Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

U.S. (1975), 644

human rights in, 182-184, 219

and illegal apprehension, 336-338
internal affairs, 16

and International Telephone and
Telegraph Company (ITT), 496

and OAS sanctions, 692

Paris Club agreement (1975), 644
territorial sea claim, 398

[blocks in formation]

Foreign Service Institute School in,
agreement with U.S. (1969), 312
scientific and technical cooperation
agreement (1969), extended
(1975), 726

and U.S.-P.R.C. relations, 28-29
Chinese American Civic Council et al.

v. Attorney General (1975), 123
Chissano, Joachim Alberto, 29
Chi-Wai Lui v. Pilliod (1973), 124
Chrome from Southern Rhodesia, 693
Chunhawan, Chatchai, 14
Church, Frank, 701

Circular 175, 295-296, 301, 311, 320-323
Citizenship. See Nationality
Civil Aeronautics Board

and Concorde supersonic transport,

disapproval of Pan American/Aero-

flot agreement, 465-466
foreign charter operations, 461, 465
orders in respect of foreign air car-

riers, jurisdiction of courts, 464
South African Airways route, 464
Civil and Political Rights, Interna-
tional Covenant on (1966), 180
Civil Rights Act (1964), 703, 704
Civil Rights Act (1968), 704

against German Democratic Repub-
lic, deadline for filing, 492

antitrust damage claims by foreign
governments, 134-137

conflicting claims in Caribbean area,


deep seabed, 427-428

defaulted dollar bonds, 485

espousal of, in expropriation cases,

executive authority in making of
agreements, 315
losses by noncitizens, 484
OPIC-Anaconda arbitration (1975),

OPIC settlement (1975), 496
U.S.-Polish Fisheries Board, 763
Claims settlement agreements
U.S.-France (1975), 493
U.S.-German Democratic Republic

Agreed Minute on Negotiations
Concerning the Establishment of
Diplomatic Relations (1974), 492
U.S.-Hungary (1973), 492

U.S.-Peru, interim arrangement
(1975), 493

Clayton Act (1914), 30, 33, 135, 624
Cleaver, Eldridge, 171

Clingan, Thomas A., Jr., 395, 396, 418,

Clipperton Island Cases, 94
Coast Guard

deepwater port regulation, 439 441
and marine pollution, 442-443
search and rescue, 429-430

seizures of fishing vessels, 397, 399
visits to Howland, Baker and Jarvis
Islands, 92

Coastal seabed economic area. See un-
der Sea, law of

Cocoa negotiations, 507

Code of conduct for transnational en-
terprises, 598, 601, 606, 608

Code of Federal Regulations

Title 8, § 1, 132; § 103.6(d)(2), 133;
$211.6, 125-126; § 212.1, 120-121;
§ 212.5, 131; § 214, 124-125, 133;
§ 242, 148; § 292, 132

Title 15, Part 369, 696; § 370.2, 527;
§ 377.6, 527; § 378.5, 676; § 385.1,
693; Part 803, 612; Part 804, 614;
§ 1202, 730

Title 19, Part 6, 462

Title 22, Part 6, 223–235; § 42.91, 119
Title 29, §§ 60.3, 60.4, 127

Title 31, Part 129, 614; Part 500, 31-
32, 636-637; Part 515, 638, 641
Title 33, Part 72, 430

Code of Federal Regulations-Continued |
Title 41, § 5A-19.108–50, 677
Title 45, § 212.4, 122

Title 50, Part 281, 519

Coffee Agreement, International (1968),
(1976), 535, 573

Coleman, William T., 469
Collisions at sea

damages rule, 448 449

Fitzgerald v. Texaco, Inc. (1975), 449

Darien Gap Highway, 706
and historic bays, 385

and Trade Act of 1974, 507

treaty with U.S. on status of Quita
Sueño, Roncador, and Serrana
(1972), 768

Commerce, Department of

contacts with South Africa, 86
Export Administration Regulations,

export control, 524, 526, 693
and foreign boycotts, 696

foreign investment in U.S., survey
regulations, 614

foreign investment reporting, 612
and international expositions, 730
Commercial arbitration, 895-899

