expenses. He shall also include in the annual Book of Estimates a statement showing the authorized number of officers and cadets in the Revenue Cutter Service, their rank and pay; also the number of men constituting the crews of vessels in said service. (25 Stat. 907.) This was a provision following an appropriation for the Revenue-Cutter Service in the deficiency appropriation act for the fiscal year 1889, cited above. The Secretary of the Treasury was required to make a detailed statement of the expenditures for this service by Act Oct. 2, 1888, c. 1069, ante, § 392. The Secretary of the Treasury was required to include in his annual estimates the estimate of the amount required for the Customs Service by Act Aug. 5, 1882, c. 389, § 5, post, § 6805. The Secretary of the Treasury was required to submit annually detailed estimates of appropriations for the expenses of refunding the national debt by Act June 20, 1874, c. 328, § 4, ante, § 6687. § 6694. (Act March 3, 1905, c. 1484, § 1.) Estimates by Secretary of the Treasury for Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, and annually thereafter, submit to Congress, in the regular Book of Estimates, detailed estimates of the expenses of maintaining the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. (33 Stat. 1217.) This was a provision of the deficiency appropriation act for the fiscal year 1905, cited above. It followed a provision repealing so much of Act June 26, 1884, c. 121, § 15, 23 Stat. 57, as made a permanent appropriation of the receipts for duties on tonnage provided for by said act for the expenses of maintaining the Marine Hospital Service. § 6695. (Act March 3, 1887, c. 362.) Reports in estimates of persons employed on public buildings. The Secretary of the Treasury shall for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and for each fiscal year thereafter in the annual estimates, report to Congress the number of persons employed outside of the District of Columbia, as superintendents, clerks, watchmen and otherwise, and paid from appropriations for the construction of public buildings showing where said persons are employed, in what capacity, the length of time and at what rate of compensation. (24 Stat. 512.) This was a provision of the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1888, cited above. § 6696. (Act Aug. 30, 1890, c. 837, § 1.) Reports in estimates of expenditure for repairs, etc., of public buildings. Hereafter the Secretary of the Treasury shall annually report to Congress in the Book of Estimates a statement of the expenditure of the appropriation for "repairs and preservation of public buildings" which shall show the amount expended on each public building and the number of persons employed and paid salaries from such appropriation. (26 Stat. 374.) This was a provision following an appropriation for repairs and preservation of public buildings in the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1891, cited above. § 6697. (Act July 1, 1882, c. 262.) Estimates by Secretary of State for diplomatic and consular service. Hereafter the Secretary of State shall in the estimates for the annual expenditures of the expenses of diplomatic and consular service estimate for the entire amount required for its support, including all commercial agents and other officers, whether paid by fees or otherwise, specifying the compensation to be allowed or deemed advisible in each individual case. (22 Stat. 133.) This was a provision following an appropriation for the diplomatic and consular service in the diplomatic and consular appropriation act for the fiscal year 1883, cited above. The Secretary of State was required to submit separate estimates for rent of and for contingent expenses at consular offices, by a provision of Act March 3, 1905, c. 1484, § 1, post, § 6698. A provision for estimates for the acquisition of sites and buildings for the use of diplomatic and consular establishments was made by Act Feb. 17, 1911, c. 105, ante, § 3209. § 6698. (Act March 3, 1905, c. 1484, § 1.) Estimates by Secretary of State for rent of and expenses at consular offices. Hereafter the Secretary of State shall, in submitting estimates for the consular service, segregate, and submit separately, estimates for rent of consular offices, and under contingent expenses estimate for the amount required annually to be expended at consular offices for purposes within the discretion of the Department. (33 Stat. 1214.) This was a provision of the deficiency appropriation act for the fiscal year 1905, cited above. § 6699. (Act June 4, 1897, c. 2, § 1.) Estimates by Secretary of War for river and harbor improvements. Hereafter the Secretary of War shall annually submit estimates in detail for river and harbor improvements required for the ensuing fiscal year to the Secretary of the Treasury to be included in and carried into the sum total of, the Book of Estimates. (30 Stat. 48.) This was a provision accompanying an appropriation for river and harbor improvements in