Lapas attēli

celebrated fireman's dog, were observed | Yorick's fate, and his visits to Bellamy's

to be remarkably active at the conflagration of the two Houses of Parliamentthey both ran up and down, and in and out, getting under people's feet, and into every body's way, fully impressed with the belief, that they were doing a great deal of good, and barking tremendously. The dog went quietly back to his kennel with the engine, but the other gentleman kept up such an incessant noise for some weeks after the occurrence, that he be came a positive nuisance. As no more parliamentary fires have occurred, however, and he has consequently had no more opportunities of writing to the newspapers to relate how by way of preserving pictures he cut them out of their frames, and performed other great national services, he has gradually relapsed into his old state of calmness.

That female in black-not the one whom the Lord's-Day-Bill Baronet has just chucked under the chin; the shorter of the two-is "Jane:" the Hebe of Bellamy's. Jane is as great a character as Nicholas in her way. Her leading features are a thorough contempt for the great majority of her visiters; her predominant quality, love of admiration, as you cannot fail to observe, if you mark the glee with which she listens to something the young Member near her mutters somewhat unintelligibly in her ear (for his speech is rather thick from some cause or other), and how playfully she digs the handle of a fork into the arm with which he detains her, by way of reply.

Jane is no bad hand at repartees, and showers them about, with a degree of liberality and total absence of reserve or constraint, which occasionally excites no small amazement in the minds of strangers. She cuts jokes with Nicholas, too, but evidently looks up to him with a great deal of respect; and the immoveable stolidity with which Nicholas receives the aforesaid jokes, and looks on, at certain pastoral friskings and rompings (Jane's only recreations) which occasionally take place in the passage, is not the least amusing part of his character.

The two persons who are seated at the table in the corner, at the further end of .he room, have been constant guests here, for many years past; and one of them has feasted within these walls, many a time, with the most brilliant characters of a brilliant period. He has gone up to the other House since then; the greater part of his boon companions have shared

are comparatively few.

If he really be eating his supper now, at what hour can he possibly have dined! A second solid mass of rump-steak has disappeared, and he eat the first in four minutes and three-quarters, by the clock over the window. Was there ever such a personification of Falstaff! Mark the air with which he gloats over that Stilton as he removes the napkin which has been placed beneath his chin to catch the superfluous gravy of the steak, and with what gusto he imbibes the porter which has been fetched expressly for him in the pewter pot. Listen to the hoarse sound of that voice, kept down as it is by layers of solids, and deep draughts of rich wine, and tell us if you ever saw such a perfect picture of a regular gourmand; and whether he is not exactly the man whom you would pitch upon, as having been the partner of Sheridan's parliamentary carouses, the volunteer driver of the hackney-coach that took him home, and the involuntary upsetter of the whole party?

What an amusing contrast between his voice and appearance, and that of the spare, squeaking old man, who sits at the same table, and who, elevating a little cracked bantam sort of voice to its highest pitch, invokes damnation upon his own. eyes or somebody else's at the commencement of every sentence he utters. "The Captain," as they call him, is a very old frequenter of Bellamy's; much addicted to stopping "after the House is up" (an inexpiable crime in Jane's eyes), and a complete walking reservoir of spirits and water.

The old Peer-or rather, the old man -for his peerage is of comparatively recent date-has a huge tumbler of hot punch brought him; and the other damns and drinks, and drinks and damns, and smokes. Members arrive every moment in a great bustle to report that "The Chancellor of the Exchequer 's up," and to get glasses of brandy-and-water to sustain them during the division, people who have ordered supper, countermand it, and prepare to go down stairs, when suddenly a bell is heard to ring with tremendous violence, and a cry of " Di-vi sion" is heard in the passage. This is enough; away rush the members pellmell. The room is cleared in an instantthe noise rapidly dies away; you hear the creaking of the last boot on the last stair, and are left alone with the eviathan of rump-steaks.



ALL public dinners in London, from the Lord Mayor's annual banquet at Guildhall, to the chimney-sweepers' anniversary at White Conduit House; from the Goldsmiths' to the Butchers', from the Sheriffs' to the Licensed Victuallers', are amusing scenes. Of all entertainments of this description, however, we think the annual dinner of some public charity is the most amusing. At a Company's dinner, the people are nearly all alike-regular old stagers who make it a matter of business, and a thing not to be laughed at. At a political dinner, every body is disagreeable, and inclined to speechify-much the same thing, by the by; but at a charity dinner you see people of all sorts, kinds, and descriptions. The wine may not be remarkably special, to be sure, and we have heard some hardhearted monsters grumble at the collection; but we really think the amusement to be derived from the occasion, sufficient to counterbalance, even these disadvantages.

