office of any collector or deputy collector of the customs, which shall be nearest to the point at which such vessel may enter such waters; and such vessel shall not transfer her cargo or passengers to another vessel or proceed farther inland, either to unlade or take in cargo, without a special permit from such collector, or deputy collector, issued under and in accordance with such general or special regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretion, from time to time prescribe. This section shall also apply to trade with or through Alaska. For any violation of this section such vessel shall be seized and forfeited. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 41, 14 Stat. 188. Act Feb. 17, 1898, c. 26, § 4, 30 Stat. 248. This section, as enacted in the Revised Statutes, was amended by inserting, after the words "laden or in ballast, arriving," the words "whether by sea or otherwise," and by inserting, after the words "and such vessel shall not," the words "transfer her cargo or passengers to another vessel or," and by inserting, after the words "from time to time prescribe," the words "This section shall also apply to trade with or through Alaska," as set forth here, by Act Feb. 17, 1898, c. 26, § 4, cited above. Provisions restricting the seizure and forfeiture of vessels by force of the provisions of this Title were made by Act Feb. 8, 1881, c. 34, ante, § 5766. § 5822. (R. S. § 3110.) Forfeiture for transportation by foreign vessels. If any merchandise shall, at any port in the United States on the northern, northeastern, or northwestern frontiers thereof, be laden upon any vessel belonging wholly or in part to a subject of a foreign country, and shall be taken thence to a foreign port to be reladen and reshipped to any other port in the United States on such frontiers, either by the same or any other vessel, foreign or American, with intent to evade the provisions relating to the transportation of merchandise from one port of the United States to another port of the United States, in a vessel belonging wholly or in part to a subject of any foreign power, the merchandise shall, on its arrival at such last-named port, be seized and forfeited to the United States, and the vessel shall pay a tonnage-duty of fifty cents per ton on her admeasurement. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 20, 14 Stat. 182. § 5823. (R. S. § 3111.) Report of sea-stores. If any vessel enrolled or licensed to engage in the foreign and coasting trade on the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States shall touch at any port in the adjacent British provinces, and the master of such vessel shall purchase any merchandise for the use of the vessel, the master of the vessel shall report the same, with cost and quantity thereof, to the collector or other officer of the customs at the first port in the United States at which he shall next arrive, designating them as "sea-stores;" and in the oath to be taken by such master of such vessel, on making such report, he shall declare that the articles so specified or designated "sea-stores" are truly intended for the use exclusively of the vessel, and are not intended for sale, transfer, or private use. If any other or greater quantity of dutiable articles shall be found on. board such vessel than are specified in such report or entry of such articles, or any part thereof shall be landed without a permit from a collector or other officer of the customs, such articles, together with the vessel, her apparel, tackle, and furniture, shall be forfeited. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 22, 14 Stat. 183. Act Feb. 10, 1871,- c. 45, 16 Stat. 408. Provisions restricting the seizure and forfeiture of vessels by force of the provisions of this Title were made by Act Feb. 8, 1881, c. 34, ante, § 5766. § 5824. (R. S. § 3112.) Duty on excess of stores. If, upon examination and inspection by the collector or other officer of the customs, such articles are not deemed excessive in quantity for the use of the vessel, until an American port may be reached by such vessel, where such sea-stores can be obtained, such articles shall be declared free of duty; but if it shall be found that the quantity or quantities of such articles, or any part thereof so reported, are excessive, it shall be lawful for the collector or other officer of the customs to estimate the amount of duty on such excess, which shall be forthwith paid by the master of the vessel, on penalty of paying a sum of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than four times the value of such excess, or such master shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than three months, and not more than two years. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 22, 14 Stat. 183. Act Feb. 10, 1871, c. 45, 16 Stat. 408. § 5825. (R. S. § 3113.) Duty on saloon stores. Articles purchased for the use of or for sale on board any such vessel, as saloon stores or supplies, shall be deemed merchandise, and shall be liable, when purchased at a foreign port, to entry and the payment of the duties found to be due thereon, at the first port of arrival of such vessel in the United States; and for a failure on the part of the saloon-keeper or person purchasing or owning such articles to report, make entries and pay duties, as herein before required, such articles, together with the fixtures and other merchandise, found in such saloon or on or about such vessel belonging to and owned by such saloon-keeper or other persons interested in such saloon, shall be seized and forfeited, and such saloon-keeper or other person so purchasing and owning shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than five hundred, and shall be punishable by imprisonment for not less than three months, and not more than two years. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 22, 14 Stat. 183. Act Feb. 10, 1871, c. 45, 16 Stat. 409. § 5826. (R. S. § 3114.) Duty on equipments for vessels. The equipments, or any part thereof, including boats, purchased for, or the expenses of repairs made in a foreign country upon a vessel enrolled and licensed under the laws of the United States to engage in the foreign and coasting trade on the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States, or a vessel intended to be employed in such trade, shall, on the first arrival of such vessel in any port of the United States, be liable to entry and the payment of an ad-valorem duty of fifty per centum on the cost thereof in such foreign country; and if the owner or master of such vessel shall willfully and knowingly neglect or fail to report, make entry, and pay duties as herein required, such vessel, with her tackle, apparel, and furniture, shall be seized and forfeited. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 23, 14 Stat. 183. Provisions restricting the seizure and forfeiture of vessels by force of the provisions of this title were made by Act Feb. 8, 1881, c. 34, ante, § 5766. § 5827. (R. S. § 3115.) Remission for necessary repairs. