[CHAPTER 704-3D SESSION] [S. 4024] AN ACT Authorizing advancements from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for the construction of certain municipal buildings in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to accept advancements for the District of Columbia from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, created by the National Industrial Recovery Act, and said Administration with the approval of the President is authorized to advance to said Commissioners the sum of $18,150,000, or any part thereof, in addition to any sums heretofore advanced to the District of Columbia by said Administration, out of funds authorized by law for said Administration, for the acquisition, purchase, construction, establishment, and development of public works, including among others a building or buildings for the municipal court, the recorder of deeds, and the juvenile court, or any of them, said buildings to be located on such portions or parts of Judiciary Square, or the area bounded by Fourth and Fifth Streets, D and G Streets, Northwest, or upon such other area or areas as shall be approved by said Commissioners and the National Capital Park and Planning Commission and the making of such advances is hereby included among the purposes for which funds heretofore appropriated or authorized for said Administration, including funds appropriated by the Public Works Administration Appropriation Act of 1938, may be used, in addition to the other purposes specified in the respective Acts appropriating or authorizing said runds. SEC. 2. The sum authorized by section 1 hereof, or any part thereof shall, when advanced, be available to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for the acquisition by dedication, purchase, or condemnation of the fee-simple title to land, or rights or easements in land, for the public uses authorized by this Act, and for the preparation of plans, designs, estimates, models, and specifications; and for architectural and other necessary professional services without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and section 3709 of the Revised Statutes; for the construction of buildings, including materials and labor, heating, lighting, elevators, plumbing, landscaping, and all other appurtenances, and the purchase and installation of machinery, furniture, equipment, apparatus, and any and all other expenditures necessary for or incident to the complete construction and equipment for use of the aforesaid buildings and plants. All contracts, agreements, and proceedings in court for condemnation or otherwise, pursuant to this Act shall be had and made in accordance with existing provisions of law except as otherwise herein provided. SEC. 3. That the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works shall be repaid 55 per centum of any moneys advanced under section 1 of this Act in annual installments over a period of not to exceed twenty-five years with interest thereon for the period of amortization: Provided, That such sums as may be necessary for the reimbursement herein required of the District of Columbia, and for the payment of interest, shall be included in the annual estimates of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the first reimbursement to be made on June 30, 1941: Provided further, That whenever the District of Columbia is under obligation by virtue of the provisions of section 4 of Public Act Numbered 284, Seventyfirst Congress, reimbursement under that Act shall be not less than $300,000 in any one fiscal year. SEC. 4. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall submit with their annual estimates to the Congress a report of their activities and expenditures under section 1 of this Act. SEC. 5. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are not authorized to borrow any further sum or sums under the provisions of an Act of Congress known as Public Law Numbered 465, Seventy-third Congress, approved June 25, 1934, as amended by Public Law Numbered 51, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved May 6, 1935. Approved, June 25, 1938. [H. R. 12899] An Act Authorizing the erection for the sole use of the Pan American Union of an office building on the square of land lying between Eighteenth Street, C Street, and Virginia Avenue northwest, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized and permitted to be erected an office building for the sole use of the Pan American Union on the triangular piece of ground owned by the United States, bounded on the north by C Street northwest, on the east by Eighteenth Street northwest, and on the south by Virginia Avenue northwest, the plans for the said building to be subject to the approval of the National Commission of Fine Arts. SEC. 2. The Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital is hereby authorized and directed to remove at the proper time the temporary Government buildings now on the site described in section 1. SEC. 3. The building which may be erected under the authority of this Act shall be exempt from all taxation so long as it is occupied and used for the purposes herein authorized. Approved, May 16, 1928. (197) |