Committee on Foreign Investment in
the United States, 617
Commodities agreements

International Coffee Agreement
(1968), (1976), 535

International Sugar Agreement
(1968), 534

International Wheat Agreement

(1971) and protocols (1975), 535
and Textile Trade Policy Group, 532
Textiles, Arrangement Regarding In-

ternational Trade in (1973), 533
U.S.-U.S.S.R., grains (1975), 539-545
Commodity prices, indexation, 571, 575
Commodity trade, 506, 573
Communications, foreign investment in
U.S., 618, 619

Communications Satellite Corporation,
618, 620

Communist countries, restriction on
preferential tariff treatment, 515,


Comoros, The, admission to U.N. mem-
bership, 70

Compagnie Francaise de Credit et de

Banque v. Consorts Atard (1971),

Concession agreements, oil companies,


Conciliation. See also Peaceful settle-
ment of international disputes

in dispute settlement, 746, 748
U.S.-Polish Fisheries Board, 763
Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties (1969), 748

Vienna Convention on the Represen-
tation of States in Their Rela-
tions with International Organi-
zations of a Universal Character
(1975), 38-63

Concorde supersonic transport, 469
Concurrent resolutions

and early-warning system in Sinai,

and executive agreements, 294–307
and human rights determinations,

and military sales, 832, 890

Conference of the Committee on Disar-
mament (CCD), 842, 853, 854, 858,

Conference on Security and Coopera-
tion in Europe (CSCE) (1975)
Baltic nations, nonrecognition of So-
viet annexation, 331-332
commercial arbitration, 898
commercial exchanges, 529-530
confidence-building measures, 784
cultural cooperation and exchanges,

Declaration on Principles Guiding
Relations between Participating

conformity of national laws to in-
ternational law, 4-5

cooperation among states, 10-11
equal rights, 10

force, refraining from threat of, 8-9
frontiers, inviolability, 9
human contacts, 190

human rights and fundamental
freedoms, 9-10, 190-193
information, 236–238
journalists, 236-238

marriage between citizens of dif-
ferent states, 192
nonintervention, 9

obligations under international
law, 4, 11, 271

peaceful settlement of disputes, 9
provisions to give effect to, 11–12
security in Europe, 8

self-determination, 10

sovereign equality of states, 8
sport, 193

territorial integrity, 9

travel, 192

treaty obligations, fulfillment of, 4,
11, 271

Conference on Security and Coopera-

tion in Europe-Continued

disarmament, 786, 867

economic cooperation, 591-594

education, cooperation and ex-
changes in, 736
environmental affairs, 715
Final Act

and German reunification, 331
nonbinding effect, 326-327
industrial cooperation, 532, 591
international trade, 529-532

Mediterranean security and coopera-
tion, 786

migrant labor, 688

military maneuvers, 785

and mutual and balanced force re-

ductions (MBFR), 866

science and technology, 723
security in Europe, 783
transport and tourism, 679

Conflict of laws, 892, 893
Congo (Brazzaville), 90, 486
Congo crisis (1964), 875, 878

concurrent resolution procedure, 227,
294-307, 829, 832, 890

consultation with, under War Powers
Resolution (1973), 881, 882

and executive agreements, 294–307
Members of

participation in Japan-U.S. Friend-

ship Commission, 744

prohibition on holding U.S. civil of-

fices, 731-732

service in appointive office, 744
standing to sue, 886-887

reports to

assistance to Greece, 831
Cyprus conflict, 829-832
defense sales, 832

opium discussions with Turkey, 831
under War Powers Resolution

(1974), 867-869, 879, 882-886
war powers of President and, 867
Connecticut, adoption of U.N. Standard

