Translation into Spanish of the standards of the American In More important activities of the Lighthouse Service during the year 184 186 Provisions for retirement for disability and other changes in 186 186 ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE. To the PRESIDENT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Washington, November 1, 1923. I have the honor to submit herewith for transmission to Congress the Eleventh Annual Report of the Secretary of Commerce, in accordance with the provisions of section 8 of the organic act, as follows: SEC. 8. That the Secretary of Commerce shall annually, at the close of each fiscal year, make a report in writing to Congress, giving an account of all moneys received and disbursed by him and his department, and describing the work done by the department in fostering, promoting, and developing the foreign and domestic commerce, the mining, manufacturing, shipping, and fishery industries, and the transportation facilities of the United States, and making such recommendations as he shall deem necessary for the effective performance of the duties and purposes of the department. He shall also from time to time make such special investigations and reports as he may be required to do by the President, or by either house of Congress, or which he himself may deem necessary and urgent. In order to comply with these requirements and for convenience I have divided this report into the following sections: I. The general economic situation during the fiscal year. III. Investigations into various economic problems in pursuance of the organic act. IV. Recommendations in remedy of obsolete legislation and to meet new problems that have arisen in the department, that our commerce and industry may be advanced. V. Special and more detailed reports of the different bureaus and divisions of the department and special recommendations of their directors. 1 |