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" SEC. 2. That it shall be the duty of the register and the receiver of any local land office in whose district any mineral land may be situated to ascertain from time to time whether any timber is being cut or used upon any such lands, except for the purposes... "
Report on Forestry - 13. lappuse
autors: United States. Forest Service - 1880
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Copp's Land Owner, 10. sējums

1883 - 416 lapas
...situated, to ascertain irom time to time whether any limber is being cut or used upon any such lands, except for the purposes authorized by this act, within their respective land districts: and, if sot they shall immediately notify the Commissioner ol the General Land Office of that fact: and all...
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Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials of the Territory of Montana Passed at the ...

Montana (Ter.) - 1877 - 956 lapas for:Bu!iIau'thoCrtime whether any timber is being cut or used upon any ized purposes, such lands, except for the purposes authorized by this act, within...they shall immediately notify the commissioner of tho general land office of the fact; and all necessary expenses incurred in making such proper examinations...
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Laws, Resolutions, and Memorials of the Territory of Montana Passed at the ...

Montana (Ter.) - 1879 - 174 lapas
...upon for^nilfa t*or- any such lands, except for the purposes authorized by ized purposes. ^is ac t ( within their respective land districts; and, if so,...allowed such register and receiver in making up their next quarterly accounts. SEC. 3. Any person or persons who shall violate the provisions of this act,...
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Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, of the Territory of Montana, Passed by the ...

Montana - 1879 - 170 lapas
...oi^'ifruui thorl any such lands, except for the purposes authorized by ized purposes. ^ act) w;thm ^eir respective land districts ; and, if so, they shall...allowed such register and receiver in making up their next quarterly accounts. SEC. 3. Any person or persons who shall violate the provisions of this act,...
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The Existing Laws of the United States of a General and Permanent Character ...

United States - 1880 - 216 lapas
...being cut or used upon any such lands? except for the purposes authorized iu the preceding section, within their respective land districts ; and, if so,...allowed such register and receiver in making up their next quarterly accounts. 20 Stat. 88. Cir. GLO, Aug. 15, 1878 (6 Copp's LO 21). Penalty for nn- SEC....
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The Federal Reporter, 119. sējums

1903 - 1118 lapas
...situated, to ascertain from time to time, whether any timber Is being cut or used upon any such hinds, except for the purposes authorized by this act, within...such proper examinations shall be paid and allowed said register and receiver, In making up their next quarterly account "Sec. 3. Any person or persons...
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Annual Report - The Secretary of the Interior

United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1880 - 410 lapas situated, to ascertain from time to time whether any timber is being cut or used upon such lands, except for the purposes authorized by this act, within...Commissioner of the General Land Office of that fact, Of this act the Commissioner of the General Land Office, in a letter addressed to the Secretary of...
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Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States ..., 1. sējums

United States - 1881 - 742 lapas in whose district any mineral land may be situated to ascertain from time to time whether any timber is being cut or used upon any such lauds,...allowed such register and receiver in making up their next quarterly accounts. SEC. 3. Any person or persons who shall violate the provisions of this act,...
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The U. S. Mining Laws: And the Decisions of the Commissioner of the General ...

Dennis Kingsley Sickels - 1881 - 704 lapas
...time whether any timber is being cut or used upon any such lands, except for the purposes anthorized by this act, within their respective land districts;...allowed such register and receiver in making up their next quarterly accounts. SEC. 3. Any person or persons ^v:ho shall violate the provisions of this act,...
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The Existing Laws of the United States of a General and Permanent Character ...

United States - 1881 - 216 lapas
...being cut or used upon any such lands, except for the purposes authorized in the preceding section, within their respective land districts; and, if so,...allowed such register and receiver in making up their next quarterly accounts. 20 Stat. 88. Cir. GLO, Aug. 15, 1878 (6 Copp's LO21). Penalty for un- SEC....
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