point therein opposite the center of said railroad company's Perryville passenger station; said point of beginning also being in the northerly line of the Government reservation and south seventy-six degrees nineteen minutes west, a distance of six hundred forty-seven and six-tenths feet from a United States monument at a corner common to the said land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company and the land of the United States of America; thence south thirty-nine degrees eleven minutes west across the Government reservation, a distance of two hundred and fifty and nine-tenths feet to a point in the easterly line of the land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company; thence north twenty-one degrees thirty-seven minutes west along the boundary line between The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company and the Government reservation, a distance of one hundred fifty-two and ninety-one one-hundredths feet to a point; thence north seventysix degrees nineteen minutes east along the northerly line of the Government reservation, a distance of two hundred twenty-one and thirteen one-hundredths feet to the point of beginning: Containing, in all, three hundred and eighty-four one-thousandths of an acre, more or less, and being shown in detail as parcel numbered 3 on Plan Numbered 8018 of the Pennsylvania Railroad, dated June 3, 1935. (b) Whatever easement rights the United States now has to all those two certain crossings of Stumps Road, also known as "Stumps Lane", described as follows, namely: The southern crossing being at grade and crossing the railroad of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, known as the "Perryville Branch, Maryland Division"; the middle line of said Stumps Road grade crossing being at a distance of two thousand and fifteen feet, more or less, measured eastwardly along said Perryville branch line of railroad, from another point therein opposite the center of said railroad company's Perryville passenger station, and shown as grade crossing "C" on P. R. R. Plan Numbered 8018; The northern crossing being under grade of the railroad of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, known as the main line Maryland Division; the middle line of said undergrade crossing being at the distance of one thousand nine hundred and ninety feet, more or less, measured eastwardly along said main line of railroad, from another point therein opposite the center of said railroad company's Perryville passenger station, and shown as undergrade crossing "D" on P. R. R. Plan Numbered 8018. (c) Release of whatever right the United States now has to use the following described overhead bridge for vehicular traffic: Overhead bridge being the approach to the present main entrance to the reservation, the center line of which is located westwardly a distance of two hundred ninety-one and five-tenths feet, more or less, from United States stone monument in the boundary line between the properties of the United States Government and The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, said center line of overhead bridge also being at a distance of one hundred twenty-nine and nine-tenths feet, more or less, measured westwardly along the main line of the railroad from another point therein opposite the center of said railroad's Perryville passenger station and shown as overhead bridge "A" on Plan Numbered 8018 of the Pennsylvania Railroad, dated June 3, 1935. SEC. 3. (a) Fees simple title, subject to the reserved right of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to all necessary rights of ingress, egress, and regress, on, over, and under, for the purpose of inspecting and maintaining any existing pipe or water line, to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate at Perryville, in election district numbered 7, in the county of Cecil and State of Maryland, shown as parcel numbered 1, on P. R. R. Plan Numbered 8018, bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of land granted by The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company to the State of Maryland by deed dated August 20, 1927, at a corner common to the land being described and common to the grant of easement parcel, shown as Parcel Numbered 2 on P. R. R. Plan Numbered 8018, to be hereinafter described, at the distance of one hundred and fourteen feet measured southwardly and at right angles from a point in the line established as the center line of railroad of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, known as the "Maryland Division"; said point in center line of railroad being at the distance of one thousand five hundred and fiftynine feet, measured westwardly along said center line of railroad, from another point therein opposite the center of said railroad company's Perryville passenger station; thence south fifty-seven degrees forty-eight minutes east along the southwesterly line of grant of easement parcel Numbered 2, crossing a proposed road, a distance of four hundred and five feet to a point, said point being the southerly corner of said grant of easement parcel Numbered 2; thence south sixty-five degrees seventeen minutes east along the land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, a distance of one hundred and twelve feet, more or less, to a point; thence north seventy-six degrees nineteen minutes east along the land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company on a line parallel with and distant one hundred feet measured southwardly and at right angles from the southerly line of the Perryville substation site, a distance of five hundred and ten feet, more or less, to a point, said point being in the westerly line of the Government reservation; thence along the lands of the Government reservation the following two courses: South twenty-one degrees thirty-seven minutes east a distance of one hundred and forty-seven feet, more or less, to a United States monument; south sixty-five degrees fiftythree minutes west a distance of five hundred and thirty-seven feet, more or less, to a point, said point being in the shore line of the Susquehanna River; thence northwestwardly, up and along said shore line of the Susquehanna River, a distance of nine hundred and twenty feet, more or less, to a point, said point being in the southerly line of the land granted by The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company to the State of Maryland; thence along the southerly and southeasterly lines of said land granted to the State of Maryland the following three courses: North seventy-seven degrees thirty-five minutes east a distance of one hundred and twenty-five feet to a point; north sixty-two degrees forty-five minutes east a distance of one hundred fifty-seven and five-tenths feet to a point; north