Lapas attēli

or along the coasts of the United States and promptly brought into a port of the United States by salvors were made by R. S. § 3058, as amended by Act Feb. 23, 1887, c. 221, ante, § 5760.

Provisions for the free entry of merchandise taken from vessels sunk in any waters subject to the United States which have been abandoned for a period of two years were made by the Dingley Tariff Act of July 24, 1897, c. 11, § 28, 30 Stat. 210, and were re-enacted in subsequent tariff acts, including the Underwood Tariff Act of Oct. 3, 1913, c. 16, § IV, L, ante, § 5312. § 7986. (R. S. § 4240.) Forfeitures for taking wrecked property to foreign ports.

Every vessel which shall be engaged or employed in carrying or transporting any property whatsoever, taken from any wreck, from the sea, or from any of the keys or shoals, within the jurisdiction of the United States, on the coast of Florida, to any foreign port, shall, together with her tackle, apparel, and furniture, be forfeited, and all forfeitures incurred by virtue of this section shall accrue, one moiety to the informer and the other to the United States.

Act March 3, 1825, c. 107, § 1, 4 Stat. 132.

§ 7987. (R. S. § 4241.) License to wreckers on Florida coast.

No vessel, or master thereof, shall be regularly employed in the business of wrecking on the coast of Florida without the license of the judge of the district court for the district of Florida; and, before licensing any vessel or master, the judge shall be satisfied that the vessel is sea-worthy, and properly and sufficiently fitted and equipped for the business of saving property shipwrecked and in distress; and that the master thereof is trustworthy, and innocent of any fraud or misconduct in relation to any property shipwrecked or saved on the coast.

Act Feb. 23, 1847, c. 20, § 3, 9 Stat. 131.

§ 7988. (Act June 19, 1878, c. 324, as amended, Act May 24, 1890, c. 292, and Act March 3, 1893, c. 211, § 1.) Canadian vessels may aid vessels wrecked or disabled in United States waters contiguous to Canada.

Canadian vessels and wrecking appurtenance may render aid and assistance to Canadian or other vessels and property wrecked, disabled, or in distress in the waters of the United States contiguous to the Dominion of Canada: Provided, That this act shall not take effect until proclamation by the President of the United States that the privilege of aiding American or other vessels and property wrecked, disabled, or in distress in Canadian waters contiguous to the United States has been extended by the Government of the Dominion of Canada to American vessels and wrecking appliances of all descriptions.

This act shall be construed to apply to the canal and improvement of the waters between Lake Erie and Lake Huron, and to the waters of the Saint Mary's River and canal: And provided further, That this act shall cease to be in force from and after the date of the proclamation of the President of the United States to the effect that said reciprocal privilege has been withdrawn, revoked, or rendered

inoperative by the said Government of the Dominion of Canada. (20 Stat. 175. 26 Stat. 120. 27 Stat. 675.)

This was an act entitled "An act to aid vessels wrecked or disabled in the waters coterminous to the United States and the 'Dominion of Canada." This act as originally enacted, was as follows:

"That Canadian vessels of all descriptions may render aid or assistance to Canadian or other vessels wrecked or disabled in the waters of the United States contiguous to the Dominion of Canada: Provided, That this act shall not take effect until proclamation by the President declaring that the privilege of aiding American or other vessels wrecked or disabled in Canadian waters contiguous to the United States has been extended by the Government of the Dominion of Canada and declaring this act to be in force: And provided further, That this act shall cease to be in force from and after the date of proclamation by the President to the effect that said reciprocal privilege has been withdrawn or revoked by said Government of the Dominion of Canada."

It was amended by Act May 24, 1890, c. 292, cited above, so as to read as set forth here, except that, besides making the act applicable to the canal and improvement of the waters between Lake Erie and Lake Huron, etc., it was also made applicable to the Welland Canal.

The amendment made by Act March 3, 1893, c. 211, § 1, cited above, consisted in striking out the provision relating to the Welland Canal.

§ 7989. (Res. Oct. 31, 1893, No. 13.) International agreement for reporting, marking, and removal of derelicts, etc.

That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to make with the several governments interested in the navigation of the North Atlantic Ocean an international agreement providing for the reporting, marking, and removal of dangerous wrecks, derelicts, and other menaces to navigation in the North Atlantic Ocean outside the coast waters of the respective countries bordering thereon. (28 Stat. 13.)

