certificate. Each member of a firm or corporation practicing architecture shall be registered before being entitled to be known as or to style themselves architects or registered architects. SEC. 17. That nothing contained in this Act shall prevent the draftsmen, students, clerks of work, superintendents, and other employees of those lawfully practicing as registered architects under the provisions of this Act from acting under the instruction, control, or supervision of their employers, or to prevent the employment of superintendents of the construction, enlargement, or alteration of buildings or any appurtenance thereto, or prevent such superintendent from acting under the immediate personal supervision of the registered architect by whom the plans and specifications of any such building, enlargement, or alteration were prepared. Nor shall anything contained in this Act prevent persons, engineers, mechanics, or builders from making plans, specifications for, or supervising the erection, enlargement, or alteration of buildings or any appurtenance thereto: Provided, That the plans and specifications for such construction are signed by the authors thereof with their true appellation, without the use in any form of the title "architect" or "architects." SEC. 18. That a building, for the purposes of this Act, is any structure consisting of foundation, floors, walls, columns, girders, and roof, or a combination of any number of these parts, with or without other parts or appurtenances. SEC. 19. That any properly qualified person who shall have been actually engaged in the practice of architecture in the District of Columbia at the time this Act takes effect may be granted a certificate of registration without examination on condition that the applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence to the said board that he is qualified to practice architecture and by payment to the board of fee for certificate of registration as prescribed in section 24 of this Act: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall prevent any person who was actually engaged in the practice of architecture under the title of architect prior to the time this Act takes effect from continuing the practice of said profession without a certificate of registration and without the use in any form of the title "registered architect." SEC. 20. That any citizen of the United States or any person who has declared his (or her) intention of becoming such citizen, being at least twenty years of age and of good moral character, may apply for a certificate of registration or for such examination as shall be requisite for such certification under this Act. SEC. 21. That the applicant shall satisfactorily pass an examination in such technical and professional subjects as shall be prescribed by the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects. The board may, in lieu of examination, accept satisfactory evidence of any one of the qualifications set forth under subdivisions (a) and (b) of this section. (a) A diploma of graduation or satisfactory certificate from an architectural college or school that he or she has completed a technical course approved by the board, together with and subsequent thereto of at least three years satisfactory experience in the office or offices of a reputable architect or architects. The board may require applicants under this subdivision to furnish satisfactory evidence of knowledge of professional practice. (b) Registration or certification as an architect in another State or country, where the qualifications prescribed at the time of such registration or certification were equal to those prescribed in this District at date of application, and where such State, Territory, or foreign country accepts in like manner the registration of architects in the District of Columbia. SEC. 22. That an architect who has lawfully practiced architecture for a period of more than ten years outside of the District of Columbia shall, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) of section 22, be required to take only a practical examination, the nature of which shall be prescribed by the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects. SEC. 23. That the fees to be paid to the treasurer of the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects shall be fixed by said board from time to time and shall not exceed in amount the several fees provided for in this section. The fee to be paid by an applicant for a certificate of registration as a registered architect shall be $10. The fee to be paid by an applicant who has been granted a certificate of registration as a registered architect by the board shall be not in excess of $12, such fee to be prorated on a monthly basis from time of granting of application to the 30th day of the following April. The fee to be paid upon renewal of a certificate of registration shall be not in excess of $15. The fee to be paid for the restoration of an expired certificate of registration shall be not in excess of $20. SEC. 24. That all examination papers and other evidences of qualification submitted by each applicant shall be filed with the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects, and said board shall keep a record of its proceeding relating to the issuance, refusal, renewal, suspension, and revocation of certificates of registration. The record shall also contain the name, known place of business and residence, and the date and number of the certificate of registration of every registered architect entitled to practice his profession in the District of Columbia. Every person granted such certificate shall have the same recorded with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia. SEC. 25. That every registered architect in the District of Columbia, to continue the practice of his profession, shall annually, during the month of May, renew his certificate of registration and pay the renewal fee required by section 24 of this Act. A person who fails to renew his certificate of registration during the month of May in each year may not thereafter renew his certificate except upon payment of the fee required by section 24 of this Act for the restoration of an expired certificate of registration. Every renewal certificate shall expire on the 30th day of April following the issuance. SEC. 26. Exemptions: That the following shall be exempted from the provisions of this Act: (1) Practice as an architect in the District of Columbia by any person not a resident of and having no established place of business in the District of Columbia, or any person resident in the District of Columbia, but whose arrival in the District of Columbia is recent: Provided, however, That