Lapas attēli

Improvement in the Rotary Press for pressing Woollen and Cotton Goods.

What I claim as my invention in the within-described apparatus for pressing cloth, is the using of a metallic box, so formed as that a pressing roller may be made to revolve within a concave extending along it, and into which box steam, or other heated material, may be admitted when required; the whole constructed for the pressing of the cloth, either hot or cold, substantially in the manner herein set forth.


Improvement in the Plough.

What I claim in reference to the share is the making it with plain surfaces instead of curved ones, in the manner described, continuing such surfaces to the shoulder on each side, so as to leave the metal throughout so thin, that when it wears off by use, the share will still present a thin edge to the ground. I claim, also, the reversing cutter, received into a recess on the land side, and capable of having either of its edges presented forward, so as to form the cutting edge of the plough, and secured in its place on the land side by a wedge, or wedges, or in any other manner which may be preferred.

I likewise claim the mode of forming the renewable points, as herein specially set forth.


Improvement in the Machine for spinning Woollen Roving.

What I claim as my invention is this: the application of this endless belt, so as to twist the thread of the woollen roving on its passage from the back rollers to the front rollers, as before described.


Improvement in the Machine for Threshing and Cleaning Grain.

We claim as our invention the construction and use of an endless apron, divided into troughs or cells, in a machine for cleaning grain, operating substantially in the way described. We claim, also, the revolving rake for shaking out the straw, and the roller for throwing it off the machine, in combination with such a revolving apron as set forth. We claim the guard slots, E, in combination with a belt, constructed substantially as above described, and the combination of the additional sieve and shoe with the elevator, for carrying up the light grain, in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth.







No returns have been received under this head during the past year. This is to be regretted, as there is reason to believe much interesting matter still remains unexplored in State and municipal documents, and in the collections of societies and of individuals. With the view of reminding statesmen, historical and archæological societies, and citizens at large, of the importance of embodying the desired information in the Reports of this Office, for the use of future historians of the arts, their attention is again invited to the Circulars issued on the subject, the one marked [A] to Governors of States and Territories, and [B] to members of Congress.



SIR: Endeavoring to trace up the history of American inventions as a duty appertaining to this Bureau, and supposing that interesting facts may lie hidden in the archives of the various States, particularly in the records of patents, of which some are known to have been granted under colonial rule, and others by more or less of the States, previous to their conceding the right to the general government, I respectfully request to be furnished with copies of any such documents as may be on file in the State Department of your State, the expense of which will be cheerfully borne by this Office.

It is well known that the application of machinery to many branches of art was begun, and has been brought to its present degree of perfection, almost solely by the ingenuity and labors of our countrymen. I need hardly instance the working of lumber, improvements in ploughs, the cut nail and card-making mechanism; yet definite information respecting these and other inventions, while in their infancy, is entirely wanting.

It is necessary that this Office should possess information on these points, the law clearly requiring, though not in express terms, that descriptions of all known inventions should be within reach, that patents may not be granted for things previously secured. Irrespective of the light they will reflect on the origin of inventions to which they relate, and early struggles of inventors, an increasing interest will be attached to them as matters of enlightened curiosity.

Information respecting the forms of patents, length of time for which they were granted, fees paid, &c., will be highly acceptable, as also anything relating to the early progress of the arts in your State.

In case no official documents of the kind are on file, may I beg the favor of your referring the subject to any literary or scientific society, or to private individuals who may be in possession of the information sought.

With sentiments of high regard, I have the honor to be your obedient servant,

His Excellency

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THOMAS EWBANK, Commissioner. Governor of

[NOTE. It is not known that patents were issued for inventions in Louisiana by the French, or in Florida, Texas, and New Mexico by the Spaniards; but if any were granted, copies of them would be of unusual interest.]



SIR: A copy of the accompanying Circular has been addressed to each of the governors of the States and Territories of the Union, and I respectfully solicit your co-operation in furthering the objects sought to be accomplished. Whatever assistance or advice your more important engagements may permit you to give, will be highly appreciated.

There are, it is believed, among your constituents, descendants of old inventors and patentees, who, having documents of the kind referred to in their possession, would be glad to have them filed in this Office, and noticed in its Reports, as an act of justice to the ingenuity and memories of their ancestors.

I have the honor to be, with sentiments of high regard, your obedient servant,






2. ON THE TALLOW-TREE OF CHINA. [See the Agricultural portion of the Report.]

NINGPO, August 29, 1851.

