Lapas attēli

process or pleadings are directed: And provided further, That every nonresident of the District of Columbia shall file a bond in form and contents the same as is required of applicants under section 5 of this Act.


SEC. 11. Each member of the Commission and its duly authorized representatives may administer oaths to witnesses.

In case of the refusal of any person to comply with any subpena issued hereunder or to testify to any matter regarding which he may lawfully be interrogated, the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, or any judge thereof, on application of any member of the Commission, shall issue an order requiring such person to comply with such subpena and to testify or either, and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt thereof.


SEC. 12. It shall not be necessary for any trustee or auctioneer acting under authority of a power of sale in a mortgage, deed of trust, or similar instrument securing the payment of a bona fide debt nor any bank, trust company, building and loan association, insurance company, or any land-mortgage or farm-loan association, organized under the laws of the United States, when engaged in the transaction of business within the scope of its corporate powers and provided by law, to obtain a license under this Act.


SEC. 13. The Commission shall publish at least annually a list of the names and addresses of all licensees licensed by it under the provisions of this Act and of all persons whose license has been suspended or revoked within one year, together with a succinct report of its work during the year. Such list shall be mailed by the Commission to any person in the District of Columbia upon request.


SEC. 14. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, partnership, or corporation to enter into or become a party to any contract, agreement, or understanding, or in any manner whatsoever to consider, combine, conspire, or act with another or others, (a) to execute a deed conveying real property in the District of Columbia that is not a bona-fide sale but is instead a simulated sale of such property executed for the purpose and with the intent of misleading others as to the value of such property, and which in fact does so mislead and/or defraud others, to their detriment; or (b) to execute a mortgage or deed of trust upon real property situated in the District of Columbia that does not in fact represent security for a bonafide indebtedness, but which is in reality a simulated transaction, executed for the purpose and with the intent of misleading or deceiving others as to the value of the property and which does mislead, deceive, or defraud others to their detriment.


SEC. 15. Where during the term of any license issued by the Commission the licensee shall be convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction in the District of Columbia or any State (including Federal courts) of forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses, extortion, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or other like offense or offenses and a duly certified or exemplified copy of the record in such proceedings shall be filed with the Commission, the Commission shall revoke forthwith the license by it theretofore issued to the licensee so convicted.

In the event that any licensee shall be indicted in the District of Columbia or any State or Territory (including Federal courts) for forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses, extortion, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or like offense or offenses, and a certified copy of the indictment be filed with the Commission, or other proper evidence thereof be to it given, the Commission shall have authority, in its discretion, to suspend the license issued to such licensee pending trial upon such indictment.

No license shall be issued by the Commission to any person known by it to have been, within five years theretofore, convicted of forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses, extortion, criminal conspiracy to defraud, or other like offense or offenses, or to any copartnership of which such person is a member, or to any association or corporation of which said person is an officer, director, or employee, or in which as a stockholder such person has or exercises a controlling interest either directly or indirectly. In the event of the revocation or suspension of the license issued to any member of a copartnership, or to any officer of an association or corporation, the license issued to such copartnership, association, or corporation, shall be revoked by the commission, unless, within a time fixed by the commission, where a copartnership, the connection therewith of the member whose license has been revoked shall be severed and his interest in the copartnership and his share in its activities brought to an end, or where an association or corporation, the offending officer shall be discharged and shall have no further participation in its activity.


SEC. 16. Any person or corporation violating any provision of this Act shall upon conviction thereof, if a person, be punished by a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court; and, if a corporation, be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000. Any officer, director, employee, or agent of a corporation, or member, employee, or agent of a firm, partnership, copartnership, or association, who shall personally participate in or be accessory to any violation of this Act by such firm, partnership, copartnership, association, or corporation, shall be subject to the penalties herein prescribed for individuals.

This Act shall not be construed to release any person, partnership, association, or corporation from civil liability or criminal prosecttion under the laws applying to the District of Columbia.

All prosecutions for violation of this Act shall be begun in the police court of the District of Columbia in the name of the District of Columbia and under the direction and charge of the corporation counsel of the District of Columbia. The corporation counsel of the District of Columbia and his assistants shall also be counsel for the Commission in all suits to which it may be a party, and shall advise the Commission and at its request attend any and all hearings which it may hold in the performance of its duties hereunder.


