Lapas attēli

Department, the Philippine Islands and Porto Rico being the ones so subject at the present time. The bureau is also the repository of the civil records. of the government of occupation of Cuba (January 1, 1899, to May 20, 1902), and had assigned to it matters pertaining to the provisional government of Cuba (September 29, 1906, to January 28, 1909). It is charged with the purchase and shipment of supplies for the Philippine Islands and Porto Rico; makes appointments of persons in the United States to the civil service of the Philippines and Porto Rico and arranges their transportation. It gathers statistics of insular imports and exports, shipping, and immigration. Under the convention of February 8, 1907, and the general regulations of the President of the United States issued thereunder, the bureau has immediate supervision and control of the Dominican receivership for the collection of customs revenues and payment of the interest and principal of the adjusted bonded indebtedness of the Dominican Republic, and in some respects acts as the agent in the United States of the receivership. Briefly, the bureau looks after the interests of the Philippine Islands and Porto Rico in the United States and is their representative before the executive departments and the public here. It makes studies of questions relating to financial matters, tariffs, navigation, land laws, etc.; also commercial and industrial possibilities, as applied to those islands, and makes such recommendations as may be necessary.

E. Militia Bureau 23

The Militia Bureau of the War Department is established by law to facilitate the administration and to promote the development of the National Guard while not in the service of the United States. It is vested with all the administrative duties (co-ordinating with department and corps area commanders) involving the organization, armament, instruction, equipment, discipline, training, and inspection of the National Guard; the conduct of camps of instruction of the National Guard and the administrative duties connected with the preparation of the National Guard for participation in field exercises and maneuvers of the Regular Army; the mobilization of the National Guard in time of peace; and all matters pertaining to the National Guard not in Federal service, National Guard Reserve, and the unorganized militia of the United States not herein generally enumerated which do not under existing laws, regulations, orders, or practice come within the jurisdiction of the General Staff or any division. or bureau of the War Department, and which shall not operate to divest any bureau or division of the War Department of duties now properly belonging to it.

F. Inland Waterways Corporation

The Inland Waterways Corporation is charged with the direction of the duties incident to the development of national inland waterway transportation as delegated to the Secretary of War under the Transportation Act of 1920,24

23 National Defense Act of 1920, § 44, 41 Stat. p. 782 (Comp. St. Ann. Supp. 1923, §8 3074b-3074e).

24 41 Stat. 499 (Comp. St. Ann. Supp. 1923, § 100714k).

and by Public 185, approved June 3, 1924.25 This corporation supervises the maintenance of barge lines operated by the government on several important water routes; investigates types of floating and terminal equipment suitable for various waterways, as well as tariff and interchange arrangements between rail and water carriers and other matters tending to promote and encourage waterway traffic; and in general functions as the official governmental inland waterways bureau.

G. War Credits Board

The board was appointed by the Secretary of War to administer the granting of advances of money to War Department contractors under authority of section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917.26

H. Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors

The Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors is a permanent body created by the river and harbor act of June 13, 1902.27 To it are referred for consideration and recommendation all reports upon examinations and surveys provided for by Congress, and all projects or changes in projects for works of river and harbor improvement upon which report is desired by the Chief of Engineers, United States Army. It is further the duty of the board, upon request by the Committee on Commerce of the Senate, or by the Committee on Rivers and Harbors of the House of Representatives in the same manner, to examine and report through the Chief of Engineers upon any examinations, surveys, or projects for the improvement of rivers and harbors. In its investigations the board gives consideration to all engineering, commercial, navigation, and economic questions involved in determining the advisability of undertaking such improvements at the expense of the United States. The work of the board has been extended to include passing upon the plans of local authorities for terminal improvements in order to determine their adequacy under the provisions of section 1 of the river and harbor act of March 2, 1919,28 advising and assisting local port authorities in planning the layout and equipment of terminal facilities, and the designing of floating plant for use in the prosecution of projects for river and harbor improvement. The statistical division of the board is engaged on the investigations authorized by the Transportation Act of 1920, with a view to the promotion of water transportation, and the investigations of ports authorized by the merchant marine act to be made in co-operation with the Shipping Board. Its duties also include the compilation, publication, and distribution of useful statistics, data, and information concerning ports and water transportation.

