1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 222 23 24 25 98 "(B) for any subsequent year, not less than the threshold cost of the previous year increased by the percentage increase in the medical care expenditure category of the consumer price index for all urban consumers (United States city average) for the 12-month period ending with December of the previous year; "(3) establish a procedure for the reimburse ment of the portion of the costs incurred by "(A) service units, Indian tribes, or tribal organizations, or facilities of the Service; or "(B) non-Service facilities or providers whenever otherwise authorized by the Service; in rendering treatment that exceeds threshold cost described in paragraph (2); "(4) establish a procedure for payment from the CHEF in cases in which the exigencies of the medical circumstances warrant treatment prior to the authorization of such treatment by the Service; and “(5) establish a procedure that will ensure that no payment shall be made from the CHEF to any provider of treatment to the extent that such pro vider is eligible to receive payment for the treatment from any other Federal, State, local, or private 99 source of reimbursement for which the patient is eli 1 2 gible. 3 "(c) LIMITATION.-Amounts appropriated to the 4 CHEF under this section shall not be used to offset or 5 limit appropriations made to the Service under the author6 ity of the Act of November 2, 1921 (25 U.S.C. 13) (com7 monly known as the Snyder Act) or any other law. 8 "(d) DEPOSITS.-There shall be deposited into the 9 CHEF all reimbursements to which the Service is entitled 10 from any Federal, State, local, or private source (including 11 third party insurance) by reason of treatment rendered to 12 any victim of a disaster or catastrophic illness the cost 13 of which was paid from the CHEF. 14 "SEC. 203. HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION 15 16 SERVICES. "(a) FINDINGS.-Congress finds that health pro 17 motion and disease prevention activities will 18 "(1) improve the health and well-being of Indi 20 "(2) reduce the expenses for health care of In 22 "(b) PROVISION OF SERVICES.-The Secretary, act 23 ing through the Service and through Indian tribes and 24 tribal organizations, shall provide health promotion and 100 1 disease prevention services to Indians so as to achieve the 2 health status objective set forth in section 3(b). 3 "(c) DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH PRO 4 MOTION.In this section: 5 “(1) DISEASE PREVENTION.-The term 'disease 6 prevention' means the reduction, limitation, and pre 7 8 9 vention of disease and its complications, and the reduction in the consequences of such diseases, including― "(A) controlling "(i) diabetes; "(ii) high blood pressure; "(iii) infectious agents; “(iv) injuries; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "(vi) sexually transmittable diseases; ities; "(v) occupational hazards and disabil 23 2 2 2 2 2 20 21 22 24 "(vii) toxic agents; and "(B) providing— "(i) for the fluoridation of water; and "(ii) immunizations. "(2) HEALTH PROMOTION.-The term 'health promotion' means fostering social, economic, envi 101 ronmental, and personal factors conducive to health, including― "(A) raising people's awareness about health matters and enabling them to cope with health problems by increasing their knowledge and providing them with valid information; "(B) encouraging adequate and appropriate diet, exercise, and sleep; "(C) promoting education and work in conformity with physical and mental capacity; "(E) making available suitable housing, safe water, and sanitary facilities; "(F) improving the physical economic, cultural, psychological, and social environment; "(G) promoting adequate opportunity for spiritual, religious, and traditional practices; and "(H) adequate and appropriate programs including― "(i) abuse prevention (mental and physical); "(iii) community health; "(iv) community safety; "(v) consumer health education; "(vi) diet and nutrition; |