Lapas attēli


Acclimatization of exotic trees, 68.

Acorns, preservation of, 71.

Acres entered under timber-culture acts, 7, 8.
Affidavits required in making timber returns, On-
tario, 539.

Agencies, timber, of Ontario, 548.

Agents for repressing timber depredations, 16.
Agriculture, export of products of (1802-1861), 112;
five-year periods, 113.

Agricultural products exported from Canada, 1868
to 1879, 463; Ontario, 464; Quebec, 465; New
Brunswick, 466; Nova Scotia, 467; Prince Ed-
ward Island, 468; British Columbia, 468; Mani.
toba, 469.

Ahnapee, Wis., receipts of lumber from, 50.
Air-vessels for floating heavy woods, 67.
Alabama, forests and forest products of, 34; re-
cent act against wrongful boxing of pine trees,
27: trespass on timber lands in, 16.

Alaska, collection district, when formed, 104; de-
scription of, 110.

Albemarle, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 108.

Alcona, Mich., receipts of lumber from, 50.
Alexander, M., report from, 25.

Alexandria, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 108.

Algeria, eucalyptus in, 447.

Allon, M., pine seeds sent by, 92.

Almonds, importation of, 436.

Alpena, Mich, receipts of lumber from, 50.

Alternation in cultivation, 65, 66, 70; of forest
growth, 453.

Altitude, compensates for differences in latitude,


Altyre, sequoia planted at, 82.

Animals and their products exported from Can-

ada, 1868 to 1879, 463; Ontario, 464; Quebec, 465;
New Brunswick, 466; Nova Scotia, 467; Prince
Edward Island, 468; British Columbia, 468;
Manitoba, 469.

Annapolis, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 108.

Anoka, lumber statistics of, 63.

Apalachicola, collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 109.

Appanoose County, Iowa, tree-planting in, 21.
Applications for land under timber-culture act,
form of, 2.

Arbor day, tree-planting on, in Minnesota, 64.
Areas of collection districts, 104.
Arizona, acres entered under timber culture acts,
7,8; privileges of timber granted in, 13.
Arkansas, destruction of timber in, 17.
Aroostook, Me., collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 106.

Ash, exported from Canada, 1856 to 1867, 461; 1868
to 1879, 470; premiums for planting, in Iowa, 51;
timber from Crown lands of Ontario, 553; Que-
bec, 564; passed the slides on Ottawa, 583.
Ashes, leached, exported from Canada, 1878, 1879,
505; pot and pearl, commerce under reciprocity
treaty, 513, 514; exported from Canada, 1868 to
1879, 504.

Ashland, Wis., receipts of lumber from, 50.
Aspect suited to certain trees, 67.

Assessors in Wisconsin required to report area
of growing timber, 65.

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé Railroad, forest-
planting by, 59.

Atmospheric electricity, effect of, on plants, 72.

Audubon Co., Iowa, tree-planting in, 21.

August, ripening of wood in, 68.

Ausable, Mich., receipts of lumber from, 50.
Austrian pines, habit of growth, 97; in Iowa, 57,


Ax-helves exported, 1789 to 1795, 295.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, receipts of lumber
by, at Chicago, 49, 50.

Baltimore, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of 108.

Bamboos, duties on, 397; importation of, 432.
Bangor, Me., collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 106.

Barges built, 1875 to 1879; percentages, 382.
Bark, commerce in, under reciprocity treaty, 513,
514; duties on, 398; exportation (value), 1791 to
1879, 326; for tanning, exported from Canada 1876
to 1879, 503; on Welland Canal, 585; hemlock,
extract of, exported from Canada, 1868 to 1879,
504; exportation (hogsheads and value) by foreign
countries, 1864 and 1865, 328; by foreign coun-
tries, 1866 to 1879, 328; by districts, 1856 to 1879,
330 (see Oak bark and other dyes); importation
of, 433, 434; imported into Canada, 1868 to 1879,
512; oak, peeling of, 72; from Crown lands, On-
tario, 556; Quebec, 565.

