the necessary assistants. All reports or documents to be distributed for Senators, Representatives, and Delegates shall be folded and distributed from the folding rooms, unless otherwise ordered and each Senator, Representative and Delegate shall be notified in writing once every sixty days of the number and character of publications on hand and assigned to him for use and distribution. (28 Stat. 612.) The distribution of documents from the Senate and House Folding Rooms was not affected by the transfer of the duty of distributing public documents to the Public Printer, by Act Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, § 8, post, § 7171. § 7051. (Act Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 72.) Rights of retiring members of Congress to documents. Any Senator, Representative, or Delegate having public documents to his credit at the expiration of his term of office shall take the same prior to the convening of the next succeeding Congress, and if he shall not do so within such period he shall forfeit them to his successor in office. (28 Stat. 612.) Re-elected members of Congress were entitled to distribute public documents to their credit, or to the credit of their respective districts, during their successive terms, and until their right to frank documents ceased by Act June 4, 1897, c. 2, § 1, post, § 7052. § 7052. (Act June 4, 1897, c. 2, § 1.) Time for distribution of documents by members of Congress extended. The time allowed Members of the Fifty-fourth Congress to distribute public documents to their credit, or the credit of their respective districts in the Interior or other Departments and Bureaus, and in the Government Printing Office, on March first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and to present the names of libraries, public institutions, and individuals to receive such documents, be, and the same is hereby, extended to December first, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and hereafter the time for such distribution by Members of Congress reelected shall continue during their successive terms and until their right to frank documents shall end. 62.) (30 Stat. This was a provision of the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1898, cited above. A similar provision was contained in Res. March 25, 1897, No. 4, 30 Stat. 217. Any member of Congress having documents to his credit at the expiration of his term of office was required to take them prior to the convening of the next succeeding Congress, or forfeit them to his successor in office, by Act Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 72, ante, § 7051. § 7053. (Act Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, § 73, as amended, Res. March 19, 1896, No. 31, Res. April 20, 1896, No. 46, Act June 11, 1896, c. 420, § 1, Act Jan. 30, 1903, c. 338, Act April 28, 1904, c. 1791, and Res. March 4, 1907, No. 25.) (1) Extra copies of documents and reports; style of binding; number and allotment. Extra copies of documents and reports shall be printed promptly when the same shall be ready for publication, and shall be bound in paper or cloth as directed by the Joint Committee on Printing, and shall be of the number following in addition to the usual number. (28 Stat. 612.) This was the first paragraph of section 73 of the Printing and Binding Act of 1895, cited above. The further paragraphs of said section prescribed the number of extra copies of specified documents and reports, respectively, to be printed, and the distribution thereof. All the paragraphs of said section, as originally enacted, have been numbered consecutively, to facilitate the use of references made to them by such numbers in subsequent acts, and for convenience of reference otherwise. Such of them as remain in force are set forth here, singly, or in groups, when required by their connection, post, §§ 7054-7095. Specific express amendments of any of said paragraphs are incorporated in the particular paragraphs amended, as set forth here. Other provisions of acts subsequent to the Printing and Binding Act of 1895, relating to the subject of this section, are set forth immediately following it, in like order as to the several documents, etc., post, §§ 7096-7143. This section superseded R. S. § 3796, which provided that the Congressional Printer should, when so directed by the Joint Committee on the Library, print, in addition to the "usual number," either 50 or 100 copies, as directed, of all documents printed by order of either House of Congress, or any Department or Bureau of the Government; also R. S. § 3798, which provided for the printing and binding, in addition to the "usual number," of a certain enumerated number of copies of certain enumerated documents; also R. S. § 3810, which provided that the annual reports of the Executive Departments and the accompanying documents should be delivered by the Printer to the proper officer of each House at the first meeting thereof, and that the President's message, the reports of the Executive Departments, and the abridgment of the accompanying documents should be so delivered on or before the third Wednesday in December next after the meeting of Congress, or as soon thereafter as practicable; also R. S. § 3811, as amended by Act Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80, § 1, 18 Stat. 319, which provided that the annual report of the Comptroller should be printed and ready for delivery on or before the first day of December next after the close of the year to which the report relates; also R. S. § 