Sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1927 Part XX.-Trade with Hawaii-Continued Wharves; harbor; pilots. Seamen's laws..... Part XXI. Trade with Porto Rico General provisions. Coasting trade.. Quarantine and public health. Harbors and navigable waters.. Wharves and piers. Part XXII.-Trade with the Philippines Treaty of peace... Duties and taxes_ Philippine fund... Vessels and coasting trade. Tariff and internal revenue... Aids to navigation and commerce. Part XXIII-Trade with Alaska and Virgin Islands Coasting laws... Firearms and liquor... Special licenses, and wharf charges. Transfer of cargo.. Yukon and Stikine river trade. Procedure. Pribilof, St. Paul, St. George, Walrus, and Otter Islands, and Sea Lion Rock... Transit in bond.. Crimes and penalties. Tariff and tax provisions, Virgin Islands.... [Part XXIV. Quarantine and bills of health Consular bill of health__ Quarantine regulations. Quarantine inspection. Quarantine anchorage. Suspension of commerce. Penalties.. State health laws. Removal of cargo... Removal of customhouse. National quarantine. Part XXV. Immigration Head tax.. Definition of "seaman". Definition of "immigrant". Immigration visas.. Hospital treatment of diseased alien seamen.. Alien seamen excluded from admission. Fraudulent entry of immigrants as seamen.. Diseased immigrants. Illegal landing. Readmission of aliens who served in armies of cobelligerents of the United States.... Permit to reenter United States after tempo- rary absence.... Aliens who are to be excluded from admis- sion. Deportation and penalty Penalty for illegal transportation. Foreign officials. Miscellaneous.. 180 Immigration to Philippines.. |