Barks, pot and pearl ashes, exportation, 1854 to
1879 (general table), 113.

Barks (vessels), number built, 1815 to 1879, 380;
percentage, 382.

Barnstable, Mass., collection district, 107; descrip-
tion of, 104.

Barnstable Co., Mass., plantations in, 60.
Barrels, duties on, 398; imported, 1872-'73 to
1878-79, 417; and hogsheads, number and value,
exported empty, 1864 to 1879, 284; by foreign
countries, 1870 to 1879, 284; by districts, 1864
to 1879, 288; shooks, number and value exported,
1864 to 1868, 278; on Welland Canal, 604.
Barres-Vilmorin, Riga pine at, 101.
Baskets, duties on, 397, 398; willow, importation

of, 431.

Basswood, exported from Canada, 1856 to 1867,
462; 1868 to 1879, 470; imported from, 1872 to
1879, 401; planed, imported. 1872 to 1879, 401;
other lumber, 402; premiums for planting, in
Iowa, 51; from Crown lands, Ontario, 553; Que-
bec, 564; passed the slides on Ottawa, 583.
Bath, Me., collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 106.

Battens, exported from Canada, 1856 to 1867, 462;
1868 to 1879, 478.

Bay de Noque, receipts of lumber from, 50.
Bayfield, Wis., receipts of lumber from, 50.
Beaufort, N. C., collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 108.

Beaufort, S. C., collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 108.
Beauharnois Canal, 584.

Beech, prospers in an eastern aspect, 17: from
Crown lanils, Ontario, 553; passed the slides on
Ottawa, 583.

Béhague, M., article by, 74.

Belfast, Me., collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 106.

Belleville district, Ontario, form of timber licenses
in, 536.

Bennett, John, report from, 25.

Benton Co., Iowa, tree planting in, 21.


Benton Harbor, Mich., receipts of lumber from, 50.
Bermuda Hundred and City Point, obsolete dis-
trict, 111.

Bernon, M., a French merchant, manufactures
naval stores, 331.

Biddeford, &c.; obsolete district, 111, 112.
Biddeford and Pepperelboro, obsolete district, 111.
Binders, from Crown lands, Ontario, 555.
Birch, exported from Canada, 1856 to 1867, 461;
18.8 to 1879, 471; premiums for planting, in Iowa,
51; prospers in northern and eastern aspects, 67;
timber exported from Canada by foreign coun-
tries, 1874 to 1879, 506; from Crown lands, On-
tario, 553; Quebec, 564; passed the slides on
Ottawa, 583.

Black Creek, receipts of lumber at Chicago from,

[blocks in formation]

Blakely, obsolete district, 111.

Blocks, various, imported, 1872-173 to 1878-79, 418.
Blinds, &c., exported from Canada, 1876 to 1879,

Blinds. (See Window sash and blinds.)
Blizzards, shelter against, 52, 57.

Boards, &c., exported, from 1789 to 1795, 240.
Boards, plank, and scantling, &c., exported, 1795 to
1840 (M feet, collectively), 126; 1854 to 1879 (M
feet and values, collectively), 126.

Boards, &c., exported, 1802 to 1879 (general table),
113; 1820 to 1854, by countries (general table),


Boards, plank, and scantling, exportation by for-
eign countries (M feet), 1820 to 1859, 127; (M feet
and values), 1855 to 1867, 135; by districts (M
feet and values), 151.

Boards, clapboards, deals, joists, plank, and scant-
ling exported, by foreign countries, 1868 to 1879,
143; by districts, 1856 to 1865, 151.

Boards and plank exported from Canada, 1856 to
1867, 462; 1868 to 1879, 481.

Boards, deals, plank, joists, and scantling, Cana-
dian, exported from United States, 1871 to 1879,


Boards, deals, plank, joists, and scantling im
ported, from 1871-72 to 1878-'79, by countries,
402; by districts, 404.

Boards, plank, deals, and other than hemlock,
whitewood, sycamore, and basswood, imported,
from 1872 to 1879, 402.