Let us suppose you are induced to attend a dinner of this description-"Indigent Orphans' Friends' Benevolent Institution," we think it is. The name of the charity is a mile or two longer, but never mind the rest. You have a distinct recollection, however, that you purchased a ticket at the solicitation of some charitable friend and you deposit yourself in a hackney-coach, the driver of which-no doubt that you may do the thing in style -turns a deaf ear to your earnest entreaties to be set down at the corner of Great Queen-street, and persists in carrying you to the very door of the Freemasons', round which a crowd of people are assembled to witness the entrance of the indigent orphans' friends. You hear great speculations as you pay the fare, on the possibility of your being the noble Lord who is announced to fill the chair on the occasion, and are highly gratified to hear it eventually decided that you are only a "wocalist."

The first thing that strikes you, on your entrance, is the astonishing importance of the committee. You observe a door on the first landing, carefully guarded by two waiters, in and out of which stout gentlemen with very red faces keep running, with a degree of speed highly unbecoming the gravity of persons of their years and corpulency. You pause,

quite alarmed at the bustle, and thinking in your innocence, that two or three people must have been carried out of the dining-room in fits, at the very least. You are immediately undeceived by the waiter-"Up stairs, if you please, sir; this is the committee-room." Up stairs, you go, accordingly; wondering as you mount, what the duties of the committee can be, and whether they ever do any thing beyond confusing each other, and running over the waiters.

Having deposited your hat and cloak, and received a remarkably small scrap of pasteboard in exchange (which, as a matter of course, you lose, before you require it again), you enter the hall, down which there are three long tables for the less distinguished guests, with a cross table on a raised platform at the upper end for the reception of the very particular friends of the indigent orphans. Being fortunate enough to find a plate without any body's card in it, you wisely seat yourself at once, and have a little leisure to look about you. Waiters, with winebaskets in their hands, are placing decanters of sherry down the tables, at very respectable distances; melancholy-look ing saltcellars, and decayed vinegar cruets, which might have belonged to the parents of the indigent orphans in their time, are scattered at distant intervals on the cloth; and the knives and forks look as if they had done duty at every public dinner in London since the accession of George the First. The musicians are scraping and grating and screwing tremendously-playing no notes but notes of preparation; and several gentlemen are gliding along the sides of the tables, looking into plate after plate with frantic eagerness, the expression of their countenances growing more and more dismal as they meet with every body's card but their own.

You turn round to take a look at the table behind you, and—not being in the habit of attending public dinners-are somewhat struck by the appearance of the party on which your eyes rest. One of the principal members appears to be a little man, with a long and rather inflamed face, and grey hair brushed bolt upright in front; he wears a wisp of black silk round his neck, without any stiffener, as an apology for a neckerchief, and is addressed by his companions by the familiar appellation of "Fitz." Near him is a stout man in a white neckerchief and buff waistcoat, with shining dark hair cut very short in front, and a great

round healthy-looking face, on which he studiously preserves a half-sentimental simper. Next him again, is a largeheaded man, with black hair and bushy whiskers; and opposite them are two or three others, one of whom is a little round-faced person, in a dress-stock and blue under waistcoat. There is something peculiar in their air and manner, though you could hardly describe what it is; and you cannot divest yourself of the idea that they have come for some other purpose than mere eating and drinking. You have no time to debate the matter, however, for the waiters (who have been arranged in lines down the room, placing the dishes on table) retire to the lower end; the dark man in the blue coat and bright buttons, who has the direction of the music, looks up to the gallery, and calls out "band" in a very loud voice; out bursts the orchestra, up rise the visiters, in march fourteen stewards, each with a long wand in his hand like the evil genius in a pantomime; then the chairman, then the titled visiters; they all make their way up the room, as fast as they can, bowing, and smiling, and smirking, and looking remarkably amiable. The applause ceases, grace is said, the clatter of plates and dishes begins; and every one appears highly gratified, either with the presence of the distinguished visiters, or the commencement of the anxiously-expected dinner.

the hum of conversation is loud and general.

"Pray, silence, gentlemen, if you please, for Non nobis," shouts the toastmaster with stentorian lungs- -a toastmaster's shirt-front, waistcoat, and neckerchief, by the by, always exhibit three distinct shades of cloudy-white.—" Pray, silence, gentlemen, for Non nobis." The singers, whom you discover to be no other than the very party that excited your curiosity at first, after" pitching" their voices immediately begin too-tooing most dismally, on which the regular old stagers burst into occasional cries of"Sh-Sh-waiters!-Silence, waitersstand still, waiters-keep back, waiters," and other exorcisms, delivered in a tone of indignant remonstrance. The grace is soon concluded, and the company resume their seats. The uninitiated portion of the guests applaud Non nobis as vehemently as if it were a capital comic song, greatly to the scandal and indignation of the regular diners, who immediately attempt to quell this sacrilegious approbation, by cries of "Hush, hush!" whereupon the others, mistaking these sounds for hisses, applaud more tumultuously than before, and, by way of placing their approval beyond the possibility of doubt, shout "Encore!" most vociferously.


