[H. R. 8473] AN ACT To provide for the compiling and publishing of the Official Register of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States Civil Service Commission shall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed, and published each year an Official Register of the United States, which shall contain a full and complete list of all persons occupying administrative and supervisory positions in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Government, including the District of Columbia, in connection with which salaries are paid from the Treasury of the United States. The register shall show the name; official title; salary, compensation, and emoluments; legal residence and place of employment for each person listed therein: Provided, however, That the Official Register shall not contain the name of any postmaster or assistant postmaster, or any officer of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, unless such officer is assigned as an administrative officer. SEC. 2. To enable the United States Civil Service Commission to compile and publish the Official Register of the United States as early as practicable after the first of June of each year, the Executive Office, the legislative and judicial branches of the Government, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and the head of each executive department, independent office, establishment, and commission of the Government shall, as of the 1st day of May of each year, beginning with May 1, 1936, supply to the United States Civil Service Commission the data required by this Act, upon forms approved and furnished by the Commission, in due time to permit the publication of the Official Register as herein provided; and no extra compensation shall be allowed to any officer, clerk, or employee of the United States Civil Service Commission for compiling the Official Register. SEC. 3. Of the Official Register there shall be printed, bound, and delivered to the Superintendent of Documents and charged to the Congressional allotment for printing and binding a sufficient number of copies for distribution as follows: To the President of the United States, four copies, one copy of which shall be for the library of the Executive Office; to the Vice President of the United States, two copies; to each Senator, Representative, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner in Congress, three copies; to the Secretary and the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and to the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms, and the Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, each one copy; to the library of the Senate and the House, each, not to exceed fifteen copies; to the library of the Supreme Court, two copies; to the Library of Congress, for international exchange and for official use in Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed one hundred and fifty copies; to the municipal library of the Dis trict of Columbia, two copies; and to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, ten copies. The "usual number" shall not be printed. SEC. 4. The head of each executive department, independent office, or establishment of the Government, not mentioned above, desiring copies of the Official Register shall issue, on or before May 1 of each year, a requisition upon the Public Printer for the number of copies of the Official Register necessary to meet its official requirements, the cost of such supply to be charged to the appropriations available for printing and binding for such executive department, independent office, or establishment. SEC. 5. That section 510 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and section 2 of the Act discontinuing the printing of certain Government publications, and for other purposes (43 Stat. 1105), approved March 3, 1925, and all Acts or parts of Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, August 28, 1935. [S. 3447] AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the collection and editing of official papers of the Territories of the United States now in the National Archives", approved March 3, 1925, as amended. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the collection and editing of official papers of the Territories of the United States now in the National Archives", approved March 3, 1925, as amended by the Act approved February 28, 1929 (U. S. C., Supp. 7, title V, sec. 168a), be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "168a. The Public Printer shall print, bind, and deliver to the Superintendent of Documents, for distribution as may be directed by the Secretary of State, one thousand two hundred and twentyseven copies of each volume of the Official Papers Relating to the Territories of the United States, of which not to exceed three copies shall be furnished to the Vice President and each Senator and one copy to each Representative, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner; four copies to the library of the Department of the Interior; and one copy of each volume to those historical associations, commissions, museums, or libraries and other nondepository libraries, which shall not exceed eight in number within each State, Territory, or insular possession, and which have been or hereafter may be designated by the Governor thereof to the Secretary of State of the United States, and the residue of the said one thousand two hundred and twentyseven copies shall be for the Department of State for such use as the Secretary of State may deem appropriate. "168b. In addition to the foregoing there shall be furnished to the Superintendent of Documents a sufficient number of copies of each volume for distribution to such depository libraries as may make written application therefor; and To the Library of Congress for international exchange and for official use in Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed one hundred and fifty copies. The "usual number" shall not be printed. "168c. The historical associations, commissions, museums, or libraries and other nondepository libraries within each State, Territory, or insular possession which have been or hereafter may be designated by the Governor thereof to receive these publications shall, during their existence, receive the succeeding volumes, the distribution of which shall be made by the Superintendent of Documents in accordance with the lists of designations transmitted to him by the Secretary of State, and a new designation may be made by the Governor only when a designated association, commission, museum, or library shall cease to exist or other designation may be authorized by law. "168d. For defraying the expenses to be incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act, including the employment, either in or outside of the District of Columbia, of not to exceed five historical experts, especially informed on the various phases of the territorial history of the United States, without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and the civil-service rules, and for all other purposes, including salaries for personnel, printing and binding, contingent expenses and traveling expenses, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not more than the sum of $125,000, and under this authorization not more than $50,000 shall be appropriated for any one year." Approved, February 14, 1936. [PUBLIC-NO. 756-74тн CONGRESS] AN ACT To amend section 8 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a National Archives of the United States Government, and for other purposes", approved June 19, 1934. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 8 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a National Archives of the United States Government, and for other purposes", approved June 19, 1934 (48 Stat. 1123; U. S. C., title 40, ch. 2A, sec. 238) be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "The National Archives shall have an official seal, which shall be judicially noticed. "The Archivist of the United States may make or reproduce and furnish authenticated or unauthenticated copies of any of the documentary, photographic or other archives or records in his custody that are not exempt from examination as confidential or protected by subsisting copyright, and may charge therefor a fee sufficient to cover the cost or expenses thereof. There shall be no charge for the making or authentication of such copies or reproductions furnished to any department or other agency of the Government for official use. When any such copy or reproduction furnished under the terms hereof is authenticated by the official seal of The National Archives and certified by the Archivist of the United States, or in his name attested by the head of any office or the chief of any division of The National Archives designated by the Archivist with such authority, it shall be admitted in evidence equally with the original from which it was made." |