THE MILITARY LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES 1915 WITH SUPPLEMENT INCLUDING THE LAWS OF THE War 2959.17.15 Harvard College Library Aug 6, 1917 FOL United States Government WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 472. OFFICE OF THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM WASHINGTON, D. C. AT $1.50 PER COPY WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF, June 9, 1914. The following military laws of the United States, revised and corrected to June 1, 1914, under the supervision of Brig. Gen. E. H. Crowder, Judge Advocate General of the Army, are approved and published for the information and government of the Regular and Volunteer Armies and the Organized Mitilia. By Order of the Secretary of War: (Signed) W. W. WOTHERSPOON, Major General, Chief of Staff. 3 |