3812, which provided that the Secretary of the Treasury should furnish a condensed statement of the aggregate amount of the exports to and imports from foreign countries to the Printer, on or before the first day of November of each year. § 7054. (2) Report of Secretary of Agriculture. The Annual Report of the Secretary of Agriculture shall hereafter be submitted and printed in two parts, as follows: Part one, which shall contain purely business and executive matter which it is necessary for the Secretary to submit to the President and Congress; part two, which shall contain such reports from the different bureaus and divisions, and such papers prepared by their special agents, accompanied by suitable illustrations as shall, in the opinion of the Secretary, be specially suited to interest and instruct the farmers of the country, and to include a general report of the operations of the Department for their information. There shall be printed of part one, one thousand copies for the Senate, two thousand copies for the House, and three thousand copies for the Department of Agriculture; and of part two, one hundred and ten thousand copies for the use of the Senate, three hundred and sixty thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, and thirty thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture, the illustrations for the same to be executed under the supervision of the Public Printer, in accordance with directions of the Joint Committee on Printing, said illustrations to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture; and the title of each of the said parts shall be such as to show that such part is complete in itself: Provided, That one edition of seventy-five thousand copies of the Special Report on Diseases of the Horse be printed, of which fifty thousand copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, and twenty-five thousand copies for the use of the Senate. (28 Stat. 612.) The printing of 10,500 copies annually of the Report on Field Operations of the Division of Soils, Department of Agriculture, was authorized by Res. Feb. 23, 1901, No. 8, post. § 7055. (3) Report of Bureau of Animal Industry. Of the Report of the Bureau of Animal Industry, thirty thousand copies, of which seven thousand shall be for the Senate, fourteen thousand for the House, and nine thousand for distribution by the Agricultural Department. (28 Stat. 613.) § 7056. (4) Report of Weather Bureau. Of the Annual Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau, four thousand copies; one thousand copies for the Senate, two thousand copies for the House, and one thousand copies for the Bureau. (28 Stat. 613.) § 7057. (5) Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac; sale. Of the Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac and of the papers supplementary thereto, one thousand five hundred copies; one hundred copies for the Senate, four hundred for the House, and one thousand for distribution or sale by the Navy Department. The five hundred copies printed for Congress and the usual number shall be for the calendar year next following, and those for the Navy Department for the third year following. The Secretary of the Navy is also authorized to cause additional copies of the Ephemeris, and of the Nautical Almanacs extracted therefrom, to be printed for the public service and for sale to navigators and others: Provided, That all moneys received from sales of the Ephemeris and of the Nautical Almanacs shall be deposited in the Treasury and placed to the credit of the general fund for public printing. (28 Stat. 613.) This paragraph superseded Res. Feb. 11, 1880, No. 10, which contained similar provisions. The printing of the "usual number" of the Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, the printing and distribution of which were regulated by this paragraph, was discontinued, and in lieu thereof the printing of 1,100 copies was authorized, by Res. May 13, 1902, No. 20, post, § 7098. § 7058. (6) Observations of Naval Observatory. Of the Observations of the Naval Observatory, one thousand eight hundred copies; three hundred for the Senate, seven hundred for the House, and eight hundred for distribution by the Naval Observatory, and of the astronomical appendixes to the above observations, one thousand two hundred separate copies, and of the meteorological and magnetic observations one thousand separate copies for distribution by the Naval Observatory. (28 Stat. 613.) § 7059. (7) Report of Coast and Geodetic Survey. Of the Report of the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, two thousand eight hundred copies in quarto form, bound in one volume, two hundred for the Senate, six hundred for the House, and two thousand for distribution by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (28 Stat. 613. 29 Stat. 471.) This paragraph as originally enacted provided for the distribution of the report of the Coast and Geodetic Survey as follows: Of part 1, 200 for the Senate, 600 for the House, 700 for distribution by the Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey; of part 2, 200 for the Senate, 600 for the House, 200 for distribution by the Superintendent of the Geodetic Survey. It was amended by Res. April 20, 1896, No. 46, cited above, to read as set forth here. § 7060. (8) Reports on Commercial Relations and Foreign Relations. Of Commercial Relations, and of Foreign Relations, three thousand copies of each; one thousand for the Senate and two thousand for the House. (28 Stat. 613.) This paragraph superseded paragraph 4 of R. S. § 3798, which provided for the printing and binding of 5,000 copies of the "Commercial Relations" reports, in addition to the "usual number," and paragraph 3 of said section, which fixed the number of copies of papers relating to foreign affairs to be printed and bound. 