Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1978: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session, 1. daļaU.S. Government Printing Office, 1977 - 943 lappuses |
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1978 Estimates 94th Congress accounting Additions continued Administration agencies allotment amount annual appropriation ARMSTRONG Assistant audit authorized BENJAMIN bill Board BOORSTIN braille Capitol Capitol Power Plant cataloging Chairman Clerk COLLEY Commission Congressional Budget Office Congressional Research Service contract copies Copyright cost cost accounting standards COUGHLIN Current level CYLKE Director distribution Division documents employees energy equipment expenditures Federal fiscal year 1978 funds Government GUDE hearings increase ITEMS continued Joint Committee legislative branch Library of Congress Longworth Building materials MCCORMICK ment million mittee NONRECURRING ITEMS obligations operation pay raise percent Personnel Benefits Positions Requested problem publications question RAIDEN record responsibility Salaries and expenses Service expansion SHIPLEY space STAATS staff subcommittee supplemental Technology Assessment tion Total transition quarter TRAXLER United States Code workload
Populāri fragmenti
48. lappuse - National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976.
457. lappuse - Law 93-145) which states the appropriation "shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred under the appropriations for similar purposes for preceding fiscal years.
492. lappuse - USC 665), with the approval of the Public Printer, only to the extent necessary to provide for expenses (excluding permanent personal services) for workload increases not anticipated in the budget estimates and which cannot be provided for by normal budgetary adjustments.
10. lappuse - MR CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE SUBCOMMITTEE: I am appearing before you today in my capacity as Chairman of the Cost Accounting Standards Board to discuss the budget estimates for Board operations during Fiscal Year 1979.
34. lappuse - The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 and the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 emphasize GAO's role in aiding the Congress with its legislative as well as its oversight responsibilities.
452. lappuse - Congress, a list of subjects and policy areas which the committee might profitably analyze in depth; (4) upon request, or upon its own initiative in anticipation of requests, to collect, classify, and analyze in the form of studies, reports, compilations, digests, bulletins, indexes, translations, and otherwise, data having a bearing on legislation, and to make such data available and serviceable to committees...
459. lappuse - Miscellaneous Publications. This item includes printed matter such as the Congressional Directory, Senate and House Journals, memorial addresses of Members, nominations, United States Code and supplements, and publications not carrying a document or report number, such as laws, treaties, committee prints, and similar publications.
13. lappuse - Standard 414 - Cost of Money as an Element of the Cost of Facilities Capital October 1, 1976 26.
496. lappuse - Washington," there is the following language : The Export-Import Bank of Washington is hereby authorized to make such expenditures within the limits of funds and borrowing authority available to such corporation and in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commitments without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by section 104 of the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended, as may be necessary In carrying out the...
650. lappuse - A catalogue of Government publications shall be prepared by the Superintendent of Documents on the first day of each month, which shall show the documents printed during the preceding month, where obtainable, and the price thereof.