THE STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM DECEMBER, 1923, TO MARCH, 1925 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF THE TWO HOUSES OF CONGRESS AND RECENT TREATIES, CONVENTIONS, AND EXECUTIVE PROCLAMATIONS EDITED, PRINTED, AND PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF CONGRESS VOL. XLIII IN TWO PARTS PART 1-Public Acts and Resolutions PART 2-Private Acts and Resolutions, Concurrent Resolutions, Treaties, and Proclamations PART 2 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. LAWS OF THE SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. STATUTE I-1923-1924. Page. January 25, 1924. March 4, 1924. land, Mississippi. March 31, 1924__ Florence Kling Harding. An Act Granting a franking privilege to Florence Kling Harding. 1359 1359 1359 of Martinsburg, Martinsburg, West Virginia. April 1, 1924 1360 William R. Bradley. An Act For the relief of William R. Bradley, former acting collector of internal revenue for South Carolina. April 3, 1924 1360 Strecker, former Assistant Treasurer United States. Charles B. Strecker. An Act To permit the correction of the general account of Charles B. April 12, 1924__ 1361 J. G. Seupelt. An Act For the relief of J. G. Seupelt. April 14, 1924. 1362 1362 John H. McAtee. An Act For the relief of John H. McAtee. April 15, 1924. 1362 1362 1363 Thomas Nolan. An Act For the relief of Thomas Nolan. April 15, 1924__ 1363 and determine the claim of Elwood Grissinger. April 18, 1924- 1363 George A. Nickles. An Act For the relief of George A. Nickles. April 28, 1924 1364 Hugh S. Cumming. Joint Resolution Granting permission to Hugh S. Cumming, Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service, to accept certain decorations bestowed upon him by the Republics of France and Poland. April 28, 1924 1364 Long Island Railroad Company. An Act For the relief of the Long Island Railroad Com- 1364 May 23, 1924__ 1365 George T. Tobin and Son. An Act For the relief of George T. Tobin and Son. May 23, 1924. 1365 Peter C. Keegan and others. An Act For the relief of Peter C. Keegan and others. May 23, 1924__ New Jersey Shipbuilding and Dredging Company. An Act For the relief of the New Jersey Dorr F. Tozier. An Act Granting permission to Commander Dorr F. Tozier, United States 1365 1365 1366 1366 Rush O. Fellows. An Act For the relief of Rush O. Fellows. May 23, 1924_- 1366 1367 1367 1367 |