Boards, plank, and scantling, imported, 1866 to
1872, 401.

Board of supervisors, power of, in Iowa in respect
to tree planting, 30.

Boats and oars, exportation (values) by districts,
1864 to 1868, 243.

Boards and other sawed lumber, on Canada canals,
588, 598.

Boat-knees, on Welland Canal, 604.

Boggs, J. B., report from, 22.

Bolts, from Crown lands, Ontario, 555. (See Shin-
gle bolts and stave-bolts.)

Bonuses on timber, Crown lands, Ontario, 552; Que-
bec, 563.

Booms, government, in Canada, 580; statistics of,


Boom-timbers, from Crown lands of Ontario, 555;
Quebec, 565; New Brunswick, 572.

Boston and Charlestown, Mass., collection district,
when formed, 105; description of, 107.
Boursier, M., introduces the sequoia into France,


Bowditch, James H., on planting upon Cape Cod,


Boxes and brakes, exported, 1789 to 1795, 295.
Box-elder, in northwestern Iowa, 53; premiums
for planting, in Iowa, 51.

Boxes, packing, imported, 1872-173 to 1878-79, 417.
Box shooks (values), exportation from 1863 to 1867,
268; by foreign countries, 1868 to 1879, 269; by
districts, 1864 to 1879, 271.

Boxwood, importation of, 429.
Brainerd, lumber statistics of, 63.

Brazos de Santiago, collection district, when
formed, 104; description of, 109.

Brewer, Prof. William H., remarks by, on timber
grown in Connecticut, 44.

Bridges, right of timber for, in Texas, 33.
Bridgeton, collection district, when formed, 105;
description of, 107.

Brigs built, 1815 to 1879, 380; percentages, 382.
British Columbia, supervision of Crown lands in.
518, 575; form of a timber license, 576; timber
resources of, 576; early timber exportation, 580.
(See Canada.)

Bristol and Warren, collection district, when
formed, 104; description of, 107.

British timber imports, 442.

Brunswick, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 108.

Brunswick, Ga., obsolete district, 111.

Burlington Bay Canal, 584, 586, 590, 594, 596.
Burlington, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 107.

Buffalo Creek, collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 110.

Bunster, A., on timber resources of British Colum.
bia, 579.

Burning of woods in Florida, 30.

Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, lumber station
at, 578, 579.

Butternut lumber exported from Canada, 1856 to
1867, 462; 1868 to 1879, 470; from Crown lands,
Ontario, 553; passed the slides on Ottawa, 583.
Byng Inlet, Canada, lumbering at, 550.

Cabinet and household furniture imported, 1854-'55
to 1863-'64, 423; 1864-'65 to 1871-'72, 424; 1872-'73
to 1878-79, 424; by foreign countries, 424; by dis-
tricts, 427.

Cabinet and other fine woods imported since
1855-56, 429.

Cabinet wares, duties on, 398; imported into Can-
ada, 1868 to 1879, 512.
Cabinet woods imported into Canada, 1868 to 1879,


Calcasieu Parish, timber trespass in, 17.
California, acres entered under timber-culture acts,
7,8; act for improvement of Yosemite Valley and
Mariposa Grove, 29: eucalyptus in, 447; lumber
trade of San Francisco, 43; necessity for preserv
ing redwoods and sequoias of, 10; sale of tim-
ber in, 14; Spaulding's scale legalized in, 28;
timber trespass in, 17.

Cambridge, Minn., lumber statistics of, 63.
Camden, N. C., obsolete district of, 111.
Camwood, importation of, 435.

Canada, census returns of lumber mills and man-
ufacture, 515, 516, 517; former timber regulations
of, 518; importation of forest products into, 1868
to 1879, 511; later timber regulations (before 1867),
524; ports, receipts of lumber at Chicago from,
50; ships built in, since 1867, 397; and sold to
foreign countries, 1876 to 1879, 511; statistics of
lumber and timber trade of, 459; timber resources
and timber trade of, 441; total exportation from,
1868 to 1879, 461; Ontario, 464; Quebec, 465; New
Brunswick, 466: Nova Scotia, 467; Prince Ed-
ward Island, 458; British Columbia, 468; Mani-
toba, 463; railroads, 550; slides and booms, 580;
restocking with trees in, 580.

