Lapas attēli

Provisions similar to those of article XI of the foregoing plan of reorganization were made by the Underwood Tariff Act of Oct. 3, 1913, c. 16, § III, M, N, post, §§ 5594, 5595.

Act June 19, 1906, c. 3436, § 1, mentioned in section I, subsec. 21, of the foregoing plan of reorganization, as creating the district of Sabine, is set forth post, § 5339.

For the district of Porto Rico, which was not included in the foregoing plan of reorganization, as stated in section I, subsec. 49, thereof, the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to designate ports of entry to make regulations for the collection of customs duties, and to appoint necessary agents, by Act April 12, 1900, c. 191, § 4, ante, § 3752. The ports of entry so designated were, on July 1, 1913, as follows:

District of Porto Rico: Ports of entry-San Juan, Aguadilla, Arecibo, Arroyo, Fajardo, Guanica, Humacao, Mayaguez, Ponce.

(R. S. §§ 2517-2526. Superseded.).

See note at the beginning of this chapter.

§ 5328. (R. S. § 2527, subsec. 5.) Port of Boston; town of Chelsea attached thereto.

And the town of Chelsea shall be attached to and made a part of the port of entry and collection district of Boston and Charlestown. Act Sept. 28, 1850, c. 79, § 13, 9 Stat. 511.

This provision was part of subsection 5 of R. S. § 2527, preceding provisions of which described the district of Boston and Charlestown, not including the town of Chelsea, in which Boston was the port of entry. Said provisions were superseded by the reorganization of the Customs Service pursuant to Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 1, ante, § 5327, which established the district of Massachusetts, to include all of the State of Massachusetts, in which Boston was to be a port of entry.

(R. S. §§ 2528, 2529. Superseded.)

See note at the beginning of this chapter.

§ 5329. (R. S. § 2530, as amended, Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1.) Port of Boston; employés in appraiser's office.

The clerks and other persons employed in the appraiser's office. at the port of Boston shall be appointed by the principal appraisers, and their number and compensation shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Act May 28, 1830, c. 147, § 6, 4 Stat. 411. Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1.

19 Stat. 245.

This section, as enacted in the Revised Statutes, provided that the clerks, etc., mentioned should be appointed by "the principal appraiser."

It was amended, by striking out the word "appraiser" and inserting the word "appraisers," to read as set forth here, by Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, last cited above.

On the reorganization of the Customs Service, pursuant to Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 1, ante, § 5327, the estimate for the district of Massachusetts included one appraiser only, and assistant appraisers.

§ 5330. (Act May 7, 1894, c. 71.) Port of New York; extension of limits.

That the limits of the port of New York, in the State of New York, be, and the same are hereby, extended so as to include the city of Yonkers, Westchester County, in said State. (28 Stat. 73.)

This was an act entitled "An act to extend the limits of the port of New York."

(R. S. §§ 2531-2537. Superseded.)

See note at the beginning of this chapter.

§ 5331. (R. S. § 2538.) Port of New York; examiners.

The Secretary of the Treasury may, on the nomination of the appraiser, appoint such number of examiners at the port of New York as the Secretary may in writing determine to be necessary, to aid each of the assistant appraisers in the examination, inspection, and appraisement of merchandise.

Act July 27, 1866, c. 284, § 4, 14 Stat. 303.

The provisions of this section relating to the number of examiners, and of R. S. § 2539, next following, relating to the number of clerks and other employés specified were superseded by the reorganization of the Customs Service, pursuant to act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 1, and the estimate for the district of New York accompanying the plan of reorganization, ante, § 5327.

§ 5332. (R. S. § 2539.) Port of New York; employés in apprais

er's office.

The Secretary of the Treasury shall also appoint, on the nomination of the appraiser at the port of New York, the clerks, verifiers, samplers, openers, packers, and messengers employed in the appraiser's office, or in any of the departments thereof, and shall limit and fix their number..

Act July 27, 1866, c. 284, § 4, 14 Stat. 303.
See note to preceding section.

(R. S. §§ 2540-2544. Superseded.)
See note at the beginning of this chapter.

§ 5333. (R. S. § 2545, as amended, Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1.) Port of Philadelphia; employés in appraiser's office.

The clerks and other persons employed in the appraiser's office at the port of Philadelphia shall be appointed by the principal appraisers, and their number and compensation shall be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Act May 28, 1830, c. 147, § 6, 4 Stat. 411. Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, 19 Stat. 245.