This was a resolution entitled "Joint resolution for the reporting, marking, and removal of derelicts."

§ 7990. (Act Aug. 1, 1912, c. 268, § 1.) Salvage; remuneration not affected by ownership of vessel.

The right to remuneration for assistance or salvage services shall not be affected by common ownership of the vessels rendering and receiving such assistance or salvage services. (37 Stat. 242.)

This section and the four sections next following were an act entitled “An act to harmonize the national law of salvage with the provisions of the international convention for the unification of certain rules with respect to assistance and salvage at sea, and for other purposes."

Section 6 of said act provided that the act should take effect and be in force on and after July 1, 1912.

§ 7991. (Act Aug. 1, 1912, c. 268, § 2.) Assistance to be rendered by master; punishment for failure.

The master or person in charge of a vessel shall, so far as he can do so without serious danger to his own vessel, crew, or passengers, render assistance to every person who is found at sea in danger of being lost; and if he fails to do so, he shall, upon conviction, be liable to a penalty of not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or both. (37 Stat. 242.)

§ 7992. (Act Aug. 1, 1912, c. 268, § 3.) Salvors of life to share in property saved.

Salvors of human life, who have taken part in the services rendered on the occasion of the accident giving rise to salvage, are entitled to a fair share of the remuneration awarded to the salvors of the vessel, her cargo, and accessories. (37 Stat. 242.)

§ 7993. (Act Aug. 1, 1912, c. 268, § 4.) suits.

Time limit for salvage

A suit for the recovery of remuneration for rendering assistance or salvage services shall not be maintainable if brought later than two years from the date when such assistance or salvage was rendered, unless the court in which the suit is brought shall be satisfied that during such period there had not been any reasonable opportunity of arresting the assisted or salved vessel within the jurisdiction of the court or within the territorial waters of the country in which the libelant resides or has his principal place of business. (37 Stat. 242.)

§ 7994. (Act Aug. 1, 1912, c. 268, § 5.) Act not applicable to ships of war, etc.

Nothing in this Act shall be construed as applying to ships of war or to Government ships appropriated exclusively to a public service. (37 Stat. 242.)

(R. S. §§ 4242-4247. Transferred to Title LV A.)

These sections, providing for the establishment of life-saving stations, the appointment of superintendents and keepers, the employment of crews of surfmen, the care of boats, etc., are placed with subsequent provisions relating to the Life-Saving Service, post, under Title LV A, "The Life-Saving Service," §§ 8469, 8470, 8516, 8519, 8532, 8533.

(R. S. § 4248. Superseded.)

This section provided that the life-saving stations at Narragansett Pier and Block Island, R. I., should be under the superintendent of life-saving stations for the coast of Long Island. It was superseded by Act May 4, 1882, c. 117, § 4, which provided that there should be a superintendent for the district embracing the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, which in turn was superseded by Act June 6, 1900, c. 791, § 1, post, which provides for a superintendent for the coasts of Rhode Island and Fishers Island.

(R. S. § 4249. Transferred to Title LV A.)

This section, providing for the establishment and supervision of life-saving stations, is placed, with R. S. §§ 4242-4247, and subsequent provisions relating to the Life-Saving Service, post, under Title LV A, "The Life-Saving Service," 8471.


§ 7995. (R. S. § 4250, as amended, Act Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80, § 1.) Removal of captain by owners of vessels.

Any person or body-corporate having more than one-half ownership of any vessel shall have the same power to remove a master, who is also part owner of such vessel, as such majority owners have to remove a master not an owner. This section shall not apply where there is a valid written agreement subsisting, by virtue of which such master

would be entitled to possession, nor in any case where a master has possession as part owner, obtained before the ninth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two.

Act April 9, 1872, c. 90, 17 Stat. 51. Act Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80, § 1, 18 Stat. 320.

This section was amended by Act Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80, § 1, cited above, by striking out, after the words "obtained before the," the word "nineteenth," and inserting in place thereof the word "ninth," as set forth here.


§ 7996. (R. S. § 4251.) Canal-boats not to be libeled for wages. No canal-boat, without masts or steam-power, which is required to be registered, licensed, or enrolled and licensed, shall be subject to be libeled in any of the United States courts for the wages of any person who may be employed on board thereof, or in navigating the same. Act July 20, 1846, c. 60, § 1, 9 Stat. 38.