7061. (9) Report of Bureau of Ethnology. Of the Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, uniform with the preceding volumes of the series, eight thousand copies, one thousand five hundred for the Senate, three thousand for the House, and three thousand five hundred for distribution by the Bureau of Ethnology. (28 Stat. 613.) The bulletins issued by the Bureau of American Ethnology were to be in octavo size, instead of royal octavo, by Res. March 29, 1904, No. 14, post, § 7099. § 7062. (10) Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Of the Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, eight thousand copies; two thousand for the Senate, four thousand for the House, and two thousand for distribution by the Fish Commission. (28 Stat. 614.) This paragraph superseded Res. Feb. 14, 1881, No. 12, 21 Stat. 517, which contained similar provisions. § 7063. (11) Bulletins of Fish Commission. Of the Bulletins of the Fish Commission, five thousand copies; one thousand for the Senate, two thousand for the House, and two thousand for distribution by the Commission. (28 Stat. 614.) § 7064. (12) Report of Health Officer of District of Columbia. Of the Report of the Health Officer of the District of Columbia, one thousand five hundred copies; one hundred for the Senate, three hundred and sixty for the House, and one thousand and forty for distribution by the health officer. (28 Stat. 614.) The printing of additional copies of the annual report upon the improvement and care of public buildings and grounds, and the care and maintenance of the Washington Monument, in the District of Columbia, was authorized by Res. June 2, 1900, No. 30, post, § 7100. § 7065. (13) Report of Civil Service Commission. Of the Report of the Civil Service Commission, twenty-three thousand copies; one thousand for the Senate, two thousand for the House, and twenty thousand for distribution by the Civil Service Commission. (28 Stat. 614.) § 7066. (14) Report of Commissioner of Education. Of the Report of the Commissioner of Education, thirty-five thousand copies; five thousand for the Senate, ten thousand for the House, and twenty thousand for distribution by the Commissioner of Education. (28 Stat. 614.) § 7067. (15) Report of Geological Survey. Of the Report of the Geological Survey, uniform with the preceding reports, ten thousand copies; two thousand for the Senate, four thousand for the House, four thousand for distribution by the Geological Survey. (28 Stat. 614.) The publication and distribution of the monographs and bulletins of the Geological Survey were provided for by section 79 of this act, and Res. Feb. 26, 1896, No. 19, post, §§ 7149, 7150. The report of the mineral resources of the United States was required to be issued as a part of the report of the Director of the Geological Survey, provisions were made for its compilation and distribution, and papers for the 'Director's annual report, which are of a strictly economic character, were reIquired to be printed in pamphlet form, and 3,000 copies of the monographs and bulletins of the Geological Survey were required to be published for scientific exchange and for sale, by Act March 2, 1895, c. 189, § 1, as amended by Act June 4, 1897, c. 2, § 1, post, § 7101. The reports of the Geological Survey in relation to the gauging of streams and to the methods of utilizing the water resources might be printed in octavo form, not to exceed 100 pages in length and 5,000 copies in number, 1,000 copies for the official use of the Survey, 1,500, for the Senate, and 2,500 for the House of Representatives, by Act June 11, 1896, c. 420, § 1, post, § 7102. Provision was made for the gratuitous distribution and sale of the topographical and geological maps and atlases of the United States made by the Geological Survey, and also for the distribution of said maps and atlases to members of Congress, by Res. Feb. 18, 1897, No. 13, ante, §§ 778, 779. The publication of 1,000 additional copies of the volumes or parts of the reports of the Geological Survey which relate to hydrography, forestry, and mining and mineral resources, was authorized by Res. March 2, 1901, No. 17, post, 7103. The report of the Director of the Geological Survey, the printing and distribution of which were regulated by this section, was limited to one volume of royal octavo size, by Res. May 16, 1902, No. 22, post, § 7104. Said resolution provided also for the printing of additional copies of any of the reports of the Survey when those already printed shall have become exhausted. It further provided that the Director of the Survey shall transmit to the Library of Congress two copies of every report of the Bureau, in addition to those already required to be so delivered. See, also, notes to act March 2, 1895, c. 189, § 1, as amended by Act June 4, 1897, c. 2, § 1, post, § 7101. § 7068. (16) Report of Commissioner of Labor. Of the Report of the Commissioner of Labor, twenty-five thousand copies; five thousand for the Senate, ten thousand for the House, and ten thousand for distribution by the Commissioner of Labor. (28 Stat. 614.) The Commissioner of Labor was authorized to compile and publish annually, as a part of the Bulletin of the Department of Labor, an abstract of the |