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 23, 14 Stat. 184. § 5828. (R. S. § 3116.) Manifests of vessels in the coasting trade. The master of every vessel enrolled or licensed to engage in the foreign and coasting trade on the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States, except canal-boats employed in navigating the canals within the United States, shall, before the departure of his vessel from a port in one collection-district to a port in another collection-district, present to the collector at the port of departure duplicate manifests of his cargo, or, if he have no cargo, duplicate manifests setting forth that fact; such manifests shall be subscribed and sworn to by the master before the collector, who shall indorse thereon his certificate of clearance, retaining one for the files of his office; the other he shall deliver for the use of the master. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 1, 16 Stat. 176. § 5829. (R. S. § 3117.) Entry for goods taken or delivered at intermediate ports. If any vessel so enrolled or licensed shall touch at any intermediate port in the United States, and there discharge cargo taken on board at an American port, or at such intermediate ports shall take on board cargo destined for an American port, the master of such vessel shall not be required to report such lading or unlading at such intermediate ports, but shall enter the same on his manifest obtained at the original port of departure, which he shall deliver to the collector of the port at which the unlading of the cargo is completed, within twenty-four hours after arrival, and shall subscribe. and make oath as to the truth and correctness of the same. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 1, 16 Stat. 176. § 5830. (R. S. § 3118.) Departure for place where there is no custom-house. The master of any vessel so enrolled or licensed shall, before departing from a port in one collection-district to a place in another collection-district, where there is no custom-house, file his manifest, and obtain a clearance in the same manner, and make oath to the manifest, which manifest and clearance shall be delivered to the proper officer of customs at the port at which the vessel next arrives after leaving the place of destination specified in the clearance. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 1, 16 Stat. 176. § 5831. (R. S. § 3119.) Report and unlading of cargoes. Nothing contained in the three preceding sections shall exempt masters of vessels from reporting, as now required by law, any merchandise destined for any foreign port. No permit shall be required for the unlading of cargo brought from an American port. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 1, 16 Stat. 177. § 5832. (R. S. § 3120, as amended, Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1.) Time for delivery of merchandise taken from one port to another; regulations for coasting trade. No merchandise taken from any port in the United States on the northern, northeastern, or northwestern frontiers thereof, to a port in another collection-district of the United States on such frontiers, in any vessel, shall be unladen or delivered from such vessel within the United States, but in open day, that is to say, between the rising and setting of the sun, except by special license from the collector or other principal officer of the port for the purpose. The owner of every vessel whose master or manager shall neglect to comply with the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred. The Secretary of the Treasury may, from time to time, make such regulations as to him shall seem necessary and expedient for unloading at and clearance from any port or place on such frontiers of ships or vessels at night. And that the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to make such regulations as shall enable vessels engaged in the coasting-trade between ports and places upon Lake Michigan exclusively, and laden with American productions and free merchandise only, to unlade their cargoes without previously obtaining a permit to unlade. Act July 18, 1866, c. 201, § 26, 14 Stat. 184. Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 248. This section, as enacted in the Revised Statutes, was amended by adding, at the end of the section as originally enacted, the provisions beginning with the words "And that the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized," etc., to the end of the section as set forth here, by Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, cited above. § 5833. (R. S. § 3121.) Landing permit for vessel from foreign port. The master of any vessel with cargo, passengers, or baggage from any foreign port, shall obtain a permit and comply with existing laws, before discharging or landing the same. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 1, 16 Stat. 177. § 5834. (R. S. § 3122.) Departure from place where there is no custom-house. The master of any vessel so enrolled or licensed, destined with a cargo from a place in the United States, at which there may be no custom-house, to a port where there may be a custom-house, shall, within twenty-four hours after arrival at the port of destination, deliver to the proper officer of the customs a manifest, subscribed by him, setting forth the cargo laden at the place of departure, or laden or unladen at any intermediate port, or place, to the truth of which manifest he shall make oath before such officer. If the vessel, however, have no cargo, the master shall not be required to deliver such manifest. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 2, 16 Stat. 177. § 5835. (R. S. § 3123.) Steam-tugs. Steam-tugs duly enrolled and licensed to engage in the foreign and coasting trade on the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of the United States, when exclusively employed in towing vessels, shall not be required to report and clear at the custom-house. When such steam-tugs, however, are employed in towing rafts or other vessels without sail or steam motive-power, not required to be enrolled or licensed under existing laws, they shall be required to report and clear in the same manner as is hereinbefore provided in similar cases for other vessels. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 3, 16 Stat. 177. § 5836. (R. S. § 3124.) Forms. The manifests, certificates of clearance, and oaths, provided for by the eight preceding sections, shall be in such form, and prepared, filled up, and executed in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time prescribe. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 4, 16 Stat. 177. § 5837. (R. S. § 3125.) Penalty for neglect. If the master of any enrolled or licensed vessel shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the provisions or requirements of the nine preceding sections, such master shall forfeit and pay to the United States the sum of twenty dollars for each and every failure or neglect, and for which sum the vessel shall be liable, and may be summarily proceeded against, by way of libel, in any district court of the United States. Act July 1, 1870, c. 185, § 5, 16 Stat. 177. § 5838. (R. S. § 3126.) Registered vessels may touch at foreign ports. Any vessel, on being duly registered in pursuance of the laws of the United States, may engage in trade between one port in the |