Code of Federal Regulations: Administrative Personnel, Parts 1 to 699, As of January 1 2006U.S. Government Printing Office, 2006 - 855 lappuses Published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration. Official U.S. Government Edition. |
Posting notices of new OPM regulations | 17 |
Title | 20 |
178 | 23 |
180 | 40 |
185 | 47 |
210 | 63 |
214 | 78 |
40 | 230 |
Other than fulltime career employment Part time seasonal oncall and intermittent | 235 |
Reduction in force | 240 |
Reemployment rights | 259 |
Restoration to duty from uniformed service or compensable injury | 276 |
Removal from the Senior Executive Service guar anteed placement in other personnel systems | 285 |
Presidential Management Fellows Program | 294 |
Information Technology Exchange Program | 300 |
Part Page 251 Agency relationships with organizations rep resenting Federal employees and other organiza tions | 83 |
Personnel records | 85 |
Availability of official information | 99 |
Privacy procedures for personnel records | 108 |
8 | 118 |
Employment general | 120 |
10 | 125 |
Overseas employment | 132 |
14 | 134 |
Expert and consultant appointments | 141 |
15 | 144 |
Reserved 307 Veterans readjustment appointments | 145 |
Volunteer service | 147 |
Career and careerconditional employment | 148 |
17 | 161 |
Temporary and term employment | 171 |
Employment in the Senior Executive Service | 176 |
Employment in seniorlevel and scientific and pro fessional positions | 190 |
Recruitment selection and placement general | 192 |
23 | 205 |
Recruitment and selection through competitive examination | 216 |
Reserved 334 Temporary assignment of employees between Fed eral agencies and State local and Indian tribal governments institutions of higher ed... | 220 |
Promotion and internal placement | 222 |
Examining system | 226 |
Training | 304 |
Executive management and supervisory develop ment | 313 |
Performance management | 315 |
Performance based reduction in grade and removal actions | 332 |
Awards | 337 |
47 | 342 |
530 | 351 |
Pay under the General Schedule | 362 |
63 | 363 |
64 | 390 |
532 | 395 |
66 | 486 |
78 | 492 |
534 | 497 |
551 | 534 |
553 | 629 |
576 | 661 |
582 | 693 |
Commercial garnishment of Federal employees | 721 |
591 | 730 |
595 | 750 |
630 | 758 |
Autortiesības | |