Returns have been received from twenty-one railway companies, as follows: Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Chicago & Northwestern. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha. Duluth & Iron Range. Little Falls & Dakota. Minnesota & Northwestern. Minnesota, St. Croix & Wisconsin. Minneapolis, Lyndale & Minnetonka. Minneapolis & St. Croix. Northern Pacific, Fergus Falls & Black Hills. Northern Pacific. St. Paul & Duluth. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba. St. Paul & Northern Pacific. St. Paul Union Depot Co. Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pacific. CAPITAL STOCK AND DEBT. The stock, bonds and debt of all the railroads in the State is reported June 30, 1887 at $190,223,032.28. The average cost per mile of the railroads of Minnesota is reported at $39,048.98. GROSS EARNINGS. The total gross earnings for the year ending June 30, 1887, are.. For the year ending June 30, 1886, they were...... Increase for the year ending June 30, 1887..... $26,162,086 66 25,102,319 34 $1,059,767 32 NOTE.-Heretofore the St. P. & N. P. road have reported gross earnings and the Northern Pacific have included the same in their reports, and both were included in the returns of gross earnings, thus making a report of gross earnings which was larger than the fact justified. In this report this error is not repeated. The amount of this error in the report of last year was $1,336,600.12. This would decrease the gross earnings for 1886 to that extent, the amount for passengers being $361,240.87; the amount for freight being $909,155.76; the amount from miscellaneous sources being $66,203.49. The total freight earnings for the year ending June 30, 1887, are.. For the year ending June 30, 1886 Freight earnings increase for the year.. The total passenger earnings for the year ending June 30, 1887, were.... For the year ending June 30, 1886, were Passenger earnings decrease From miscellaneous sources for the year ending June $19,370,775 31 18,517,338 83 $853,436 48 $5,372,192 86 5,392,923 99 $20,731 13 $1,419,118 49 1,192,056 52 $227,061 97 OPERATING EXPENSES. The total operating expenses of all lines in the State for year ending June 30, 1887, were.... For the year ending June 30, 1886. Increase for 1887..... NET INCOME. Total net income of all lines for year ending June 30, 1887..... For year ending June 30, 1886 .... Decrease in net earnings for 1887 TAXES. *The amount of taxes paid into the State treasury for the year ending December 31, 1886, by the rail way companies was... For the year ending Dec. 31, 1885.... Increase for year 1886 $13,448,918 43 12,040,266 81 $1,408,651 62 $12,713,168 23 13,063,052 53 $349,884 30 $672.236 48 611,743 55 $60,492 93 * This sum represents the amount of taxes certified by the commission to the state auditor as due and payable under the law. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. dispute the correctness of the amount certified as due from it. See table No. XVIII. ACCIDENTS. The number of passengers killed during the year was... 7 32 45 Number of employes injured but not killed.. 306 The number of persons killed while walking on track.. 60 46 496 Total casualties.... There were 112 persons killed during the year, as against 92 for the year ending June 30, 1886. The whole number of injured was 384, as against 230 the year before. A more detailed statement of casualties and of the causes will be found in the accident tables attached to this report. EMPLOYES. The total number of employes on all the lines doing business in Minnesota for the year ending June 30, 1887, was... The proportion for Minnesota was... Showing an increase in the State over the previous year of.. 61,483 15,883 1,138 PASSENGER TRAFFIC. The total number of passengers carried on all lines within The total number carried the previous year was... The average distance so travelled the previous year was.. The total number so carried in 1886 was The average rate per passenger per mile for 1887 was.... 8,141,163 6,323,188 26 miles 31 miles 211,509,301 196,499,789 2.48 cents 2.70 cents FREIGHT TRAFFIC. The total number of tons of freight carried on the lines within the State for the year was For the year previous ... 11,150,382 9,178,668 |