Lapas attēli

Testing railroad scales, etc., Bureau of Standards, 1923.
Testing railroad scales, etc., Bureau of Standards, 1922_
Testing structural materials, Bureau of Standards, 1919-
Testing structural materials, Bureau of Standards, 1920-
Testing structural materials, Bureau of Standards, 1923.
Pay and allowances, commissioned officers, Coast and Geodetic
Survey, 1921_.

$2, 381. 94 10.35



Pay and allowances, commissioned officers, Coast and Geodetic 1922....


Pay and allowances, commissioned officers, Coast and Geodetic
Survey, 1923_

Salaries, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1923.

Party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1921.
Party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1923.

General expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1923..

Pay, etc., of officers and men, vessels, Coast Survey, 1923_
Repairs of vessels, Coast Survey, 1923.

Alterations to mine sweepers, Coast and Geodetic Survey,

Alterations to mine sweepers, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1923_
Salaries, Bureau of Lighthouses, 1923--
Retired pay, Lighthouse Service, 1923–

General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1920_

General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1921.

General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1922.

General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1923.
Salaries, keepers of lighthouses, 1923..
Salaries, lighthouse vessels, 1923

Salaries, Lighthouse Service, 1923.

Riprap protection for light stations, third lighthouse district__ Repairing and rebuilding aids to navigation, seventh lighthouse district, 1922 and 1923__.

Aids to navigation, Raritan Bay and connected waters, N. Y. and N. J___

Sabine Pass Jetty Light Station, Tex-

Aids to navigation, Conneaut Harbor, Ohio_

11, 120. 40


154. 05

110, 351. 73 12, 980. 28 .50

69, 312. 06 2,637.32

92, 674. 34

4, 704. 20

1, 911. 74 2, 512. 91 789.91 2,705. 19 3. 20 7.27 928. 16

73, 035. 35

33, 672.91 122, 961. 29 4, 199. 49






Spectacle Reef Light Station, Mich.......

Aids to navigation, Coquille River, Oreg-.

Aids to navigation, Alaska--

Aids to navigation, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii..
Point Borinquen Light Station, P. R----
Salaries, Bureau of Fisheries, 1921.

Salaries, Bureau of Fisheries, 1922.

Salaries, Bureau of Fisheries, 1923..

Miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, 1923.

Pay, officers and crew of vessels, Alaska fisheries service, 1923

Protecting seal and salmon fisheries of Alaska, 1923.

Fish hatchery, Duluth, Minn., 1923.

Fish hatchery, Gloucester, Mass., 1923-
Fish hatchery, Yes Bay, Alaska, 1923.

5. 13 46. 63

321. 16 13.06 563.46

2.63 21.00

31, 759. 73 2, 894.36 1,765. 68 2. 531. 01

1.14 8.64



1, 005, 909. 02

TABLE 7.-Summary of unexpended balances, 1917-1925

June 30, 1917.
June 30, 1918_
June 30, 1919_
June 30, 1920_.
June 30, 1921.
June 30, 1922_

$177,995. 27
149, 009. 51
476, 045. 10
1, 149, 363. 28
4, 042, 434. 38

546, 440. 71

June 30, 1923.

June 30, 1924.
June 30, 1925_

$730,397,27 1,072, 835. 58 1,005, 909. 02


9, 350, 430. 12

[blocks in formation]

1 Under the provisions of the act approved Mar. 3, 1925, the helium production plants of the Navy Depart ment were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Mines, and at the same time under the terms of the Executive order of June 4, 1925, a part of the functions of the Geological Survey, with the personnel connected therewith and the larger part of the personnel of the Bureau of Mines, were transferred from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Commerce July 1, 1925. This addition included 53 employees from the helium production plants, 859 from the Bureau of Mines proper, and 59 employees from the Geological Survey, aggregating a total of 971.

[blocks in formation]

Includes appointments of the following character: Presidential; by selection from civil-service certifi cate; under Executive order; to excepted positions; by reason of transfer within the department, or from other departments or independent establishments; and by reinstatement.

[blocks in formation]


836 229

6,732 4,831

11, 563

1,176 1,092 38 99

Includes separations by reason of resignation, discontinuance, retirement, removal, death, transfer within the department, and transfer from the department to other departments or independent establishments.

Includes reappointments by reason of change of station, name, designation; extensions of temporary appointments, and temporary promotions and reductions.


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Total and average...

2,234 63, 176

28. 28 13,651


76, 827



TABLE 11.-Printing and binding

Bureau, office, or service

Services other than the Patent Office and the Bureau of Mines:

Office of the Secretary (Secretary, Assistant Secretary, solicitor, chief

clerk, and division of publications).

Appointment division..

Disbursing office.

Division of supplies..

Bureau of the Census.

Coast and Geodetic Survey.

Bureau of Fisheries..

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.

Bureau of Lighthouses..

Lighthouse Serv ce..

Bureau of Navigation.

Shipping and Radio Services..

Bureau of Standards.

Office of the Supervising Inspector General, Steamboat Inspection

Steamboat Inspection Service.

Customs Service.



Patent Office:

Specifications, Official Gazette, etc..




Bureau of Mines:




Publication of reports of investigations of lignite coals and peat (Public 580, 68th Cong.)..


Total for department....

Expenditures, 1925 1


$14,006. 72





1,392. 78


137, 026. 62


44, 254. 16


18, 462. 15


214, 142. 75

181,000 0

17, 698.80


6, 117.41


29, 150. 79

27,000 06



54, 002. 81


1, 144.99


12, 473. 71


8, 958. 64


7, 408. 73







69,200.00 800.00

975, 000. 00



* 53, 370.00
* 10,900.00


50,000.00 1,600,000.00

70, $70.00

1,450, 570 00

1 Estimated (June 30, 1925); exact figures for 1925 can not be given until all work ordered in that year is completed and billed. Expenditures will approximate the amounts available.

Includes $16,370 transferred from the appropriation for printing and binding for the Geological Survey. * Includes $1,000 transferred from the appropriation for printing and binding for the Geological Survey.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE.-The 1924 receipts from sales of publications issued by the Patent Office and the Bureau of Mines, which bureaus were recently transferred to the Department of Commerce, amounted to $283,754.87 for the Patent Office and $11,838.15 for the Bureau of Mines.

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NOTE. In addition there were handled, principally by the Bureau of Standards, 23,900 shipments, the charges on which were not paid by the department, total tonnage, 940,000 pounds; sleeping, parlor car, and steamship reservations, 3,353; routing orders for carload obtained from Federal Traffic Board, 196; routing orders for carload issued by traffic manager, 91; routings furnished for less carload by traffic manager, 2,176; freight and express bills audited, 5,625; tracers, freight, 60; claims, freight and express, 14; refunds, passenger, 85; proposals considered, 425; passenger fares quoted, 2,718; itineraries furnished, 447; freight and express rates quoted, 1,325; tickets purchased, 1,371; export shipments made since January 1, 1925, 74.

Very truly yours,

E. W. LIBBEY, Chief Clerk and Superintendent.

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