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[H.R. 9184]


To authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to sell the old Tenley School to the duly authorized representative of Saint Ann's Church of the District of Columbia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized to sell and convey to the duly constituted representative and agent of Saint Ann's Roman Catholic Church, of the District of Columbia, located at or near the Corner of Wisconsin Avenue and Yuma Street northwest, the following described real estate: The old Tenley School Building, and original site, known as parcels 35/130 and 131, parcel 130 containing two thousand eight hundred and eighty square feet, and parcel 131 containing forty-two thousand and thirty-six square feet, or a total of forty-four thousand nine hundred and sixteen square feet, being the same land and premises now leased to the pastor of Saint Ann's Church by a certain lease signed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, dated October 16, 1933, and now included in parcel 35/260.

Approved, June 15, 1934.


[H. R. 10673]


To exempt the property of the Young Women's Christian Association in the District of Columbia from national and municipal taxation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all property of the Young Women's Christian Association of the District of Columbia located in the District of Columbia and occupied and used by such association for its legitimate purposes shall be exempt from all national and municipal taxation so long as such property is so occupied and used.

SEC. 2. The Young Women's Christian Association of the District of Columbia is hereby relieved from any accrued liability to the United States or the District of Columbia for taxes imposed upon any of the property of such association located in the District of Columbia for any tax period during which such property was occupied and used by such association for its legitimate purposes.

Approved, June 16, 1938.


[H.R. 6037]


To exempt from taxation certain property of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all property belonging to, or held by, the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in the District of Columbia, used and occupied by that society, so long as the same is owned and occupied, be exempt from taxation, national and municipal.

Approved, June 16, 1934.


[S. 3404]


Authorizing loans from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for the construction of certain municipal buildings in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to borrow for the District of Columbia from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, created by the National Industrial Recovery Act, and said Administration is authorized to lend to said Commissioners, the sum of $10,750,000, or any part thereof, out of funds authorized by law for said Administration, for the acquisition, purchase, construction, establishment, and development of a tuberculosis hospital, a sewage-disposal plant, an extension of or addition to Gallinger Municipal Hospital, a jail or other enclosure for prisoners at Lorton, Virginia, or any one or more of said projects as the said Commissioners may determine.

SEC. 2. The sum authorized by section 1 hereof, or any part thereof shall, when borrowed, be available to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for the acquisition by dedication, purchase, or condemnation of the fee simple title to land, or rights or easements in land, for the public uses authorized by this Act, and for the preparation of plans, designs, estimates, models, and contracts, for architectural and other necessary professional services, without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, for the construction of buildings, including materials and labor, heating, lighting, elevators, plumbing, landscaping, and all other appurtenances, and the purchase and installation of machinery, apparatus, and any and all other expenditures necessary for or incident to the complete construction of the aforesaid buildings and plants. All contracts, agreements, and proceedings in court for condemnation or otherwise, pursuant to this Act shall be had and made in accordance with existing provisions of law, except as otherwise herein provided.

SEC. 3. That 70 per centum of so much of said sum authorized by section 1 of this Act as may be expended as therein provided shall be reimbursed to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works from any funds in the Treasury to the credit of the District of Columbia, as follows, to wit: Not less than $1,000,000 on the 30th day of June each year after such sum shall have been advanced to said District until the full amount expended hereunder is reimbursed, without interest for the first three years after any such advances and with interest at not exceeding 4 per centum per year thereafter on annual balances as of each June 30: Provided, That whenever the District of Columbia is under obligation by virtue of the provisions of section 4 of Public Act Numbered 284, Seventy-first Congress,

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