the same and cause judgment thereon to be entered accordingly, all the costs of the proceeding to follow the judgment. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or their duly authorized agents, shall proceed with the removal of the building or parts of building, as ordered by the court, and the cost of removing the building or part of building, including the cost of making good such damage to adjoining premises as may have resulted in such removal, and the cost of publication, if any may be necessary, authorized by section 10 of this Act, shall be assessed against the real estate upon which said building or part of building stood, should the owner at his expense fail to remove the same within such time as may be fixed by the court in the order confirming the verdict of said jury. "Each member of the jury appointed by the court as aforesaid shall receive for each day's attendance the sum of $8 to be included as part of the cost of the proceedings. "SEC. 15. Except as herein otherwise authorized all expenses incident to the enforcement of this Act shall be paid from appropriations made from time to time for that purpose in like manner as other appropriations for the expenses of the District of Columbia." Approved, April 5, 1935. [S. 404] AN ACT To provide for the acquisition of land in the District of Columbia in excess of that required for public projects and improvements, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to promote the orderly and proper development of the seat of government of the United States, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, or agencies of the United States authorized by law to acquire real estate, be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to acquire, in the public interest, by gift, dedication, exchange, purchase, or condemnation, fee simple title to land, or rights in or on land or easements or restrictions therein, within said District, for public uses, works, and improvements authorized by Congress, in excess of that actually needed for and essential to the usefulness of such public uses, works, and improvements, in order to preserve the view, appearance, light, and air and to enhance the usefulness of such public works and improvements to prevent the use of private property adjacent to such public works and improvements in such a manner as to impair the public benefit derived from the construction thereof, or to prevent inequities or hardship to the owners of adjacent private property by depriving them of the beneficial use of their property. SEC. 2. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia or agencies of the United States authorized by law to acquire real estate are further authorized, upon completion of public improvements, to subdivide, and sell at public or private sale, or exchange, any such excess land, and to carry out such purpose or purposes, to convey any lands acquired in excess of that actually needed and which is not essential to the usefulness of such public works, with such reservations concerning the future use and occupation of such real estate as may in their discretion be necessary to protect such public improvements; and any and all moneys received from any sale or transfer of land in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States, and where the property sold was acquired under an appropriation authorized for the use of the District of Columbia, any and all moneys received from such sale shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia: Provided, That in the event of sale as herein authorized, notice of not less than twenty days before such sale shall be published in a daily newspaper published in the District of Columbia, and notice by registered mail before such sale be mailed to the last known address of the persons listed on the records of the assessor of the District of Columbia as the owners of the land abutting the land to be sold and sold at not less than the fair market value at the time sold as determined by appraisement of the assessor of the District of Columbia: Provided, however, That whenever the authorities of the United States or the District of Columbia having jurisdiction over such acquired land, or rights or easements, shall elect to retain any or all of the same for use of the United States or the District of Columbia, the said authorities are authorized to use said land, rights, or easements for park, playground, highway, or alley purposes, or for any other lawful purpose which the said authorities shall deem advantageous or in the public interest. SEC. 3. That whenever land is purchased, as provided in this Act, in excess of that needed in connection with a particular project or improvement, any and all appropriations available for the payment of the purchase price, costs, and expenses incident to such project or improvement are hereby authorized for use in the payment of the purchase price, costs, and expenses of any and all excess land purhased in connection with such project or improvement, as provided in this Act. SEC. 4. That whenever excess land is condemned by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of such land shall be in accordance with chapter 15, subchapter 1 of chapter 15, and/or sections 1608 to 1610, inclusive, of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia: Provided, That any and all appropriations available for the payment of awards, damages, and costs in condemnation proceedings under chapter 15 of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia are hereby authorized for use in the payment of awards, damages, and costs in any and all condemnation proceedings under said chapter 15 for the acquisition of excess land, as provided in this Act: Provided further, That any and all appropriations available for the payment of awards, damages, and costs in condemnation proceedings under subchapter 1 of chapter 15 and/or sections 1608 to 1610, inclusive, of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia are hereby authorized for use in the payment of awards, damages, and costs in any and all condemnation proceedings under said subchapter 1 of chapter 15 and/or said sections 1608 to 1610, inclusive, for the acquisition of excess land, as provided in this Act: And provided further, That in any and all cases where such excess land is condemned, no assessments for benefits shall be levied by the jury in respect to the acquisition of said excess land. SEC. 5. That whenever excess land is condemned by agencies of the United States, other than the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, as provided in this Act, the condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of such land shall be in accordance with an Act approved March 1, 1929, as amended, or any law or laws in effect at the time of such condemnation for the acquisition of land in the District of Columbia for use of the United States: Provided, That any and all appropriations available for the condemnation of land under said Act approved March 1, 1929, as amended, are hereby authorized for use in the payments of awards, damages, and costs in any and all condemnation proceedings under said Act, as amended, for the acquisition of excess land, as provided in this Act. SEC. 6. That the portion of the Act approved February 25, 1907, entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a Code of Laws for the District of Columbia", regulating proceedings for condemnation of land for streets'" (34 Stat. 930; ch. 1195, sec. 491g), reading: "And where part of any lot, piece, parcel, or tract of land has been dedicated for the opening, extension, widening or straightening of the street, avenue, road, or highway, the jury, in determining whether the remainder of said lot, piece, parcel, or tract is to be assessed for benefits, and the amount of benefits, if any, to be assessed thereon, shall also take into consideration the fact of such dedication and the value of the land so dedicated " is hereby repealed. SEC. 7. With the exception of section 6, none of the provisions of this Act shall be construed as repealing any provisions of existing law pertaining to the condemnation or acquisition of streets, alleys, or land, or the law or laws relating to the subdividing of lands in the District of Columbia. SEC. 8. If any provision of this Act is held invalid, the remainder of the Act shall not be affected thereby. Approved, April 11, 1935. |