ard silver dollars and all smaller denominations of silver. (30 Stat. 296.) This was a provision of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1899, cited above. The mint at New Orleans was authorized by R. S. § 3495, ante, § 6416. Its reopening was authorized by Act June 20, 1874, c. 328, § 1, ante, § 6417. § 6420. (Act Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105, § 1.) Coinage of gold and silver at Denver mint. Hereafter there shall be carried on at the branch mint of the United States at Denver, in the State of Colorado, the coinage of gold and silver. (28 Stat. 673.) This section and the two sections next following were an act entitled "An act to provide for coinage at the branch mint at Denver, Colorado." Until the mint and assay office at Denver should become a coinage mint, in accordance with law, it was provided that the mint should be continued as an assay-office, that the business transacted at such mint should be continued therein, and that the appropriations already made should be applicable to such mint, by a provision in the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1896, Act March 2, 1895, c. 177, § 1, 28 Stat. 784, 786, which is omitted, as temporary and as superseded by the operation of the mint as a coinage mint under the provisions of this act. The provision for continuing the mint as an assay-office was continued in successive appropriation acts for subsequent years down to 1904, but was not repeated thereafter. Appropriations for new machinery, etc., for its equipment for coinage operations, were made by Act March 3, 1903, c. 1007, § 1, 32 Stat. 1109, and Act April 28, 1904, c. 1762, 33 Stat. 463, and provisions for the force necessary for the proper operation of the mint were made by Act March 18, 1904, c. 716, § 1, post, § 6423. § 6421. (Act Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105, § 2.) Officers of Denver mint; salaries; repeal. The provisions of sections thirty-four hundred and ninety-six and thirty-four hundred and ninety-seven of the Revised Statutes of the United States are hereby made applicable to the mint of the United States at Denver, Colorado, and so much of sections thirtyfive hundred and fifty-eight, thirty-five hundred and fifty-nine, thirtyfive hundred and sixty, and thirty-five hundred and sixty-one of the Revised Statutes of the United States as relates to the mint at Denver, Colorado, are hereby repealed; and that the compensation of the officers of said mint shall be the same as those of the mint at Carson City, Nevada. (28 Stat. 673.) R. S. § 3496, mentioned in this section, enumerating the officers of the mints, is set forth post, § 6431. R. S. § 3497, also mentioned in this section, providing that the superintendent of certain mints should perform the duties of treasurers of such mints, is set forth post, § 6433. R. S. §§ 3558-3561, also mentioned in this section and repealed in so far as they related to the Denver mint were provisions applicable to the mint at Denver while conducted as an assayoffice. See notes to section 1 of this act, ante, § 6420. The salaries of the officers of the mint at Carson City were prescribed by R. S. § 3498, post, § 6434. Subsequent provisions for officers of the mint at Denver and their salaries were made by Act March 18, 1904, c. 716, § 1, post, § 6423, and Act Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, post, § 6432. § 6422. (Act Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105, § 3.) Laws applicable to Denver mint. All laws and parts of laws in force in relation to the mints of the United States, and for the government of the officers and persons employed therein, shall be applicable to the mint at Denver. (28 Stat. 673.) § 6423. (Act March 18, 1904, c. 716, § 1.) Officers, clerks, etc., at Denver mint; salaries. Whenever the Secretary of the Treasury shall determine that it is necessary for the proper operations of the mint at Denver, Colorado, the following force may be appointed in lieu of the foregoing, at the yearly compensation herein stated, namely: Superintendent, at four thousand five hundred dollars; assayer, melter and refiner, and coiner, at three thousand dollars each; chief clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars; weigh clerk, at one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two calculating clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; and two clerks at one thousand two hundred dollars each; and any unexpended balance of the foregoing appropriation shall be available for payment of this latter force. (33 Stat. 109.) This was a provision of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1905, cited above. The "foregoing appropriation," mentioned in this provision and omitted here as temporary, provided for the salaries of an assayer in charge, a melter, a chief clerk, a weigh clerk, a clerk, two calculating clerks, and two clerks. The appropriation for the mint at Denver for the fiscal year 1914 was by act March 4, 1913, c. 142, § 1, 37 Stat. 739. The positions of coiner and melter and refiner in all mints, and the assayoffice at New York, were abolished, and their duties cast on the superintendents, by Act Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, post, § 6432. § 6424. (Act May 12, 1874, c. 168, § 1.) established. Assay-office at Helena The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to establish an assay-office