MY DEAR SIR: As the object of the accompanying papers is of a public character, and as they were drawn up in accordance, it is believed, with the wishes of the Department over which you preside, I trust I shall not be considered trespassing in forwarding them overland, particularly as I can avail myself of no other safe channel. I have already forwarded, via the Cape, per ship, sundry seeds, eggs of the silk-worm, with specimens of vegetable tallow and insect wax, which will be anticipated doubtless in their arrival by this. The paper on the Tallow-tree may be useful to southern agriculturists, as the same, or a kindred species, is common in that section of our country. I hope, also, that I have not taken too much liberty in sending a duplicate of my paper on Clocks, under cover to your Department, for Silliman's Journal.

I cannot conclude this note without expressing my personal regard for you as a townsman and acquaintance. I knew you well in my boyhood as one of the fathers and patrons of the New York Mechanics' Institute, with which I was early connected; again I became acquainted with you as an author, (but, alas! I have not your work in my library;) and now, in my voluntary exile, I meet you as it were, after the lapse of many years, as the director of an important institution of my native land. Will you not suffer the acquaintance to be continued so far as to favor me with copies of all public documents of scientific interest which you may have at your disposal.

Be so good as to let me know if I can serve you in any way in China, and believe me, my dear sir, yours, most faithfully,


Commissioner of Patents.


On Chinese Horology, with suggestions on the form of Clocks adapted for the Chinese market. Written for the Patent Office Report, by D. J. Macgowan, M. D., of Ningpo, China.

A request made about two years since by the United States Patent Office, for information from American citizens resident in China, calcu

lated to be useful to home industry, has not received that attention which it merits, notwithstanding there exist as incentives, on the one hand, the unrenounceable claim of country, and, on the other, the ample opportunities for complying with that request. Her wide-spread territory, the varied productions of her soil, and the high position of China as an agricultural State, lead us to expect that no inconsiderable addition to our own agriculture would result from a careful survey of the various points accessible to foreigners; and it would doubtless be found that many plants, indigenous to this soil, are capable of being naturalized in one part or another of our continent.

In a manufacturing point of view, although there is much less to repay research, yet there are some branches of industry in this department the investigation of which could not fail to bring valuable facts to light; and, if no more can be done than to point out defects in Chinese labor, which our artisans can supply, that alone would prove mutually advantageous to the two great nations on the opposite shores of the Pacific.

Clock-making, which forms the subject of this note, is a case in point; and it is believed that, with a modification to be suggested, American clocks can be made an article of extensive import into China. For a long period the importation of clocks and watches, chiefly the former, into thiscountry from the continent of Europe, was little short of half a million of dollars annually. This trade has nearly ceased, partly owing, no doubt, to the rapid impoverishment of the country by the opium traffic, and partly to the fact that native manufacturers are able to compete with foreigners. Yet clocks are not often met with in China; they are generally confined to the public offices, where it is common to find half a dozen all in a row. The number annually manufactured cannot be large, for in the richest cities of China clock-makers are not numerous. At Nankin there are 40 shops; at Suchau, 30; Hangchau, 17; and at Ningpo, 7; the average number of men employed in each being less than four, who are mostly occupied in repairing watches and clocks. The cheapest clock they make costs $7. Some are worth as much as $100the most common price being about $25 each. A manufacturer estimates the number of clocks made at the above places at 1,000 per annum; and probably 500 more would more than cover the whole annual manufactureof the empire. A few watches are made, with the exception of chain and spring, which are imported. The oil used by Chinese workmen to abate friction appears to be particularly adapted for that purpose, though expensive; it is obtained from the flowers of the Olea Fragrans.

Before describing the kind of clock which seems adapted for this market, a brief glance at the history of the horological art in China maynot be inappropriate. It had its rise, as in the western side of Asia, in the clepsydra.

Assuming what is in the highest degree probable-the authenticity and accuracy of the Shuking, we find that, forty-five centuries ago, the

* CHRONOLOGY.-Although doubts may exist respecting the absolute accuracy of Chinese chronology, it must, nevertheless, be admitted that it is so far correct as to render arguments founded on the commonly-received chronology altogether untenable; and it is matter of regret, therefore, that the latter has been followed, in their Chinese publications, by all Romish and Protestant missionaries. I cannot too earnestly urge the adoption of Hale's Chronology, and that speedily, lest, in the mean time, some Chinese Celsus or Porphyry should arise, and bring objections against our faith not easily answered to the satisfaction of their countrymen.

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