This section, as enacted in the Revised Statutes, provided for the appointment of the clerks, etc., mentioned, by "the principal appraiser." It was amended by striking out the word "appraiser," and inserting in lieu thereof, the word "appraisers," as set forth here, by Act Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, § 1, last cited above.

The provisions of this section relating to the number and compensation of clerks, etc., were superseded by the reorganization of the Customs Service, pursuant to Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 1, and the estimate for the District of Philadelphia accompanying the plan of reorganization, ante, § 5327.

(R. S. §§ 2546-2567. Superseded.) See note at the beginning of this chapter.

§ 5334. (R. S. § 2568, subsec. 1.) Port of New Orleans.

First. The district of New Orleans; * * in which New Orleans shall be the port of entry, to include the parish of Orleans, and that portion of the parish of Jefferson lying between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain, and between the upper line of the parish of Orleans, left bank, and a line running parallel thereto, commencing

at the Mississippi River, at the upper line of the city of Carrollton, and extending to Lake Pontchartrain.

Act March 2, 1799, c. 22, § 17, 1 Stat. 639. Act Feb. 24, 1804, c. 13, § 4, 2 Stat. 252. Act June 15, 1844, c. 51, § 3, 5 Stat. 664. Res. Feb. 2, 1870, No. 7, 16 Stat. 368.

This provision defining the port of New Orleans was part of subsection 1 of R. S. 2568, other provisions of which described the district of New Orleans, and the ports of delivery therein, etc.

Subsequent provisions for the extension of the limits of the port were made by Act July 23, 1888, c. 692, Act March 20, 1896, c. 62, and Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 372, post, §§ 5335-5337.

§ 5335. (Act July 23, 1888, c. 692.) Port of New Orleans; extension of limits.

That the limits of the port of entry of New Orleans, Louisiana, shall be, and the same are hereby, extended so as to include that portion of the Parish of Jefferson lying between the Mississippi River, Lake Pontchartrain, the upper line of the Parish of Orleans, left bank, and a line running parallel thereto, commencing at the Mississippi River at a point two miles above the upper line of the said Parish of Orleans and extending to Lake Pontchartrain. (25 Stat. 339.)

This was an act entitled "An act to extend the limits of the port of New Orleans."

Subsequent provisions for the extension of the limits of the port were made by Act March 20, 1896, c. 62, and Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 372, post, §§ 5336, 5337.

§ 5336. (Act March 20, 1896, c. 62.) Port of New Orleans; extension of limits.

That the limits of the port of entry of New Orleans shall be, and the same are hereby, extended so as to include that portion of the parish of Jefferson on the west bank of the Mississippi River lying between the upper line of the parish of Orleans, west bank, the west bank of the said river to a point opposite the upper boundary line of the parish of Orleans, east bank, a line drawn thence back four thousand feet, perpendicular to said river, and a line drawn thence parallel to the Mississippi River until it intersects said upper parish boundary line, west bank; and so as further to include that portion of the parish of Saint Bernard lying between the lower boundary line of the parish of Orleans, east bank, the east bank of the Mississippi River to a point three miles below said lower boundary, a line drawn thence back four thousand feet parallel to said lower boundary line, and a line drawn thence parallel to the Mississippi River, until it intersects said lower boundary line of the parish of Orleans. (29 Stat. 72.)

This was an act entitled "An act to extend the limits of the port of entry of New Orleans."

A subsequent provision for the extension of the limits of the port was made by Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 372, post, § 5337

§ 5337. (Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 372.) Port of New Orleans; extension of limits.

That the limits of the port of entry of New Orleans, Louisiana, be, and the same are hereby, extended to include that portion of the

parish of Saint Bernard within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point where the boundary line between the parishes of Orleans and Saint Bernard intersect the east bank of the Mississippi River; thence along said east bank to where the boundary line between lots sixteen and seventeen of the Corinne and Myrtle Grove plantations (according to a plan by A. C. Bell, civil engineer, July eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and annexed to an act of sale by A. L. Richardson to Jules Mereaux, passed before Charles T. Soniat, esquire, notary public in the parish of Orleans, January second, eighteen hundred and ninety-four) intersects said east bank, said point of intersection being at a distance of four miles and four thousand two hundred and eighty feet below the point at which the boundary between the parishes of Orleans and Saint Bernard intersects said east bank; thence along said boundary between said lots sixteen and seventeen a distance of four thousand feet; thence along a line parallel to the Mississippi River to the point where said boundary line intersects the boundary between the parishes of Orleans and Saint Bernard; thence along said boundary line to the point of beginning. (37 Stat. 499.)