such person shall have filed an application for registration as an architect and shall have paid the fee provided for in section 24 of this Act. Such exemption shall continue for only such reasonable time as the board requires in which to consider and grant or deny the said application for registration. (2) Engaging in architectural work as an employee of a registered architect, or as an employee of an architect, or an engineer authorized by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section: Provided, That said work may not include responsible charge of design or supervision. (3) Practice of architecture by any person not a resident of and having no established place of business in the District of Columbia as a consulting associate of an architect registered under the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the nonresident is qualified for such professional service in his own State or country. (4) Practice of architecture solely as an officer or as an employee of the United States. (5) Practice of architecture solely as an officer or as an employee of the District of Columbia at the time this Act becomes effective and thereafter only until the expiration of the then existing term of office of such employee. SEC. 27. Revocation of certificates: That the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects may revoke any certificate after thirty days' notice with grant of hearings to the holder hereof if proof satisfactory to the board be presented in the following cases: (a) In case it is shown that the certificate was obtained through fraud or misrepresentation. (b) In case the holder of the certificate has been found guilty by said board or by a court of justice of any fraud or deceit in his professional practice or a felony by a court of justice. has been convicted of any f (c) In case the holder of the certificate has been found guilty by said board of gross incompetency or of recklessness in the planning or construction of buildings. SEC. 28. That proceedings for the annullment of registration (that is, the revocation of a certificate) shall be begun by filing written charges against the accused with the board of examiners and registrars of architects. A time and place for the hearing of the charges shall be fixed by the board. Where personal service or services through counsel can not be effected service may be made by publication. At the hearing the accused shall have the right to be represented by counsel, to introduce evidence, and to examine and cross-examine witnesses. The secretary of the board is hereby empowered to administer oath and the board shall make a written report of its findings, which report shall be filed with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and which shall be conclusive. SEC. 29. That every person who was making use of the title of architect in the District of Columbia before the going into effect of this Act shall, within one year after the going into effect of this Act, record his name with the proof of his use of such title with the board of examiners and registrars of architects, such recording not to be interpreted as evidence of competency or ability unless applicant applies for and is granted a certificate of registration. Failure to record within such period the prior use of such title shall bar the said person from thereafter claiming registration under the provisions of section 20 of this Act. SEC. 30. That on and after the passage of this Act the use of the title architect or registered architect, or the use of any other word, any letters or figures indicated or intended to imply that the person using the same is an architect or registered architect, without compliance with the provisions of this Act, the making of any willfully false oath or affirmation in any matter or proceeding where an oath or affirmation is required by this Act, shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable with a fine of not more than $200 or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. SEC. 31. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. SEC. 32. That this Act shall become effective immediately on its becoming a law. Approved, December 13, 1924. 99812-38-17 [S. 3765] An Act To authorize a five-year building program for the public school system of the District of Columbia which shall provide school buildings adequate in size and facilities to make possible an efficient system of public education in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it is the purpose of this Act, which shall hereafter be known as the FiveYear School Building Program Act, to provide a sufficient number of school buildings to make it possible: To abandon all portables; to eliminate the use of rented buildings; to abandon the use of undesirable rooms; to reduce elementary school classes to a standard of not more than forty pupils per class; to provide a five-hour day of instruction for elementary school pupils, thereby eliminating part time classes; to abandon all school buildings recommended for immediate or early abandonment in 1908; to abandon other school buildings which have become unfit for further use since 1908; to provide a full day of instruction for high school pupils thereby eliminating the "double shift" program in the high schools; to provide for the annual increase in enrollment of pupils during said five-year period; and in general, to provide in the District of Columbia a program of schoolhouse construction which shall exemplify the best in schoolhouse planning, schoolhouse construction and educational accommodations. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SEC. 2. The following items for the purchase of land for schools sites and school playgrounds and for the construction of buildings for elementary schools are authorized in the: FIRST DIVISION For the erection of an eight-room extensible building, including a combination gymnasium and assembly hall, on a site on Calvert Street now owned by the District of Columbia. For the purchase of land adjoining or in the vicinity of the site on Grant Road now owned by the District of Columbia. For the erection of an eight-room extensible building, including a combination gymnasium and assembly hall, on a site on Grant Road now owned by the District of Columbia. For the purchase of a site on which to locate a new eight-room school building in Potomac Heights to replace the one-room building on Conduit Road. For the erection of a four-room extensible building on the site to be purchased in Potomac Heights. For the construction of an eight-room addition to the Janney School to replace the present Tenley School, including the necessary remodeling of the present Janney building. |