thirty-seven degrees twenty-five minutes east a distance of sixty feet to the point of beginning: Containing, in all, five and three hundred and eighty-seven onethousandths acres, more or less, and being shown in detail as parcel numbered 1 on Plan Numbered 8018 of the Pennsylvania Railroad, dated June 3, 1935. (b) Easement for purpose of building, maintaining, and using a highway and such landscaping as may be considered necessary in the discretion of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate at Perryville, in election district numbered 7, in the county of Cecil and State of Maryland, shown as parcel numbered 2 on P. R. R. Plan Numbered 8018, bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Road (post road) at or near the northerly end of the easterly abutment of Bridge Numbered 60.07 which carries the railroad of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company over the highway and over the Susquehanna River, at the distance of forty-three feet measured northwardly and at right angles 1 from a point in the line established as the center line of railroad of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, known as the "Maryland Division"; said point in center line of railroad being at the distance of one thousand three hundred and fiftyfive feet, measured westwardly along said center line of railroad, from another point therein opposite the center of said railroad company's Perryville passanger station; thence south thirteen degrees forty-one minutes east along the land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, passing along the face of said easterly abutment of the Bridge Numbered 60.07, crossing said center line of railroad, a distance of eighty-three feet to a point; thence south fourteen degrees forty-two minutes east along the land of The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company, a distance of three hundred seventy-seven and forty-three onehundredths feet to a point, said point being in the northeasterly line of parcel numbered 1; thence north fifty-seven degrees forty-eight minutes west along said northeasterly line of parcel numbered 1, crossing a proposed road, a distance of four hundred and five feet to a point, said point being in the southeasterly line of land granted by The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company to the State of Maryland by deed dated August 20, 1927, said point also being the point of beginning of parcel numbered 1, and being one hundred and fourteen feet measured southwardly and at right angles from a point in said center line of railroad; thence along the southeasterly and easterly lines of said land granted by The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company to the State of Maryland the following three courses: North thirty-seven degrees twenty-five minutes east a distance of ninety and four-tenths feet to a point; north thirty degrees twenty minutes east a distance of fifty feet to a point; north twenty degrees fifteen minutes east, recrossing said center line of railroad a distance of sixty-eight feet to a point, said point being at the most northeasterly corner of said land granted to the State of Maryland, within the lines of the highway leading to the highway bridge crossing the Susquehanna River; thence north sixty-four degrees fifty-two minutes east, crossing the southeasterly line of said highway, a distance of fifty-nine feet to the point of beginning: Containing, in all, one and one hundred eighty-two one-thousandths acres, more or less, and being shown in detail as parcel numbered 2 on Plan Numbered 8018 of the Pennsylvania Railroad, dated June 3, 1935: Provided, That the Pennsylvania Railroad Company shall have the right to reserve all necessary rights of ingress, egress, and regress, on, over, and under, for the purpose of operating, inspecting, and maintaining the substation catenary wires and structures, transmission wires, pipe, water lines, pump, and so forth, and to maintain and operate its railroad as at present, or as it may be relocated or widened in the future. SEC. 4. The Administrator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized and directed to raze the old fish wharf and fish house now located on the tract described in section 3 of this Act containing five and three hundred eighty-seven one-thousandth acres. Approved, August 23, 1935. [S. 414] AN ACT To convey certain lands and buildings to the city of Reno, Nevada. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to convey, by quitclaim deed, on behalf of the United States, to the city of Reno, Nevada, the hereinafter described parcels of land, located in such city, together with such buildings as may be situated thereon: (1) Beginning at the intersection of the east side line of Virginia Street with the south side line of East Front Street, in the city of Reno, Nevada, and running thence easterly and along the south side line of such East Front Street one hundred and sixty feet, thence southerly and parallel with the east side line of such Virginia Street one hundred fifteen and eighty-seven one-hundredths feet, thence deflect right eighty-one degrees forty-six minutes for a distance of one hundred thirty-three and one-tenth feet, thence deflect left twenty-one degrees seventeen minutes for a distance of thirty-two and thirty-three one-hundredths feet to the intersection of the east side line of such Virginia Street, thence northerly and along the east side line of such Virginia Street one hundred forty-four and thirty one-hundredths feet to the place of beginning; and (2) beginning at a point on the east side line of Virginia Street, in the city of Reno, Nevada, one hundred forty-four and thirty one-hundredths feet southerly from the intersection of the east side line of such Virginia Street with the south line of such East Front Street, and running thence easterly deflecting right sixty degrees twenty-nine minutes for a distance of thirty-two and thirty-three one-hundredths feet, thence deflect right twenty-one degrees seventeen minutes for distance of one hundred thirty-three and one-tenth feet, thence southerly and parallel with the east side line of such Virginia Street sixty-five feet, more or less, to the northerly boundary of the Truckee River, thence westerly along the northerly boundary of the Truckee River to its intersection with the east side line of such Virginia Street, thence northerly and along the east side line of such Virginia Street, sixty and two one-hundredths feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The consideration for said conveyance is the sum of $7,500, lawful money of the United States, to be paid by the city of Reno, Nevada, to the Secretary of the Treasury upon the execution and delivery of said conveyance. Approved August 26, 1935. 99812-38 |