The moment the noise ceases, up starts the toast-master:-"Gentlemen, charge As to the dinner itself-the mere din- your glasses, if you please." Decanters ner-it goes off much the same every having been handed about, and glasses where. Tureens of soup are emptied filled, the toast-master proceeds, in a with awful rapidity-waiters take plates regular ascending scale; Gentlemen of turbot away, to get lobster-sauce, and—air-you-all charged? Pray-silence bring back plates of lobster sauce, with--gentlemen-for-the cha-i-r." The out turbot; people who can carve poultry, chairman rises, and, after stating that he are great fools if they own it, and people feels it quite unnecessary to preface the who can't, have no wish to learn.-The toast he is about to propose, with any obknives and forks form a pleasing accom- servations whatever, wanders into a maze paniment to Auber's music, and Auber's of sentences, and flounders about in the music would form a pleasing accompani- most extraordinary manner, presenting a ment to the dinner, if you could hear any lamentable spectacle of mystified huthing besides the cymbals. The sub- manity, until he arrives at the words, stantials disappear moulds of jelly "constitutional sovereign of these realms," vanish like lightning-hearty eaters wipe at which elderly gentlemen exclaim, their foreheads, and appear rather over- "Bravo!" and hammer the table tremencome with their recent exertions-people dously with their knife-handles. "Under who have looked very cross hitherto, be- any circumstances, it would give him the come remarkably bland, and ask you to greatest pride, it would give him the take wine in the most friendly manner greatest pleasure-he might almost say, possible-old gentlemen direct your at- it would afford him satisfaction [cheers tention to the ladies' gallery, and take to propose that toast. What must be his great pains to impress you with the fact feelings, then, when he has the gratificathat the charity is always peculiarly fa- tion of announcing, that he has received voured in this respect-every one ap- her Majesty's commands to apply to the pears disposed to become talkative-and Treasurer of her Majesty's Household,

for her Majesty's annual donation of £25 in aid of the funds of this charity!" This announcement (which has been regularly made by every chairman, since the first foundation of the charity, fortytwo years ago) calls forth the most vociferous applause; the toast is drunk with a great deal of cheering and knocking, and "God save the Queen" is sung by the "professional gentlemen;" the unprofessional gentlemen joining in the chorus, and giving the national anthem an effect which the newspapers, with great justice, describe as perfectly



The other "loyal and patriotic" toasts having been drunk with all due enthusiasm, a comic song having been well sung by the gentleman with the small neckerchief, and a sentimental one by the second of the party, we come to the most important toast of the evening-"Prosperity to the charity." Here again we are compelled to adopt newspaper phraseology, and to express our regret at being "precluded from giving even the substance of the noble lord's observations." Suffice it to say, that the speech, which is somewhat of the longest, is rapturously received; and the toast having been drunk, the stewards (looking more important than ever) leave the room, and presently return, heading a procession of indigent orphans, boys and girls, who walk round the room, curtseying and bowing, and treading on each other's heels, and looking very much as if they should like a glass of wine apiece, to the high gratification of the company generally, and especially of the lady patroness in the gallery. Exeunt children, and re-enter stewards, each with a blue plate in his hand. The band plays a lively air; the majority of the company put their hands in their pockets and look rather serious; and the noise of sovereigns, rattling on crockery, is heard from all parts of the


After a short interval, occupied in singing and toasting, the secretary puts on his spectacles, and proceeds to read the report and list of subscriptions, the latter being listened to with great attention. "Mr. Smith, one guinea-Mr. Tompkins, one guinea-Mr. Wilson, one guineaMr. Hickson, one guinea-Mr. Nixon, one guinea - Mr. Charles Nixon, one guinea-[hear, hear!"]-Mr. James Nixon, one guinea-Mr. Thomas Nixon, one pound one [tremendous applause]. Lord Fitz Binkle, the chairman of the Jay, in addition to an annual donation of

fifteen pounds-thirty guineas [prolonged knocking: several gentlemen knock the stems off their wine-glasses, in the vehe. mence of their approbation]. Lady Fitz Binkle, in addition to an annual donation. of ten pound-twenty pound" [protracted knocking and shouts of "Bravo!"]. The list being at length concluded, the chairman rises and proposes the health of the secretary, than whom he knows no more zealous or estimable individual. The secretary, in returning thanks, observes that he knows no more excellent indivi dual than the chairman-except the se nior officer of the charity, whose health he begs to propose. The senior officer, in returning thanks, observes that he knows no more worthy man than the sec retary-except Mr. Walker, the auditor, whose health he begs to propose. Mr. Walker, in returning thanks, discovers some other estimable individual, to whom alone the senior officer is inferior-and so they go on toasting and lauding and thanking: the only other toast of import ance being "The Lady Patronesses now present," on which all the gentlemen turn their faces towards the ladies' gal lery, shouting tremendously; and little priggish men, who have imbibed more wine than usual, kiss their hands and exhibit very distressing contortions of visage supposed to be intended for ogling.