Canadian forests, descriptions by J. White, 454; ex-
ports, 1856-1867, 461; 1868 to 1879, 463; trespass-
ers on timber lands, 17.

Canadian Pacific Railroad, trespass in getting ties
for, 18.

Canal-boats built, 1815 to 1879, 380; percentages,


Canals of Canada, dimensions of, 584; conversion
table used on, 584; statistics of timber carried
on, 586.

Canes and walking-sticks exported, 1789 to 1795,

Cape Cod, plantations on, 60.

Cape Perpetua, obsolete district of, 111.

Cape Vincent, collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 110.

Capitals of Canada, changes in, 526.
Carriage timber in Connecticut, 44.

Carrière on the grafting of conifers, 75.
Carroll, M., report from, 22.

Casco Bay, receipts of lumber at Chicago from,


Caseville, Wis., receipts of lumber at Chicago from,


Cashew family, notice of, 83.

Casks and barrels, duties on, 398; exported, 1789
to 1795, 295; imported, 1872-'73 to 1878-'79, 417.
Cass County, Iowa, tree-planting in, 21.

Castine, Me., collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 106.

Cedar County, Iowa, tree-planting in, 21.
Cedar, importation of, 429, 430; posts exported,
1789 to 1795, 244; reservation on public lands,
Ontario, 543; from Crown lands, Ontario, 553,
554; Quebec, 564; New Brunswick, 573; passed
the slides on the Ottawa, 583.

Cedar Point, obsolete collection district, 111.
Cedar River, receipts of lumber at Chicago from, 50.
Census, Canadian, lumber statistics of, 515; re-
turns of production of naval stores in United
States by, 331, 332, 333.

Chambly Canal, 585; details of transportation, 586,
589, 590, 594, 596.

Champlain collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 110.

Charcoal, duties on, 398.

Charlestown, &c., collection district, 107.
Chatham, Mass., planting in, 60.

Chatin, M., on the Riga pine, 72.

Cherry lumber from Crown lands, Ontario, 554.
Cherrystone, collection district, when formed, 104;
description of, 108.

Chester, obsolete district, 111.

Chestnut planting in Connecticut, 46; approved
French method of planting, 47; prospers in a
southern aspect, 67; from Crown lands of On-
tario, 554.

Chicago and Alton Railroad, receipts of lumber
by, 49, 50.

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, receipts
of lumber by, 49, 50.

Chicago, collection district, when formed, 105; de-
scription of, 110.

Chicago, Danville and Vincennes Railroad, re-
ceipts of lumber by, 49, 50.
Chicago, lumber trade of, 48.

Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad, re-
ceipts of lumber by, 49, 50.

Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, receipts of
lumber by, 49, 50.

Chicago and Pacific Railroad, receipts by, 49, 50.
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, lumber
receipts by, 49, 50.

City Point, &c., obsolete district, 111.

Clapboards, &c., exportation, by foreign countries
(M feet and values), 1868 to 1879, 143; by dis-
tricts (M feet and values), 1856 to 1865, 151; im-
ported, from 1872-173 to 1878-'79, 411.
Classification of subjects: exportation of forest
products, 103.

Clay Bank, receipts of lumber at Chicago from, 50.
Clay Co., Iowa, tree-planting in, 22.
Clayton, N. Y., timber rafted at, 460.
Clayton Co., Iowa, tree-planting in, 22.
Clayton, receipts of lumber at Chicago from, 50.
Clearings, probable effect of, upon climate, 450.
Climate, effect of, upon quality of wood, 57, 67; in-
fluence of forests upon, 449.

Close planting, importance of, in Kansas, 59.
Cockburn, Mr., statement by, 445.
Cocoa-nuts, importation of, 436.

