Lapas attēli
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I hear about new authongation by Congress is needed to keep the

National Counction

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The dite and

The Humanaties, continue to exist.

full support

il please do what.

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appreciate your corporation thank You.

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Dear Senator Pell,

The Federal Act authorizing the existence of The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities terminates as of June 30, 1973. I am writing in support of re-authorization of this


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March 6, 1973

800-9th Avenue, W.
Birmingham, AL 35204

Sen. Claiborne Pell

325 Old Senate Office Buiding Washington D. C.

Dear Senator Pell,

I am encouraged by the president's support of the arts in his budget. I hope you stand fast behind the National Endowment of the Arts and Humanities.


the arts.

Man is nothing without his

we cannot advance as a people without advance in all

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