Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1912, by HOWARD PARKER, State Reporter, For the benefit of the State of Oklahoma, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. С. House Bill No. 75 AN ACT providing for the appointment by the Supreme Court of six Supreme Court Commissioners to be divided into two divisions, prescribing their qualifications, defining their powers and duties, fixing their salaries, providing for clerical assistance, and declaring an emergency. aries, providing Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: AP SECTION 1. OFFICES CREATED QUALIFICATIONS POINTMENT-TERM-SALARY. The Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma, shall at once upon the passage and taking effect of this act, appoint six (6) persons as Commissioners of the Supreme Court, one from each Supreme Court judicial district and one from the state at large, each having the qualifications required for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court of this state. The Supreme Court shall issue to each a commission, which shall be recorded on the minutes of the Supreme Court. Each of said Commissioners to hold office for a term of two years, from and after his appointment, and at the end of two years after the first commission has been appointed this commission shall expire. All vacancies in the office of said Commissioners to be filled in the same manner as is required in the appointment of the Commissioners as hereinbefore provided. Commissioners so appointed shall not be permitted to practice as attorneys before any court of this state during their term of office. Said Commissioners shall be divided into two divisions, to be known as Supreme Court Commissioner divisions, numbers one and two; the members of each division to be designated by the Supreme Court. Each of said Commissioners shall receive a salary of thirty-six hundred dollars per annum, which shall be payable at the same time and in the same manner as is the salary of the Justices of the said Supreme Court. Each Commissioner, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office prescribed for other state officials. SECTION 2. DUTIES. It shall be the duties of said Supreme Court Commissioners, under such orders, rules and regulations as such Supreme Court may adopt, to assist the said court in the disposing of the causes now pending or hereafter brought to said court by appeal or otherwise. Said commission in all causes submitted to it for examination, shall make its findings and opinions in writing to the Supreme Court to be remanded, adopted or rejected, in whole or in part, under such rules and regulations as the court may prescribe, and the court shall render such opinion or opinions and enter such judgment in such causes as the court may deem proper. The SECTION 3. CLERICAL HELP-OFFICES AND SUPPLIES. said commission may appoint such clerical and stenographic help as the necessities of said commission may require, fixing the compensation for such help not to exceed the amount paid for such like services performed for the members of the Supreme Court, and such commission may procure office rooms and office furniture, supplies and necessaries for conducting the business required of said commission; all of which to be paid for on purpose vouchers approved by said court. SECTION 4. EMERGENCY. For the immediate preservation of the public health, peace and safety an emergency is hereby declared by reason whereof this act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 25, 1911. |