Collection districts: general statement, 103; list
of present, 104; description of, 106; list of obso-
lete, 111.

Collections of timber revenues of Canada, 1857 to
1866, 526.

Colonial production of naval stores, 332.

Colorado, acres entered under timber-culture acts,
7, 8; privileges of timber granted in, 13; tres-
pass on timber lands in, 17.

Combie, H. T., on timber resources of British Co-
lumbia, 578.

Commercial statistics, source of, 1; needless
changes in headings, 1; mischief arising from, 2.
Commissioners of Crown lands, Canada, 18; of On-
tario, on waste in working square timber, 456.
Committee on immigration and colonization in
Canada, report of, 441.

Conditions, in planting for premiums in Iowa, 51.
Conflicting interests of producer and consumer, 569.

Coniferin, manufacture of, 80.

Cones, mode of planting, 73.

Conifers, multiplication of, by cuttings and graft-
ing, 75.

Connecticut, quality of certain timber grown in,
44; recent timber-planting act of, 29.
Conserviency of forests, neglect of, 10.

Consolidated headings in statistics, remarks con-
cerning, 1, 2.

Cordwood, from Crown lands, Ontario, 555; Que-
bec, 565; New Brunswick, 572.
Cork: cork bark, duties on, 398.

Corpus Christi, collection district, when formed,
104; description of, 109.

Corufas exported, 1789 to 1795, 295.
Cornwall Canal, 584.

Cottonwood in Northwestern Iowa, 53; premiums
for planting, in Iowa, 51.

Coulonge, improvements on the, 581; statistics of
slides on, 583.

Crisman, William, report from, 21.

Crisis of 1855, in the timber trade of Canada, 519.
Crosby, Nathan, plantation by, 61.
Crown lands of Canada, former regulations, 518;
system before 1867, 525; Ontario, 529; regula-
tions, 533, 558; statistics of production, 552;
kinds of lumber and timber, 553; Quebec, regu-
lations respecting, 558; statistics of, 563; New
Brunswick, 567; statistics of, 572; Nova Scotia,
574; British Columbia, 575.

Cullers' returns, form of, in Ontario, 539.
Cultivation of the oak, 70; of the pine in Central
France, 79; of planted lands in Iowa, 58; pre-
vious to planting, 62.

Custom duties, English, historical notice as re-
gards timber, 459; on imported forest products,

[blocks in formation]

Deal ends, exported from Canada, 1856 to 1867, 462;
1868 to 1879, 480; exported from Canada by for-
eign countries, 1874 to 1879, 507.

Deals, exported from Canada by foreign countries,
1874 to 1879, 506; exportation by foreign countries
(M feet and values), 1868 to 1879, 143; by districts
(M feet and values), 1856 to 1865, 151; Canadian,
exported from the United States, 1871 to 1879, 510;
exported from Canada, 1:56 to 1867, 462; 1868 to
1879, 479; and other than hemlock, whitewood,
sycamore, and basswood, imported from 1872 to
1879, 402; plank, joists. and scantling imported
from 1871-72 to 1878-79 by countries, 402; by
districts, 404; planed hemlock, &c, imported
1872-19, 401; other lumber, 402; passed the slides
on Ottawa, 524.

Deciduous trees succeed evergreens, 66.
Decline in ship-building, 450.

Deficiency in rain-fall as a cause of prairies, 56, 57,
Delaware, collection district, when formed, 105;
description of, 108.

Delaware County, Iowa, tree-planting in, 22.
Dennis, Mass., planting in, 60.

Density of plantations under timber culture act, 2.
Depere, Wis., receipts of lumber at Chicago from,


Depredations on the public lands, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Detroit, collection district, when formed, 103; de
scription of, 110.

Dighton, obsolete district, 111.

Dimension timber passed the slides on Ottawa, 584.
Doane John, plantation by, 61.
Dominion lands of Canada, 526.

Doors, sash, and blinds exported from Canada, 1876
to 1879, 501.

Dryness, in winter, as a cause of prairies, 57; of
soil, effect of, upon quality of wood, 67.

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