at Helena, in the Territory of Montana, the said assay-office to be conducted under the provisions of the act entitled "An act revising and amending the laws relative to the mints, assay-offices, and coinage of the United States," approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. (18 Stat. 45.) Section 2 of this act, relating to the construction of a building at Helena for use as the assay-office, is omitted, as temporary merely. The provisions of Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, mentioned in this section, were incorporated into R. S. §§ 3495-3562, included in this chapter of the Revised Statutes. A refinery at the Helena assay-office was established by Act March 2, 1895, c. 177, § 1, post, § 6425. § 6425. (Act March 2, 1895, c. 177, § 1.) Refining at Helena assay-office authorized; charges. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to establish at the United States assay office at Helena, Montana, a refinery for refining and parting gold and silver and for casting the same into bars, ingots, or discs. The charges for these operations shall be fixed by the Director of the Mint, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to equal, but not to exceed, the expenses thereof, and all provisions of law relating to the refineries of the mints and assay offices shall apply to the parting and refining of bullion at the assay office at Helena, Montana. (28 Stat. 784, 786.) These were provisions of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1896, cited above. § 6426. (Act Feb. 1, 1881, c. 33, § 1.) Assay-office at St. Louis. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to establish an assay-office at Saint Louis, in the State of Missouri; the said office to be conducted under the provisions of an act entitled "An act revising and amending the laws relative to the mints, assay-. offices, and coinage of the United States," approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. (21 Stat. 322.) Section 2 of this act, providing for quarters for the assay-office in the postoffice building, is omitted, as temporary merely. The provisions of Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, mentioned in this section, were incorporated into R. S. §§ 3495-3562, included in this chapter of the Revised Statutes. § 6427. (Act June 11, 1896, c. 420, § 1.) Assay-office at Deadwood. Assay office at Deadwood, South Dakota: For establishing an assay office at Deadwood, in the State of South Dakota. (29 Stat. 414.) This was a provision of the sundry civil appropriation act for the fiscal year 1897, cited above. The manner of conducting the office was prescribed by Act Feb. 19, 1897, c. 265, § 1, post, § 6428. § 6428. (Act Feb. 19, 1897, c. 265, § 1.) Assay-office at Deadwood, how conducted. * * Assay office at Deadwood, South Dakota : and said assay office shall be conducted under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act revising and amending the laws relative to the mints, assay offices, and coinage of the United States," approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. (29 Stat. 559.) The office is established by Act June 11, 1896, c. 420, § 1. This was a provision of the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1898, cited above. The part of the provision omitted here authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to use the unexpended balance of the appropriation made by Act June 11, 1896, c. 420, § 1, which established the assay-office, ante, § 6427, for rent for a building, apparatus, and wages. The provisions of Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, mentioned in this provision, are incorporated into R. S. §§ 3495-3562, included in this chapter of the Revised Statutes. § 6429. (Act May 21, 1898, c. 348.) Assay-office at Seattle; offi cers. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to establish an assay office of the United States at Seattle, in the State of Washington; said assay office to be conducted under the provisions of the Act entitled, "An Act revising and amending the laws relating to the mints and assay offices and the coinage of the United States," approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventythree; that the officers of the assay office shall be an assayer in charge, at a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, who shall also perform the duties of melter; chief clerk, at a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum. (30 Stat. 420.) The provisions of Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, mentioned in this act, were incorporated into R. S. §§ 3495-3562, included in this chapter of the Revised Statutes. Further provisions of this act relating to rent of building for assay-office and appropriation of money for rent, salary, etc., are omitted, as temporary merely. The appropriation for the assayer in charge and other officers and employés was made by the legislative, executive, and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1914, Act March 4, 1913, c. 142, § 1, 37 Stat. 763. § 6430. (Act May 30, 1908, c. 223.) Assay-office at Salt Lake City; officers, etc. