Contingent expenses, Steamboat-Inspection Service, 1918_. Salaries, Shipping Service, 1919___: Clerk hire, Shipping Service, 1919_ Contingent expenses, Shipping Service, 1919- Preventing overcrowding of passenger vessels, 1919. Enforcement of wireless-communication laws, 1918. General expenses, Bureau of Standards, 1918.. Investigation of optical glass, Bureau of Standards, 1919. Investigation of public-utility standards, Bureau of Standards, 1918 Investigation of public-utility standards, Bureau of Standards, 1919 Investigation of railway materials, Bureau of Standards, 1919__ Military research, Bureau of Standards, 1918-19. Radio laboratory, Bureau of Standards____. Renewal of storage batteries, Bureau of Standards, 1919_ Standardizing mechanical appliances, Bureau of Standards, 1919_ Standard materials, Bureau of Standards, 1919____ Sugar standardization, Bureau of Standards, 1919 Testing machines, Bureau of Standards, 1918. Testing machines, Bureau of Standards, 1919_ Testing railroad scales, etc., Bureau of Standards, 1918- Party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1919_ $7,238. 24 1, 809. 44 1, 107.72 1,375.00 1, 136. 58 87.69 180.78 193. 42 28.62 1.29 861. 13 57, 497. 13 5, 089.91 334.06 1,340, 45 214. 18 58.50 27.82 2, 418. 81 4,880. 14 233.56 299. 18 52.59 183.00 285.33 2,210.26 716. 21 7.00 579.80 141.36 135. 09 10, 164. 85 6, 253. 72 161.59 38. 15 1, 304. 23 88. 21 166. 76 576.87 194. 47 771.23 2.25 2, 173.90 309.70 2, 883. 37 9, 703. 85 99, 522. 18 31, 476. 02 General expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1918. Motor-driven vessel and launches, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Salaries, Bureau of Lighthouses, 1919. Retired pay, Lighthouse Service, 1919_ General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1915. General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1916. $1, 134. 60 3. 191. 20 68,761, 53 2, 101. 86 455. 39 50, 890. 41 6, 643. 13 7,664. 67 2.27 22.39 55.04 9.239.78 General expenses, Lighthouse Service, 1917. Salaries, Lighthouse Service, 1919_ Dog Island Light, Me-- Cape Cod Canal Lights, Mass. Woods Hole Lighthouse Depot, Mass__ Ambrose Channel, N. Y., lighted buoys Hunt's Point Light Station, N. Y___. 109,591.73 53.34 46.921. 27 9, 066. 67 46, 522.75 196. 41 12,019. 44 330.40 381.46 94.91 5.30 56. 11 .07 226.74 Miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, 1917. Pay, officers and crew of vessels, Alaska fisheries service, 1919__ Fish hatchery, Edenton, N. C., 1919_ Fish hatchery, St. Johnsbury, Vt.. Fish hatchery, Utah---- Trout hatchery, Berkshire, Mass Total 5, 621.83 1,583.95 5, 375. 84 1.95 285.33 16.96 798.35 6.02 30.95 16. 07 923, 233.25 National Security and Defense, Swedish iron ore. ards National Security and Defense, production of fabrics_ National Security and Defense, production of optical glass___ National Security and Defense, new building, Coast and Geodetic Survey Total National Security and Defense, import and export statistics_. Total National Security and Defense, Industrial Board, 1919. 1919 National Security and Defense, waste-reclamation work, 1919___ 1919 National Security and Defense, altitude laboratory, 1919_. National Security and Defense, aids to navigation, Caribbean $2, 780, 351. 68 10.65 31.86 7,888.56 24, 842. 80 264. 65 52.47 701. 35 1,224.95 13, 381.91 4, 146. 08 15, 412.59 3, 187. 17 14. 13 27, 835. 12 2,879, 345.97 77.91 7, 130. 48 320. 73 3, 123. 80 101.39 187.82 2,248. 03 3, 932. 27 852.35 17, 974. 78 11, 124. 81 18, 984. 24 12, 482.97 85,467.88 784.30 38.99 353.25 251.58 102. 81 3, 129.59 2,974. 42 6,885.00 993. 32 20, 838.93 144. 20 2,620. 40 23, 707. 69 National Security and Defense, lighthouse depot, Tompkinsville, Total Armament of fortifications, commerce transfer.. Total Grand total $9, 558. 19 200, 442. 57 21, 433.09 4.72 21, 437.81 4,042, 434. 38 In the last nine years the Department of Commerce has turned back unused into the Treasury the following amounts: The accompanying table shows, by bureaus, the number of permanent positions in the Department on July 1, 1921, and the increase or decrease in each bureau as compared with July 1, 1920. The figures do not include temporary appointments, nor do they include the following appointments or employments not made by the head of the Department: Persons engaged in rodding, chaining, recording, heliotroping, etc., in field parties of the Coast and Geodetic Survey; temporary employments in field operations of the Bureau of Fisheries: mechanics, skilled tradesmen, and laborers employed in field construction work in the Lighthouse Service. Enlisted men on vessels of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in the Philippine Islands and officers and men of the Navy Department employed on vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries are also excluded. The total of these excluded miscellaneous employments and enlistments is approximately 3,573, as compared with 4,234 for the fiscal year 1920. At the close of the fiscal year there were 751 employees in the service of the Department serving under temporary appointment or employment. The total number of permanent positions referred to in the accompanying table, together with the employments and enlistments just mentioned, on July 1, 1921, was approximately 13,005, as compared with 18.249 on July 1, 1920. The data for the Bureau of the Census includes 1,870 temporary Fourteenth Decennial Census positions which, under the law, must terminate on or before June 30, 1922; also 633 cotton agents employed in the field. * Employees engaged in work in the field for a part of each year, with headquarters in Washington, are treated as within the District of Columbia. Includes the following positions, appointment to which is not made by the head of the Department: 481 mechanics, skilled tradesmen, and laborers employed in field construction work in the Lighthouse Serv we and work of a similar character at the General Lighthouse Depot at Tompkinsville, N. Y.; 1,405 lamplighters; 227 light attendants, and 1,365 members of crews of vessels. Includes 2 stenographers and typewriters authorized by law for not exceeding 6 months each during the year. CHANGES IN THE PERSONNEL. The following table gives a summary of changes in the personnel of the Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1921: Includes appointments of the following character: Presidential, by selection from civil-service certifies, under Executive order, to excepted positions, by reinstatement, and by reason of transfer within the Department or from other departments or independent establishments. Inclades for the Bureau of the Census all employees, although the majority of changes apply to the aiditional force authorized during the Fourteenth Decennial Census period to be made by the Director of the Census. |