corps; but the appropriations named in this proviso shall continue available until otherwise ordered by Congress. (18 Stat. 110.) This section was part of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1875, cited above. Further provisions of this section omitted here were temporary or were repealed by Act June 14, 1878, c. 191, § 4, post, § 6804. The provision repealed required the Secretary of the Treasury to report balances of appropriations for specific objects that needed to be reappropriated. Provisions similar to those of this section, for the disposal of unexpended balances of appropriations, remaining in the Treasury on July 1, 1904, were made by Act March 4, 1909, c. 299, § 10, 35 Stat. 1027. No specific or indefinite appropriation made in any regular annual appropriation act is to be construed as permanent unless it belongs to one of the five classes excepted from the operation of this section, or unless it is in terms made available continuously, by Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 7, post, § 6804. § 6803. (Act June 14, 1878, c. 191, § 4.) Reports of balances needing to be reappropriated abolished; examination of claims under appropriations exhausted or carried to surplus fund. That so much of section five of the act approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, as directs the Secretary of the Treasury at the beginning of each session to report to Congress with his annual estimates any balances of appropriations for specific objects affected by said section that may need to be reappropriated, be, and hereby is, repealed. And it shall be the duty of the several accounting-officers of the Treasury to continue to receive, examine, and consider the justice and validity of all claims under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of said section that may be brought before them within a period of five years. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall report the amount due each claimant, at the commencement of each session, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who shall lay the same before Congress for consideration: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize the re-examination and payment of any claim or account which has been once examined and rejected, unless reopened in accordance with existing law. (20 Stat. 115.) This section was part of the deficiency appropriation act for the fiscal year 1878, cited above. See notes to Act June 20, 1874, c. 328, § 5, ante, § 6802. § 6804. (Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 7.) Appropriations in annual appropriation acts not to be construed as permanent; exceptions. No specific or indefinite appropriation made hereafter in any regular annual appropriation Act shall be construed to be permanent or available continuously without reference to a fiscal year unless it belongs to one of the following five classes: "Rivers and harbors," "lighthouses," "fortifications," "public buildings," and "pay of the Navy and Marine Corps," last specifically named in and excepted from the operation of the provisions of the so-called "covering-in Act" approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, or unless it is made in terms expressly providing that it shall continue available beyond the fiscal year for which the appropriation Act in which it is contained makes provision. (37 Stat. 487.) This section was part of the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1913, cited above. The "Covering-in Act," Act June 20, 1874, c. 328, § 5, mentioned in this section, is set forth ante, § 6802. § 6805. (Act Aug. 5, 1882, c. 389, § 5.) Unexpended balances of permanent appropriations for collecting customs revenue to be carried to surplus fund. From and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and of each year thereafter, the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause all unexpended balances of the permanent and indefinite appropriations for collecting the revenue from customs which shall have remained upon the books of the Treasury for two fiscal years to be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treasury. (22 Stat. 256.) This section was part of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1883, cited above. § 6806. (Act July 26, 1886, c. 781, § 2.) Disposal of balances of appropriations for pay of Navy or Marine Corps. All balances of moneys appropriated for the pay of the Navy or pay of the Marine Corps, for any year existing after the accounts for said year shall have been settled shall be covered into the Treasury. (24 Stat. 157.) This section was part of the naval appropriation act for the fiscal year 1887, cited above. § 6807. (Act Oct. 2, 1888, c. 1069.) Disposal of unexpended balances of appropriations for National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers; estimates in annual estimates for Home. Hereafter the provisions of section thirty-six hundred and ninety and thirty-six hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall apply to all appropriations made for the maintenance of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers: Provided further, That it shall be the duty of the managers of said Home, on or before the first day of October in each year, to furnish to the Secretary of War estimates, in detail, for the support of said Home for the fiscal year commencing on the first day of July thereafter, and the Secretary of War shall annually include such estimates. in his estimates for his Department. (25 Stat. 543.) This was a provision following an appropriation for the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1889, cited above. A permanent appropriation for the support of the Home was made by R. S. § 3689, ante, § 6799, but was repealed by a provision of Act March 3, 1875, c. 129, § 1, post, § 9257. R. S. §§ 3690, 3691, mentioned in this section, are set forth ante, §§ 6800, 6801. Appropriations for the construction of buildings at any of the branches of the Home were to continue available until expended, by a provision of Act June 6, 1900, c. 785, § 1, post, § 9253. § 6808. (R. S. § 3692, as amended, Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1.) Proceeds of certain sales, etc., of material. All moneys received from the leasing or sale of marine hospitals, or the sale of revenue-cutters, or from the sale of commissary stores to the officers and enlisted men of the Army, or from the sale of materials, stores, or supplies sold to officers and soldiers of the Army, or from sales of condemned clothing of the Navy, or from sales of materials, stores, or supplies to any exploring or surveying expedition authorized by law, shall respectively revert to that appropriation out of which they were originally expended, and shall be applied to the purposes for which they are appropriated by law. Act March 3, 1847, c. 48, § 1, 9 Stat. 171. Act April 20, 1866, c. 63, §§ 1, 2, 14 Stat. 40. Act July 28, 1866, c. 299, § 25, 14 Stat. 336. Act May 8, 1872, c. 140, § 5, 17 Stat. 83. Act June 8, 1872, c. 348, 17 Stat. 337. Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 249. This section was amended by Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, cited above by inserting, after the words "officers and enlisted men of the Army," the words "or from the sale of materials, stores, or supplies sold to officers and soldiers of the Army," as set forth here. Provisions for the leasing or sale of marine hospitals were made by R. S. § 4806, post, § 9197; for the sale of revenue cutters, by R. S. § 2748, ante, § 5398; for sale of commissary stores, etc., or supplies to officers and enlisted men of the Army, by R. S. 88 1144, 1145, ante, §§ 1954, 1955, and by Act March 3, 1875, c. 131, § 1, Act July 5, 1884, c. 217, Act Aug. 30, 1890, c. 837, and Act Feb. 12, 1895, c. 83, ante, §§ 1957-1960. (3050) TITLE XLII THE PUBLIC DEBT Sec. 6809. Payment in coin. (1) Payment of interest on pub- (2) Sinking-fund. (3) Residue into Treasury. 6811. Cancellation of bonds redeemed or paid. 6812. Addition to sinking-fund. 6813. Payment of interest. 6814. Anticipation of interest. 6815. Purchase of coin. 6816. Exemption from taxation. 6817. Duplicate for bonds destroyed. 6820. Indemnity for missing bond. 6822. Credit to officers for stolen notes. itures; issue of certificates of 6825. Exchange, for outstanding five, Sec. 6826. Loans to defray expenditures for 6828. Loans to defray expenditures for § 6809. (R. S. § 3693.) Payment in coin. The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment in coin or its equivalent of all the obligations of the United States not bearing interest, known as United States notes, and of all the interest-bearing obligations of the United States, except in cases. where the law authorizing the issue of any such obligations has expressly provided that the same may be paid in lawful money or other currency than gold and silver. But none of the interest-bearing obligations not already due shall be redeemed or paid before maturity, unless at such time United States notes are convertible into coin at the option of the holder, or unless at such time bonds of the United States bearing a lower rate of interest than the bonds to be redeemed can be sold at par in coin. The faith of the United States is also solemnly pledged to make provisions at the earliest practicable period for the redemption of the United States notes in coin. Act March 18, 1869, c. 1, 16 Stat. 1. Provisions relating to the issue and redemption of United States notes, Treasury notes, etc., are contained in Title XXXVIII, "The Currency" Provisions relating to the issue and redemption of Treasury notes for the purchase of silver bullion for coinage, and of silver certificates, are contained in Title XXXVII, "Coinage, Weights, and Measures." Subsequent provisions for maintaining the parity of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States with the gold dollar, as standard unit of value, were made by the Parity Act of March 14, 1900, c. 41, §§ 1-3, 5, 7-9, 14, ante, §§ 6480-6487. Section 11 of said Parity Act of 1900, providing for refunding certain bonds then outstanding, is set forth post, § 6825. Subsequent provisions for payment in United States gold coin of the existing standard of value, of any bonds and certificates of indebtedness of the United States thereafter issued, were made by Act Feb. 4, 1910, c. 25, post, § 6830, 6831. § 6810. (R. S. § 3694.) Application of coin paid for duties. The coin paid for duties on imported goods shall be set apart as a special fund, and shall be applied as follows: (1) Payment of interest on public debt. First. To the payment in coin of the interest on the bonds and notes of the United States. (2) Sinking-fund. Second. To the purchase or payment of one per centum of the entire debt of the United States, to be made within each fiscal year, which is to be set apart as a sinking-fund, and the interest of which shall in like manner be applied to the purchase or payment of the public debt, as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time. direct. (3) Residue into Treasury. Third. The residue to be paid into the Treasury. Act Feb. 25, 1862, c. 33, § 5, 12 Stat. 346. Permanent appropriations for payment of interest on the public debt and for the sinking fund were made by R. S. § 3689, ante, § 6799 (9). § 6811. (R. S. § 3695.) Cancellation of bonds redeemed or paid. All bonds applied to the sinking-fund, and all other United States bonds redeemed or paid by the United States, shall be canceled and destroyed. A detailed record of the bonds so canceled and destroyed shall be first made in the books of the Treasury Department. The amount of the bonds of each class that have been canceled and destroyed shall be deducted respectively from the amount of each class of the outstanding debt of the United States. Act July 14, 1870, c. 256, § 6, 16 Stat. 273. § 6812. (R. S. § 3696.) Addition to sinking-fund. In addition to other amounts that may be applied to the redemption or payment of the public debt, an amount equal to the interest on all bonds belonging to the sinking-fund shall be applied, as the Secretary of the Treasury shall from time to time direct, to the payment of the public debt. Act July 14, 1870, c. 256, § 6, 16 Stat. 273. A permanent appropriation, for payment of the public debt, of an amount equal to the interest on all bonds belonging to the sinking-fund, was made by Rev. St. § 3688, ante, § 6798. |