[H. R. 10749] AN ACT To authorize acceptance of proposed donation of property in Maxwell, Nebraska, for Federal building purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to accept on behalf of the United States the donation by Mr. C. J. Israel of his property in Maxwell, Nebraska, for Federal building purposes; being a cross section of lots numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 22, original town, facing east on Pine Street and having dimensions of twenty-six by ninety-six feet, together with the one-story bank building now located thereon; that said property shall be used and operated as are other public buildings, and that the annual appropriations for the general maintenance of public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department shall be construed to be available for use in connection with said property as for other buildings under said department; and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,000 to be used for the purpose of altering, repairing, and reconditioning said building to make same available for use as a post office. Approved, March 1, 1933. [H. R. 14489] AN ACT Relating to the construction of a Federal building at Mangum, Oklahoma. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in the construction of the Federal building at Mangum, Oklahoma, authorized by the Act of February 16, 1931 (Document Numbered 788, Seventyfirst Congress), the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to provide facilities for the holding of terms of the District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma. Approved, March 2, 1933. (54) [PUBLIC-NO. 78-73D CONGRESS] SEC. 18. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to effect a modification of the contract for the construction of the Long Beach (California) Post Office, so as to afford such relief as he deems to be proper for losses caused the contractor for restoration of damages to the building occasioned by the earthquake of March 10, 1933, and to make such structural and other changes in the building as may be necessary to minimize a recurrence of earthquake damage to the building: Provided, That the present appropriation for the Long Beach project shall be available for the purposes named, na and that any additional cost incurred by reason of the above shall not exceed the present limit of cost: Provided further, That the contractor shall not be allowed any profit in connection with the restoration of such earthquake damages. Approved, June 16, 1933. (55) [H.R. 5745] AN ACT Granting abandoned public buildings and grounds at Sitka, Alaska, to the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following described public buildings and grounds at Sitka, Alaska, are granted to the Territory of Alaska, to be used by the said Territory as a home for aged, sick, and infirm pioneers and residents thereof at the expense of the Territory, to wit: A tract of land described hereafter by metes and bounds: Beginning at a point common to corners numbered 2, United States Forest Service reserve, and numbered 3, United States reserve for public common; thence north sixty-one degrees nineteen minutes east three hundred and sixty-seven and thirty-four onehundredths feet along north side of Lincoln Street to corner numbered 3, United States reserve for public buildings; thence north twenty-eight degrees forty minutes west two hundred and twentytwo and sixty-three one-hundredths feet along west side of Barracks Street to corner numbered 6, United States marine and military reserve; thence north sixty-one degrees twelve minutes east fifty and seventy-two one-hundredths feet along north side of Barracks Street to corner numbered 5, United States marine and military reserve; thence north twenty-two degrees fifty minutes west eightyseven and sixty-one one-hundredths feet along west side of Barracks Street to corner numbered 4, United States marine and military reserve, set on south side of Seward Street; thence south sixty-eight degrees thirty-three minutes west one hundred and sixty-four and four one-hundredths feet along south side of Seward Street to a point common to corners numbered 3, United States marine and military reserve, and numbered 1, survey numbered 407; thence south twenty-nine degrees ten minutes east sixty-four and eleven one-hundredths feet along east boundary of survey numbered 407 to a point common to corners numbered 2, United States marine and military reserve, and numbered 4, survey numbered 407; thence south fifty-eight degrees nineteen minutes west seventy and thirtyseven one-hundredths feet along south boundary of survey numbered 407 to a point common to corners numbered 1, United States marine and military reserve, and numbered 3, survey numbered 407; thence north forty-one degrees eight minutes west twenty-five and eightyfour one-hundredths feet along west boundary of survey numbered 407 to the south boundary of the tract of land reserved for school purposes by Executive Order Numbered 4448, dated May 27, 1926; thence south fifty-eight degrees nineteen minutes west one hundred and twenty-one feet along south boundary of tract of land reserved for school purposes to southwest corner of said tract; thence north forty-two degrees thirty minutes west one hundred and eight feet along west boundary of tract of land reserved for school purposes to northwest corner of said tract; thence south thirty-five degrees west fifty-seven and twenty-eight one-hundredths feet along north boundary of United States reserve for public common to corner numbered 6 and meander corner, United States reserve for public common, on shore of Sitka Bay; thence with meanders along shore of Sitka Bay south thirty-seven degrees nineteen minutes east fifty-seven and nine one-hundredths feet, south twenty degrees twenty-three minutes west forty-three and forty-three one-hundredths feet, south eightytwo degrees fifty-six minutes west thirty-one and fifty-six onehundredths feet, south seventy degrees seven minutes west twentynine feet, south fifteen degrees fifty-one minutes east nineteen and thirty-seven one-hundredths feet, south two degrees fifty-one minutes east thirty-six and seventeen one-hundredths feet, south seventysix degrees fifty-one minutes east fourteen and fifty-nine onehundredths feet to corner numbered 5 and meander corner on the line between United States Forest Service reserve and United States reserve for public common; thence north sixty degrees east one hundred and thirty-two and forty-four one-hundredths feet along north boundary of United States Forest Service reserve to a point common to corners numbered 1, United States Forest Service reserve, and numbered 4, United States reserve for public common; thence south twenty degrees forty-nine minutes east two hundred and thirtyseven and sixty-six one-hundredths feet along east boundary of United States Forest Service reserve to the point of beginning; containing two and seven hundred and sixty-nine one-thousandths acres, and the buildings thereon: Provided, That all oil, coal, or other minerals in the land, and the right to prospect for, mine, and remove the same, be reserved to the United States under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. SEC. 2. That the Territory of Alaska shall never sell or otherwise dispose of any part of said property; and if the same shall ever be abandoned for the uses herein declared the said premises shall revert to the United States. |