Minimum Rules for the Treatment
of Prisoners, 218-219
Conservation. See also Fisheries
multilateral agreements, 710-715
Constitution of the United States

applicability to Northern Mariana Is-
lands, 97-103

and Arab boycott, 703

Art. 1, § 6, 745

Art. II, §§ 1, 2, 3, 311-316, 436
Art. III, 87

Art. IV, 87, 270

Art. VI, 87, 270, 308, 309

and authority to make executive
agreements, 307-316, 319-323,


due process, 136, 144

Eighth Amendment, 144
equal protection, 144

Fifth Amendment, 136

Fourteenth Amendment, citizenship
clause, 113

and rights of women, 212-213
separation of powers, 436-437

and service by Members of Congress
in appointive office, 744
Consular conventions

U.S.-Austria Treaty of Friendship,
Commerce and Consular Rights
(1928), 258

U.S.-Bulgaria (1974), 255-256, 257
U.S.-Poland (1972), 257

U.S.-Romania (1972), 254

U.S.-U.S.S.R. (1964), 64–65, 112-113

Vienna Convention (1963), 216, 244,
246, 249-250, 258,259,260
Consular officers

citizenship of children born in U.S.,

Greek consul, service of summons by,

ministerial functions, 255

privileges and immunities, 243-245,

[blocks in formation]

South Vietnamese consulates, closing
of, 243-244

Consultative Group on Food Production
and Investment, 684
Consumer-producer forum, 506
Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. v. Com-

mittee for the Implementation of
Textile Agreements, et al. (1975), 522
Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. v. Kis-
singer (1974), 314, 523, 527, 541, 542,

Contiguous Fisheries Zone Act (1966),

Continental shelf. See under Sea, law of
Convention Establishing the World In-
tellectual Property Organization
(WIPO) (1967), 63

Convention on International Civil
Aviation (1944), 453, 466-469

Convention on Prohibition of Develop-
ment, Production and Stockpiling
of Bacteriological (Biological) and
Toxin Weapons and on Their De-
struction (1972), 857-860
Convention on Registration of Objects
Launched into Outer Space, 481
Conventional arms control, 862
Cook Inlet, Alaska, 388

Cooley v. Weinberger (1974), 340
Corcoran, Howard F., 239, 240
Corfu Channel Case (1949), 18
Corn, U.S.-U.S.S.R. grains agreement
(1975), 539-545

Corporations, transnational. See Trans-

national corporations
Corrupt practices. See Foreign contri-
butions by transnational corpora-

Costa Rica, 25-26, 74-75, 691, 762, 822
Council on International Economic Pol-
icy, 532

Covenant to Establish a Common-

wealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands (1975). See Northern Mar-
iana Islands, Commonwealth of

Covert action, 15-18

Cranston, Alan, 223, 769-770
Credit Foncier d'Algerie et de Tunisie v.
Narbonne (1969), 374

Crime, U.N. Congress on Prevention of,
and Treatment of Offenders (1975),

and political prisoners, 184
and Puerto Rico, 21, 91
travel restrictions, 118-119
Cultural affairs

Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act
(1975), 731

Convention on the Means of Prohibit-
ing and Preventing the Illicit Im-
port, Export, and Transfer of
Ownership of Cultural Property
(1970), 740

draft legislation, 741
East-West Center, 743
Intergovernmental Conference on
Cultural Policies in Europe
(1972), 732

international expositions and exhibi-
tions, 727-732

Japan-U.S. Friendship Act (1975), 743
principles adopted by CSCE (1975),

U.S.-Egypt agreement (1975), 729
U.S.-U.S.S.R., exchanges of art
works, 727-729


air commerce regulations, 461
Customs Service, U.S., drug control,

duties, Presidential powers, 524

foreign investment laws and regula-
tions, 619, 622

Northern Mariana Islands, regula-
tions, 101

[blocks in formation]

hijacking agreement with U.S. (1973), Dahomey, 486
172, 174, 184

and human rights, 184-185

and International Commission for

the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries
(ICNAF), 421

D'Angelo v. Petroleos Mexicanos (1975),

Darien Gap Highway, 706

Davis, Angela, 171

Davis, Nathaniel, 19, 84, 185, 835

Isle of Pines Treaty with U.S. (1904), Day v. Trans World Airlines, Inc.