Transportation of Passengers and Merchandise

7997. Accommodations for steerage passengers in vessels from foreign ports; limitation of number of steerage passengers; measurement of space of passenger decks; violations of section punishable; penalties.

7998. Repeal of Act Feb. 20, 1907, c. 1134, § 42, and, in part, of §§ 43 and 44, of said act.

7999. (1) Berths for passengers.

(2) Number and construction; oc-

(3) Males; where berthed.

(4) Unmarried


(5) Families.

females; where

(6) Berths to be numbered.
(7) Penalties.

8000. (1) Light and air to passenger
decks and compartments.
(2) Ventilators.

(3) Hatchways and companion-

(4) Caboose and cooking appar


(5) Water-closets.

(6) Penalties.

8001. (1) Food.

(2) Number of meals per day.

(3) Short allowance.

(4) Milk for infants.

(5) Tables and seats. (6) Penalties.


8002. Hospital compartments; surgeon, medicine, etc.; penalties.

8003. Maintenance of discipline and cleanliness; exercise of passengers; penalties.


8004. Visiting parts of vessel occupied
by passengers forbidden;
ceptions; penalties; copies of
section to be posted.
8005. Carrying explosives or other dan-
gerous articles forbidden; an-
imals, how carried; penalties.
8006. (1) Boarding vessel on arrival.
(2) Delivery of passenger lists on
arrival; contents.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


8027. Limitation of liability of owners
to apply to all vessels.

8028. Liability of owners of vessels for
debts limited.

8029. Clauses in bills of lading reliev-
ing from liability for negli-
gence, etc., prohibited.
8030. Clauses in bills of lading reliev-
ing from exercise of due dili-
gence in equipping, etc., vessels,

8031. Limitation of liability for errors
of navigation, dangers of the
sea, acts of God, etc.
8032. Bills of lading required to be is-
sued; contents.

8033. Penalty for violations of act;
lien; recovery.

8034. Existing laws not repealed.
8035. Certain provisions of act not to
apply to transportation of live

(R. S. §§ 4252-4277. Repealed.)

R. S. § 4252, prescribed the space to be allotted to each passenger brought from any foreign port or place other than foreign contiguous territory of the United States to the United States. R. S. § 4253, provided a penalty for the violation of section 4252. R. S. § 4254, required lockers and hospital compartR. S. 4256, ments on each vessel. R. S. § 4255, regulated the number and size of the berths, and provided a penalty for violations of the section. required deck houses on all vessels. R. S. § 4257, required ventilators on vesR. S. § 4258, required cooking sels, and prescribed their number and size. ranges on all vessels. R. S. § 4259, provided a penalty for violations of sections 4256-4258. R. S. § 4260, prescribed the amount, kind, and quality of the R. S. § 4261, provided a penalty provisions to be carried by each vessel. R. S. § 4262, provided for the cooking and for violations of section 4260. distribution of the provisions, and provided a penalty for violations of R. S. § the section. R. S. § 4263, provided for the discipline and health of the passengers, and provided a penalty for violations of the section. 4264, as amended by Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 250, provided for the inspection of vessels upon their arrival, and extended the previous sections so as to make them applicable to steam-vessels carrying such passengers. R. S. § 4265, extended the provisions of the previous sections to vessels carrying such passengers from any port in the United States to any port or place in the Pacific Ocean or its tributaries, or from any such place or port to any port in the United States on the Atlantic Ocean or its tributaries. R. S. § 4266, required lists of passengers to be delivered to the collector of the customs on arrival, and provided a penalty for refusals. R. S. § 4267, required the lists of passengers to be delivered quarterly to the Secretary of State by the colThis section was repealed by Act May 7, 1874, c. lectors of the customs. 149, 18 Stat. 42, which further required collectors of customs to make returns from the manifests of passengers to the Secretary of the Treasury. R. S. § 4268, required the payment to the collector of customs upon arrival of ten dollars for every passenger above eight years of age, except cabin passengers, who should die on the voyage of natural disease, and provided for the disposition of the money so paid. R. S. § 4269, provided a penalty for R. S. § 4270, refusals to pay said ten dollars, and provided for its recovery. made the penalties recoverable by the preceding section liens on the vessels, and provided for the libel of the vessels. R. S. § 4271, extended the provisions of the preceding sections to vessels operated by colonization societies. R. S. § 4272, provided for the examination of emigrant vessels upon their arrival. R.


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