I.-Custom Duties charged upon Foreign Forest Products, &c.—Continued. June 8, 1872 20 per cent. 4 cents per pound. 20 per cent. Do. Do. 35 cents per M. Do. 10 per cent. Staves, other Stave-bolts Sugar-box shooks. Tanning materials: Hemlock and oak bark. Do....... Sumac Do. 1See "Wood, manufactured," for earlier rates. July 14, 1870 Free. Do. Specified in 1789 as "Dye-woods, Nicaragua and other," and by an act of April 27, 1816, as "Red, cam, and logwood," "Braziletto," "Camwood," "Fustic," and "Logwood." 3 See Wood, unmanufactured," for earlier rates. 4 Provided, That when lumber of any sort is planed or finished, in addition to the rates herein provided, there shall be levied and paid, for each side so planed or finished, 50 cents per M feet; and if planed one side and tongued or grooved, $1 per M. If planed on two sides and tongued or grooved, $1.50 cents per M feet. I.-Customs Duties charged upon Foreign Forest Products, &c.—Continued. 1 Specified in 1842 as "Boards, planks, &c., not planed or wrought into shape for use," and as "Timber for building wharves." In 1846, specified as Boards, planks, staves, laths, scantling, spars, hewn and sawed timber, and timber used in wharves." 2Umbrella sticks, crude, to wit: All partridge, hair-wood, pimento, orange, myrtle, and other sticks and canes in the rough," or no further manufactured than cut into lengths. 3 Specified in 1842 as "Rose, satin, mahogany, cedar, and other woods." In 1840, as "Cedar, lignumvita, lance-wood, ebony, box, grenadillo, mahogany, and all cabinet woods unmanufactured." II.-Synopsis of Tables of Importation of Forest Products and Manufactures of Wood in recent years. 1. Boards, Plank, and Scantling, imported from 1866-'67 to 1871-72: Values and Duties: Quantities during four of above years. 2. Hemlock, Whitewood, Sycamore, and Basswood Boards, imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Quantities, Values, and Duties, according to finish. 3. Other Varieties of Lumber not otherwise specified imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Quantities, Values, and Duties, according to finish. 4. Boards, Deals, Plank, Joists, and Scantling, imported from 1871-72 to 1878-79: Quantities and Values: (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. 5. Other Lumber (besides Boards, Deals, Plank, Joists, Scantiing, Shingles, and Timber) imported from 1871-72 to 1878-79: Values: (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. 6. Clapboards imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79, showing kind of wood, quantity, value, and duties. 7 Laths imported from 1866-67 to 1878-79: Quantities, Value, and Duties. 8. Pickets and Palings imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Quantities, Value, and Duties. 9. Shingles imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Quantities, Values, and Duties. 10. Shingles imported from 1871-72 to 1878-79: Quantities and Values: (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. 11. Timber imported from 1866-'67 to 1878-79: Quantities, Value, and Duties. 12. Timber and Lumber specified (Railroad Ties, Shingle Bolts and Shingle Staves, Ship Timber and Ship Planking) imported from 1869-70 to 1878-79: Values. 13. Rough Timber and Unmanufactured Woods imported from 1866-67 to 1878-79: Value and Duties. 14. Timber Sawed or Hewed, wholly or in part, imported from 1871-'72 to 1878-79: Values: (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. 15. Staves for Pipes, Hogsheads, Casks, &c., imported from 1866-'67 to 1878-79: Value and Duties: Quantities reported for six years. 16. Hoop-Poles imported in 1869–270 and 1870–71. 17. Shooks imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Number, Value, and Duties. 18. Casks and Barrels, empty, not otherwise specified, imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79; Values and Duties. 19. Packing Boxes imported in 1872-73 and 1873-74: Value and Duties. 20. Hubs for Wheels, Posts, Last-Blocks, Wagon-Blocks, Heading-Blocks, GunBlocks, and all like Blocks or Sticks, Rough-Hewed, or sawed only, imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Value and Duties. 21. Woods not specified imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Value and Duties. 