We have protracted our dinner to so great a length, that we have hardly time to add one word by way of grace. We can only entreat our readers not to imagine, because we have attempted to extract some amusement from a charity dinner, that we are at all disposed to underrate, either the excellence of the be nevolent institutions with which London abounds, or the estimable motives of those who support them.



"Now ladies, up in the sky-parlour: only once year, if you please."

YOUNG LADY WITH BRASS LADLE "Sweep-sweep-sw-e-ep."


THE first of May! There is a merry freshness in the sound, calling to our minds a thousand thoughts of all that is pleasant and beautiful in nature, in her sweetest and most delightful form. What

man is there, over whose mind a bright | spring morning does not exercise a magic influence carrying him back to the days of his childish sports, and conjuring up before him the old green field with its gently-waving trees, where the birds sang as he has never heard them sincewhere the butterfly fluttered far more gaily than he ever sees him now, in all his ramblings-where the sky seemed bluer, and the sun shone more brightlywhere the air blew more freshly over greener grass, and sweeter-smelling flowers-where every thing wore a richer and more brilliant hue than it is ever dressed in now! Such are the deep feelings of childhood, and such are the impressions which every lovely object stamps upon its heart. The hardy traveller wanders through the maze of thick and pathless woods, where the sun's rays never shone, and heaven's pure air never played: he stands on the brink of the roaring waterfall, and, giddy and bewildered, watches the foaming mass as it leaps from stone to stone, and from crag to crag; he lingers in the fertile plains of a land of perpetual sunshine, and revels in the luxury of their balmy breath. But what are the deep forests, or the thundering waters, or the richest landscapes that bounteous nature ever spread, to charm the eyes, and captivate the senses of man, compared with the recollection of the old scenes of his early youth-Magic scenes indeed; for the fairy thoughts of infancy dressed them in colours brighter than the rainbow, and almost as flecting; colours which are the reflection only of the sparkling sunbeams of childhood, and can never be called into existence in the dark and cloudy days of after-life!

In former times, spring brought with it not only such associations as these, connected with the past, but sports and games for the present - merry dances round rustic pillars, adorned with emblems of the season, and reared in honour of its coming. Where are they now! Pillars we have, but they are no longer rustic ones; and as to dancers, they are used to rooms, and lights, and would not show well in the open air. Think of the immorality, too! What would your sabbath enthusiasts say, to an aristocratic ring encircling the Duke of York's column in Carlton-terrace-a grand poussette of the middle classes, round Alderman Waithman's monument in Fleet-street, or a general hands-four-round of tenpound householders, at the foot of the Obelisk in St. George's-fields? Alas!

romance can make no head against the riot act; and pastoral simplicity is not understood by the police.

Well! many years ago we began to be a steady and matter-of-fact sort of people, and dancing in spring being beneath our dignity, we gave it up, and in course of time it descended to the sweeps-a fall certainly, because, though sweeps are very good fellows in their way, and moreover very useful in a civilized community, they are not exactly the sort of people to give the tone to the little elegancies of society. The sweeps, however, got the dancing to themselves, and they kept it up, and handed it down. This was a severe blow to the romance of spring-time, but it did not entirely destroy it either; for a portion of it descended to the sweeps with the dancing, and rendered them objects of great interest. A mystery hung over the sweeps in those days. Legends were in existence of wealthy gentlemen who had lost children, and who, after many years of sorrow and suf fering, had found them in the character of sweeps. Stories were related of a young boy who, having been stolen from his parents in his infancy, and devoted to the occupation of chimney-sweeping, was sent, in the course of his professional career, to sweep the chimney of his mother's bedroom; and how, being hot and tired when he came out of the chimney, he got into the bed he had so often slept in as an infant, and was discovered and recognised therein by his mother, who once every year of her life, thereafter, requested the pleasure of the company of every London sweep, at half-past one o'clock, to roast beef, plum-pudding, por ter, and sixpencc.

Such stories as these, and there were many such, threw an air of mystery round the sweeps, and produced for them some of those good effects which animals derive from the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. No one, except the masters, thought of ill-treating a sweep, because no one knew who he might be, or what nobleman's or gentleman's son he might turn out. Chimney-sweeping was, by many believers in the marvel lous, considered as a sort of probationary term, at an earlier or later period of which, divers young noblemen were to come into possession of their rank and titles: and the profession was held by them in great respect accordingly.

We remember, in our young days, a little sweep about our own age, with curly hair and white teeth, whom we de.

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