Lapas attēli

perpetually enjoin such nuisance. The injunction shall be granted at the commencement of the action, and no bond shall be required. Any person violating the terms of any injunction granted in such proceeding shall be punished as for contempt by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the United States jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 9. That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act. All laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, June 1, 1910.

[S. 9439.]

An Act To amend the Act regulating the height of buildings in the District of Columbia, approved June first, nineteen hundred and ten.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the height of buildings in the District of Columbia," approved June first, nineteen hundred and ten, be, and it is hereby, amended by adding at the end of the third paragraph of section five of said Act the following proviso: "Provided, That any church the construction of which had been undertaken but not completed prior to the passage of this Act shall be exempted from the limitations of this paragraph, and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall cause to be issued a permit for the construction of any such church to a height of ninety-five feet above the level of the adjacent curb."

Approved, December 30, 1910.


[S. 2224.]

An Act To amend "An Act to regulate the height of buildings in

the District of Columbia," approved June first, nineteen hundred and ten.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section one and section seven of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to regulate the height of buildings in the District of Columbia," approved June first, nineteen hundred and ten, be, and they are hereby, amended to read as follows:

"SECTION 1. That from and after the date of approval of this Act no combustible or nonfireproof building in the District of Columbia used or occupied or intended to be used or occupied as a dwelling, flat, apartment house, tenement, lodging or boarding house, hospital, dormitory, or for any similar purpose shall be erected, altered, or raised to a height of more than four stories, or more than fifty-five feet in height above the sidewalk, and no combustible or nonfireproof building shall be converted to any of the uses aforesaid if it exceeds either of said limits of height."

"SEC. 7. That for the purposes of this Act the height of buildings shall be measured from the level of the sidewalk opposite the middle of the front of the building to the highest point of the roof. If the building has more than one front, the height shall be measured from the elevation of the sidewalk opposite the middle of the front that will permit of the greater height. No parapet walls shall extend above the limit of height except on nonfireproof dwellings where a parapet wall or balustrade of a height not exceeding four feet will be permitted above the limit of height of building permitted under this Act."

Approved, May 20, 1912.

[H. R. 6863.]

An Act To regulate the height, area, and use of buildings in the District of Columbia and to create a Zoning Commission, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That to protect the public health, secure the public safety, and to protect property in the District of Columbia there is hereby created a Zoning Commission, which shall consist of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds of the District of Columbia, and the Superintendent of the United States Capitol Building and Grounds, which said commission shall have all the powers and perform all the duties hereinafter specified and shall serve without additional compensation. Such employees of the government of the District of Columbia as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act shall be assigned to such duty by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia without additional compensation. There is hereby authorized for the expenses of said commission, including the employment of expert services and all incidental and contingent expenses, a sum not to exceed $5,000, payable one-half out of any money in the United States Treasury not otherwise appropriated and the other half out of the revenues of the District of Columbia.

SEC. 2. That within six months after the passage of this Act and after public notice and hearing as hereinafter provided, the said commission shall divide the District of Columbia into certain districts, to be known, respectively, as height, area, and use districts, and shall adopt regulations specifying the height and area of buildings thereafter to be erected or altered therein and the purposes for which buildings and premises therein may be used: Provided, That such regulations may differ in the various districts: Provided further, That the permissible height of buildings in any district shall not exceed the maximum height of building now authorized upon any street in any part of that district by the Act of Congress approved June 1, 1910, and amendments thereto, regulating the height of buildings in the District of Columbia: And provided further, That no such districts shall be established, nor shall any regulations therefor be adopted, nor shall the height, area, or use of buildings to be erected therein be prescribed until said commission has afforded persons interested an opportunity to be heard at a public hearing as hereinafter provided: And provided further, That in residence districts the usual accessories of a residence located on the same lot including the office of a physician, dentist, or other person, and including a private garage containing space for not more than four automobiles, shall not be prohibited.

SEC. 3. That wherever, under the provisions of this Act, it is required that a public hearing shall be held, notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published for not less than ten consecutive days in one or more newspapers of general circulation printed

and published in the District of Columbia; and such public hearing may be adjourned from time to time: Provided, That if the time and place of the adjourned meeting is publicly announced when the adjournment is had, no further notice of such adjourned meeting need be published.

SEC. 4. That after the public hearings herein provided for shall have been concluded, said commission shall definitely determine the number and boundaries of the districts which it is hereby authorized and directed to establish, and shall specify the height and area of the buildings which may thereafter be erected therein, and shall prescribe the purposes for which such buildings thereafter erected may or may not be used. Said districts so established shall not be changed except on order of said commission after public hearing. Said commission may initiate such changes, or they may be initiated upon the petition of the owners affected. Where the proposed change is to add a contiguous area to a use, height, or area district, the owners of at least 50 per centum of the street frontage proposed to be changed must join in the petition: Provided, That if the frontage proposed to be changed is not a contiguous area, the owners of at least 50 per centum of a frontage within the area not less than three blocks in length must join in such petition before it may be considered by said commission. No such change shall be made, either by said commission on its own motion or upon such petition, except with the unanimous vote of said commission, if the owners of at least 20 per centum of the frontage proposed to be changed protest against such change.

SEC. 5. That said commission is authorized and empowered to make such orders and adopt such regulations not inconsistent with law as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes and carry into effect the provisions of this Act: Provided, That no order or regulation so adopted shall require any change in the plans, construction, or designated use of (a) a building for which a permit shall have been issued, or plans for which shall be on file with the inspector of buildings of the District of Columbia at the time the orders or regulations authorized under this Act are promulgated; or (b) a permit for the erection of which shall be issued within thirty days after promulgation of the orders or regulations authorized or adopted under this Act and the construction of which is either of the above cases shall have been diligently prosecuted within a year from the date of such permit and the ground story framework of which, including the second tier of beams, shall have been completed within said year, and which entire building shall be completed according to such plans within two years of the date of the promulgation of such orders or regulations; or (c) prevent the restoration of a building partially destroyed by fire, explosion, act of God or the public enemy, or prevent the continuance of the use of such building or part thereof as such use existed at the time of such partial destruction, or prevent a change of such existing use except under the limitations provided herein in relation to existing buildings and premises: Provided further, That no frame building that has been damaged by fire or otherwise more than one-half of its original value shall be restored within the fire limits as provided by the building regulations of the District of Columbia; or (d) prevent the restoration of a wall declared unsafe by the inspector of buildings of the District or by a board of survey appointed in accordance with any existing law or regulation.

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