I. Army War College

The Army War College, located at Washington Barracks, is one of the general service schools of the Army. It is the highest unit in the military educational system. Its object is to train selected officers for duty in the War Department

25 43 Stat. 360.

26 Act Oct. 6, 1917, 40 Stat. 383 (Comp. St. 1918, Comp. St. Ann. Supp. 1919, § 6648a). 27 32 Stat. 372 (Comp. St. § 9863).

28 40 Stat. 1275 (Comp. St. Ann. Supp. 1919, § 9874b).

General Staff and for high command in accordance with the doctrine and methods approved by the War Department.

J. War Transaction Board

By direction of the President this board was appointed by the Secretary of War to co-operate with a similar organization created in the Department of Justice, in making a survey of the transactions involved in or growing out of the late war, with a view to the development and disposition as promptly as possible of such of said transactions as may justify or require investigation or action by the Department of Justice.

5. Publications

(a) Army Regulations afford the principal source of authority.

(b) Annual Report of Secretary of War.

(c) Manual for Subsistence Department.

(d) Manual for Courts-Martial.

(e) Digest of Opinions of Judge Advocate General.

(f) Manual for Quartermaster's Department.

(g) Regulations of War Department Governing Organized Militia.

(h) Laws Relating to Construction of Bridges over Navigable Waters. See Annual Reports of Engineer Department.

(i) Ordnance Manual.

(j) Manual for Pay Department.

(k) Manual of Military Telegraphy.

(1) Manual of Photography for Army. (m) Manual of Signals.

(n) Manual for Medical Department.

(0) Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909, pp. 1201-1462. (p) Army List and Directory, obtainable from Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C., 30 cents..

(q) List of Publications No. 19, on Army, Militia, Aviation, and Pensions, for sale by Superintendent of Documents.

(r) List of Publications No. 32, on Insular Possessions, for sale by Superintendent of Documents.

6. General Guide to Practitioners Before the War Department

(a) There are no requirements for admission of attorneys to practice before the War Department. By reference to the organization as above described, it is evident that one should communicate with the following offices in regard to specified interests as follows:

(b) Quartermaster's Department, in the interest of contractors:

(b1) For supplies common to two or more branches of the Army;

(b2) For work pertaining to construction, maintenance and repair of build

ings, structures, and utilities other than fortifications;

(b3) For the sale or lease of real estate;

(b4) For the issue of licenses in connection with government reservations; (b5) For transportation by land and water.

(c) The various services for special and technical articles used exclusively by such branches respectively.

(d) Chief of Engineers:

(d1) In reference to the selection of military sites;

'(d2) Construction and repair of fortifications and their accessories;

(d3) Construction of military bridges;

(d4) Construction, operation, and maintenance of military railways, utilities, ferries, canal boats, or other means of inland water transportation within the theater of military operations;

(d5) Execution of congressional acts in the improvement of rivers and harbors and other navigable waters of the United States;

(d6) Establishment of harbor lines and anchor grounds;

(d7) Removal of wrecks and other obstructions to navigation;

(d8) Issuance of permits for structures, dredging, dumping, or other work in navigable waters;

(19) Operations affecting the scenic grandeur of Niagara Falls;

(d10) Surveying and charting the Great Lakes;

(d11) Improvement and care of public buildings and works in the District of Columbia.

(e) The Adjutant General in reference to any military personnel matter or records of the War Department.

(f) Military Intelligence Division, to give, or obtain, military information; e. g., if one should obtain information about a foreign military service that might be of value to the United States Army, it should be so communicated.

(g) The Judge Advocate General:

(gl) In regard to legal interpretation of a law affecting the military establishment;

(g2) In regard to any person in the Army under charge of committing a military offense. If acting as counsel for an accused, a copy of the charges and specifications should be obtained from the accused or from the Judge Advocate General. Consult the Manual for Courts-Martial.






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