[H. R. 6290] AN ACT To authorize acquisition of land to provide appropriate means of access to the post-office building at Jonesboro, Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, as an addition to the post-office site at Jonesboro, Arkansas, such portion of the fifteen-foot public alley north of the site as may be necessary to provide appropriate means of access to the loading platform of the building as extended and remodeled under authority of the Act of Congress (46 Stat. 1595) approved March 4, 1931. Approved, April 18, 1935. (63) [S. 82] AN ACT To authorize the disposal of surplus personal property, including buildings, of the Emergency Conservation Work. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Director of Procurement, United States Treasury Department, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to transfer to Federal agencies, either permanent or emergency, personal property which is no longer required for use by the Emergency Conservation Work, including equipment, tools, materials, and buildings, when so declared surplus by the Director of the Emergency Conservation Work: Provided, That upon the recommendation of the Department under which the technical work of the camp was organized and supervised any such surplus property that is not desired by any Federal agency may be transferred without cost, except for expenses incident to transfer, to the forestry, park, conservation, or educational departments of the States, or to counties or municipalities, or to organizations engaged in the promotion of education, recreation, and/or health. SEC. 2. Surplus property of the Emergency Conservation Work not required to serve any of the above purposes will be disposed of by the Director of Procurement through sale or in any other manner he may direct. Approved, May 29, 1935. [S. 2780] AN ACT To repeal the limitation on the sale price of the Federal building at Main and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Texas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proviso in the fifteenth paragraph under the caption "Projects outside the District of Columbia under section 5, Public Buildings Act approved May 25, 1926", of title 1 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the Treasury and Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and for other purposes ", approved March 5. 1928, relating to the minimum price for which the Federal building and site at Main and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Texas, may be sold, is hereby repealed. Approved, June 25, 1935. (65) [H. R. 7526] AN ACT To amend the Act approved February 20, 1931 (Public, Numbered 703, Seventyfirst Congress), entitled "An Act to provide for special assessments for the paving of roadways and the laying of curbs and gutters." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act approved February 20, 1931 (Public, Numbered 703, Seventy-first Congress), entitled "An Act to provide for special assessments for the paving of roadways and the laying of curbs and gutters", be amended by adding thereto a new section as follows: "SEC. 14. (a) The provisions of sections 5, 6, and 7 hereof shall not preclude the levying of assessments hereunder if the improvement for which such prior assessment was levied, or, if the original paving, curbing, or curbing and guttering, laid at the whole cost of the owner, were completed prior to January 1, 1885. "(b) The provision of section 8 hereof, relating to legal assessments heretofore levied, shall not be applicable where said prior assessments were levied for any improvement completed prior to January 1, 1885." SEC. 2. The provisions herein contained shall not apply to assessments levied prior to the date of approval of this Act. Approved, June 28, 1935. [H. R. 7235] AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to make provision for suitable quarters for certain Government services at El Paso, Texas, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act to make provision for suitable quarters for certain Government services at El Paso, Texas, and for other purposes", approved June 19, 1934, is amended to read as follows: "That when the owners of the tract of land situated in the city and county of El Paso and State of Texas, more fully described as follows, to wit "Beginning at a point on the east line of South Santa Fe Street, which point is the intersection of the west line of block 21 of the Campbell Addition to the city of El Paso and the southerly line of the present levee now occupied as a right-of-way of the Rio Grande and El Paso Railroad; and which point of intersection is sixty-six and eighty-two one-hundredths feet northerly from the southwest corner of said block 21, the beginning point of this tract; thence southerly along the west line of said block 21, and the east line of South Santa Fe Street at sixty-six and eighty-two one hundredths feet past the southwest corner of said block 21 and at one hundred and thirty-six and eighty-two one-hundredths feet past the northwest corner of block 17 of the Campbell Addition and at one hundred and eighty-eight and eighty-two one-hundredths feet past the southwest corner of this tract; thence easterly at right angles to the center of an alley one hundred and thirty feet; thence northerly and parallel with the east line of South Santa Fe Street one hundred and twentyfour feet more or less to the south line of the above-mentioned levee; thence in a northwesterly direction along the south line of said levee one hundred and thirty-five feet more or less to the place of beginning being part of lots 18, 19, and 20 in block 21 of the Campbell Addition, and that part of Eleventh Street between blocks 21 and 17 having a width of seventy feet by one hundred and thirty feet, and all of lots 11 and 12 in block 17 above referred to and the west half of the alley adjoining the lots herein mentioned. The property herein described has a frontage of one hundred and eighty-eight and eighty-two one-hundredths feet on South Santa Fe Street, a width of one hundred and thirty feet on the south side, has approximately one hundred and twenty-four feet on the east side, and on the north side one hundred and thirty-five feet." "(hereafter called the 'owners'), have agreed to erect upon such premises, or upon an equivalent area which has been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, a building of such design, plan, and specifications as may be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury as suitable for the use of the Bureau of Immigration, the Bureau of |