SEC. 17. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or requirement of this Act is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. The Congress of the United States hereby declares that it would have passed this Act, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, and requirement thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or requirements be declared unconstitutional or invalid.


SEC. 18. All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

SEC. 19. This Act, except as otherwise provided herein, shall take effect on and after ninety days from the date of its enactment. Approved, August 25, 1937.

[S. 933]

An Act To provide for the examination and registration of archi tects and to regulate the practice of architecture in the District of Columbia

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby created a Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects, the members of which and their successors shall be appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and said board, subject to the approval of said commissioners, shall make rules for the examination and registration of applicants for the certificates provided for by this Act.

SEC. 2. That the board shall be appointed within ninety days after the approval of this Act, and shall be composed of five architects who have been in active practice in the District of Columbia for not less than ten years previous to their appointment. One member of said board shall be designated by the said commissioners as chairman pro tempore until such time as permanent organization is effected.

SEC. 3. That in making the first appointment under this Act the said commissioners shall appoint one of the members of said board to hold office for a period of one year; one to hold office for a period of two years; one to hold office for a period of three years; one for four years; and one for five years; and thereafter all appointments shall be for a period of five years. In case a successor is not appointed at the expiration of the time of any member, such member shall hold office until the successor has been duly appointed and has qualified. In the event of any vacancy occurring in the membership of said board in any manner other than by expiration of time, the said commissioners shall fill said vacancy by an appointment for the unexpired term.

SEC. 4. That the members of said board of examiners shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, subscribe to and file with the secretary of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia the constitutional oath of office.

SEC. 5. That the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects shall meet for organization within thirty days after its appointment and shall elect from its membership a president, a secretary, and a


SEC. 6. That the said board shall adopt all necessary rules, regulations and by-laws, not inconsistent with this Act, to govern its times and places of meeting for organization and reorganization and the holding of examinations, the length of the terms of its officers and all other matters requisite to the exercise of its powers, the performance of its duties, and the transaction of its business under the provisions of this Act. At least two meetings shall be held each year for the purpose of examination for registration.

SEC. 7. That three members of the said board shall constitute a quorum, but no action at the meeting can be taken without at least three votes in accord.

SEC. 8. That the secretary of the said board shall keep a true record of all proceedings of the said board and may employ such clerical assistance as the said board may deem necessary.

SEC. 9. That the said board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of this Act and may incur such expenses as shall be necessary, all of which expenses shall be paid only out of the revenue arising from this Act in the manner hereinafter mentioned and provided.

SEC. 10. That a roster showing the names and places of business and residences of all registered architects shall be prepared by the secretary of the board during the month of June of each year; such roster shall be printed out of the funds of the board as provided in section 11. On or before the 1st day of August each year the board shall submit to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia a report of its transactions for the preceding fiscal year, together with a complete statement of the receipts and expenditures of the board, certified by the chairman and the secretary, and a copy of the said roster of registered architects.

SEC. 11. That all fees provided for by this Act shall be paid to and receipted for by the treasurer of the Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects for the District of Columbia and shall not be used for any purpose other than the purposes of this Act. The expenses of said board, subject to the approval of said board, shall be paid by him upon written order and warrant of the president and secretary of said board.

SEC. 12. That each member of the said board shall be entitled to such reasonable compensation for his services as may be approved by said board: Provided, That said compensation shall not exceed $10 per diem: And provided, That the total amount of such compensation shall not exceed the unobligated balance remaining with the treasurer of the board on the 30th of June of each year.

SEC. 13. That the members of the said board shall be reimbursed the amount of actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties under this Act, subject to the approval of said board.

SEC. 14. That any person wishing to practice architecture in the District of Columbia under title of architect shall, before being entitled to be or be known as an architect, secure from such board a certificate of qualifications to practice under the title of architect, as provided by this Act.

SEC. 15. That any person having a certificate pursuant to the requirements of this Act may be styled or known as an architect or registered architect.

SEC. 16. That no person presumed to have the right to secure such certificate because of his or her use of the title architect prior to the time this Act goes into effect shall assume any title indicating that he or she is an architect, or any words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using them is an architect, unless he or she shall have qualified and obtained a certificate of registration as an architect, or unless he or she shall have filed an affidavit establishing the fact that he or she was in practice as an architect previous to the passage of this Act and has a legal right to practice without a

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