This was an act entitled "An act to extend the limits of the port of entry of New Orleans, Louisiana."

(R. S. §§ 2569-2575. Superseded.)

See note at the beginning of this chapter.

§ 5338. (R. S. § 2576.) Port of New Orleans; temporary inspec


The collector for the district of New Orleans may, when the public service requires, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, appoint, in addition to the inspectors otherwise authorized by law, temporary inspectors, not exceeding twenty in number. But this section shall not be deemed to authorize the whole number of inspectors employed at the port of New Orleans to be at any time greater than the actual number of vessels from foreign ports, having cargoes to be discharged, then lying in the port.

Res. March 3, 1845, No. 15, 5 Stat. 801. Act Sept. 28, 1850, c. 79, § 20, 9 Stat. 512.

The provisions of this section prescribing the number of inspectors were superseded by the reorganization of the Customs Service, pursuant to Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, § 1, and the estimate for the District of New Orleans accompanying the plan of reorganization, ante, § 5327.

R. S. § 2577, authorized the collector at the port of New Orleans to appoint, with the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury, three head gaugers for the port. It is omitted, as likewise superseded by said reorganization.

§ 5339. (Act June 19, 1906, c. 3436, § 1.) District of Sabine; Port Arthur ship canal, etc., to be conveyed to United States; charges for use of docks, etc.

An additional collection district in the State of Texas shall be, and is hereby, established, to be known as the district of Sabine, to comprise all of that portion of the State of Texas formerly embraced in the district of Galveston and now hereby detached therefrom, beginning on the Gulf of Mexico at the center of the

stream of Sabine Pass; thence, north with the center of the stream of Sabine Pass to Sabine Lake; thence with the center of the stream of Sabine Lake to a point directly opposite to the Sabine River; thence. north with the east shores of the Sabine River to the north boundary line of Shelby County, Texas; thence west to the Neches River; thence down said river with its west shores to a north boundary line of Jefferson County; thence in a westerly direction with the said north boundary line to the east boundary line of Liberty County, Texas; thence south to the Gulf of Mexico; thence in an easterly direction along the Gulf shores to the place of beginning; that Port Arthur, in the county of Jefferson, shall be the port of entry for said. district, and Sabine, in the county of Jefferson, shall be a subport of entry: Provided, That there shall be conveyed to the United States, free of cost, a valid title to the line of water communication between Taylors Bayou and Sabine Pass, known as the Port Arthur Ship Canal, together with a valid title to the existing turning basin and to the artificial slip on which the lumber dock of the Port Arthur Canal and Dock Company is built; and the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to accept the said waterways as the property of the United States upon the delivery to him of a clear and indefeasible title thereto; and the said waterways shall thereupon become free public waters of the United States, and be subject to the laws heretofore enacted and that may be hereafter enacted by Congress for the maintenance, preservation, protection, and regulation of navigable waters: Provided further, That the company or corporation conveying title to said canal as aforesaid shall also convey to the United States, free of cost, the fee to a strip of land one hundred and fifty feet wide along the westerly margin of the canal, except that where the right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company prevents the transfer of such strip of land along the westerly margin of said canal there shall be conveyed such strip on the easterly margin thereof as may be necessary to make up such one hundred and fifty feet of width, with the reservation that until Congress shall have authorized and provided for the enlargement and widening of said canal the said company or corporation, its successors or assigns, shall have the right to control, occupy, and use the said strip of land and every part thereof in the same manner and to the same extent as before the execution and delivery of the conveyance, and also the right to transfer, lease, sell, quitclaim, or otherwise dispose of said property and every part thereof, subject to the grant made to the United States: And provided further, That this Act shall take effect only when the foregoing requirements. shall have been fully complied with to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War. And the charges for the use of said docks and wharves shall be just and reasonable and shall not be greater than charges for similar services at other ports of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. (34 Stat. 302.)

This was the first section of an act entitled "An act to establish an additional collection district in the state of Texas, and for other purposes."

The district of Sabine, as established by this section, was retained in the reorganization of the Customs Service, pursuant to Act Aug. 24, 1912, c. 355, §

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