ance; (i) separate accounts with respect to such assist (ii) such records as may be reasonably necessary to fully disclose (I) the amount and the disposition by such recipient of the proceeds of such assistance; (II) the total cost of the project or undertaking in connection with which such assistance is given or used; and (III) the amount and nature of that portion of the cost of the project or undertaking supplied by other sources; and (iii) such other records as will facilitate an effective audit. (B) AUDIT AND EXAMINATION OF BOOKS.—The Corporation shall ensure that the Corporation, or any of the Corporation's duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the purpose of audit and examination to any books, documents, papers, and records of any recipient of assistance from the Corporation that are pertinent to such assistance. Representatives of the Comptroller General shall also have such access for such purpose. (e) ANNUAL REPORT; TESTIMONY TO THE CONGRESS. (1) ANNUAL REPORT.-Not later than April 30 of each year, the Corporation shall publish an annual report for the preceding fiscal year and submit that report to the President and the Congress. The report shall include a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the Corporation's operations, activities, financial condition, and accomplishments under this section and may include such recommendations as the Corporation deems appropriate. (2) TESTIMONY BEFORE CONGRESS.-The members of the Board of Directors, and officers, of the Corporation shall be available to testify before appropriate committees of the Congress with respect to the report described in paragraph (1), the report of any audit made by the Comptroller General pursuant to this section, or any other matter which any such committee may determine appropriate. SEC. 709. REPORT ON THE USE OF ADVANCED TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and other appropriate departments and agencies, shall submit a report to the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate concerning the activities of the Joint Working Group on Telemedicine, together with any findings reached in the studies and demonstrations on telemedicine funded by the Public Health Service or other Federal agencies. The report shall examine questions related to patient safety, the efficacy and quality of the services provided, and other legal, medical, and economic issues related to the utilization of advanced telecommunications services for medical purposes. The report shall be submitted to the respective committees by January 31, 1997. SEC. 710. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) [47 U.S.C. 156 nt] IN GENERAL.-In addition to any other sums authorized by law, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Federal Communications Commission such sums as may be necessary to carry out this Act and the amendments made by this Act. (b) [47 U.S.C. 156 nt] EFFECT ON FEES.-For the purposes of section 9(b)(2) (47 U.S.C. 159(b)(2)), additional amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection (a) shall be construed to be changes in the amounts appropriated for the performance of activities described in section 9(a) of the Communications Act of 1934. (c) FUNDING AVAILABILITY.-Section 309(j)(8)(B) (47 U.S.C. 309(j)(8)(B)) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: "Such offsetting collections are authorized to remain available until expended.". |