CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS AND CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES. PERMANENT EDITION. APRIL-MAY, 1908. WITH TABLE OF CASES IN WHICH REHEARINGS HAVE BEEN A TABLE OF STATUTES CONSTRUED IS GIVEN IN THE INDEX. ST. PAUL: WEST PUBLISHING CO. AMENDMENTS TO RULES.* IN THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT. PER CURIAM. January 18, 1908. Rule 23, and the order of March 18, 1895, relating thereto, are amended as follows: (1) By inserting in paragraph 1 of said rule, after the words, "The parties may stipulate in writing that parts only of the record shall be printed" the words, "or that any number not less than ten printed copies of patents and other exhibits may be furnished." (2) By substituting for the words "ten days," as they occur in the order of March 18, 1895, the words "fifteen days." *For rule as previously amended, see 150 Fed. lxi. 158 F. (iii)* FEDERAL REPORTER, VOLUME 158. JUDGES OF THE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS OF APPEALS AND THE FIRST CIRCUIT. Hon. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, Circuit Justice. Hon. LE BARON B. COLT, Circuit Judge... Hon. WILLIAM L. PUTNAM, Circuit Judge. Hon. FRANCIS C. LOWELL, Circuit Judge.. Hon, CLARENCE HALE, District Judge, Maine. Hon, FREDERIC DODGE, District Judge, Massachusetts. Hon. EDGAR ALDRICH, District Judge, New Hampshire... Hon, ARTHUR L. BROWN, District Judge, Rhode Island..... SECOND CIRCUIT. Hon. RUFUS W. PECKHAM, Circuit Justice. Hon. JAMES P. PLATT, District Judge, Connecticut... Washington, D. C. .Portland, Me. ........Providence, R. I. Hon. THOMAS I. CHATFIELD, District Judge, E. D. New York... Hon. GEORGE B. ADAMS, District Judge, S. D. New York... THIRD CIRCUIT. ..Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y.. New London, Conn. .Norwich, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. . Brattleboro, Vt. Hon. WILLIAM H. MOODY, Circuit Justice. Hon. GEORGE M. DALLAS, Circuit Judge. Hon. GEORGE GRAY, Circuit Judge. Hon. JOSEPH BUFFINGTON, Circuit Judge..... Hon. EDWARD G. BRADFORD, District Judge, Delaware. Hon. WILLIAM M. LANNING, District Judge, New Jersey. Hon. JOSEPH CROSS, District Judge, New Jersey Washington, D. C. ..Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilmington, Del. ..Trenton, N. J. .Elizabeth, N. J. Hon. JOHN B. MCPHERSON, District Judge, E. D. Pennsylvania.......... Philadelphia, Pa. 158 F. (v) |