PUBLICATIONS OF THE ESSEX INSTITUTE. JOURNAL OF THE ESSEX COUNTY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. 8vo. 1836-1852. pp. 135. In paper, Bound, PROCEEDINGS AND COMMUNICATIONS. 6 vols. 8vo. 1848-1868. Bound in cloth, . 1869-1878, BULLETIN. 10 vols. 8vo. 1 vol. $0.50 1. 00 18.00 24 00 10 00 150 THE BULLETIN, issued quarterly, a continuation of the "Proceedings of the Essex Institute," contains an account of the Regular and Field Meetings of the Society, and papers of scientific value. Six volumes of the Proceedings and thirteen of the Bulletin have been published. $51.00 HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS. First series, vols. 1-8, small 4to; second series, 8vo. vols. 9-17 HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, issued quarterly, at three dollars a year. containing papers of Historical, Genealogical, and Biographical mterest, will be found valuable to students in these departments, and also to persons interested in local history. ALLEN, J. A. ALLEN, J. A. ALLEN, J. A. ALLEN, J. F. List of Birds near Santarem Brazils.* Notes on the Duck Hawk of North America,* BRIGGS, G. W. Memoir of D. A. White. Pamphlet, 8vo. 1864,* Salem, 1872,* COUES, ELLIOTT. List of the Birds of New England, with COURS, ELLIOTT. Myology of the Ornithorhynchus,* CROSBY, NATHAN. Essex County,* DERBY, PERLEY. Hutchinson Family. 1 vol. 8vo. 1870.* EMMERTON, JAMES A. AND HENRY F. WATERS. Gleanings from English Records about New England Families, Pamphlet, 8vo.* EMMERTON, JAMES A. A Genealogical Account of Henry EMMERTON, JAMES A. Notes and Extracts from the Records Account of Leslie's Retreat. Pamphlet, 8vo. Account of the Piracy of the Ship Friendship 15 History of Salem and Danvers Aqueduct. 15 Address at the Commemoration of the Land ing of Endicott, Sept., 1878,* 30 1856,* ENDICOTT, C. M. of Salem, in 1831. ENDICOTT, C. M. pp. 16. 1860,* ENDICOTT, W. C. [See third page of cover.] |