Lapas attēli

[H.R. 503]

To authorize the donation of certain land to the town of Bourne, Massachusetts.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to convey without charge to the town of Bourne, Massachusetts, for school playground purposes, two small parcels of land aggregating about six tenths of an acre located in the vicinity of the Bourne Grammar School in said town, which land was acquired by the United States in connection with the acquisition of the Cape Cod Canal: Provided, That such conveyance shall be made with the express condition that the land shall be used for school playground purposes and no other and that in case it is not so used it shall revert to the United States.

Approved, May 18, 1934.


[H.R. 1731]


To make provision for suitable quarters for certain Government Services at El Paso, Texas, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That when the owners of lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, portions of lots 16 and 17, block 21, Campbell's Addition, El Paso, Texas (hereinafter called the owners), have agreed to erect on such lots a building of such design, plan, and specifications as may be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury as suitable for the use of the Bureau of Immigration, the Bureau of Customs, the United States Public Health Service, and the Bureau of Plant Quarantine, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to negotiate, and, subject to an appropriation therefor, lease such building and such lots from the owners for a term of twenty-five years after such building is ready for occupancy at a fair annual rental, subject to the limitations of section 322 of Part II of the Legislative Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, approved June 30, 1932. Such lease shall contain a provisionFor a cancelation of the lease in the event that the lots on which the building is to be constructed are determined, judicially or by agreement, to be lands subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of Mexico.

SEC. 2. There is authorized to be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to pay the installments of rent provided for in such lease.

Approved, June 19, 1934.

[H.R. 8514]


Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to convey a part of the post-office site in San Antonio, Texas, to the city of San Antonio, Texas, for street purposes, in exchange for land for the benefit of the Government property.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to permit the widening of North Alamo Street adjacent to the postoffice site at San Antonio, Texas, and to make uniform the dimensions of the post-office site, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to convey by the usual quitclaim deed to the city of San Antonio, Texas, for street purposes only, a tract of land forming a part of the post-office site described as lying and being in the city of San Antonio, Texas

Beginning at the intersection of the east line of North Alamo Street fifty-five and six tenths feet wide with the south line of Travis Street fifty-five and six tenths feet wide, said point of beginning being the northwest corner of the present post-office site, running thence in an eastwardly direction a distance of ten and ten one-hundredths feet to a point in the line of Travis Street; thence in a southwardly direction a distance of three hundred and three and four-tenths feet to a point; thence in an eastwardly direction a distance of twenty-three and ninety-three one-hundredths feet to a point in the present north line of East Houston Street; thence in a southwesterly direction thirty-four and fifty-six one-hundredths feet to a point, being the intersection of the present north line of East Houston Street with the present east line of North Alamo Street; thence in a northwardly direction with the present line of North Alamo Street fifty-five and six tenths feet wide a distance of three hundred and eight and five tenths feet to the point or place of beginning, in consideration of the conveyance by the city of San Antonio, Texas, to the United States of a valid title in and to the triangular parcel of land which is a part of East Houston Street as now laid out and described as:

Beginning at a point being the intersection of the north line of East Houston Street as now laid out with the westerly line of Avenue E as now laid out seventy-eight feet wide, said point of beginning also being the present southeasterly corner of the post-office site; running thence in a northeastwardly direction with the line of Avenue E a distance of twenty-six and forty-three one-hundredths feet to a point; thence in a southwestwardly direction a distance of one hundred and thirteen and seventeen one-hundredths feet to a point in the line of East Houston Street as now laid out; thence in an eastwardly direction with the line of East Houston Street as now laid out a distance of ninety-five and seventy-five one-hundredths feet to the point or place of beginning.

Approved, June 19, 1934.

[H.R. 7428]


Providing for the transfer of certain lands from the United States to the city of Wilmington, Delaware, and from the city of Wilmington, Delaware, to the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to convey to The Mayor and Council of Wilmington, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware, for street purposes only, all the right, title, and interest of the United States to the following-described parcels of land which form a part of the new post-office site at Wilmington, Delaware:

Tract 1. Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly side of Market Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide and the northeasterly side of Eleventh Street at sixty-nine feet wide; thence northeasterly along the said side of Market Street two hundred and sixty-five feet three inches to the southwesterly side of Twelfth Street at eighty-five feet wide; thence southeasterly along the said side of Twelfth Street ten feet six inches to a point; thence southwesterly parallel to Market Street two hundred and sixty-five feet three inches to the firstmentioned northeasterly side of Eleventh Street; thence thereby northwesterly ten feet six inches to the place of beginning, containing therein approximately two thousand seven hundred and eighty-two square feet.

Tract 2. Beginning at a point on the northeasterly side of Eleventh Street at sixty-nine feet wide distant ten feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide; thence southeasterly along the said side of Eleventh Street two hundred feet to the northwesterly side of King Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide; thence northeasterly along the lastmentioned side of King Street eighteen feet to a point; thence northwesterly parallel to Eleventh Street two hundred feet to a point distant ten feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street at sixty-five feet six inches wide; thence south westerly parallel to Market Street eighteen feet to the place of beginning, containing therein approximately three thousand six hundred square feet, in consideration of the conveyance by The Mayor and Council of Wilmington, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware, to the United States of a valid title in and to the following-described parcel of land as an addition to the aforesaid post-office site:

Beginning at intersection of the northwesterly side of King Street (at sixty-five feet six inches wide) and the southwesterly side of Twelfth Street (as the same is at present established at eighty-five feet in width); thence northwesterly along the last-mentioned side of Twelfth Street two hundred feet to a point distant ten feet six inches southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street as


the same is at present established at sixty-five feet six inches in width; thence northeasterly parallel to Market Street thirty-two feet to a point; thence southeasterly parallel to the first-mentioned side of Twelfth Street two hundred feet to the northwesterly side of King Street extended; thence thereby southwesterly thirty-two feet to the place of beginning.

Provided, however, That there shall be reserved to the United States an easement in perpetuity to construct and maintain a coal pit approximately twelve feet wide extending under the sidewalk in the eighteen-foot strip of land under Eleventh Street to be conveyed to The Mayor and Council of Wilmington, a municipal corporation of the State of Delaware, from a point approximately sixteen and one half feet southeasterly from the southeasterly side of Market Street in a southeasterly direction a distance of approximately fifty feet. Approved, June 22, 1934.

[H.R. 8909]


To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to amend the contract for sale of post-office building and site at Findlay, Ohio.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to agree to an amendment to the existing contract between the city of Findlay, Ohio, and the United States of America for the sale of the old post-office site and building at Findlay, Ohio, for the sum of $50,000, negotiated on the basis of one fourth cash and the balance in equal installments payable in three, six, nine, and twelve months with interest on deferred payments payable quarterly at 5 per centum per annum; the amended contract to provide that payment may be made in five annual installments of $10,000 each, with interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum on the unpaid balance: Provided, That such extension of time for payment shall be effective upon date of execution of amended contract between the city of Findlay and the United States of America: Provided further, That the provisions of the original contract between the city of Findlay, Ohio, and the United States of America shall not be modified, except as herein specified.

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