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required to establish an assay office of the United States at Salt Lake City, in the State of Utah; said assay office to be conducted under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act revising and amending the laws relating to the mints and assay offices and the coinage of the United States," approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventythree; that the officers of the assay office shall be an assayer in charge, at a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum, who shall also perform the duties of melter; chief clerk, at a salary of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to rent a suitable building for the use of said assay office, and there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty thousand dollars for salary, of assayer in charge, chief clerk, and wages of workmen, rent, and contingent expenses. (35 Stat. 474.) This was an act entitled "An act to establish an assay-office at Salt Lake City, State of Utah." The provisions of Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, mentioned in this section, were incorporated into R. S. §§ 3495-3562, included in this chapter of the Revised Statutes. Somewhat different provisions for officers and clerks were made by subsequent appropriation acts. The provision for the fiscal year 1914, was by Act March 4, 1913, c. 142, § 1, 37 Stat. 762. § 6431. (R. S. § 3496.) Officers of mints. The officers of each mint shall be a superintendent, an assayer, a melter and refiner, and a coiner; and, for the Mint at Philadelphia, an engraver; all to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, § 3, 17 Stat. 424. The positions of coiner and melter and refiner in each coinage mint, and melter and refiner in the assay-office at New York, were abolished and their duties cast upon the superintendent, by Act Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, post, § 6432. The Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to constitute any superintendent of mint or assayer of any assay-office an assistant treasurer of the United States, without additional compensation, to receive gold coin and bullion on deposit for the purposes provided in R. S. § 254, post, § 6564, by Act June 8, 1878, c. 170, post, § 6565. The superintendent of the mint at Carson City and the superintendent of the assay-office at Boise City were made assistant treasurers of the United States by R. S. § 3594, post, § 6583. § 6432. (Act Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, § 1.) Positions of coiner and melter and refiner abolished; employés to be appointed by Secretary of the Treasury. The position of coiner, which has heretofore existed in each of the coinage mints, and the position of melter and refiner, which has heretofore existed in each of the coinage mints and in the United States assay office at New York, are hereby abolished, to take effect on and after July first, nineteen hundred and twelve, and on and after that date the duties and responsibilities heretofore imposed by law on the officers holding said positions in each of said mints and the assay office shall devolve upon the superintendents of said institutions; and all assistants and employees of the mints and assay offices of the United States shall, from and after July first, nineteen hundred and twelve, be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury. (37 Stat. 384.) This was a provision of the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation act for the fiscal year 1912, cited above. § 6433. (R. S. § 3497.) Superintendents of certain mints to perform duties of treasurer. The superintendents of the mints at Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New Orleans shall be, and perform the duties of, treasurers of said mints respectively. Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, § 65, 17 Stat. 435. The provisions of this section and R. S. § 3496, ante, § 6431, were made applicable to the mint at Denver, by Act Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105, § 2, ante, § 6421. § 6434. (R. S. § 3498.) Salaries of officers of mints. The officers of the several mints shall be entitled to the following salaries, to be paid monthly: First. The superintendents of the mints at Philadelphia and San Francisco, to four thousand five hundred dollars a year each. Second. The assayers, melters and refiners, and the coiners of those inints, to three thousand dollars a year each. Third. The engraver of the Mint at Philadelphia, to three thousand dollars a year. Fourth. The superintendent of the mint at Carson City to three thousand dollars a year. Fifth. The assayer, the melter and refiner, and the coiner of the mint at Carson City, to two thousand five hundred dollars a year cach. Act Feb. 12, 1873, c. 131, § 12, 17 Stat. 426. The provisions of this section fixing the salaries of the officers of the mint at Carson City were made applicable to the mint at Denver by Act Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105, § 2, ante, § 6421; but subsequent provisions, enumerating the officers of the mint at Denver and fixing their salaries, of Act March 18, 1904, c. 716, § 1, ante, § 6423, superseded so much of said Act Feb. 20, 1895, c. 105, § 2, as made this section applicable to the mint at Denver. The positions of coiner and of melter and refiner were abolished by Act Aug. 23, 1912, c. 350, ante, § 6432. The Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to constitute any superintendent of mint or assayer of any assay-office an assistant treasurer of the United States, without additional compensation, to receive gold coin and bul COMP.ST.'13-182 (2897) |