OAS sanctions, removal of, 20, 25, 691
U.S. steps to conform, 691-693

(1975), 456, 457

Day and Zimmermann, Inc. v. Chal-

loner (1975), 892

Debt relief to India, record of under- Development assistance. See Economic

standing (1974), 644

Debt rescheduling

assistance and development
Development security facility, 500, 577
Dexter and Carpenter, Inc. v. Kunglig

Paris Club agreement (1975), 644
U.S.-Chile agreement (1975), 644
U.S.-India agreement (1975), 644
U.S.-Indonesia agreement (1970), 314
Debt settlement, economic develop-Diggs v. Schultz (1972, 1973), 86
ment loans, 683

Jarnvagsstyrelsen (1930), 364

Diego Garcia, U.S. facilities, 889
Diggs v. Morton and Fouke (1975), 88

Decade of Action to Combat Racism
and Racial Discrimination, 205, 211 |
Declaration and Program of Action on
the Establishment of a New Inter-
national Economic Order (1974),
553, 555, 566, 567, 578, 579, 580, 587
Declaration of Mexico on the Equality
of Women and Their Contribution
to Development and Peace (1975),
206, 209, 210-211
Declaration on Friendly Relations
(1970), 787

Declaration on Principles Guiding Re-

lations between Participating
States. See under Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Eu-
rope (CSCE) (1975)

Diggs et al. v. Civil Aeronautics Board
(1975), 464

Diggs et al. v. Dent (1975), 85
Diplomatic Agents, U.N. Convention
for the Prevention and Punishment
of Crimes Against Internationally
Protected Persons, including (1973),

Diplomatic agents and personnel
consular recognition, taxation, 258-

protection of, 239-240
taxation, 245-246

Vienna Convention on Representa-
tion of States in Their Relations
with International Organizations
of a Universal Character (1975),

Declaration on Territorial Asylum Diplomatic asylum, 158-159
(1967), 157

Declaration on the Protection of All

Persons from being subjected to
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment or Punish-
ment (1975), 217-218
Deep seabed. See under Sea, law of
Deepwater ports

Deepwater Port Act (1974), 440, 445
radio telephone regulations, 440-441
safety regulations, 440-441

Defense, foreign investment laws and
regulations, 619, 623

Defense, Department of, refugee assist-
ance, 151

Defense Appropriation Act (1973), 622
Defense Production Act (1950), 624
Democratic Republic of Germany. See

German Democratic Republic
Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam. See
Viet-Nam (North)

Demographic Yearbook, U.N. (1972), 328
Demonstrations, diplomatic or consular
premises, 256-257
Denmark, 651, 665
Deportation. See under Aliens
Depositary functions. See under Trea-

Desalting agreement, U.S.-Israel
(1975), 726

De Tenorio v. McGowan (1975), 137

Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffir-

mation and Development of Inter-
national Humanitarian Law Appli-
cable in Armed Conflicts (1975), 803
Diplomatic missions, protection of, 241
Diplomatic premises and personnel
Brazilian Chancery construction,

243, 342-344

diplomats as witnesses, 245
inviolability of archives, 243
protection of, 240, 241, 256-257
United States v. Lechoco (1975),

taxation, 245-246, 247-249

U.S. Ambassadors, selection of, 239
Diplomatic privileges and immunities
family members and dependents,


Organization of American States, 63
Peruvian air attache, 241-242
Philippines, president of, 344-345
South Vietnamese Embassy person-
nel, 243-245

sovereign immunity. See separate

Vienna Convention on the Represen-
tation of States in Their Rela-
tions with International Organi-
zations of a Universal Character
(1975), 38-63
waiver of, 245

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