the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1898, cited above. A somewhat similar provision was made by Act March 3, 1893, c. 208, 27 Stat. 603. The managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers were required to furnish the Secretary of War detailed estimates for the support of the Home, and the latter was required to include such estimates in his estimates for his Department, by a provision of Act Oct. 2, 1888, c. 1069, post, § 6807. One estimate covering transportation of the Army and its supplies, and additional estimates covering other items heretofore carried in appropriation bills under that head, were required by a provision of Act March 2, 1907, c. 2511, post, § 6700. Detailed estimates for any further extension of cable or telegraph lines in Alaska were required by a provision of Act March 2, 1907, c. 2511, post, § 6704. The Secretary of War was required to forward to Congress a detailed statement of the expenses of joint encampments and maneuvers of the Regular Army and the organized militia, by a provision of Act Jan. 21, 1903, c. 196, § 15, as amended by Act May 27, 1908, c. 204, § 9, and Act April 21, 1910, c. 185, ante, § 3066. The details of estimates for fortifications for insular possessions were prescribed by Act March 3, 1905, c. 1402, post, § 6703. Estimates of sums necessary for the purchase of trusses for soldiers were required by Act May 27, 1908, c. 200, § 1, post, § 6701. No estimate for appropriations for the construction or modernization of batteries, etc., shall be made until after plans and estimates of cost have been prepared therefor, by Act Feb. 13, 1913, c. 51, post, § 6702. Requirements as to estimates for construction of the Isthmian Canal, imposed by Act June 25, 1910, c. 384, § 5, 36 Stat. 773, are omitted as temporary. The legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation acts for many years have authorized the employment by the Secretary of War of skilled draftsmen and other services in the Signal Office and the office of Chief of Ordnance and of draftsmen, civil engineers, and other services in the office of the Chief of Engineers, to carry into effect appropriations for fortifications, etc., rivers and harbors, and surveys, requiring the Secretary of War to report to Congress each year the number of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. The provision for the fiscal year 1914 was by Act March 4, 1913, c. 142, § 1, 37 Stat. 765. § 6700. (Act March 2, 1907, c. 2511.) Estimates for transportation of the Army and its supplies. Estimates for the next fiscal year shall be submitted to the Congress of the United States covering transportation of the Army and its supplies in one estimate, and additional estimates shall be submitted covering other items heretofore carried in appropriation bills under the head of transportation of the Army and its supplies. (34 Stat. 1170.) This was a proviso annexed to the appropriation for transportation of the Army and its supplies in the Army appropriation act for the fiscal year, 1908, cited above. § 6701. (Act May 27, 1908, c. 200, § 1.) Repeal in part of R. S. § 1178; annual estimates for purchase of trusses for soldiers to be submitted. So much of section eleven hundred and seventy-eight of the Revised Statutes of the United States as makes a permanent indefinite appropriation to purchase trusses for soldiers is repealed, to take effect after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine, and estimates of sufficient sums for the purchase of such trusses shall be submitted to Congress for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, and annually thereafter, in the regular Book of Estimates. (35 Stat. 367.) This was a provision of the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1909, cited above. R. S. § 1178, repealed in part by this provision, is ante, § 2186. § 6702. (Act Feb. 13, 1913, c. 51.) Estimates for construction or modernization of certain batteries, etc., restricted. Hereafter estimates shall not be submitted to Congress for appropriations for construction of gun and mortar batteries, modernizing older emplacements, and other construction under the Engineer Department, in connection with fortifications, until after plans and estimates of cost shall have been prepared therefor. (37 Stat. 671.) This was a provision of the fortifications appropriation act of Feb. 13, 1913, cited above. § 6703. (Act March 3, 1905, c. 1402.) Estimates for fortifications for insular possessions. Hereafter all estimates for fortifications for insular possessions of the United States shall be made and submitted to Congress showing amount proposed to be expended at each harbor in each insular possession. (33 Stat. 847.) This was a provision of the fortifications appropriation act of March 3, 1905, cited above. § 6704. (Act March 2, 1907, c. 2511.) Estimates for further extension of cable or telegraph lines in Alaska. Hereafter detailed estimates shall be submitted to Congress for any further extension of the cable or telegraph lines in the district of Alaska. (34 