22. Unmanufactured Wood not otherwise specified imported from 1871-72 to 1878–79 ; Values: (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. 23. Fire-Wood imported from 1866-'67 to 1878-79: Cords, Value, and Duties. 24. Cabinet and Household Furniture, imported from 1854-55 to 1863–64. 25. Cabinet-Ware, Household Furniture, and all Manufactures of Wood not specified, imported from 1864-'65 to 1871-72: Value and Duties. 26. Cabinet-Ware and House Furniture, finished and unfinished, imported from 1872-73 to 1878-79: Values and Duties. 27. Cabinet-Ware, House-Furniture, and all Manufactures of Wood not elsewhere specified, imported from 1871-72 to 1878-79: Value: (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. 28. Cabinet and other Fine Woods imported since 1855-56. (a.) Unmanufactured, specified by Kinds and Values: 1855-56 to 1878-79 Values: (b.) Comparison of Importation of several of the Fine Woods in maufactured and unmanufactured state, from 1857-58 to 1860–61. 29. Willow and Willow-Wares imported from 1854-55 to 1878-79. 30. All other Manufactures of Wood not specified, imported from 1855-'56 to 1868-'69: Values: (a.) Manufactured and Unmanufactured, from 1854-55 to 1860–61: Values. (b.) Willow and Willow-Wares (not separately stated), 1861-'62 to 1878-79: Values and Duties except first three years, when Values only were given. 31. Bamboos, Sticks, Joints, and Reeds imported from 1869-70 to 1878-79: Values. 32. Foreign Trees, Plants, Shrubs, &c., entered for consumption in the United States from 1869-70 to 1878-79: Values and Duties. 33. Naval Stores imported from 1862-63 to 1878-79. (a.) Quantities and Values, 1862-63 to 1868-'69. (b.) Quantities, Values, and Duties, 1839-70 to 1878-79. 34. Tanning Materials of Forest Product imported in recent years: [1.] Barks for Tanning imported annually from 1870-'71 to 1878–79. (a.) Hemlock Bark: Cords and Value. (b.) Oak Bark, 1876–77. [2.] Barks for Tanning, not specified, imported from 1871-72 to 1878-79. (a.) By Foreign Countries. (b.) By Districts. [3.] Sumac imported in recent years. (a.) By Foreign Countries in 1863-'67 and 1867-'68. (b.) Total Quantities and Values from 1874-75 to 1878-79. 35. Dye-Woods imported in sticks, 1839-70 to 1878-79. (a.) Quantities and Values, 1869-70 to 1871-'72. (b.) Kinds, Quantities, and Values, 1872-73 to 1878-79. 36. Nuts imported from 1869-'70 to 1878-79. III.—Shipments of Forest Products between New York and San Francisco via the Isthmus of Darien, from 1869-'70 to 1878-79: 1. From New York to San Francisco. 2. From San Francisco to New York. IV.-Statement of Lumber, &c., the Produce of the State of Maine, upon the Saint John and Saint Croix Rivers and their Tributaries, owned by American Citizens, and sawed or hewn in the Province of New Brunswick, by American Citizens, and admitted free of duty into the United States annually since 1868, under thn Treaty of Washington, dated November 10, 1842, and the acts of Congress dated March 16 and June 1, 1866. 1. BOARDS, PLANK, AND SCANTLING IMPORTED FROM 1866-67 to 1871–72. Quantities during four of the above years: 1868-'69, 332,692 feet; 1869-'70, 650,826 feet; 1870-'71, 751,063 feet; 1871-72, 681,757 feet. 2. HEMLOCK, WHITEWOOD, SYCAMORE, AND BASSWOOD, IMPORTED FROM 1872-73 TO 1878-79. Years. Boards, Plank, Deals, and other sawed Lumber of Hemlock, White Boards, &c., planed or finished on wood, Sycamore, and Basswood. one side. Value. Boards, &c., planed or finished on Boards, &c., planed on one Boards, &c., planed on two two sides. side and tongue-grooved. sides and tongue-grooved. $603, 930 11 $94, 476 99 231. 51 $2,292 00 $463 02 309. 50 $2,121 00 $773 76 78 00 19 00 2.81 44 00 7 03 1871-'72 1872-'73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-'76 1876-'77 1877-'78. 1878-79. Years. 3. OTHER VARIETIES OF LUMBER NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, IMPORTED FROM 1872-73 TO 1878-79. Boards, Plank, Deals, and other Lumber sawed from other varieties of wood, Boards, &c., planed or finished on not otherwise specified. one side. Value. Boards, &c., planed or finished Boards, &c., planed on one Boards, &c., planed on two on two sides. 4. IMPORTATION OF BOARDS, DEALS, PLANK, JOISTS AND SCANTLING, FROM 1871–72 TO 1878-79. Duty ($2.50 per M.) |