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" Adventure Into The Unknown: The First Fifty Years of the General Electric Research Laboratory... "
Catalogue of Title-entries of Books and Other Articles Entered in the Office ... - 4. lappuse
autors: Library of Congress. Copyright Office - 1980
Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu

Women Scientists in America: Struggles and Strategies to 1940

Margaret W. Rossiter - 1982 - 464 lapas
...industrial scientist. even for ' * E. Labs 1Wise. "New Role." pp. 420-251; Lawrence A. Hawkins. Adventure into the Unknown: The First Fifty years of the General Electric Research Laboratory 1New York: William Morrow. 19501. pp. 96-97 11 thank Arthur Norberg for this reference1; Blodgett:...
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Scientific Authority & Twentieth-century America

Ronald G. Walters - 1997 - 292 lapas
...about GE" (1932), 5150-51, Hammond files, GE Library, Schenectady, NY; Lawrence A. Hawkins, Adventure into the Unknown: The First Fifty Years of the General Electric Research Laboratory (New York, 1950), 78; Lawrence A. Hawkins, "Reminiscences" (1951), Oral History Research Project, Columbia...
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