Stat. 1159.) This was a proviso annexed to the appropriation for expenses of the Signal Service, including a provision for extensions of the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System, in the Army appropriation act for the fiscal year 1908, cited above. § 6705. (R. S. § 3666.) Items of expenditure by Department of the Navy to be specified in estimates and accounts. The estimates for expenditures required by the Department of the Navy for the following purposes shall be given in detail, and the expenditures made under appropriations therefor shall be accounted for so as to show the disbursements of each Bureau under each repectives appropriation: First. Freight and transportation. Fourth. Books, maps, models, and drawings. Fifth. Purchase and repair of fire-engines and machinery. Sixth. Repairs of and attending to steam-engines in navy-yards. Seventh. Purchase and maintenance of horses and oxen, and driving teams. Eighth. Carts, timber-wheels, and the purchase and repair of workmen's tools. Ninth. Postage of public letters. Tenth. Fuel, oil, and candles for navy-yards and shore-stations. Eleventh. Pay of watchmen and incidental labor not chargeable to any other appropriation. Twelfth. Transportation to, and labor attending the delivery of provisions and stores on foreign stations. Thirteenth. Wharfage, dockage, and rent. Fourteenth. Traveling expenses of officers and others under or ders. Fifteenth. Funeral expenses. Sixteenth. Store and office rent, fuel, commissions, and pay of clerks to navy-agents and store-keepers. Seventeenth. Flags, awnings, and packing-boxes. Eighteenth. Premiums and other expenses of recruiting. Nineteenth. Apprehending deserters. Twentieth. Per-diem pay to persons attending courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and other services authorized by law. Twenty-first. Pilotage and towage of vessels, and assistance to vessels in distress. Twenty-second. Bills of health and quarantine expenses of vessels of the United States Navy in foreign ports. Act June 22, 1860, c. 181, § 1, 12 Stat. 81. The form of the estimates for pay of the Navy was prescribed by Act March 3, 1909, c. 255, post, § 6706. An annual statement in the Book of Estimates of the number and salaries of employés under naval appropriations was required by a provision of Act April 17, 1900, c. 192, § 1, post, § 6707. § 6706. (Act March 3, 1909, c. 255.) Schedule or list of, and estimates for pay of, Navy. The estimates for the support of the Navy shall hereafter show, under the head of Pay of the Navy, the sums allowed for pay of officers belonging to the line, to the several departments of the staff, and to the retired list; the estimates to show under each head the amount allowed for pay proper, for increases due to longevity and foreign service, and for pay at sea rates to officers employed on shore; together with the total number of warrant and petty officers and seamen of the several grades and designations, including as to each class the amount allowed for pay proper and for longevity or service increases. The estimates shall include a list giving the rates of pay for all petty officers and other enlisted men of the Navy. (35 Stat. 754.) These were provisions of the naval appropriation act for the fiscal year 1910, cited above. The same provision was made by the similar appropriation act for the preceding fiscal year, Act May 13, 1908, c. 166, 35 Stat. 129. These provisions superseded the former provisions for the form and contents of estimates for pay of the Navy, of Act Feb. 23, 1881, c. 73, § 1, 21 Stat. 331. § 6707. (Act April 17, 1900, c. 192, § 1.) Statements in estimates of number and salaries of persons employed under appropriations for increase of Navy, etc. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Navy to submit in the Book of Estimates for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and two, and annually thereafter, under the respective bureaus and offices of the Navy Department, a statement in detail, showing the number of persons employed during the previous fiscal year and the rate of compensation of each under appropriations for "Increase of the Navy" or other general appropriations. (31 Stat. 117.) This was a provision following an appropriation for salaries in the Navy Department in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1901, cited above. Special provisions of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1904, Act Feb. 25, 1903, c. 755, § 1, 32 Stat. 887, directed the Secretary of the Navy "to submit in the regular annual estimates for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and five estimates in detail for all clerks and other employees engaged upon and necessary for, at the time of preparing such estimates, the conduct of the regular and permanent work of the Department, and who are paid out of appropriations for 'Increase of the Navy' or other general appropriations the rates of compensation under said estimates not to exceed the rate of compensation then actually being paid." |