28. CABINET AND OTHER FINE WOODS, IMPORTED SINCE 1855-'56. Do. 686, 361 1869-'70 1870-'71 1871-'72 1872-'73 1873-'74 1874-75 1875-'76 1876-'77 1877-78 1878-79 Years. 1869-'70 670, 131 Box, Lance-wood, Grenadillo,and speci fied. Box. (b.) Fine cabinet woods. Cedar $200, 895 00 122.526 00 $35, 919 00 $87,653 50 $9,586 00 28, 511 00 21, 993 00 30, 066 00 21,550 00 25, 440 00 18, 502 00 160, 540 00 18,778 00 $2, 128 00 384 00 $322 00 1, 632 00 535 00 1,076 00 9,249 00 4,002 00 964 00 5,740 00 Grenadillo. Lance-wood. Years. Years. [Discriminating duties of small amount have been collected upon Box, Ebony, Mahogany, Rose, and Sandal Wood, in some cases. (c.) Comparison of importation of several of the Fine Woods, in manufactured and unmanufactured state, from 1857-58 to 1860-61. 1857-'58 1858-'39 $1,922 $1,029 $2,365 $1,586 4,838 1859-'60 $1,465 22 7,790 80, 238 598 7,348 1800-'01 1, 329 56, 033 5,340 219 3,378 1859-'60. 327,770 1860-'61. 15, 414 212, 131 6, 931 107, 905 1,138 1,200 3, 200 28.-ALL OTHER MANUFACTURES OF WOOD NOT SPECIFIED IMPORTED FROM 1855-'56 Manufactured Cedar, Mahogany, Rose, and Satin Wood, 1855-'56, $22,307; 1856-57, $15,185. 1854-'55. 1855-'56 1856-'57. 30. WILLOW AND WILLOW WARES IMPORTED FROM 1854-55 TO 1878-79. 244, 877 Willow, unmanu factured. 658 $45, 459 1857-'58. 1858-'59. 1859-'60. 1860-'61 1864-'65 1865-'66 1866-'67 1867-'68 1868-'69 1809-'70 1870-'71 1871-'72 1872-73. 1873-'74 1874-'75 1875-'76 1876-'77 1877-'78 1878-'79 $132, 125, 808 36, 554 175, 484 41, 773 112, 725 35, 141 125, 617 38, 359 143, 495 39,556 87,671 33, 642 (b.) Willow and Willow Wares and manufactures, 1861-'62 to 1878-79. Years. Willow or Osier, prepared Willow or Osier baskets, Value. Duties (30 per Value. Duties (35 per $28, 028 00 $5, 605 60 $88,803 CO $31, 081 05 70,842 80 59, 562 65 178, 689 00 62, 562 50 204,409 00 71, 543 15 39,935 00 11, 980 50 205,572 75 71, 950 47 48,884 00 37,478 00 34, 082 00 34, 282 00 14, 665 20 11,243 40 10, 224 60 10, 284 60 31, 440 00 9,432 00 265, 140 00 92,800 76 51, 194 TO 24, 268 00 7, 280 40 118, 626 86 41, 519 40 15,966 00 9, 142 00 4,789 80 91, 445 38 32,005 88 84, 215 83 20,475 54 1861-'02, Willow and Willow Wares, $36,199; 1862-'63, Willow and Willow Wares, $89,016; 1803-'04, Willow and Willow Wares, $139,353. 31. BAMBOOS, STICKS, Joints, and Reeds impORTED FROM 1869–70 TO 1878-79. 32. FOREIGN TREES, PLANTS, SHRUBS, ETC., ENTERED FOR CONSUMPTION IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1869–70 TO 1878-79. 33. NAVAL STORES IMPORTED FROM 1862-'63 TO 1878-79. 1,120 161 2,389 00 1,019 567 00 1867-'68 1868-'69 292 1, 143 $864 1, 0:9 778 00 831 52 963 22 NOTES.-The rosin imported in 1863-'64 came from the following countries: Germany, 1,180 pounds; Great Britain, 1, 193,954; Canada, 260; British West Indies, and Central and South America, 26,157; France, 138,973; Spanish West Indies, 2,700; New Grenada and Venezuela, 2,700. Of spirits of turpentine imported the same year, 180 gallons came from Germany, 400 from Holland, 218,890 from Great Britain, 51,740 from France, 284 from the Spanish West Indies, 178 from Austria, and 1,316 from Mexico. |