Lapas attēli

Southern California

Assec., Inc.

July 23, 2000

Honorable Ben Nighthorse Campbell

United States Senate

Hart Building Room

Washington, DC 20518

Re: Written Testimony Indian Health Care Improvement Act S2526
Ben Senate Campbell

We support the hearing on S. 2526, to reauthorize Indian Health Care Improvement Act.

Problem: One of the major barriers of providing any services to Indian County is the start-up and stop of individual families services, which many services require many applications, forms, requests, and statements, for a variety of health services. Our example: one complete application for TANF Cash Assistance, one complete application for Food Stamps, one complete application for Medi-Cal, one complete application for Child Support Enforcement, and to basically six other agencies that deal with economically disadvantage, high risk families.

We need to solve the application barriers by having a cognizant agency for recipients that issue a "one stop card”, as the one stop application, which basically certifies the eligibility of the individual to receive Medi-Cal, TANF (cash assistance), Food Stamps, and other Services.

We have attached a chart that better conceptualizes our One Stop Application network, for the economically disadvantage, and high risk family. We hope Senate will consider S2526, becoming a partnership into a One Stop Application process for economic disadvantage, high risk family.

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A Tribal provision in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, provided language that would allow Indian Tribes to administer a TANF (cash assistance) program.

One of the major barriers of providing any service to Indian Country is the lack of transportation. Rural public transportation systems are sporadic and in many areas nonexistence. Tribal members of Tribal TANF programs must complete one application for cash assistance, travel to the local county welfare office to complete a similar application for the Federal Medicaid program.

The State agency is responsible for conducting the Medicaid Program eligibility determination on Indian reservations, which historically has resulted in under representation of Indian people..

Therefore, an amendment to the Indian Health Care Improvement Act that will allow Tribal TANF programs to determine eligibility for Medicaid program will increase Indian participation and provide a one-stop application for services.


Indian Tribes that administer a Tribal TANF program are authorized to determine eligibility for the Federal Medicaid program.

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Health and Human Services

TANF Block Grant/New


Child Support Enforcement

Child Care Head Start

Social Services Block Grapt

Teen Pregnancy Prevention/Family Planning

Substance Abuse Treatment & Prevention

Mental Health Treatment & Prevention

Family Violence Programs/Violence Against Women

Children's Mental Health Services

Community Services Block Grant

Individual Development Accounts

Assets for Independence Demonstrations (to establish, Individual
Development necounts for low income individuals/families)

Job Opportunities for Low Income

Community Economic Development/Rural Community Facilities

Fatherhood Programs

Department of Agriculture

Distance Learning (Funding to encourage/improve telecommunications/computer networks to provide education for rural areas)

Rural Development (Pursuing ways to stimulate improvements in the economic, social or environmental well-being of rural residents through technical and financial assistance)

Wood in Transportation (Offers technology transfer and value added business development assistance for improved transportation and infrastructure and markets for wood)

Rural Business Enterprise Grants (Help finance and facilitate development of small and emerging private business enterprises located in rural areas)

Rural Business Opportunity Grants (Provides funds for technical assistance, training/planning activities that improve economic conditions in rural areas. To promote sustainable economic development in rural communities with exceptional needs) Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (Commodities) Food Stamps (Helps low-income households but food for a more nutritious diet)

Community Facility Program ( A community facility is a service center that provides essential public services such as a welfare services building)

Emergency Food Assistance Program

Child Adult Care Food Program

Community Food Projects (to meet the food needs of Low-income people)


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