In all creeks, streams, or rivers, or in any other bodies of water in Alaska, over which the United States has jurisdiction, in which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may... The Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce - 134. lappuseautors: United States. Dept. of Commerce - 1921Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu
| United States. Bureau of Fisheries - 1926 - 760 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
| United States. Department of Commerce - 1924 - 212 lapas
...establish the upper Mississippi Eiver wild life and fish refuge, approved June 7, 1924. ALASKA FISHERIES tion, primarily through lack of adequate laws, had...continued in 1924 and extended to other sections. the protection of the halibut of the North Pacific Ocean are of particular interest to Alaska, whose coastal... | |
| Alaska. Governor - 1924 - 90 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
| Adolphus Washington Greely - 1925 - 396 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Merchant Marine and Fisheries - 1936 - 306 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the ran... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries - 1936 - 300 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
| 1924 - 1040 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways or other means by which shajl be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries - 1938 - 208 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
| United States. Congress. House. Merchant Marine and Fisheries - 1938 - 202 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which "the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
| United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce - 1944 - 168 lapas
...which salmon run, and in which now or hereafter there exist racks, gateways, or other means by which the number in a run may be counted or estimated with...shall be allowed an escapement of not less than 50 per centum of the total number thereof. In such waters the taking of more than 50 per centum of the run... | |
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