14.587/2:N47/2 THE FAILING NEWSPAPER ACT HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ANTITRUST AND MONOPOLY OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETIETH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1312 THE FAILING NEWSPAPER ACT PART 1 JULY 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 25 AND 26, 1967 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary 86-281 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office ! ! CONTENTS WITNESS LIST Bagdikian, Ben H., press critic... Berman, Daniel, Esq., Salt Lake City, Utah Boone, Byron V., president and publisher of Tulsa World. Page 308 858 237 Brown, Elmer, president of International Typographical Union; accom- 105 Clinton, J. Hart, editor and publisher of San Mateo Times Cervi, Eugene, editor and publisher of Cervi's Rocky Mountain Journal. 25 634 Cornwell, J. M., publisher of the Murray Eagle. 841 Cotton, Hon. Norris, U.S. Senator from the State of New Hampshire_ 989 408 Day, Richard E., School of Law, Ohio State University 173 721 Elfstrom, Edgar F., publisher of Daily News Tribune. 1022 Farson, William J., executive vice president of American Newspaper Guild, 201 811 328 Gallivan, J. W., publisher of Salt Lake City Tribune--- 869 Gore, Hon. Albert, U.S. Senator from the State of Tennessee. 1010 Gottlieb, Gerald, Esq., Los Angelas, Calif... 753 Gould, Charles L., publisher of San Francisco Examiner.. 566 Hansen, Philip L., attorney general of the State of Utah. 892 Association. 41 Hayden, Hon. Carl, U.S. Senator from the State of Arizona. 3 1034 newspapers.... 779 Howard, Jack R., president and general editorial manager of Scripps- 263 Javits, Hon. Jacob K., U.S. Senator from the State of New York........ 588 Jones, Richard L., Jr., president of Tulsa Tribune Co----- 230 Kelber, Harry, professor, New York Institute of Technology. 936 Kerr, Walter, president and general manager of Santa Fe New Mexican.. 739 193 Loeb, William, publisher of Manchester Union Leader, accompanied by 989 Malone, John R., consulting economist of Newspaper Economics and 953 Markuson, G. O., executive vice president, Hearst Corp., general manager, |